Member Reviews

This romance breaks the mold: the two leads have been dating for the past decade! Many of those years were just hooking up, and the whole time both NHL players have been firmly in the closet. It was incredibly refreshing to read about such a long-established relationship, when romance novels are usually about getting together and the first stirrings of attraction. I love how much history Shane and Ilya have, how well they understand each other from the beginning, and therefore how much they have managed to repress due to the pressures of being closeted professional athletes.
The sex-to-pining ratio leaned a bit too steamy for me on this one. It felt like 1/3 - 1/2 of the book was just filthy filthy smut. Which is all well and good, but don't you know I read these things for the FEELINGS? ;) ;) ;) Knocked my 4 stars down to 3.

I loved this sequel to Heated Rivalry! It builds on Shane and Ilya's secret years-long romance and puts it front and center where Ilya has sacrificed a lot to be closer to Shane as they try to work out a timeline for going public. It brought me to tears more than once as Ilya deals with some mental health issues and how the story gets resolved to bring Shane and Ilya their HEA is perfect. It's definitely going on my best of the year list. I just wish the series wasn't over! (I know, I know, this one was an extra for fans of Shane and Ilya already). The series will definitely be one I'll reread in the future.

Rachel Reid’s well-loved 2019 M/M sports romance Heated Rivalry finally gets its sequel in The Long Game. It draws to a very satisfying close the fascinating, fiery relationship between NHL superstar rivals Shane Hollander and Ilya Rozanov. M/M romance fans adore Heated Rivalry, and for good reason. It’s exceptionally crafted and executes with precision a gripping enemies-to-lovers story of two fascinating hockey prodigies. But, believe it or not, The Long Game is even better.
Heated Rivalry and The Long Game are books two and six, respectively, in Reid’s Game Changers series, which features different hockey couples in this same universe. You don’t need to read the other books in the series in order to read and enjoy The Long Game, with the obvious exception of Heated Rivalry.
Heated Rivalry and The Long Game are an unputdownable duology that depicts Shane and Ilya’s successes, struggles, and surprises along with their sadness, sweetness, and sexiness. Reid shows us all of this while Shane and Ilya try to balance their hockey careers with their growing attraction and ultimately deep and abiding love for each other. Both books contain the dual POVs of Shane and Ilya. Yet, notwithstanding, the books approach Shane and Ilya’s romance from two distinctly different vantage points.
Heated Rivalry leans more into Shane’s story and his bisexual awakening. He grapples with this new aspect of himself and tries to reconcile how he can be so attracted to and fall in love with someone he is supposed to hate. The story focuses on the constant intersection of Shane and Ilya’s hockey careers and the oft comparison between them due to their respective extreme talent and success on rival teams within the same division. The “rivalry” takes on epic proportions that shadow them on and off the ice. Meanwhile, their mutual attraction morphs unexpectedly into feelings and then love – a love they keep secret to preserve their place in the NHL, at the top of their games, for years to come.
The Long Game picks up a few months after the end of Heated Rivalry, and looks at Shane and Ilya’s choice and the repercussions of a decade of secret-keeping about their relationship. The story predominantly focuses on Ilya’s battle with loneliness and depression. This book is a complex examination of the difficulties of a relationship in the real world, particularly in a sport where they are put under the microscope daily.
Shane and Ilya put hockey first in their lives, albeit for different reasons. The Long Game challenges those priorities when taken in the context of love. We see Ilya in a way we were not privy to in Heated Rivalry. Reid provides an exquisitely heartbreaking portrayal of Ilya’s sacrifices – how he puts Shane and their relationship first – and the fallout from that choice. Reid also challenges our affection for devoted, well-intentioned, but oblivious Shane, who loves Ilya deeply but loses sight of the greater picture. Reid forces us to take an often painful look at how love isn’t always enough, and how even well-meaning actions can have harmful consequences. We see Shane and Ilya struggling with communication and their different perspectives on their relationship status. Neither is at fault, yet they are both at fault.
What I loved most about The Long Game is Reid’s unflinching examination of the character flaws in these two men we have grown to adore. It’s not something seen often in books and is all the more stunning in Reid’s masterful execution. We are challenged to continue to like and support each character in turn, even as they do things that may frustrate us as the reader as much as it frustrates the other character.
Prepare yourself for a serious book hangover because The Long Game is an immersive, riveting experience with a very solid HEA that left me quite conflicted at the end. Thrilled with where Reid left Shane and Ilya. Devastated that the story is over. Heated Rivalry and The Long Game are two of the best MM romances I’ve read. Luckily, I can reread them anytime I want and will undoubtedly do so because Reid’s Shane and Ilya have indelibly imprinted themselves in my mind and heart. Grab these books so you can fall in love with them too.

