Member Reviews

Long Game and Heated Rivalry are my comfort reads. Not only did it get me into MM Romance but also into Hockey. The banter, character growth, situations are all realistic. Nothing felt abrupt and everything appropriate. It’s rarely ever that one is 100% satisfied with a sequel, but boy does it deliver at every front.
Season’s change was a good read. It was entertaining but unfortunately nothing stuck with me after completing the book.

A very interesting sampler! Rachel Reid has been a favorite of mine for a long time, and I'm so happy to get to read the sampler or Ilya's and Shane's new story. Cait Nary piqued my interest as well!

This sampler was a great introduction to these authors!
Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the chance to review.

I'm so glad that I picked this up for Rachel Reid and got to read Cait Nary for the first time. Both are fantastic m/m hockey romances. Just a note that Rachel Reid does write explicit sexual content while Cait Nary is closed door.
Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the chance to review.

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. I love most of what Rachel Reid has written and look forward to reading her titles. Cait Nary is new to me, and I will likely look for her book once it is published.

I was so excited to read both of these books, and this little sampler was the perfect introduction to each of them!
The Long Game is the highly anticipated sequel to Heated Rivalry, and the little glimpse we get of Ilya and Shane's everyday life is perfect for the fans who've been waiting for this book. We also get to see where some of the conflict in this book may arise from, and leaves readers very excited for the whole book to come out.

I read this sampler because of the inclusion of The Long Game. It's a sequel to Heated Rivalry which was my favorite title from Rachel Reid. Shane and Ilya have different family backgrounds and upbringings and very different approaches to life but they fit together so well. And when they don't, they work it out. Rachel Reid and these two books (Heathed Rivalry and The Long Game) are ones that I often recommend when appropriate.
After reading the sample of Season's Change, I immediately pre-ordered it, The book exceeded my expectations. Olly and Benji are make for a terrific opposites-attract story. In some ways, the hockey side seemed...more realistic, more gritty than many other hockey-related romances that I read. Cait Nary became a order/buy on sight for me.

I love Rachel Reid and have long been anticipating her sequel to “Heated Rivalry” for years. This was a lovely extended excerpt, and it gave me a chance to check out Cait Nary, who I’d never heard of before.
This review was a long time coming, but better late than never. “The Long Game” excerpt was beautiful, and also torture in the best way.

Thank you Rachel Reid for the Long Game!!!!!!!! This early peek was AMAZING. Still as obsessed with these two as ever!

I had a hard time getting through this one and honestly didn't finish. The plot was hard to follow, the characters underdeveloped. I tried and tried to get through but kept putting down in frustration or lack of interest.

I love these Hockey Romance stories so much! I am so glad that I got the sampler! I've already ordered ebook copies for myself. Thank you so much!

some of my favorite writers are featured in this. thank. you. for. this. sampler. it was very fun to read. hockey romance forever. I lead a booklclub that features queeer dhejieienendje

It was really nice to get the preview chapters of these books, especially The Long Game, which I was very excited to read. Including the Season's Change preview was smart promo for that book.

Love it. Can’t wait to read these books. Especially the The Long Game, I’ve been waiting for Ilya and Shane since the day I finished Heated Rivalry.

Shane & Ilya are baack, and how! Rachel Reid takes an already epic love story to dazzling new heights with an emotional depth and gravitas that I never saw coming. A truly delightful sample, can't wait to read the rest of what will be a fantastic read!

I only read the sample of "The Long Game" by Rachel Reid and it was everything.
Thank you for providing this preview!

I loved reading this though I will confess that I only read the Rachel Reid section because I have a preexisting relationship with her book series. I love her Game Changers series, and I anxiously await a new book from her every time. This sample of The Long Game follows two characters, Shane and Ilya, who previously had their relationship discussed in another book. Spoilers for their first book Heated Rivalry may follow. They are still in a secret relationship at the start of this novel and one of them is feeling more insecure about that than another. They are also hosting a hockey camp together as part of their fundraising for the charity they started in honor of Ilya's mother. Though I didn't get to read the whole book, the sample made me want to read the whole novel even more. The chemistry and unspoken emotions between the two leads is inescapable in a good way. The novel also features the other characters from the previous books in the series and it is great to catch up with them through their work with the camp.

The Long Game was one of my most anticipated release ever, so I was very excited to be able to start my journey with Shane and Ilya early. It gave me just enough to be hooked again.
Season's change intro was eye opening and I ended up reading this amazing novel without missing a beat.
Two great hockey stories that just made 2022 already eventful.

I was adequately excited for the TLG sampler, which means I dropped everything to get it the moment I heard about it. We're treated to the first three chapters of Game Changers book #6, which start with the regular Shane and Ilya dynamic - playful banter and a lot of rivalry, showing us this is the same couple from Heated Rivalry we just can't get enough of.
The next chapters tease the more serious themes in the book: the strain of a secret relationship and the repercussions on mental health.
The sampler has definitely left me waiting for more.

This is a great sampler! It was useful to try some hockey romances, and I'll certainly be snapping up the works of Rachel Reid off the back of this, immediately!