Member Reviews

Representation: 10
Story: 10
Illustration: 10
I absolutely loved this book. I love when we find non-traditional families represented in books. Even though I know some people raised by a stay-at-home dad, it doesn't happen as often as it could.
This book brought many fond memories from my childhood as I had a father and grandfather who were very hands-on and a big part of my life. This is a great wholesome book to add to any child's bookshelves. I hope to see more books from this author, and Daddies and Daughters get many more sequels.
** Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC in return for an honest review. **

This book is so sweet and actually inspired fond childhood memories of time spent with my little sister and dad while Mom was away for work. A lot of kids may relate to this. And hopefully adults will relieve some of their own fond memories.
I love that there is a new book that embraces fatherhood. And I love that it is a Black father because they are very much underrepresented in children's literature.
The illustrations are my favorite part. They are vibrant and engaging. But the illustrator was also able to capture the mutual adoration on both Daddy's and daughters' faces.
This would be a great addition to a home or school/classroom library.
I received a requested review copy from Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

What a sweet, affirming story! With Mommy away at work. two young girls spend the day with their dad. It's just an ordinary day, but it's full of love and laughter and happy family time. So many healthy habits are modeled in this story and the story really underscores the value that engaged, active parents bring to a child's life. The illustrations are very vivid and enhance the text well. This would be a lovely gifts for fathers or dads-to-be and would be a great addition to school, classroom, and community libraries!
Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

NetGalley ARC Educator 550974
Every girl dad should add this to their library. A beautiful and heartwarming story about a dad spending time with his girls. The art and words will lift your spirit and fill your heart. Just gorgeous.

Thank you Netgalley for the free digital ARC of this book.
"Daddies and Daughters Stick Together" is such a sweet little book. Diari and Fatima's mommy has to go to the city to work for the day. While mommy is at work the girls spend the day with their daddy. They brush their teeth, do their hair, cook with daddy, and dance and play. The girls love spending the day with their daddy and throughout the day daddy reminds them how special and smart they are. That night when it's time for bed mommy comes home and helps them with their hair and brushes their teeth. They say their affirmations and prayers and it shows that not only do daddies and daughters stick together, but they also stick with mommy too. Positive words and affirmations are a big part of this book and I think that is a wonderful thing for kids to be hearing. Sadly some kids only hear the "bad" things about themselves from family, teachers, and bullies. It's good to have books like this that remind them how great they are. We are all beautiful, smart, special, and kind and we should be telling ourselves this and telling those around us how special they are as well.

Diari and Fatima is stuck with Dady today because Mommy has gone to work. The daughters love their daddy and daddy loves his daughters. This is a fun story about a special bond with a father and his daughters. The day is filled with learning, cooking, dancing, and lots of playing. Diari's favorite thing to do is spend time with her stay at home dad. I love how the story centers on the Black family. The illustrations are colorful, detailed, and beautiful. I recommend this book to young girls and boys. I give this book 5 stars.

I adored this book. Where do I even start? I immediately enjoyed the representation of the Mom going away to do her business while the father stayed home. I think it’s important to break down role stereotypes. Women also have jobs and men can stay at home with their children.
I love the way the girls talk positive about themselves. Mental health is extremely important, and these girls are gonna benefit from the habit of daily affirmations.
This book shows the father spending so much quality time with the children and that is amazing. I feel like it’s easy to put on a movie for the kids and go do your own thing. It’s important that there girls are developing an amazing connection to their father.
I’m ending this with my favorite part… the bonnets. I honestly don’t think I’ve read a book that showed children in bonnets. Why wasn’t this book out when I was growing up and embarrassed for wearing one.

I loved this super cute slice-of-life book. Diari and Fatima's mom goes into the city for business, which means that they get to have an excellent daddy and daughters day! The book goes through every step of their day - morning affirmations, home-cooked breakfast, homeschooling, playtime, etc.
It's so nice to see books where dads cook for their kids, play with them, and do all the things we traditionally associate with moms. I would love to see more books like this one!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC.

I love that this story showcases a great relationship between dads and their daughters as well as that of a man taking care of the house and children. It reads a bit stiff and the story doesn’t always flow smoothly but the underlying message is a really good one.

I enjoyed this story and I think it would be great for elementary aged children. Seeing a story about a dad staying at home with his children, is a different view on what is traditionally in books. I liked that the story was an entire day from beginning to the end. I think this story will help more students see themselves in the story and will allow for great conversations to be had while reading this book.

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together is a lovely story that follows a Dad and two daughters during the course of a day. The illustrations are spectacular and vibrant. This beautiful story shows the powerful love of family that readers will be able to relate to and enjoy.
Special thanks to Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

The positive story of a father's relationship with his two daughters. Father is a caregiver as a mother is gone for the day. Beautiful, rich illustrations.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions expressed are all my own. Daddies and Daughters Stick Together is such a cute book. My daughters and I absolutely loved. It follows a dad and his two daughters as they navigate the day while Mom goes to work in the city. What do Dad and the girls do while mom’s away? They stick together. The girls speak affirmations over themselves that their dad has instilled in them throughout the day.
I love that this book shows the positive relationship between father and daughters especially with the characters being Black. This is representation that is greatly needed. Showing and active Black father as a stay at home dad and nurturer of children but especially young girls. Also, the illustrations in this book are absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to grab a physical copy of this book when it comes out for my girls bookcase.

This book was a great story of family dynamics and covers a POC perspective. This perspective is engaging and important. Though most children do not have both parents, this book provides a view on how the girls rely on their dad just as much as their mom, which will not resonate with every child but what does resonate is the unending love presented by the author in the story, The children are the stars, the parents are the supporting characters.

What an adorable book. It’s really nice to see Black fathers as nurturers and caretakers. Made me wanna go call my dad.
There were a couple pages where the art felt a bit off (randomly off proportions, the child's head coming out of the mattress sans body) and it was distracting.

daddies and daughters stick together was a fun, colorful read that shows kids all the different ways families interact and take care of each other! i thought it was really important that the father in the story is shown not only taking good care of his daughters without the mother present, but enjoying it. the two daughters, diari and fatima, are shown saying affirmations, taking care of their natural hair, learning several new languages and overall having a great day with their dad. the dialogue feels a little bit over-exaggerated, but i can hear it working well in a storytime setting. the illustrations are very bright and warm, too, and it was a great, diverse story that should be shared.

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
by Aissatou Balde
Two young girls spend their day with their father. They know that they have to work together to take care of each other. The girls learn to love themselves with self affirmations and not only eating well but also seeing the parts and pieces that make them stronger.

Thank you, Girl Friday Productions, for the advance reading copy.
This is such an adorable book representing a family of four in which the mom is a working woman and the dad taking care of their daughters at home while the mom is at work.
I want to encourage the kids and parents to read more of these books to lessen the burden if gender roles and see such roles as something normal.
Love the full page illustrations and the colourful/popping artwork.

Daddies and daughters stick together. I like this book. It was nice seeing a good and sweet relationship between a father and his daughter.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together is such an adorable book celebrating the relationship between a dad and his two daughters. Mom goes to work and the girls spend the entire day with their dad. The family does everyday routines, yet these moments are special. Like the saying goes "its the little things that count", and the "little things" in this story turn into wonderful memories and experiences for Diari and Fatima. The love that Diari has for her family and vice versa just seeps through the pages of this story. I will be ordering for my library.
Thank you NetGalley for providing this ARC.