Member Reviews

Grab a drink and a cozy blanket and settle in as you'll want to finish this book in one sitting!
It's Christmas and all Riven wants to do is finish his book. But with a case of writers block, he wasn't able make any process in his book.
Wendy's family is looking to book a cottage for the holidays and with with a twist of fate, Wendy's family and Riven family end up spending the holidays together.
I loved the chemistry between Riven and Wendy. From their witty banter to their creative pranks.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Whoa! What a ride. It was very fast-paced. The writing style kept me hooked and I didn't find myself losing any interest. I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters and how real the story felt. The author did a great job painting the setting, so it was easy for me to visualize the scene played out before me. I recommend giving this one a chance!

This book definitely puts the com in rom com! It should come with a warning label that if you read in public or late at night and are trying not to disturb others, you won't be successful! You will definitely snicker if not snort with laughter at the prank wars, snark-filled witty dialogue and more! It's a lighthearted romance that will definitely have you turning the pages as you enjoy this Christmas romantic comedy! A cabin outside of Park City, Utah has been double booked at Christmas and both families arrive at the same time and we are off to the giggles from there! I have thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas series of books from this author and am looking forward to finding more of her books to read!

I received a copy of Home For Christmas by Camilla Isley through @netgalley and I snuggled in yesterday and read it straight through.
Two families who don’t know each other are double booked into a single home with two bathrooms and spend Christmas together. I loved Riven and Wendy. Riven is a famous author with writer's block and he is an early riser and writer, whereas Wendy is a night owl writer.
I could see this as a Netflix holiday movie with the comedic aspects, the forced proximity, and the romance. Christmas is a side aspect, the story really lies in the interactions between the two families and Riven & Wendy.
Home for Christmas was released in February and is available!

If you are looking for a light, fun and sweet romance to have you feeling good then this is the book for you. The book has great humor which will make you laugh along with some lovely romance. It has no depressing aspects in it, flows nicely and was a pure joy to read. I highly recommend this book.

This was a sweet romance and I enjoyed it. Two people meet due to a holiday rental mishap and overtime fall for each other. I couldn't help but giggle out loud at some of the pranks they pulled on each other.
I received this book from NetGalley in return for a honest review.

C'est dans une cabane en pleine montagne, loin du tumulte de Los Angeles, que Riven, écrivain célèbre en pleine crise de la page blanche, s'est échappé pour se concentrer sur son prochain roman. La dernière chose dont il a besoin, est que sa famille et une famille d'étrangers envahissent son sanctuaire pour Noël, tout cela à cause d'une erreur de réservation. Il se retrouve à partager une chambre avec Wendy, une New-Yorkaise pleine de vie qui ne peut s'empêcher de le piquer au vif. Partager une chambre avec elle est une douce torture et Riven ne sait pas ce qu'il redoute le plus : que chaque jour qui passe les rapproche de se dire au revoir ou qu'ils aient encore une autre nuit à passer ensemble...
J'ai trouvé le choix de la rencontre assez loufoque et comique, et cela donne le ton pour la suite du roman. Par contre, j'ai trouvé que le loup n'apportait pas grand chose à l'histoire et j'aurais aimé quelques rebondissements inattendus supplémentaires. La question autour de l'engagement est intéressante, si on met de côté la fin, amenée de manière un peu trop prévisible selon moi. Mais cela ne m'a pas empêchée de trouver tous les personnages plutôt attachants, et d'apprécier l'alternance des points de vue, qui permet de saisir l'histoire dans son ensemble et donne envie de dévorer le livre afin de connaître les pensées du personnage suivant.
Une bonne romance feel-good, drôle et divertissante.

I love winter reads, and this one was soo good. It was a cute and sweet romance.
I read it it one sitting.
This was a 3.5 stars for me.

This is such a cute Christmas rom com!
My favourite time of the year and this book didn't disappoint in giving me all the festive vibes.
I loved the plot and the writing by Camilla! I will 100% be reading more of her books.
Thank you Netgalley and Camilla for this amazing festive read!

This was a very cute rom-com. I enjoyed the premise of the two families stuck together over Christmas. I also enjoyed the chemistry between the main characters. When they got together, there wasn’t as much of them actually being together before splitting up, and I didn’t love the fade to black moments, but overall the book was fun. There were a couple small things that irritated me- the author/main character using the term “blusher” instead of “blush” (what young American women use this term?) Also, the author seemed to be using a thesaurus to find as many words for “hair” as possible (locks, tresses, etc). The use of those kind of slang d terms can just take me right out of a story.
I noticed this is supposed to be the third book in a series, but it didn’t seem like it at all. When I later went to read the descriptions for the other books in the series, I didn’t see any connection at all, other than the Christmas setting.
Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for providing me access to this eARC for my honest opinion!

