Member Reviews

To Tame a Cowboy
by Jody Hedlund
Pub Date 03 May 2022
Bethany House, Bethany House Publishers
Christian | Romance

I am reviewing a copy of To Tame a Cowboy through Bethany House Publishers and Netgalley:

Brody McQuaid is a broken man, and he knows it. His body did survived the war, his soul did not. Aside from loving his little, his only sense of purpose comes from saving the wild horses that roam South Park. Ranchers in the area have taken to killing the horses, which are competing with their cattle to feed on the open grass.

Savannah Marshall is a veterinarian on her family's Colorado ranch. She longs to keep her father happy following the tragic death of her older brother, including marrying a man of his choosing. But days before her wedding, she gets cold feet and disappears to South Park. While learning more about the destruction of the horses, she joins Brody in an attempt to save the wild creatures. But when Savannah's family as well as the resentments of the area cattlemen catch up with them both, Brody and Savannah will have to tame their fears if they've any hope to let love run free.

I give To Tame a Cowboy, five our of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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To Tame a Cowboy is written by Jody Hedlund. This is book 3 of 4 in the Colorado Cowboy series. I have not read the other books in the series, but I was able to read with no issues. I will be going back and reading the other books, because I enjoyed seeing this family. This book is set right after the Civil War, which is one of my favorite time periods. The book is about 341 pages and flowed nicely. I am a huge fan of this author and her work, so I am always excited when I get to read it.

We meet Brody McQuaid in this story. He has PTSD due to being in war. He has been home for two years, but is still struggling. Sometimes he lashes out and it’s violently. He saw a lot during his time in the Civil War. I love how the author created a flawed, damaged character.

Savannah Marshall is expected to marry a man she does not want to do. She really tries to keep her father happy. Especially after the tragic death of her brother. But she does not want to marry Chandler Saxton. So she leaves. Savannah is a veterinarian. However, Chandler did not want her to work outside the home.

Brody and Savannah are brought together by their passion for the wild horses. I loved seeing their romance blossom. The author did a great job in reminding us that God is the ultimate redeemer.

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To Tame a Cowboy by Jody Hedlund is the third in her Colorado Cowboys series. If you haven't read the other books in the series, never fear, you will easily be able to read this book without the backdrop of the previous two books in the series. This book focuses in on another member of the McQuaid family, Brody McQuaid. I enjoyed the characters in this book as well as the true gritty sorrows and troubles that each character endured. It was interesting to grasp a very different perspective of the characters that had been minor characters in the previous books. I also enjoyed seeing another view of Flynn, the main character in the previous book. I enjoyed the return of well-loved characters, the exciting adventures faced in this book, as well as the well-written tale of romance, family, faith, and hope. This book is a good read and a nice addition to the Colorado Cowboy series. I am excited to read the next in Ms. Hedlund's adventure-packed series!
Brody McQuaid is a man broken and isolated from the world. Brody has survived fighting in the Civil War and even being imprisoned in the horrors of Andersonville, but hasn't allowed his heart to really live again. Although Brody has the love and support of his siblings and their families, the one thing he is passionate about is rescuing the wild horses of Colorado. Many local cattle ranchers want to kill the wild horses to provide their own animals with plenty of feed and water.
Savannah Marshall has grown up in a well off family on their Colorado ranch. Although raised to be a prim and proper lady, Savannah has a passion and knack for helping hurting animals and has trained alongside a local veterinarian. Savannah has always tried to make her parents happy, especially after her older brother died tragically, leaving her the only child and heir. When her parents arrange for her to marry a man who would save their family financially, Savannah can't say no. However, only days before she is to marry, Savannah runs away from her home and ends up becoming the temporary veterinarian for the McQuaid family ranch. As Savannah and Brody team up to fight against the destruction of the beautiful wild horses, will they be able to find healing from their own scars and troubles? Can Brody and Savannah learn from each other? Can Brody rediscover the joys of life and return to the faith he once firmly held to? What will Savannah do about her fiance? Can she marry a man she doesn't love in order to save her family from financial ruin? Read To Tame a Cowboy to find out for yourself! Happy readings!
Disclaimer: Bethany House Publisher graciously provided me with a copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and part of an unbiased review.

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There’s a lot to enjoy in this story. For me, though, I couldn’t connect with the characters and the horse scenes could have used a pre-publishing review by an experienced horseman. Having spent my lifetime with horses, including experience with wild mustangs, I just couldn’t quite check reality at the door to step into the scenes. I appreciate what the author was trying to accomplish but it just didn’t work for me. For many readers, this won’t be a stumbling block.

