Member Reviews

I forgot to leave a review for this when I first read it. What a delightful queer fantasy. I can't wait for more from this author.

While I did kind of enjoy reading A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, my biggest struggle with this book was how in the near 600-pages it had, its own biggest struggle was trying to decide what kind of book it wants to be. It tackled SA (cw: the scene is very graphic and affects the MC intensely throughout the book) and its aftermath well, the dark swirling emotions eating at Velasin at what had been done to him, the mental space it puts him in and how he heals from that, though not without scars. However, it felt like there were too many things happening at the same time, like Meadows tried to cram as many events, mysteries, and politics into the book as much as they could. That being said, A Strange and Stubborn Endurance is very much a fantasy in a sense that it focuses more on the politics and norms of different kingdoms than the typical heavy world-building with mythical creatures or species you might expect.
I did appreciate how Velasin and Cae's story grew from reluctant participants in an arranged marriage to sleuthing partners to soft, budding lovers, the subtle yet nuanced development of their relationship was the true highlight of the book. And going back to Meadows trying to do too much... I must say that the way the murder mystery was solved in this book was so underwhelming it honestly affected my reading experience. It felt like they remembered they had other loose ends to wrap but it was too late into the book to try and create an elaborate explanation and instead copped out at the very last minute. There was an imbalance in the focus on the book and I wish there was more attention in what should have been kept and what should have been edited out.

This book doesn't know what it wants to be. Or, to better phrase it: it wants to be two things, each on the opposite end of a spectrum.

This book would not let open the file so unfortunately I could not read the book :( I am looking forward to still reading it as it is on my TRB and have heard amazing things about it!

OBSESSED. TRULY SO GOOD. I loved this so much I ended up reading everything from this author’s backlog. I’ve suggested this book so many times it’s basically impossible so count.

I LOVED THIS BOOK! This romance is perfection! Vel and Cae have the most beautiful relationship. Cae is so patient and understanding. I love him so much. I have a full review on youtube.

I did not enjoy this book, nor did I finish it. The scenes of graphic assault were really too much, especially placed at the beginning of the book. It was awful.

This queer political fantasy mystery is right up my alley. The cultures of the two main nations we see are so different, their exploration is done carefully and honestly through Velasin’s POV as he grows more comfortable in his new home. His fear, grief, and hope ring true and beautiful, and his partnership with Cae and the friends he finds in his new home make this book one I’ll re read and treasure for years.

Excuse me, but can I just sit here and swoon for a moment?
Okay, maybe more than a moment, because I adored this book. It was absolutely fabulous.
Was it predictable? Yes. Was the worldbuilding robust or the magic system fascinating? Not really. But is this girl an absolute sucker for romantasy centered on political intrigues and secrets? Heck yes. Do I have a thing for competency in my main characters? Heck to the yes!
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance is definitely a character-driven romantasy, with a decent plot riding behind all of that lovely character development. Usually this would upset me, especially when a book is as long as this one is. I found, though, that I enjoyed every single page of this book and soaked it up like the first sunniest days after winter because of all the LGBTQ+ issues and the way Velasin (one of our MMCs) not only dealt with his own personal demons but also learned all about his new home and how he might fit in there.
Watching he and Caethari (our other MMC) first form a friendship out of something desperate and ineffable and letting it patiently evolve as the pair negotiate adventures (and misadventures), intrigues, sweet moments and sour, horrors, times of great pain, and so much more throughout the book is not only interesting but it’s moving. Their courtship is mostly one-sided, but it’s not an unwelcome one. They’re drawn together by circumstance but also by sheer chemistry.
It’s a romantic book first and a fantasy book second, but put it together and it’s just completely magical without even trying too hard. Foz Meadows wrote a fantastic story about love, family, and the dangers of reaching too far and too high.
I was provided a copy of this title by NetGalley and the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. This review was written without compensation.
File Under: 5 Star Review/Book Series/Fantasy/Romantasy/Fantasy Series/LGBTQ Fantasy/LGBTQ Romance/OwnVoices

This was a fun book that I sadly didn't finish. I know that is a hundred percent on me due to situations going on in my life. I would love to return because I really did have a fun time.

I really liked this one! I not only liked Vel and Cae - though life really doesn't seem to - but many of the side characters as well! It would be great to see Liran get his own book.
Be warned there are some truly stark moments and if you are triggered by sexual violence I can see the point of readers who felt the warnings should have been a bit stronger. Nice start to the series with good worldbuilding.

A Strange and Stubborn Endurance is a wonderfully written novel. The romance is wonderfully drawn out in the novel (if not really in the days the novel takes place in). The author describes and peoples her world with a breadth depth and diversity that is refreshing and encouraging. The rules of magic are carefully laid out, but with in those rules some really great things happen in the story. The two main characters come together through an arranged marriage. One is coming from a recent act of violence and is afraid to live but more afraid to die, unsure of culture norms in his new country and trying to find his place with his husband. The other is kind and giving, but unsure, a soldier meant for action stuck in the middle of politicking that he has no taste for. It is this political machine that is moving them both to one another as they find themselves attacked by an unknown.
This is a beautifully peopled LGBT+ fantasy romance that is well worth the read.

"Stolen me? As soon to say a caged bird can be stolen by the sky.” So conceptually I expected to really love this book, but honestly I had sort of a love hate relationship with it. There are content warnings so this is really on me, but the SA being so early on in the book really caught be by surprise and sort of made it hard to adjust to the story and the world. With that being said I did love the political and m/m elements to this story. I just think that overall I had a little bit of pacing issues where some parts felt too fast while others felt way too slow. I think overall this was definitely a case of it had all the elements of a story I would typically like, but I just dont think I was the right reader for this story.

I really struggled with the pacing in this one. An interesting story and very pretty writing but unfortunately it was too slow to grab my interest.

Such a good book. This is perfect for your to-read list and is perfect for any type of year. I highly recommend this to all book lovers as it will be perfect for your personal libraries. The ideal blend of politics, fantasy, and romance that will offer something for everyone to enjoy.

I absolutely adored this book. There is a pretty graphic scene at the beginning but the story as a whole was rather cathartic for me, as someone with similar trauma to that portrayed in this book. This definitely makes me want to read more from this author. I've fallen in love with the characters of this book especially with how kind and sweet Caethari is. This story really is about healing and it's great for those of us who've been through it and just want someone to love us and stand by us no matter what has happened to us.
The only thing that kept this book from being 5 stars was that I felt like it lacked a lot of depth. While it was a great surface level book, if you're looking for anything deeper this isn't it.

I. was. hoping for a little more fantasy and to me it got politically intense in the latter half. I don't mind the romance aspect being more heavy I just wish it was more towards the middle and end especially since we're getting a second book.

Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me an ARC!
I was very interested and intrigued with the first parts of this book but when I reached almost halfway, I find myself not enjoying it as much because it felt so slow and nothing really is happening. Maybe I just need to focus on it more. Otherwise, I would still highly recommend to others who love fantasy and queer arranged marriage!

I have been a big fan of Foz Meadows for quite some time now, and this book did not disappoint. Usually, books with politics go over my head but I understood what was going on due to the incredible writing and the exploration of gender is always nice to see!

I really wanted to love this book. Fantastical setting! Royal politics! Queer romance! But I couldn't get past the writing, it reminded me of fan-fiction. The story is there, but I felt like it needed another pass with editing. That said, I would still recommend this to people looking for a Fantasy with LGBTQ+ main characters, just wasn't a hit with me!