Member Reviews

The story was engaging with non stop action, although very predictable.

The Main characters were very weak and I just could not engage with them.

The best characters were the teenagers who really has some attitude.

Overall a quick easy read.

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End of the world and after the disaster books hold a certain fascination to me. Life as we know it can change in an instant as it does for the characters in Grace Hamilton's series. I have read alot of her books and they are all fresh, no retelling the same story over and over. The fact that she can write so many unique versions of a catastrophe means I am well educated on how to get from point a to point b before, during and after an event.

Escaping Anarchy is the first book in her latest series and boy, it's good

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I have read Hamilton's Chaos series and thoroughly enjoyed her books. So when I saw this book available to review I jumped at the opportunity. This is the first in a new series, still set in a post apocalyptic world as with her other series.

When an EMP knocks out the power grid, Molly finds herself trapped inside a prison with her troubled teenage students. Her only ally is the bus driver, Colton, who is a former Marine. There are riots, dangerous prisoners and no way out. When their only chance for escape comes in the form of trusting a prisoner, they are wary of taking the risk. But the world outside might not be any safer as society begins to crumble when people realize the power is never coming back on.

This book reminded me a little of the tv show Revolution. It shows the descent of modern society and how heavily we rely on power, along with the consequences if something should ever happen to it. It keeps the reader interested in the character's ultimate fate until the end and Hamilton's writing and dialogue continues to improve with every series.

As always, Hamilton's books are fast paced and flow easily. There is tons of action along with all the drama associated with surviving disaster. Survival story and post-apocalyptic book fans will enjoy this whole series.

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Fairly quick read and another fast-paced, action filled book by Grae Hamilton. The start to another series takes off in a prison with several school kids, their teacher, retired from the army busdriver who are there for the scared straight program when an EMP disables all electronic devices.
For me personally it feels like the writer is milking the same plot every single time with an EMP, focusing several characters who come together to try and survive. And don't get me wrong, she writes good action and is easy to read, but if you've read a series or 2 by her hand, then it will start to feel repetitive. So, if you've never read any of her books before but you like a fast read with lots of action in a semi dystopian setting you won't go wrong here.

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I thought this was an interesting concept. I’ve read a lot of end of the world type books and they can be repetitive, so it was exciting to read something fresh added to the genre! Having an EMP being the reason the world ends rather than a bomb or zombies was exciting to see how it would play out.

Escaping Anarchy tells the story of Molly, a teacher, as she takes 5 of her most troubled kids, Zack, Lucky, Erik, Scarlett and Jenna on a field trip to the local prison. But things don’t go to plan and they are inside the prison as an EMP takes out the power and the world descends into chaos.

There were a few POVs; Molly, trying to get to safety with her 5 teenage charges, Laura, Erik and Scarlett’s mother, Alex, their dad, Dougie, one prisoner, and Tommy, Zack’s brother and a newly released prisoner.
Because there were so many, it was difficult to keep up with them. However, it was interesting to read about the events from different perspectives and see how they are affecting them, and how they all linked. It also gave us insight into what was happening outside as Molly and the teens were stuck inside the prison. I especially liked Tommy’s POV and the Robinson family. It added a flair of mystery and darkness. I hope we get to see more of the Robinson’s in the next book.

It was a quick read. I finished it in just over a day. The pacing was brilliant. Just enough build-up to get us familiar with the characters and world before the action began. It was so tense and I was on edge the entire time wondering what would happen next and if everyone would make it to safety. Nice, brief chapters. That also helped keep the pace fast and me on the edge of my seat.

It was obvious Dougie was not to be trusted and although his motivation and goal were easy to predict, there was also another underlying goal that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It was also interesting to see how the 5 teens coped with the situation. As they were all troubled (and that’s why they’d ended up on a field trip to a prison in the first place), it was good to see their emotions and coping mechanisms as they fought for survival. Also, whether it was on purpose, I loved the contrast between the current prisoners and their behaviour, and Tommy, who just got out of jail and is trying to turn his life around. Showing that people who have gotten in trouble with the law in the past are capable of change and choosing to live a better life.

Although the plot and characters were good, I wasn’t particularly impressed with the writing. There was nothing wrong with it per se, but it was just okay and I don’t think I’ll remember it. It also got a little far-fetched towards the end. I can’t say much without giving away any potential spoilers, but Molly (the schoolteacher) seemed to make some pretty dumb and irrational choices that also seemed to contradict her previous motivations. By the end of the book, though, she’d made up for it.

The ending was satisfying and resolved the major conflict of book one, whilst also leaving us with unanswered story threads leading onto the next book. I’ll definitely be checking out the next book as I loved the characters and want to know what happens next! Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author, for a chance to read and review this book!

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Before reading this book, I had no idea what an EMP was. Now, I may become a prepper!

Escaping Anarchy is exciting and well-written. I enjoyed the evolving relationship between the kids themselves and between them and the adults. The inmates were just evil enough, while still having some redeeming qualities. They take advantage of the opportunities a bit of freedom gives them without being horrific. I liked that. Violence can be portrayed without an in-depth description of every gory detail.

The story itself was evenly paced. The initial bomb is the cause for the chaos but an incendiary event occurs on a regular basis throughout which keeps the story from getting stale or repetitive. I read the entire book in one day. I will be looking for further books in this series.

I received an ARC from Relay Publishing through NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion or rating of this book. I am voluntarily submitting this review and am under no obligation to do so.

