Member Reviews

sigh… ive just had enough of YA. You know how some books can be YA but still have that feel that hey! This is for older teenagers? Well this did not feel that way. And maybe its my own fault for reading this so late but I had a hard time with all the clichés. The stakes never felt real because it is YA and 9/10 the characters Will be fine. The writing Also felt very YA and i had a hard time taking it seriously at all. Bonuspoints for lesbians though! 2.5 stars.

Glorious Poison is the stunning conclusion to the C18th French Revolution trilogy. Full of twists and turns is really is an emotional roller-coaster. I was not expecting the ending but it did not disappoint. The Battalion des Morts are back for their final adventure and stakes are high. With the Duc advancing his heinous plot, the Battalion scattered, while Camille succumbs to her illness, everything seems to be going wrong for the gang. However, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and Dunn's writing throughout reflects this, you never feel like the story if over as something always happens to raise your spirits and route for the characters. Wonderfully written and exciting to read. It's full of adventure, intrigue, twists and turns. An excellent way to finish this trilogy.

I do not thin it was my time to read this book: I put it away for now and I will be coming back to this once in the mood for that genre.

Loved the first book, it was incredible and this was a great follow up. Amazingly written and grabs you from the start. Great characters, lots of twists and turns, and well paced enough that I didn’t get distracted or bored throught which is always great!

Sadly this series lost its charm with each book, Glorious Poison felt very similar to scenes from book 1 & 2 just rehashed. I think this series would have been best as a single standalone or duology.

Glorious Poison was the ending worth waiting for. Following the whole trilogy, Camille's story really had me hooked and, amongst the Battalion, I really had no idea whether they would be successful! With danger at every turn, no one is safe - particularly Olympe and Ada. Ada truly makes this final instalment, playing characters off one another to meet her own ends while Olympe is coming into a similar power on her own. It's great to have such strong female characters at the heart of these stories and show the different facets of how you can be powerful, both scientifically and metaphorically. The characters really get the development that makes for a satisfactory pay off and the narrative never stops giving cliff hanger after cliff hanger. However, the ending is a real sucker punch and made me realise how much I had come to love these characters and their story. While a rough ending emotionally, it was the right ending for the story and one I was sorry to say goodbye to. An incredible satisfactory ending and a perfect way to say goodbye to the Battalion of the Dead.

What's not to love, historical fantasy, romance, and bad ass characters!
This is such an interesting series and I love it so much, this is not a time period I would wish to live in but it is amazing to explore ideas about it in this book series.

This was such an incredible way to end this series. It was so satisfy to read and i really enjoyed it. defiantly a series that is worth binge reading now that they are all out!
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with this e-arc

Wonderful conclusion to the series. I cannot believe I wont read about them again, these characters are so lovely. Action, heists, politics of the time period, seriously loved everything about this. Battalion of the dead is the epitome of found family, and we get to see more of them than just our two heroines.
Its hard to review book 3 without mentioning or spoiling previous books, but I'll just point out that Dunn successfully written a book series that loses nothing from book to book, manages to keep you engaged and wanting to know more. Worth the read! Just the development of these character from book 1 to now, wow!
If you love heists, Found families, ragtag bands of rebels, forbidden loves, wlw , revolution, politics, secrets, betrayals, David vs Goliath moments, plans being made and failing, conflicting loyalties, fast-paced, brilliant YA fantasy I wish more people read!

The Finale is here I'm so sad to see these characters go! This trilogy is epic full of intrigue, adventure, danger, plots, friendship and love. All set alongside the Frnech Revolution!
If you haven't started this series yet nows the time to do it as its complete!!

