Member Reviews

A cozy, light, murder mystery. This was my first Allison Brook (given to me by Netgalley) and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Having jumped right into the middle of the series (6th book in the series), it was not difficult to follow. Brief references to past mysteries did not make me feel lost. But having read this I am keen to go back and read the entire series.

A friendly resident ghost- Evelyn, a library cat- Smokey Joe, and the librarian Carrie Singleton who can see ghosts, make a beautiful central star cast.

The Clover Ridge library is getting renovated and the noise is causing general consternation amongst the librarians. The new wing to be added to the old library was the erstwhile home of the Whiteheads and is rumored to be cursed. But things get interesting when a dead body is found in the new wing. Soon enough a new ghost, who remembers nothing about his life including who killed him, finds his way into the old wing and to Carrie. The new ghost is not happy to be around and Carrie is eager to solve the mystery for "Having to deal with an unhappy ghost is hard work." The local Nancy Drew investigates while trying not to upset the local police, John.

In the meantime, a news reporter Ms. Theron wants to join forces with Carrie to solve the mystery. The story picks up when the identity of the ghost is discovered and is soon followed by another murder!

But a reader must be cautioned that this is no Agatha Christie and Carrie is no Ms. Marple. Brook doesn't leave the readers with bread crumbs leading up to the killer.

Yet, I would recommend it as a nice, pleasant, and quick read. Carrie and her fiance Dylan are sweet. The sub-plots and other characters add to the beautiful canvas that Brook wants to portray of a cozy town with its many local dramas.

Thank you Netgalley for the copy #DeweyDecimated #NetGalley

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I have to admit, I had a hard time reading Dewey Decimated, by Allison Brook. This is the first book that I have read by Brook, and I willingly admit that I am not a fan of ghosts. The supernatural always seem like a too easy way to solve a mystery. The ghosts in Dewey Decimated are friendly, and so every time one of them appears, my mind went to Casper, the Friendly Ghost. I had a hard time getting past that idea. I did think this would be a good book to film, since the characters are all interesting and there are enough villains to populate a television program. For people who are into ghost stories, this will be a fun read, I just could not get engaged in the story. I love books about books and libraries and bookstores, and so I was disappointed that this novel did not work out for me. Dewey Decimated is part of a series of books focused on these characters,

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I enjoyed reading Dewey Decimated very much. I have read this series from the beginning. Carrie Singleton is the main character along with the characters from book one. Evelyn Havers is the library ghost who only Carrie and her niece can see. Carrie is also on the town counsel. The members are trying to decide what to do with land that was given to the town. There is the new characters that add to the story. Carrie is head of programs and events at the library. The library bought the building next door to add on to the main library. While work is being done a body is found in the basement. When the workers break through the wall by mistake a ghost appears in the library. He is confused and doesn't know what happen to him. Carrie and Evelyn decide to hide the ghost until they can find out more about him.. It is discovered that the ghost's name is Alex Dunmore. Dylan Avery is Carrie's fiancé realizes that the dead man is his uncle. The story takes off with Carrie trying to find out who killed Alex. and later the death of the contractor, Sean Powell. The story builds up to an exciting and surprising ending,

I look forward to the next adventure of Carrie. Dylan and the employees of the library,

Thank you NetGallehy and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC.

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I really liked everything about this book. The story was interesting, the mystery was not an obvious one to figure out, the characters were good and it was well written. The name of this book is very clever.

The new ghost ending up being Dylan's uncle was very interesting. Uncle Alec was kind of a neurotic ghost at first (who wouldn't be) but I liked his connection with Dylan and his interactions with Carrie. I like that Alec and Evelyn are part of solving the mystery. I haven't read any other mystery series where a ghost plays such an important part.

Author, Allison Brooks, does a very nice job of setting a scene in a story. The detail in this story really provided a nice picture in my mind of the library, the addition, the character's appearance and the places visited in the book.

Clover Ridge is an interesting town. The ending of Dewey Decimated looks like it might be the lead in to the next book in this series.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Dewey Decimated is book 6 in The Haunted Library Mysteries series. After a body is found in a nearby construction area, librarian Carrie Singleton once again finds herself helping to solve a town mystery.

This cozy mystery was a fairly quick read. I do think some prior knowledge of the rest of the series is necessary to read Dewey Decimated, at least to get some of the characters’ background information. There are too many side stories for it to work well as a stand-alone.

The plot was well thought and the ending was surprisingly unpredictable. I do think the concept of friendly library ghosts to be a little on the cheesy side. The side story of Carrie’s sister wanting a designer dog was unnecessary and did nothing for the storyline.

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This was the first book by Allison Brook I’ve read. Although it is a sixth book of Haunted Library mysteries, the author did an outstanding job and I was immersed in the story.
I really enjoy the atmosphere that was created in this book: A friendly, small town vibe where everybody knows each other but still there’s room for secrets and skeletons in the closet. Even though there are murders, it isn’t scary or bloody. There are also ghosts present but they appear to be friendly and really polite.
The book was easy and pleasant to read, there were some nice twists to the story. I will definitely read more books by this author.

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I enjoy the heck out of this little series. I've been really wanting a ghost more helpful than Evelyn so I was thrilled to see Alec! He wasn't helpful, but he made Evelyn more dimensional so I'm here for it! I was beginning to wonder how many more murders could happen in this small town before it became unbelievable, but this totally worked. Well worth picking up!

Thank you Netgalley, for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.

