Member Reviews

Could not wait to read this second installment as I loved the first, 'Queen of Humboldt,' so much.
Fun and entertaining as expected but didn't quite match the charm from the first. And by charm, I mean torture. I was hoping for more of that uneasy feeling that carried me through most of the first one.
But this was a decent follow up that continued the theme of unrealistic intimate encounters :)

“Two Knights Tango” is the second book in the “Queen of Humboldt” series by Tagan Shepard. It’s a romantic crime thriller that continues six months after the first book ends.
It’s been six months since Marisol and Sabrina have returned from Bogota when people start coming up missing in Marisol’s territory of Humboldt Park. She knows who it is as it’s the same person who kidnapped her and Sabrina from book one, the trick is catching them without more bloodshed. Because of certain circumstances Marisol and Sabrina haven’t seen one another since they’ve been back. Each of them is searching for their enemy using the resources available to them.
This is a fun series. I really enjoyed the first book and was looking forward to this one. This book is very different from book one in that Sabrina and Marisol spend about 80% of the book separated! Sabrina is using her position as governor and working with NSA agent Tyler (who I hope we see more of) to catch him through legal channels. Marisol, on the other hand, is using whatever means necessary to stop him. They’re also dealing with the pain of being separated and also with the nightmares from their previous ordeal.
“Two Knights Tango” is slower paced than book one with less action. You get to know the characters a little better, however. It has an open ending so I’m assuming there is at least one more book coming. My hope for book three is finally getting the bad guy…but them bringing him down together! This was painful as a romance reader for them to be separated for so long.
I’m looking forward to the next installment and I definitely recommend this series! It’s a fun action-pack thriller with some dramatic antics and a little bit of romance.
I received an ARC from Bella Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't realize when I started reading Two Knights Tango by Tagan Shepard that it was part of a series, however
I was not disappoint, the the story line was captivating and the characters were engaging and I hope there's a next book.
I will now read be reading the first book in the series.

𝗕𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁.
This book wasn't as good as the first, but it's still a must-read since it's part of a series that's definitely worth your time. And if you aren't familiar with the Queen of Humboldt series, do give it a shot, starting with Book 1, which gives you a solid start to a good action-packed story about a human trafficking syndicate. The main characters are two powerful women on opposite sides of the law who were abducted together and the story was fast paced, violent and incredibly entertaining, and as a bonus, there's a romance I thought was good.
This second book starts six months after the abduction and I was looking forward to more Marisol and Sabrina, so I was slightly disappointed that the characters were mostly apart due of circumstances. And while the crime aspect was still interesting, the tempo of the action slowed down a bit, making it less exciting than before.

3.75 Stars. I don't think this hit with me as well as the first book of the series, but I thought it still held its dark tone well. This one starts six months after the first, after both Marisol and Sabrina are kidnapped, tortured and the escape. Both women are dealing with the effects of that ordeal and there's news that girls are disappearing off the street. Then we find out that Marisol hasn't seen Sabrina since their escape.
I still think that Marisol and Sabrina have chemistry for miles, and that they are both kind of brooding jerks is a fun thing that this series has going for it. Marisol is easily the most fascinating of the two, with her past and her recruitment into law enforcement. Sabrina, while interesting in her own intensity, is still kind of constrained by the office she holds. The pair are definitely made for each other, and I never want them to be in different scenes ever again. The just set the pages on fire when they're together, even when they aren't trying to undress each other.
This is a thriller, though, and a dark one at that. It is a slow burn, just like the last book, but it's still an intense ride. Between Marisol's personal fight with her nemesis, "The Bishop", her feelings for Sabrina, and the need to save the girls, we do get a tightly paced, fast read. I will say that it still doesn't shy away from the heavier aspects of the story. I have multiple caveats for my recommendation, especially with regards to the violence, but it still holds up as an excellent book.
*I recommend this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

