Member Reviews

I’m going to assume that nobody reading this review needs an explanation of who Randy Rainbow is. During the dark days of the last few years, he’s always cheered me up with his topical satirical videos. I’ve always been impressed by his video production values, his singing voice, and his clever lyrics. I wanted to know how the Randy Rainbow character came to be.

The first surprise came right at the beginning. <spoiler>Who would ever have guessed that Randy Rainbow is the actual name on his birth certificate? (Well, actually, Randy Stewart Rainbow, but still.) And it’s not some hippie-parent thing, either. Turns out his German ancestors were named Regenbogen, which literally means rainbow in English, and they had it changed when they emigrated to England.</spoiler>

I’m old, so I really wasn’t aware of Randy Rainbow until 2016. Somehow I missed his early videos, especially his amazing idea to take those horrific audio recordings of Mel Gibson’s abusive rants back in the 2010s and turn them into one side of a phone conversation with Randy as his sweet, clueless, indulgent boyfriend. I’ve been spending a lot of time checking out Randy’s pre-2016 <i>oeuvre</i>, which is not just a lot of fun, but a great way to see the evolution of his style.

I loved reading about Randy’s childhood as the boy prince son of Gwen, and his Nanny’s adored grandson. Unfortunately, his father was a narcissist who couldn’t deal with the idea of Randy growing up and becoming his own person.

There are three key elements to this book: Randy’s love for his mother and grandmother, his lifelong love affair with musical theater, and his view of what he is trying to do with his social media persona. While the first two elements are the most fun—his mother and grandmother are a hilarious themselves, and he tells some great anecdotes about meeting and sometimes working with his theater idols—his views on social media are thoughtful and interesting.

Generally, I think of social media as the scourge of our day, but obviously that’s not universally the case. Randy notes that he himself was never a big fan of musical parodies, but he realized that musical parody puts everybody who recognizes the music in the same starting place and can be unifying at a time when we are so divided. He says that many times he has been surprised to discover he has right-wing fans.

Randy doesn’t shy away from talking about old tweets of his that have been used to accuse him of racism, sexism, homophobia and—seriously—anti-semitism. He has an interesting take on all that, which I’ll leave up to you to read for yourself.

So who would enjoy this book? Obviously, fans of Randy Rainbow. Also, musical theater geeks, people who like memoirs of unusual personalities, and anyone who is interested in the role of social media in society.

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Thank you so much to St Martin Press and Randy Rainbow for approving me to dive into this FAB book before it comes out in April 2022! I have been a fan of Randy Rainbow for a long time! He's what got me through the pandemic...he's comedy fulfills all the boxes for me. I was blessed to see his live show too and what a performer! I appreciated the deeper side of him as I read through this book - you really get to know the man at the end of the Rainbow. Absolutely a must read

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Ok, I was predisposed to like this, having been an RR fan even before he broke out in 2016 with his anti-45 song parodies. But I was pleasantly surprised (and suitably enthralled) by his telling of his own story - which, sure, follows a lot of the well-worn tropes of celebrity tell-alls, but is also rather erudite and weel-written. While NOT as LOL funny as one might expect, it is a fun and fast paced read (read the entire thing in less than 24 hours, so that says something). And it tugs at the heartstring a couple of times, most notably in relating the details of his cat, Mushi's, demise during the pandemic. If one wishes it were a mite deeper and more gossipy (he's oddly circumspect about his romantic life, for example), I can't imagine any fan coming away disappointed. I have newfound respect for just what an awesome job he did saving mine - and many others' - sanity during the Dark Ages from 2016 - 2020.

My sincere appreciation to the author, Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for this honest and enthusiastic review.

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Hold your hats and hallelujah! Ya either got it or ya ain’t, and Randy Rainbow’s memoir - like his musical parodies that have served as a comedic respite for so many of us over the past few years - is a veritable heaping spoonful of sugar. Rainbow is chatty, dishy, and witty. Mind you, not everything comes up roses in this tale. Despite much love and support from his mama and his beloved, sublimely colorful grandmama, “Nanny,” Randy’s childhood environ was no Camelot, and he shares many a memory of being appallingly bullied and belittled. But just you wait. Feeling there’s no business like show business, he mustered the vim and verve to move to N.Y.C. and day by day dreamed of having parts to perform. For years, that seemed the impossible dream as he gave his regards to Broadway while hosting at Hooters and otherwise barely scraping by. But eventually we see his ascendancy, and Randy takes the reader along on that journey to finding his corner of the sky - while giving the impression throughout of being refreshingly authentic, contemplative and self-aware. Indeed the book could have been titled a gleeful, “This Is Me.” Or maybe, “Put on a Happy Face,” as the fabulous Randy Rainbow is on a mission to spread a little sunshine and make us all smile even when our hearts are breaking. In any event, whether he is measuring the seasons of love, babbling about hobnobbing with one of his many idols, remarking on the heartstring tugging parallels between his father and “Donald Jessica Trump,” or extolling the virtues of his trademark pink eyeglasses, this book has something for everyone. And somehow even through the bits that may leave you misty-eyed or enraged, it’s a jolly holiday with Randy! ‘S wonderful! Four stars. Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing a complimentary ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you! This was an enjoyable look in to a unique character who has brought joy and laughter to so many.