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This was the second book I have read in this series of three, I accidently skipped the second book regarding Flynn and how he and his siblings came to live out west with older brother Wyatt. However, I had no problems catching up in the storyline the author did a good job keeping a concise recap through the years between each book. Overall I rate it 3.5 stars. I liked the wild horses both the round ups and taming. I enjoyed the adventure and seeing Brody grow past his fears and anger and learn to be a better person at the end to where he asks God to forgive him and moves forward with his life treating it as a gift instead of a curse. The romance was too forward for my taste and hypocritical of Savanah to not like her beau for having jealousy that he acted out on, but flattered when Brody was jealous and acting out of that jealousy. I enjoyed their adventure in the mountains, and this author is very good at making you feel you are right there with them, when they were starving and freezing to death I felt those things also despite it being a late spring read haha. I look forward to the next in the series as it is about "Ivy" the youngest sister that has a lot of growing up to do. I want to thank this author for allowing me to read this book for free, this review is my honest take on it.

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"You no longer have to be condemned by your scars. God can redeem anything....wounds may shape us, but they can't determine who we are."
Brody is a cowboy who specializes in taming wild mustangs. He came back from war scarred physically, emotionally, and spiritually and has an anger he can't seem to get rid of. When he meets Savannah, he finds himself wishing to heal, to be able to move forward to a future with her in it. Savannah has secrets of her own. She isn't sure what she wants for her future, but she loves being a veterinarian and is growing in her feelings for Brody. Will they be able to work through their pain and struggles to find a way forward together?
I enjoyed this book. Jody Hedlund writes emotion so beautifully, her character's feelings leap off the page and captivate you in the story. Brody's character and his pain felt so real. And Savannah's choices overwhelming. I loved the family within the story, too. The themes of forgiveness and grace were beautiful! I would highly recommend this read!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I had a hard time reading this because of the high physical attraction. It made me uncomfortable. I will still be reading this author as she is one of my favorites.

I received a complementary eARC, all opinions are my own

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Of the books I've read to date of Jody's, this series is my favorite. Her romanticism of the dusty and uncivilized west is top-notch. Throw in some great chemistry and I'm a fan. All of the moments between immediately infatuated Brody and Savannah were swoony and sweet.
Brody has PTSD and struggles with life after being a soldier in the Civil War. Savannah only wants to be a vet and an arranged marriage is not the ticket to her dreams. When their worlds collide, there's an instant connection.
Of the three released so far, this might be my favorite, but it's a close one with the first book. I love the epilogues at the end of each that introduce the next couple to be featured. I can only hope the stories continue to be bold and give me those dip-my-toes-into-the-Wild-West feelings I'm now accustomed to.
Thank you to Just Read Tours, Bethany House, and NetGalley for the e-arc. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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Brody McQuaid survived the Civil War, but he's not gotten over his survivor's guilt. Plagued by flashbacks and nightmares, he cares about very little. Though his brother Flynn has taken Brody into his home, Brody feels like he's a continual disappointment with his uncontrolled ability to find or create trouble.

Savannah Marshall doesn't want to marry Chandler Saxton. She wants to be free to doctor animals, which is what brings her the most enjoyment in the world. Since her parents are so set on her marrying Chandler, Savannah decides to take matters into her own hands and run away. Surely someone will be willing to hire a female veterinarian.

When Brody crosses Savannah's path, she can see clear as day that he's a good man underneath his gruff exterior. He's willing to put himself in harm's way to save a mistreated horse, and he cares deeply about the wild mustangs roaming the mountains. She asks if she can make the McQuaid ranch her home base, and Brody and Flynn agree.

As the female veterinarian and the wounded soldier form a friendship, Brody takes his first steps toward healing.

I always enjoy a good cowboy book, and this one was no different. I liked the twist with runaway bride Savannah, and the Colorado landscape is richly described. Although at first I had a measure of concern about the way Brody was portrayed, as the novel progressed his healing took priority over the romantic relationship, which is exactly what needed to happen before a true relationship could flourish. Both characters showed tremendous growth over the course of the story. I can't wait for the next installment in this series!

I received my copy of the book from the author. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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This was pretty decent! I definitely liked it better than A Cowboy for Keeps. There was more substance to this and the characters were (mostly) better.