I, like many of you, couldn't wait for the next installment of “The Queen Of Humboldt’. Well it’s finally here and what a great read.
Marisol Soltero is back where she belongs, Chicago running her business while also working with the government trying to take down the ‘Bishop’. He’s still going strong and now he’s targeting the young women in Marisol’s territory. Now she has to try to stop him while her anger against Sabrina Sloane continues to grow.
Sabrina has come back to Chicago but instead of coming back to Humboldt she goes to the governor's mansion where she’s trying to find a way to return to the woman she loves without putting Marisol in danger. Now that she knows what Marisol is actually doing under the cover of a gang leader.
When Sabrina meets an agent working with the NHS and she’s after the person responsible for the disappearance of so many young women. She’s hoping Sabrina will help her but Sabrina isn’t sure she should. Special Agent Tyler seems to think Marisol is the one running the operation which sends these women into a life none want to be a part of.
I really love Ms Shepard’s writing but when she’s writing about Marisol Sabrina and their lives she goes to another level. Couldn’t put ‘Two Knights’ down. I'm pretty sure Ms Shepard is already thinking about ‘what happens next’. To these characters. Excellent read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bella Books

I absolutely loved the first novel in the series, Queen of Humboldt, when I read it last year. This sequel took a little to get started, in my opinion, but once it did I was completely captivated. Shepard has developed two very intriguing, strong-willed, capable women who are amazing to follow.
Marisol and Sabrina have spent the last 6 months apart since they were in Bogota, and both are suffering from some form of PTSD. Without giving too much away, The Bishop returns to wreck havoc and our two mains are under fire again.
A great sequel with a conclusion I loved - I'm looking forward for the next instalment.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bella Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Marisol Soltero is a brilliant character and I’m so glad that Ms Shepard has brought her back for another book. Governor Sabrina Sloane also reappears but the relationship between the two women is not bringing joy for either. In the mix we add Tyler who’s a cop trying to get on top of a human trafficking ring. Tyler likes Sabrina and thinks Marisol is a common crook. Sabrina knows Marisol is not a crook but cannot really defend her.
There are some brilliant scenes which I won’t describe in case I spoil things but I will say that the scene leading up to Marisol needing a new door on her office was really well written and paced and made me smile. Good writing, pacing, intrigue, and some humour… how could you not enjoy this?
I’m hoping Ms Shepard continues to develop these adventures, including Tyler. The ancillary characters are crucial to the narrative as they show the true Marisol. An example is her interaction with Mel and Helena. Also it isn’t all sweetness and light, because life isn’t but the ending is satisfying and wraps everything up nicely.
I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley

Four and a half stars. The book felt like it went by so quickly, and I couldn't stop myself from reading it in one sitting. Marisol and Sabrina may have spent most of the book apart, but for me there was no angst; I was content to let things play out at their own pace. I loved the chess metaphor, which was more clever than I thought any chess metaphor in this day and age could be. And I don't think their reunion could have gone any better than it did.
I was surprised to realize that there would be a third book, and somehow that put a different lens on everything that had come before it. At the end of the day, it didn't feel like much happened. As the second book in a presumed trilogy instead of the only sequel, it felt like the relationship drama was a little forced, contained, ultimately inconsequential. Besides the drama, not much was accomplished. Going into the book thinking that it was the last I'd see of these two led me to expect a proper resolution, which didn't occur. That left me with the feeling that this was a little like a filler book so that the story could become a trilogy unplanned from the start.
With all that said, I didn't have a problem going through it all. The pacing never slowed down at the wrong moment, and I was never bored. That's what justifies my slightly generous rating. I have yet to decide if I want to read the third, based on the way that this one ended.

The Queen of Humboldt blew me away in 2020 and I have been anxiously awaiting this ever since! Other reviewers have said this can be read as a standalone, but I wholeheartedly recommend reading QoH first. It was an unbelievable thrill ride, like nothing I had ever ready before, and I guarantee it amps up the enjoyment of TKT. Marisol and Sabrina have become one of my couples. Talk about opposites attract! And the slow burn in this book was truly worth the wait.
I haven't been in the mood to read much lately, so I waited to read this until I had a vacation day so I wouldn't have to put it down. This book lived up to every one of my expectations. Tagan Shepard is easily one of my favorite authors. She just doesn't miss.