I am a member of the American Library Association Reading List Award Committee. This title was suggested for the 2023 list. It was not nominated for the award. The complete list of winners and shortlisted titles is at <a href="https://rusaupdate.org/2023/01/2023-reading-list-announced-years-best-in-genre-fiction-for-adult-readers/">

SUCH a great couple and OMG we have all been waiting for this book - a direct sequel to the much beloved Heated Rivalry! Shane and Ilya are just everything. You need to have read book 2 and 5 at minimum, to fully enjoy this book.
This is just one of the best hockey romances, mm romances, romance series, and I love them so much!

Loved it! This picks up about two years after Heated Rivalry, as Ilya is entering his third season with Ottawa (which is also the season Troy Barrett joins Ottawa in Book 5).
The book does a great job showing the contrast between Ilya and Shane's post-relationship trajectory. Ilya's life has changed in almost every way, and Shane has mostly just fit the last missing piece (Ilya living nearby) into the puzzle of his mostly perfect life.
As such, it feels very much like Ilya's story (even though there's still plenty of Shane's POV), and it feels very earned and realistic. There were some things I felt were almost too subtle, plot lines I would have liked explored in a little more depth outside the relationship story, but for the most part I was really happy with the direction she took this.
It feels like the missing piece between the HFN and HEA that I always yearn for with my favorite romances. The journey to HFN is always fun, but what I really love is watching a couple navigate their way through the early ups and downs, life decisions and compromises that lead to the true HEA.
I like that she didn't shy away from the dark side of hockey's homophobia, but I didn't love some of the plot devices used for the ending. I think she short-changed it enough that I don't actually buy that the way it ended is realistic, but it's still one of my favorite reads of the year.

This was the absolute best way to follow up “Heated Rivalry!” Ilya is the MOST Ilya, Shane is self-absorbed and not super sensitive to Ilya’s needs, and there’s LOTS of emotions. Definitely cried a bunch, for both happy and sad reasons.
Love how this showcased Rachel Reid’s beautiful ability to weave together the characters from this entire series! While none of the other books have outshined Ilya and Shane’s installment, I still appreciated getting to visit Harris, Scott, Troy, and the rest of the gay-ng.

Truth be told, I hate revisiting already established couples for a complete book. Little glimpses here and there are fine, but a new book most of the time ends up disappointing me after having read the first book where they get together. I have also not read most of the books between Heated Rivalry and The Long Game.
Hence, why it took me so long to pick The Long Game up. I really loved Heated Rivalry and thought for sure that The Long Game would not deliver. Boy was I wrong. I’m really angry with myself for procrastinating this book for so long. I really loved it.
It had a different vibe than Heated Rivalry. It felt more mature. Ilya’s and Shane’s relationship was more mature. They both grew as a couple and individual people. Their struggles with their relationship and the outside world felt very real and, while I hated how one of them was treated at the end, the actual ending of The Long Game was perfect. It made my romantic soul very happy.
Be prepared to rage multiple times and also that you might feel the need to reach into the book to slap or shake different people.
I totally recommend The Long Game. You won’t even have to read any of the other ones if you are only interested in Shane’s and Ilya’s story.

PHENOMENAL! I loved absolutely every second of this book. It was extraordinary and I wish I could read it again for the first time. So good!

This book utterly destroyed me !
I only discovered Rachel Reid's Game Changers series last year, but I feel like I've been waiting an age for the finale to Shane and Ilya's love story. When I binged this series over the space of a week, Shane and Ilya quickly became my favourite couple and favourite book. So suffice to say, I was highly anticipating this book.
And it exceeded my expectations.
Not only does this book keep its usual level of humour, but the romance is upped a notch. It's so lovely to read Shane and Ilya being in love and in an established relationship, rather than just hooking up and hiding their feelings for each other.
However, as in every relationship, it's not always perfect and I enjoyed how both characters were able to depict their issues without stating them outright. Shane becomes a massive perfectionist which even affects his diet. Whereas Ilya becomes a bit of a slob and becomes a bit more forthright about his concerns, rather than hiding them as much as he used to. Rachel Reid is a great romance writer who really knows how to bring her characters to life.