Seriously, if this is an author you haven’t read, its a must. This has been the perfect escape read. I have found this heartwarming and uplifting. It’s definitely a book that has cheered me up.
This is an enemies to lovers novel which is one of my favourites. Add to that the Christmas element and I can safely say there is nothing to dislike, This has been the perfect read and quite possibly my favourite by this author.
This is a book filled with love, wonderful characters and the most wonderful time of year. This is a book worthy of all the stars. I have devoured this in just one sitting.

*I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review* Home for Christmas is a perfect holiday enemy to lovers romcom. The story follows Rivan and Wendy, two strangers who are forced to spend the holiday together with their families at a mountain cabin due to a mix up at the rental agency. The main characters are charming and very likeable - Wendy is fiery and sassy and Rivan has all of the characteristics you'd hope to find in a book boyfriend. The chemistry between the two is undeniable in this slow burn romance. I thought this was a very well written and engaging story. I am looking forward to reading other books by this author!

This was an amazing holiday read. These characters we’re so well written and made the book so memorable. I love that they were given the time to fall in love and make this romance so believable. This is a pretty quick read, but the way it is written draws you in- to the extent that you live in these character’s world. As much as I loved the portion of the book that focused on the two main characters story, I absolutely adored the part that their entire families were in. I definitely see this becoming a holiday read for myself.

Rating: 3 stars
This was a quick enjoyable read. I loved the characters involved in the story, the family gathering and the chemistry between Riven and Wendy.

Home for Christmas was a delightful read full of lovable characters. Though I read it in March, it brought me right back to the huge, happy gatherings that my family used to have during the holidays. I know that so many of us have been missing that these last few years, and it was lovely to see it as a romantic setting.
To set the scene, a mid-sized cabin nearby to a ski hill is double-booked by two large families for the Christmas holiday. As neither family has anywhere else to go, they make it work for everyone to stay in the cabin and the two families decide that they'll conjoin their celebrations into one--in what I believe is true Christmas spirit.
Our two main characters--Wendy and Riven--are forced to share a bunk bed (on separate bunks) during this strange holiday. They have instant chemistry, but neither is willing to make a move. I enjoyed reading their banter and pranks against each other. They felt like real people, despite my disbelief that people would pull these pranks on each other (I know people would, I'm just not that kind of person). I'm not going to spoil the twist, as I believe it needs to be read without spoilers for the full effect. The ending was cute and felt like a natural conclusion, though I felt like it was lacking something.
It was a fun flirtatious read and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a nice holiday read.

Just loved the budding romance between the leads, it slowly builds and is heightened by the dual perspective. Wendy is a strong and fierce character who isn't afraid to challenge Riven as he proves to be less than welcoming after the double booking blunder. The way the two families came together despite the far from ideal scenario was so heartwarming to see.

Reading this book made me miss Christmas even more. I love a slow burn romance comedy set in snowy holidays!! I thought that I'll have a long time finishing this but it is just so heartwarming that I wanted to read more of this book. I love the chemistry of Wendy and Riven!! And the friendship their families made in just a short time.
I love the writing style especially because it made me smile throughout reading this book. I just love a book that warms my heart and this book definitely made me feel that! I definitely recommend this book to everyone who loves a snow Christmas themed slow burn romcom book!

My first read for this author and it won’t be my last, a fun enemies to lovers romcom that has all the laughs and feels.
What happens when you escape to a cabin in the woods after a public divorce and need to work on your latest manuscript looking for peace and quiet……your family has decided to join you for Christmas but due to a mix up another family you don’t know also show thinking they rented the cabin ? Everything else is rented so you all accept that you’ll have to share the living space…..and this other family just happens to include cute and sexy Wendy! So much fun to read the pranks and fun that turn enemies, to friends to lovers.
I received a free copy from NetGalley and all opinions are my own.
I would recommend this book to friends, family and my book clubs

This was a cute, funny book. I enjoyed the characters. They were both funny, yet realistic. Although this was fiction, the events and behaviors of the characters were realistic.

This was a very cute, happy ending book. What happens when a writer escapes to the mountains to write, but decides to leave at the holidays then changes his mind after the house is already rented? A funny story with various arcs of romance within an unusual group. This is the first book I've read by this author, but I enjoyed it and bought the kindle version to ensure I can read it again. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.