I finished reading The Queen of Humboldt and I was very glad I could immediately continue with the sequel. This book is different from the first instalment of the series, while it’s still a good read I preferred the first book.
Word of warning, you need to read the first book before reading this one and maybe don’t read this review before reading Queen of Humboldt either.
This book continues where the first one ended. Two Knights Tango is so different from that book. There is a lot less violence, a lot more mind games. I feel like this is supposed to be more of a thriller, but the all knowing bad guy isn’t scary enough for me? Or the impact isn’t there? All I can say is something is missing to really get the right tension in. The characters are still wonderful, luckily there is no sex scene with filthy characters. And there is a new secondary character that is lovely: Tyler.
As this book ends with something that I’d call a cliffhanger I’m hoping to read more about Tyler in a next book. Or maybe she gets a spin off? I’m open to suggestions ;)
I’m enjoying this series and I am rather sad I will have to wait for a next instalment now.

For some reason I missed Queen of Humboldt, the book preceding this one, and after reading this one I have to say I'm bummed it didn't appear on my reading radar before. This is a book right up my alley with a bad girl gang leader Marisol with a golden heart and a secret mission for the goverment. In the first book apparently Marisol and Sabrina, a governor, are kidnapped by a human traficker and Two Knights Tango picks up several months after their escape and a broken promise from Sabrina who had promised to meet Marisol in Chicago. but never did. When the traficker goes after Marisol's girls she decides to go after him to finish this once and for all not knowing that Sabrina is working from the other side with the same goal.
A book with a good pace, action and interesting main characters, especially Marisol. I really liked the writing style and the way the writer manages to really show the different worlds both characters live in. It seems there will be at least one more book and I will be waiting for it! Highly recommended if you like a nice blend between action and romance with strong women in the lead.
***Thank you Netgalley and Bella Books for giving me the chance to read and review this book***

This is the second in a series, following Queen of Humboldt, though you don’t need to read that book in order to jump into this one. We return to Marisol and Sabrina 7 months after the events of the previous book. They had promised to see each other back in Chicago, but in this time Sabrina has completely avoided returning to the city.
Despite her broken heart, Marisol has been staying strong because the man who tortured her and kidnapped Sabrina is still on the loose, and has begun kidnapping young women in her neighborhood. On the other end, Sabrina is aware of the disappearances and is trying to fix the crisis using her power as governor.
This book has romance, action, politics, and second chances. Both women are strong players in the fight against their enemy, but both struggle to recognize that they’d work better together. I loved the Two Knights metaphor for Sabrina and Marisol that Dominque presented! I wasn’t familiar with chess at the time (now I know the names of different opening defensive moves LOL) but it fit so well.
The comparisons between Sabrina’s lavish governor’s mansion and in-house chef verses Marisol’s low income neighborhood and struggling community was *chef’s kiss*. These ladies are so different yet so similar. And omg the PINING? There were times I was practically screaming like OMG ladies please get your lives together and love each other PLEASE ahhhh! Literally loved it.

I think that maybe I didn't like it that much because I wasn't aware that it was a sequel or that it was about human trafficking. None of the blurbs anywhere mentioned human trafficking and that definitely needs to be changed. That aside, I was just bored with the characters, like I just couldn't;t connect to them or build any interest. in them.

This is a mystery Thriller. I thought the story was well written. The main characters are likeable and pretty strong. The action throughout the story is intense. I recommend, 4 stars
Thank you NetGalley and Bella Books for this ARC.

Two Knights Tango is the second novel in the “Queen of Humboldt Series” by Tagan Shepard. I’ve been looking forward to this book since I read the first novel, Queen of Humboldt. I’m happy to say the story is equally as exciting as the first one.
This book takes up about six months after the first one ends with our main characters back in Illinois after their kidnapping and escape from The Bishop, the head of an international human trafficking organization. Marisol Soltero is back in Chicago in Humboldt, the neighborhood her gang claims and protects. Governor Sabrina Sloane went to the Governor’s mansion in Springfield instead of Chicago, mainly out of fear that The Bishop would again use her to target Marisol. You see, Marisol is an undercover agent of the NSA, recruited from prison, to find the kidnapped victims of The Bishop, and help them escape to a safe house called The Hotel. The Bishop wants his “merchandise” back though, and he is willing to do anything, even target Marisol’s true love, Sabrina, to find The Hotel and get them back.
I’m impressed by the contrast of settings the author used…the down and dirty ghetto neighborhood of Humboldt compared to the high fashion aristocratic atmosphere of the governor’s mansion in Springfield. The characters are what really make this story, especially Marisol. She is such a commanding and compelling figure; the perfect bad girl with a heart of gold that she must hide from most people to keep her place as the queen or leader of her gang. And that’s not the only thing she must hide. Neither her gang nor her neighborhood would accept that she is working for the government. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect main character for this novel. Sabrina is also well-developed, a strong character in her own right, and works well as a romantic interest to Marisol.
Two Knights Tango is just as much an action and adventure tale as the first book. There is danger, excitement, violence, and romance woven together into a thrilling story of intrigue. This is not a good standalone novel though. You need to read both books in order to really get the feel of the story. This novel is also not the end of the overall tale. There is at least one more book coming in this series, and I will be waiting eagerly to get my hands on it.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bella Books for an honest review.
Rainbow Reflections: https://rainbowreflections.home.blog/