I absolutely loved Heated Rivalry and the dynamic between Shane and Ilya as they tried to figure out their feelings for each other. With this follow-up story, I was brought back and reminded of just how much I love these guys! The love they have for one another and their desperation to be open about their relationship while also having conflicting feelings about ACTUALLY coming out was so real and heartfelt. I loved being able to feel the genuine love they had for each other, as well as the comfort their friends and other players brought them. 5 stars!!!

” “And, like, captivating. You can’t look away from him, y’know?” “Yes,” Ilya said, without glancing away from Shane’s face.”- The Long Game by Rachel Reid.
Why yes I have finally read The Long Game by Rachel Reid, and let me tell you- while they didn’t completely catch my heart at the end of Heated Rivalry( sorry everyone), they certainly did at the end of this book. I laughed, I got frustrated, and heck- I even shed a tear or two. However, for the journey we go on with this couple, the whirlwind was WORTH IT.
I loved so many aspects of this book but something that really stuck with me was the depression Rep. I related a lot to Ilya and I just wanted to hug him. There’s a particular scene in which he says: he should be happy because everything is going so well and THAT right there connected with me so much.
Of course I also, ADORED Shane and Ilya’s relationship. I loved how supportive they both were, even at frustrating times. They really stick through everything together and their lives are portrayed so realistically. I eagerly awaited their HEA and wasn’t disappointed.
Next, let’s shout out to the fictional Ottawa team for just being the best teammates. I hate sports IRL but apparently fictional teams own my heart completely. I loved their banter and we had some really cute and funny team moments.
The Long Game was a fantastic end to a good series, with memorable moments packed throughout. Sports romances continue to be my favourite kind of romances and here’s to some more by Rachel Reid

Loved this sequel to Heated Rivalry. And for fans of the series there are lots of great Easter eggs and characters from her other books.

I read this one out of order, so as a person reading this book for the first time, my experience is a little different than most persons.
Ilya and Shane are hockey players that play for opposing teams. They are gay and definitely the cutest romantic couple as seen by their wanting to help each other out with their goals but there is something bugging Ilya.
When I started reading this book, I thought it would be like another erotica novel but it was different. There was a sports theme that I was not ready for. I am not usually a sport theme person and I admit that this put me off the book for a little bit and it made it a little harder to get into.
There were some favorite moments while reading this book and omg the amount of emotions that this book brought forth was something that surprised me! There were times in which I wished that could I hop in to the book and give Ilya a hug and maybe smack some sense into Shane.
Overall, I wouldn't change anything about this book. I just wished that I paid more attention to the face that it was a series and not a standalone, maybe I would not have been so confused during the first 3 chapters. Now I am off to read the series in order, like it should have been read!

I love love love that we're revisiting Shane and Ilya's story a few more years down the road. I so enjoyed their story in Book 2 of the series, and this seemed like a natural place to pick the story back up. I don't think you have to read their first story to read this one, but I couldn't help but go back to re-read the whole series from the beginning. Love a MM sports romance and I would definitely read more from this author.

This book will give fans exactly what they’ve asked for. It’s the perfect conclusion to Ilya and Shane’s grand romance.
Ten years after they first went down the rabbit hole, the two men are happier than they’ve ever been. That’s where readers begin in this second part of Shane and Ilya’s journey.
Let me say - there is nothing entirely new about their romance. But that’s the point - these two hit the jackpot and cemented their love in Heated Rivalry.
The Long Game simply reinforces all of that - the same love, intense feelings, passion, and care. Not to mention the mutual needling.
Also, the physical. They’ve still got it. In spades.
Shane and Ilya quickly tug at the heartstrings again. It’s so easy to root for them. I had heart eyes at least once every other chapter.
The big issue of course is that their happiness is in the shadows - stolen moments, fear of discovery, half-truths. And it’s taking more of a toll than ever before.
Reading those parts was hard. Especially from Ilya’s point of view. My heart hurt for him, and how he struggled alone.
Kudos to the author for being realistic. There is no magic cure for Ilya’s depression, and it doesn’t simply disappear. He goes through the cycles, gradually working to build changes that help. It’s slow and painful, but he does get better.
There were times when I wanted to kick Shane for being so focused on the immediate and himself. But even that was realistic, and he does make amends.
And there is never any doubt that whatever the obstacles, it’s Shane and Ilya together against the world. They do what needs to be done for each other.
Things do eventually come to a head - and the other side is beautiful. Ilya and Shane deserve and earned all of the happiness.
The Game Changes series is great, but Ilya and Shane hold a special part in my heart. Recommended for all romance readers, regardless of sports preferences!