I love this series as the author did an excellent job in balancing fantasy and historical fiction. it was a gripping and highly entertaining read, a well told saga that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Great storytelling, world-building and character development.
Can't wait to read other books by this author.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

This is the third and final book in the series about the Battalion of the dead. Having read the first two, it was with great anticipation that I have waited for the conclusion to this trilogy. The setting is France after the fall of Robespierre, France is in turmoil with many fighting for power. Ada is now a spy working for the Duc doing unspeakable things in the name of science. Olyampe had been forced back into her mask by her uncle, the Duc. The Battalion are no longer together and Camille has become closer to death.
With plots and spying, double crossing and romance this is a thrilling end to the series. The author leaves us guessing to the end as the battalion make plans with secret plans.
I loved the historical fantasy set in the aftermath of the French Revolution with plenty of romance between characters. Ada and Camille’s relationship seems lost during this book which was a little disappointing in comparison to the first two books, however the ending brings them all back together with a somewhat satisfying conclusion.

This was definitely a satisfying ending for the series, but I somehow wasn’t as invested anymore as I was in the other books. Maybe it was because I read the previous books a while ago. Anyway, I still love these characters and I can’t wait to see what else the author will write!

Holy moly, what an incredible ending to this series. I absolutely loved this book. It kept me gripped and on the edge of my seat right up until the final words. This has become one of my favourite recent YA series because it’s fast paced and action packed, we don’t get too many YA series like this anyone so this one will hold a place in my heart for a long time.
I’m definitely going to miss this incredible world that Kat Dunn has built but I’m excited to read whatever she has in store for us next.

The Battalion of the Dead comes back in this third and last book and you're not ready.
Filled with twists and turns, Glorious Poison had me glued to the page from beginning to end. I was truly captivated. I loved seeing the relationships evolved and I was really taken by surprised by a lot of the twists. I just love this little group of characters so much, flaws and all. Actually, I think Al became my true favorite with this book.
And, yeah, everytime I thought something was going to happen, something else did. I was unwell in the best way, until pretty much the last sentence.
I also love the atmosphere of the series so much, and actually learnt some things about this period that I did not know. It's just so interesting to see Paris through that lens...
So basically, great group of characters, great setting, great plot. Why are you still reading this review instead of reading this series?
Oh and I cannot wait to see what Kat Dunn comes up with next!
Now go!

**I was provided with an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
Just as fast paced and with the stakes just as high as its predecessors, Glorious Poison follows the Battalion Des Mortes on one final rescue and final faceoff with the Duc de L'Aubespine.
I wasn’t able to do a reread of the rest of the trilogy before picking this last instalment up however, the little “story so far” section at the beginning had me covered. Also Dunn’s writing effortlessly draws you back into the world and the character’s lives, and again beautifully balances all the twists in the narrative with more touching character focused scenes.
I will say that this final book felt like the weakest of the 3 as at times the story was dragging however, it all led up to an electrifying and emotional end.
Each of the characters individual arcs was wonderfully concluded, though it was Al’s development that stood out to me the most. I’m going to miss his one liners which always had me smiling as well as the rest of these kids and their banter, their camaraderie and their chaos.
If you enjoy alternate history with a dash of sci-fi fantasy, wholesome found family, lots of great queer rep and you haven’t yet read this series, it is there for you to binge it all now!
Final Rating – 3.75/5 Stars

Glorious Poison is the third and final book in Kat Dunn’s brilliant Battalion of the Dead series. Picking up after the events of Monstrous Design, we follows Camille and her battalion as they attempt to rescue Olympe from the hands of the Duc and stop him from destroying the revolution.
For the last two years the installments of this series have been among my favourite books of the year, so Glorious Poison was one of my most anticipated releases of 2022. I absolutely did not want this series to end and ended up rereading books one and two over a weekend in preparation. Dunn has done an incredible job of bringing all the characters and story arcs together. The ending was everything I was hoping for and while I’m sad it’s over, I cannot wait to see what Kat Dunn writes next.
I won’t say much about the plot because it is the third book in the series, but safe to say there is plenty of action and moments that will have you on the edge of your seat. I love seeing the tricky situations the battalion finds themselves in and the clever ways they get out. I love the historical setting in this series and Dunn’s vivid and beautiful writing really brights the sights and sounds of 18th Century France to life.
While I absolutely love all the action and heists in this series, what has captivated me most throughout the three books are the brilliant characters. They have all gone on such a journey over the three books and I am so sad to say goodbye to them. Dunn brings the story to a satisfying conclusion and I think the battalion will forever be some of my favourite characters of all time. I am not particularly a romance person but I love the relationship between Ada and Camille. They’re both such fascinating characters dealing with secrets from their past and I really enjoyed the way Dunn developed their relationship over the course of the series.
Glorious Poison is a magnificent conclusion to an epic YA fantasy series. If you’re caught up with the series you absolutely need to pick up Glorious Poison. If you haven’t yet had the chance to pick up Dangerous Remedy, now is the perfect time to binge the entire trilogy.