3.75 stars. After reading the first book in the series I was happy to be able to immediately continue reading this second book as this is a continuing storyline and I just wanted to know what happens next. It would be possible to start with this book, as a recap is given about events in the first book, but I think you’ll appreciate it better after reading the first book.
I enjoyed reading this book, although I liked the first book in the series a bit better. Girls are missing in Humboldt and both Marisol and Sabrina know who’s behind this as they met their adversary in the first book. They are both hunting their opponent using different routes. Sabrina through the legal route with the help of NSA agent Tyler, and Marisol through the less legal route of her criminal network. I like the hunting the bad guy element in this book, but strangely I wasn’t too convinced about the danger of this opponent. It is mentioned often that they are all-knowing and powerful, but I did not really feel this and the final clash didn’t show these traits either and ended too easily for my liking.
Let’s go back to agent Tyler, can I read more of her? She doesn’t have a major role, but what’s given is enough to pique my curiosity so I really hope we’ll get more in the following book(s), or perhaps in a spin-off? And of course, there is Marisol and Sabrina, both are struggling with their new situation in Chicago being separated after they just got together. I get why they are separated in this book, but the romantic in me wished for more together time, I have good hopes to see that in the next book though. Marisol is still my favorite character, she continues to walk the line between good and bad, which makes for a good morally grey character.
All in all, this is an entertaining second installment in the series, the ending is again open, so I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Governor Sabrina Sloane is working long hours in her office hoping that by staying away from the person she wants the most will keep them safe. Marisol Soltero is a crime boss known as the Queen of Humboldt. She protects herself and her neighborhood ruthlessly. Both woman are interested in stopping ongoing sex trafficking. And women are going missing in Humboldt. The story follow each of them as they deal in their own ways with the ongoing problem.
I didn't realize when I selected this book that it is a sequel. The author does catch the reader up so I knew what happened previously. But I think I would have enjoyed this more if I had read the first one. I liked the MCs and felt I knew Marisol more. The action is intense and the tension slowly builds for an ultimate showdown. Of course not everything is going to be resolved so the series will continue. I've only read lighter romances by the author but appreciate this mystery/thriller. Thank you to NetGalley and Bella Books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. (3.5 stars and rounding up because Charles is back on Goodreads giving 1 star to sapphic novels)

Two Knights Tango is a delicious sequel to Queen of Humboldt. Six months after the capture, torture and escape from a human trafficker nicknamed The Bishop, Marisol is starting to have women disappear from her Humboldt territory. Meanwhile Governor Sabrina Sloane has not forgotten her kidnapping and the daring escape she made with Marisol’s help. Though she promised to meet Marisol back in Chicago Sabrina has stayed away.
Marisol’s dark, brooding and intense character is complicated with a hero’s heart and this has me captivated.. Marisol is such a rich character from her early years of crime and incarceration to her NSA recruitment from jail. Shepard has created a protagonist who will carry this series to however many novels it takes to eliminate The Bishop.
The story builds slowly yet the pressure and angst sits heavy from page one. The reader knows where the story is heading however who will remain standing by the last page is the great unknown. I could not read fast enough to find out.
I received an advance review copy from Bella Books and NetGalley. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Marisol and Sabrina are both dealing with lot but the one thing remains they both are still in love with each other. As they both try stay one step ahead they feared the wrong move will destroy everything. I won’t go deep let’s just say I can’t wait for the next book.