I have been looking forward to the conclusion of Shane and Ilya’s story since Heated Rivalry ended. I needed to know so much. Would their love make it? Would they come out or keep their relationship a secret until retirement? I NEEDED TO KNOW! And this book did not let me down.
In this book, we get to see the more emotional side to Ilya. There was a much more vulnerable portrayal of him. I liked that we got to see that part of him. It was funny, when I was reading I had the thought, “Well shit, he’s done a lot for Shane, but what has Shane done for Ilya?” It hit me all at once. Ilya had sacrificed so much for this relationship, and I really wanted Shane to wake up and see what was in front of him.
There was one scene that made me tear up (in the middle of a Mexican restaurant as I ate tacos by myself during my lunch break), it was such a great scene to include. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you read it, but it made me want to give both Ilya and Shane a hug. I could imagine how difficult it would have been to be on other end of that moment. It made my heart hurt.
I was so excited to see more of Ilya’s team and how much they evolved over the course of the season. For a team that was already counted out, it was so exciting to see them play their hearts out. The Centaurs, they are definitely a team I would love to be on or a part of.
There were so many cute moments too. Like Ilya, big bad Ilya, getting married to Shane by one of his team mate’s children? How excited he was at the idea of getting a team dog? I loved it.
The spicy scenes? Well, I never thought it’d be sexy to do it in a trophy room, but kink unlocked. The passion was still as intense now as it had been years ago. I loved seeing that. They missed each other, craved each other, and treated on each other.
I absolutely loved this addition to Shane and Ilya’s story.

this is probably the 4th m/m book i've read and i really enjoyed it. they mean everything to me and i need and want a third book. i love ilya so so much and i love how we get to see him confront his issues with his parents and childhood trauma in general.

This book is definitely written first and foremost for the fans, and it makes sense because the fans are the ones who wanted it. That said, I think it might give something to those who weren't as obsessed with Shane and Ilya as the rest of us too. This book has a different vibe than Heated Rivalry and it makes sense considering the stage of their relationship at this point. It also has excellent mental health representation reminiscent of Tough Guy, which means that it is very realistic and also at times difficult to read because it hits too close to home. It's not a light read for sure, but it's also fun, sexy, and it tugs at the heartstrings so many times and in so many different ways, so it's definitely worth it. I think this gives Shane and Ilya a lovely conclusion and I honestly hope this isn't the last we see of these characters or the last in the series, but I definitely look forward to whatever this author has in store for us next.

Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Long Game by Rachel Reid
The sequel to Heated Rivalry is finally here! It's been ten years, of secrets, of being rival in the public eye but partners in private. Longing stares and secret kisses have been their routine for as long as they've been together. But the secrecy is starting to weight on them, they don't want to hide their feelings anymore.
This is very much a sequel, so If you haven't read Heated Rivalry, which is a travesty because it's an amazing novel, you should go read it before this one.
CW: Homophobia (specifically in sports.), toxic work environment, plane troubles (no injuries or death), death of a parent (past), depression.
This book was the perfect conclusion to their love story. It kept the high heat of the first book, but added very sweet and tender moments, showing the strength and care of their relationship. How they nurture it, but also how difficult a long-term relationship is, especially when social media and the "public" is involved. I loved how they supported each other. I loved how depression was represented in the book, how even if they were pro mental-health it was still difficult, but the person did seek help. I loved how it didn't solve everything, it was a journey. All in all, it was beautiful and I truly enjoyed it.
Thank you @harlequinbooks and @rachelreidwrites for gifting me a free advanced reader's copy via @netgalley . As always, all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.