A bit of insta-love but I suppose that is to be expected. Savannah was an admirable heroine. I do not usually like the animal-loving type but she was solid. She had a sense of humor and determination which was nice, though I found her to be a tad bit annoying at times. (too much noticing of the "bulging muscles, broad chest and big hands") Also she fanned her face quite a few times. Lots of blushing. Although as someone who does not have control of the blushing I suppose I can relate...
I thought her trait of 'always thinking the best of someone' was an interesting one and is not often touched on in books.
Brody was (here's where the 'mostly' comes in) good as well; human. Had his faults and messed up sometimes, but ultimately tried his best for the most part. Found him annoying at times as well with all his "wanting her". I did admire, though, that he resisted for the most part. Especially the whole cabin incident. Also the scene with the dance and how he pushed all the other gentlemen away to dance with Savannah himself. A little toxic and rude.
Flora was so cute! I loved how she really grounded Brody. A nice touch to the story!
I am looking forward to seeing more of Ivy in the next book! (and Jericho hehe, also I just love the name Jericho. Dunno why) Dylan too.

Great! Never a dull moment. My only issue was few parts where I thought that "oh this is super convenient to have happened" that felt like were just there for the sake of tension.

There were a few lines where I was confused. Jody Hedlund is a great writer but there were points in this book when I was questioning everything: Like this gem of a line: "the brown of his eyes was a rich and luxurious as the thickest and brownest of mink fur" I am pretty sure I laughed out loud at that one...Also "...and immediately set his blood to percolating like coffee in a tin pot on high flames."
But then there were also some actual gems like: "Reckon I've buried a lot of myself and am dusting off the ashes so I can see beauty again." Also I like this one: "The fella was so arrogant he'd probably gotten his calluses from patting his own back."

All in all I quite enjoyed this book. Especially better than the first one, so that is good. I can't wait for the next one!
4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing me with an ARC!

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I have read a bunch of Jody Hedlund's books, but this is the first one I have read in her Colorado Cowboys series. First of all, I love her writing. She is such a fresh voice to the genre of Christian fiction's been a while since I have been truly excited by a writer within this genre of writing because alot of times, the stories start feeling repetitive, stale and not all realistic to how love and passion develops. But not with Jody Hedlund! I love how she doesn't shy away from passion (in a very tasteful way), but embraces it as part of the relationship dynamics of a man and woman falling in love (which is quite realistic, isn't it?).And this book...oh my, it was EVERYTHING I love about christian romance- strong characters, interesting setting, an exciting plot, focus on faith and family, and an ABSOLUTELY beautiful love story unfolding on the page. To Tame a Cowboy was perfection...I stayed up late finishing it, but truly I couldn't imagine going to bed without finishing it, especially as the plot picked up. Brody was such a gentle and tortured soul and Savannah was the perfect compliment to him. A woman vet...that aspect of her character added such a cool and interesting twist to the story. So eager to read Ivy's story (is that coming next?). And I need to backtrack and read the first two books in this series. Thanks Baker Publishing Group and #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review! #ToTameACowboy

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Set in 1867 in Colorado territory, To Tame a Cowboy is the third book in the Colorado Cowboys series. This book brought up a very real mental health issue PTSD.
Brody the main character suffers from PTSD from the trauma of serving in the civil war. It was difficult to read about his pain at times but I loved how working with wild horses seemed to help him heal.
Savannah the new veterinarian in town, is also dealing with her own heartache and I liked how the wild horses seemed to also bring healing to her and helped her connect with Brody.
This book is full of emotion, romance, history and it takes you on a wild ride in the old west! I think this one is my favorite in the series so far!

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Jody Hedlund is a fantastic writer. All her books will keep you reading on into the night, even when you need to close it for another time. She describes her characters in such a way you feel like you are right there in the story observing all that is happening. Loved how the hero even with his PTSD after the war, reaches out to the wild mustangs to save them form being slaughtered. A female veterinarian Savannah Marshall has her own battles to fight but she joins with Brody McQuaid to save the mustangs. There’s plenty of romantic tension and attraction between them, but Savannah feels like she needs to return home to her father as he has betrothed her to a friend of his and he really needs this union to save him financially. Keeps you reading to see how all will end. I was given an early ecopy via Netgalley and I am glad to leave a review

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I liked it but didn’t quite love it. The ending was a bit of a let down and didn’t give me the resolution I was looking for. It was still a good book. I did have a hard time putting it down and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

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The McQaid's are back, and this time brother Brody and his demons take center stage. After fighting and barely surviving the Civil War, Brody comes to live with his brothers Wyatt and Flynn on their ranches. There he makes a very special connection with his niece and Flynn, the caretaker brother, is desperate to heal Brody and for him to find peace in this life. Flynn will do almost anything to achieve that goal. Including hiring a female veterinarian who seems to have caught Brody's eye.