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Well it’s not quite dystopian, nor completely end of the world but this story is set when all power is lost apparently due to a mysterious electromagnetic pulse. We follow Molly, a school teacher , five tennagers and their driver, an ex marine as they attend what I can only describe as a hopefully informative and ever so slightly scary trip to a prison. These students have each shown questionable behaviour but their teacher Molly still has hopes for them although she’s kind of disenchanted with teaching in many respects. When they have only been inside the prison for a very short time the lights go out and it’s soon obvious that’s it’s not a normal black out but something infinitely more serious. Without modern technology it’s about to be a terrifying fight to escape from the prisoners who see this as a chance to turn the tables .
This was a fairly quick read that got going quickly and just kept the pace rolling. I liked that we got chapters from various perspectives as it helped to enrich the story. These ill assorted characters go on a journey of self discovery that definitely humanises them. I enjoyed this story as it kept me guessing who would survive and very much look forward to the next book. My first book by this author and one I will certainly look out for in the future.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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This book cover certainly caught my eye, with both figures wielding guns and the background being full of fire and plumes of smoke! It definitely perfectly fits a scene from within the book. I also have to say that both the title of this individual book really fits the situation both inside and outside the prison. The series title “Dark Nation” also fits this book and I am sure will continue to fit the rest of the series very well too. It will have a dual meaning, firstly the EMP making things “dark” with no power. Then of course the actual situation and how people will/are reacting also being well described as dark too. Then when I read the blurb, I was intrigued as to how the story would unfold with a school trip being trapped inside a prison with some of the most dangerous criminals in there with them. Though the central plot of the book is the “Scared straight” school trip getting trapped inside the prison, we also get different points of views from the parents of a set of twins on the trip, a newly released convict who has a chance of almost certain survival with a fellow convict and his prepper family, but who chooses to go home to find his brother. Then we also have the angle from one of the prisoners trapped with the school teenagers.
I loved the irony of the usually mouthy twins, Scarlett and Erik being on the “scared straight” trip because they are computer hackers With the EMP Disaster you would automatically presume that their skills would be of no use, however they do end up using their unique skills in an important way that helps the group. I also enjoyed reading about how the EMP impacted their parents, Laura and Alex. As Laura is in a wheelchair caused by a car accident where Alex was driving their relationship isn’t at its best. When the EMP occurs and they realise that their twin teens will be stuck at Fairfield Prison, Alex takes it upon himself to go find them, leaving Laura at home with her service dog Argent thinking it will be a safer and quicker option. However, both Alex and Laura have their own obstacles to deal with, meaning Laura has to make a very tough decision.

Another quirk of fate has Tommy being released from his lower security prison, heading to his ex-convict friend Luke’s home as the EMP occurs. Tommy didn’t have a great home life, his dad going off doing his own thing and a mother more interested in drink/drugs. At first Tommy is swept up with how welcoming Luke and his family are. Then when he realises what an EMP actually means to life, and they reveal how prepared they are for this eventuality, I honestly wouldn’t have blamed him, for being carried along with the flow of events and going off with the family to their already part prepped hideaway. I adored the moment Luke’s dad, Beck, hands over one of their survival bags to Tommy and also gives him directions to come back to the family when he finds his younger brother. The quirk of fate part is that Tommy just being released from a minimum-security prison, he soon finds himself faced with having to break into the maximum-security Fairfield prison where his brother is part of the scared straight programme/trip, having been stuck there when the EMP hit.

There are so many different character angles, opinions, and situations in this book.
Just thinking about those inside Fairfield Prison there are three angles! There’s Molly, the teacher, her first time chaperoning the Scared straight trip. The coach driver, Colton, ex-military, able to handle himself but how can he be expected to protect Molly and the teens, Jenna, Lucky, Erik, Scarlett and Zack inside a prison being taken over by the prisoners! Each teen is also struggling with their own issues, from getting into a fist-fights, to setting fires, to computer hacking. Within the prison the immediate threats to the scared straight group are the three prisoners that were talking to the teen who are Dougie, Santi & Frank, It’s no long until there are also the other prisoners whom of course quickly realise it’s the perfect time to run amok. Finally, there are also the overrun Prison Guards, Victor Fox & Emma Grayson, doing their best to hold off the prisoners in the hope help is coming to them from outside.
Then from outside Fairfield Prison there are, parents Laura & Alex who immediately think of how to get to their teens and get them back home. Alex leaves Laura at home presuming she will slow him down and that as the chaos rise’s she will be safer at home with Argent her GSD, where she can gather whatever food & supplies that they may have around the house and be ready for his return with their children.
Luke’s family has prepared for this type of event for some time and isn’t fazed by it at all. I love how they instantly presume Tommy will come back to them when he finds his brother.

I could seriously go on and on talking forever about this book as so much happens and there is such a fantastic range of characters. I mean there could have been a whole book just about what happens to the teens on the “scared straight” trip just at the prison. I started reading this book and became so engrossed I was halfway through it before I even added it to my Goodreads shelf, which I use to keep track of what I am reading and thinking whilst reading books.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing the book were Wow! Another action-packed start to a potentially amazing new series from Grace Hamilton.

Summing up, this book has so many different scenarios taking place in it, you really will not want to put this book down at all. There are so many layers to the book, so many different characters and all their unique situation’s. I truly cannot wait to read the next book!!

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