Reading Glorious Poison was like returning to old friends. I had settled back into the story in no time and, as with the previous two books, I found I finished the book really quickly as I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next.
I was shocked, relieved and shocked some more. Kat Dunn really kept all her surprises well hidden until they needed to be revealed. Glorious Poison was an emotional rollercoaster but one I would read all over again.

You know when you pick up a final book in a series and you just KNOW that the author is going to take your heart, rip it from your chest, kick it about a bit then put it back as if nothing has happened. Am I being dramatic? Maybe, but am I telling the truth with Glorious Poison? I think I am justified to make this statement. Kat Dunn honestly did this to me, I was not expecting what happened several times in this book, and we have spoken - again yes you read that right I commented on one of her TikToks and voiced my Emotional Damage at certain sections, politely of course.
So Glorious Poison picks up where we left it in book two emotionally damaged, not knowing what was going on, hating several characters for their choices and wanting everyone to be happy and healthy and reunited with Olympe and Guil or should I say saving them. The Battalion of the Dead has a lot to do to save two of their friends, try and beat the Duc on his nefarious plans and come to terms with one of their own turning against them oh wait I forgot and for Camille poor Camille who is trying so hard to strive forward but is becoming increasingly ill.
I honestly wanted to gather all of these characters together and then individually wrap them in cotton wool. To protect them at all costs from something happening to them. Can't say that this actually happens as if you look at the first paragraph Kat Dunn has done something that made me cry and shout holy crap no when I read it. I love that there is so much representation within this book, we had biracial lesbian main character, Black main character a Bisexual main character and a Gay main character.
The previous two books focus more on Camile and Ada but this book diversifies more and we get to see more of Al (favourite character) Guil and Olympe and Ada. We also got to see more of James who become more of a main character in book two. But we shall not speak of James, you need to read the book. Al I felt had the biggest growth in this story, he got to know himself more and he honestly found himself and my little heart was so happy for him. Not going to say it was easy along the way but he made it.
Does this book have some heartbreak, yes yes it did. Was there tension in this book? Yes there is, and boy was it tense at times my heart honestly was pumping through. This book I honestly did not want to end, I'm sad that it did but also happy with the ending. Ok I am lying I am not happy with the ending as something happens right at the ending that I am NOT HAPPY WITH.
This book honestly needs to be on everyone's shelves and read. it, this is a brilliant YA fantasy with great representation. It has hit all the right spots for the fantasy read with magic, tension, the evil villain, arc redemptions and maybe a few kisses here and there. I highly recommend this series.

Glorious Poison is the conclusion to the Battalion of the Dead trilogy, and oh my, does it go out with a bang. This book did NOT lower the stakes - putting pretty much everyone on the line, including me (I think my heart stopped at a couple of points).
I think this was a very successful novel and conclusion to the trilogy as a whole. It managed to wrap up the story in a well paced and well written manner, bringing the trilogy to a solid close. I do think some moments felt a bit out of place, such as a romance between two characters that felt like it came out of the left field and then ended before it even began. It felt random, and I understand it added more tragedy/sadness/grief to the story, but also it did feel oddly placed. I think if the relationship didn't end so suddenly I would have felt better with it, as it would've ended more openly, but no . . . it just didn't seem to fit right in the story with how it was done.
Overall though, I really liked this book and the trilogy as a whole. I loved the character development, in particular with Al.
I would recommend this trilogy if you're in for some historical fiction with a touch of sci-fi, a story of found families (that's not without some trouble), and a tense, stressful plot that puts those relationships (familial and romantic) to the test.
Thank you to Head of Zeus/Zephyr for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.