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This is a nice, clean cozy read. I love books that take place in the library. This particular library has a couple of ghosts -- one who is a long time resident and one who was recently murdered in the new expansion of the library. The plot goes along nicely and the characters are well-defined.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC for an honest review.

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This book gave me very thing I want and need from a cozy mystery.
I have yet to read the other books in the series, but it was easy to keep up and the main characters etc were introduced in a natural way.
It had the likable characters, their everyday lives and a mystery to keep the story moving. Bonus: I didn’t predict who did it and why.

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As I was reading the book, I could see it playing in my head like a movie. The author was great at describing everything and it made for a lighthearted mystery.

I liked how Carrie came about taking part in the investigation. I must admit, never having read the series before, I was quite confused when it came to Evelyn and wasn’t sure whether a lot of metaphors were being used. Maybe her “presence” is the one aspect I couldn’t really agree with.

I liked how the library was one of the main settings.

I tried “playing along”, but for the life of me I could not figure out the mystery myself!

I do think that you need to both like mysteries and be in the right mood for reading one before picking up this book.

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I've grown fond of the characters in this series, so I was excited to read this newest book. Carrie and Dylan and ghostly Evelyn become involved in solving the mystery of the dead body found in the building that is to house the new addition to the library. The mystery is involved and has ties to the past as well as the present. I liked learning about the inner workings of a library as I read about the mystery. As usual, the mystery is solved by the end. The characters have grown in their relationships and professional lives. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I liked this installment very much. I do wish Carrie wasn't so hesitant about her personal life! The plots were interesting and even with all the different angles nothing got confused.

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Dewey Decimated is the sixth installment in The Haunted Library Mysteries series set in Clover Ridge, Connecticut and featuring librarian Carrie Singleton. Carrie and fiance Dylan Avery are in the early stages of planning their wedding, the new extension to the library is underway and the town council is embroiled in a heated debate over the fate of the Seabrook Preserve. Then, the contractors discover a body wrapped in a blanket and stuffed under a basement shelf in the abandoned building next door to the library.

Renovations come to a halt while the police try and determine the identity of the body, and a new ghost suddenly appears in the library. The ghost seems to have a case of amnesia but it doesn't take long to discover that this is the man who was murdered and left in the basement next door, AND that he's Dylan's Uncle Alec Dunmore who hasn't been seen in years.

While Carrie works with resident ghost Evelyn and Police Lieutenant John Mathers to track down a killer, another member of the community is murdered and it quickly becomes evident that the murder of Uncle Alec is connected to the recent murder. It's up to Carrie to figure out how and most importantly why.

A pleasant afternoon read with the return of cast regulars including Smokey Joe, Carrie's cat. Two mysteries are deftly crafted into one plot, with a surprising conclusion.

I received an advanced copy of Dewey Decimated from NetGalley via Crooked Lane Books. While not required to write a review I am happy to offer my honest opinion.

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I think it's time to create a library cozy category. I enjoyed this one, though the cat played little role in this small town library mystery.
The local library is expanding, and the construction crew accidentally crashes through a library wall while building the new addition. The construction was delayed earlier when a body wrapped in a dark blanket was found in a dark space under a shelf, and now something spectral seems to have been released by the latest mishap.
People notice the disturbance created by the ghost as he blasts chaotically through the library, knocking things down and causing people to turn and look in his direction.
The library's own resident ghost calms him down, but the librarian is the one who will really have to fix things by identifying this new guest and finding out how he came to be murdered, then hidden in the abandoned building on the expansion site.
This is a pleasant community to spend time in, and the story is engaging.

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This was my first Allison Brook's book and I started on a series already in progress. The author did a great job of making me not feel lost and I enjoyed the endearing characters. The mystery was very complex and I couldn't figure out who the killer was until the end. I liked how she wrote the cast in shades of gray. No one was totally good or evil. I plan to read the first book in the series.

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This was another good entry in this series. There are a lot of plot twists and many possible outcomes of whodunnit. It is a great cozy mystery for a rainy afternoon. I liked that we get to know a bit more about Evelyn the ghost in the library. There were a lot of connections that you had to keep track of.

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So thankful for an ARC from NetGalley. This was an adorable cozy mystery with a little haunting in it. Just your backyard, small town Nancy Drew figuring out 'who done it'. I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the series.

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cozy-mystery, family, family-dynamics, librarian, library, library-cat, law-enforcement, murder, murder-investigation, renovation, swindles, flim-flam, ghosts, sly-humor****

A body in the basement, an amnesic ghost, problems with the town council, unsettling issues with her fiance, and more make this installment into the series unique. Lots of suspects, plot twists, and red herrings along with some sly humor. Loved it!
I requested and received a free e-book copy from Crooked Lane Books. Thank you!

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I've been reading this series from the beginning, and I think Dewey Decimated is my favorite so far.
Upon the discovery of a dead body in a building the library is renovating, it leads librarian Carrie Singleton with a lot of unanswered questions.
I thought the mystery was intriguing and I was caught off guard when the pieces all fell into place.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.
#DeweyDecimated #NetGalley

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No Peaceful Release…
The newest and sixth outing in the Haunted Library series of mysteries finds Carrie thrown into another perplexing case when a body shows no apparent signs of leaving peacefully, a land dispute causes chaos and another murder occurs involving the local council. A colourful cast of characters, a fun and witty storyline and an entertaining narrative provide for another enjoyable read and a worthy addition to the series.

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