Savannah has run from her wedding day. She just isn't sure that the man her parents picked for her is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. So, she runs away right into the McQaid brothers. From the very start Savannah sees that she has a calming and healing effect on Brody. Dare she hope for more?

I know every time I pick up a Hedlund book I am in for a romantic, tension filled reading treat. This was no exception as both of our characters are perfect for one another right from the start. They both pretty much guess that as well, but they do have their obstacles to overcome.

I also really enjoyed Savanah's vet skills. She showed that she was smart and capable, even though others looked down on her for being a woman. I liked that Brody just stood back and let her do her thing, with complete trust in her. Theirs was not a story of conflict within the relationship so much as the forces outside it trying to keep them apart.

And the ending. What a doozy and a great build up into sister Ivy's story and quite possibly their brother Dylan's. Though I do hope we might get a fifth book out of this series.

I was provided a copy of the novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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I am always so impressed with Jody Hedlund’s ability to create characters with depth, struggles, and emotions that make them seem so real. I loved Brody and Savannah’s story! Brody is aptly named as he has that brooding quality to him, haunted as he is by the war. The romance was so well written and their relationship was heart tugging and believable. I also loved Savannah’s heart both for horses and for Brody; her compassion and love is so sweet. Beyond the well-developed characters are an intriguing storyline, fascinating history, and wonderful spiritual truths that make a well-rounded novel characteristic of this fantastic writer. I have so greatly enjoyed this series and I am looking forward to the next one! Highly recommended!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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This is Jody Hedlund's 3rd book in her Colorado Cowboys series and it was so, so good! Colorado is one of my favorite settings for western type books since I grew up there.

I love how strong Hedlund's women are and Veterinarian Savannah Miller is no different! Few women had jobs during this time let alone being a vet. She has a real talent with animals and is grateful when the McQuaid brothers take a chance on her, allowing her room and board in exchange for her vet services.

Brody McQuaid has a talent with taming wild mustangs. After fighting in the war, he comes to Colorado broken and helping these horses gives him some purpose in his life. Together Brody and Savannah support their joint passion for animals. But what will happen when Savannah's Father and ex-fiance track her down?

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys historical western romances. While it is the 3rd book in the series, it is not necessary to read the earlier books in the series.

I received a complementary copy of this book from the author and publisher. All thoughts are my own.

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Jody Hedlund writes western, historical romance novels that are always quite impressive, and To Tame a Cowboy is no exception. With characters that are genuinely captivating and a plot that is uniquely engaging, this third book in the Colorado Cowboys series is a pleasure to read. Page after page, elements of history, adventure, and romance flow together creatively to fashion a story that is heartfelt and inspiring.

This story unfolds within homesteads, bustling ranches, small towns, and rugged mountain paths. Thoughtfully described, these settings offer plenty of opportunities for the characters in this book to wrestle with their insecurities, face their fears, pursue their goals, and strengthen their faith. As they struggle with emotional, physical, and environmental hardships that jeopardize their dreams and even their well-being, these characters are authentically vulnerable, compelling, and memorable.

This novel also features an exciting storyline that is excellently paced and filled with unexpected moments that are really touching. Scenes marked by peril are offset by scenes of hope, and the story is enhanced by relevant themes of courage, resiliency, forgiveness, trust, honesty, and second chances.

To Tame a Cowboy is an appealing, entertaining novel. Rich with history, romance, adventure, and heart, it is an enjoyable, worthy book that I gladly recommend. I am already looking forward to reading the next book in this series!

*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher and NetGalley. A review was not required. The review I have written is voluntary and contains opinions that are entirely my own.

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I recently went on a Jody Hedlund binge and re-read nearly all of her books. There's just something about them—it feels like they effortlessly pull me in. And this one is no different. I think Brody is my fave (so far) of the McQuaid siblings...he's wounded and heart-tugging, and Savannah is a perfect complement to his character. In usual Hedlund fashion, the plot kept me turning pages and the romance is spot-on. Loved this one and looking forward to the next in the series!

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Experience 1860s Colorado through the eyes of a veterinarian and war vet cowboy in To Tame a Cowboy, the third book in the newest historical fiction series by Jody Hedlund. Brody and Savannah’s story is a heartwarming romance with a dash of adventure.
To Tame a Cowboy is my favorite of Hedlund’s new Western series and can also be read as a standalone. I recommend To Tame a Cowboy to readers who enjoy sweeping family sagas with a Christian message. Thank you to Net Galley, the author, and the publisher for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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