Unlike his public persona, the real Randy Rainbow has created a work that will not only have you laughing til your sides ache, but will also unexpectedly grab your heart in a roller coaster of emotion, and soft relentless tears.

This book is not just a recounting of one man’s meteoric rise to well deserved stardom, but an intimate look at the perseverance of someone who reminds us all to, “cut the shit, find your truth, and put it all out there on display” Amen.

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Playing with Myself is an entertaining and full-throttle memoir/autobiography by Randy Rainbow (that's his actual real name, I never knew). Due out 19th April 2022 from Macmillan on their St. Martin's Press imprint, it's 256 pages and will be available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

I can't remember which particular video was the first I saw, possibly Braggadocious in late 2016, but soon I was a firm fan and looked forward to the regular comedic distraction from the real-time horror-show train wreck that was the American healthcare and political arena of those days and years to follow. I live and work outside of the USA so it was difficult for me to see from afar (especially since I had family still living in the US at the time).

This is a slightly more contemplative Randy Rainbow, in a longer format and with more background information. He discusses his early childhood, his school time and trauma and bullying as well as his supportive social circle peers. He's as flamboyant as ever, but also gives some insight into his performance persona. I enjoyed reading about his time as a Hooters host (on Broadway, naturally).

Although it's very funny, and *he* is very funny and very much on throughout the book, there's a lot of openness and vulnerability, especially with regard to his relationship with his father and wider family, as well as some early adult trauma/abuse. I really think that this book could be of real value to other young people finding their way in their late adolescence / early adulthood to know they're not alone in their isolation.

Four and a half stars. Definitely one for fans of Randy Rainbow as well as fans of musical theater, broadway, and memoirs/autobiography. This would also be a good choice for public library acquisition.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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I love Randy’s videos so I was very excited to get approved for this. Was a very enjoyable and quick read.

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I'm sure by now everyone knows who Randy Rainbow is from Facebook or Twitter. I first saw one of his parody videos during the 2016 election, before the world turned dark.

He was funny, his voice absolutely divine, and his jokes and songs were on point.
He became at one point, after the election results mainly, the only time I could stand to see or hear what was going on in my country.

The laughter he brought with those videos, lifesavers I assure you, is also brought to this autobiography. Rainbow tells it all, maybe more than we want to know, but you can't say he didn't address everything. Even the so-called scandal that almost got him canceled.

It should come as no surprise that the book is filled with Broadway musical quotes and stars. But also a story of a dream that shouldn't have stood a chance actually coming true.

I found it to be an easy and fast read, actually read it in one sitting. Parts were touching and one actually moved me to tears. (No one said I would cry, Randy!)

I hope this becomes an audiobook, and Randy Rainbow is the narrator. As I read this I heard it in his voice, because no one else could tell his story like he can.

Get yourself a copy as soon as it's released. April 19, 2022, is the projected release date, so save those pennies now.

Thanks to @Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and Randy Rainbow for the opportunity to read this eArc in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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I absolutely love Randy Rainbow. Though we are the same age, I actually heard about him through my mom and he seems (through Facebook shares and from attending his live show) more popular with the older crowd. Either way, he cracks me up.

I was excited to hear this book was happening, and even more excited to receive it as an ARC.

It is interesting to hear about Randy's past, especially his childhood and how he got started. I kept stopping the book to look up old videos to watch, which really enhanced the experience.

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Playing with Myself by Randy Rainbow is essential reading for anyone who has ever enjoyed one of the talented entertainer's brilliant viral show tune-styled parodies. This honest memoir is an all access pass to what goes on behind the green screen, and what is revealed will both surprise and delight you. Like Randy himself, it is unfiltered, emotional, hilarious, and only somewhat braggadocious. Recommended. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC.

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Oh my gosh I love this book! I was laughing so hard at times that my mom and boyfriend definitely wondered what kind of book I was reading! It's a quick and easy read, but fun and so enjoyable.

As soon as I came across this book, I knew I had to check it out. Randy Rainbow's parodies were such bright spots in the bleakest months of the pandemic for me and for so many others - I had a feeling his book would be just as much of a bright spot and I was definitely not disappointed!

Randy's no-holds-barred approach to himself and his life is truly refreshing and so, so funny. He's able to look back at what made him him in a way that is candid and both self-deprecating and self-accepting. If you're familiar with his parodies, it reads exactly like you'd expect a book from Randy Rainbow to read. Although he hits on some touching and painful moments throughout his life, he does it with the kind of finesse that his fans would expect.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced digital review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Okay, first…I knew I would love this book. And I did. Second, if there is a king of self-deprecating humor, it may be Randy Rainbow. And third, I cried over Mushi. As someone who has had animals her entire life and who has lost cats (and a dog) to kidney failure, I had to put the book down for a minute to mourn his loss alongside the memory of my animals past. Even worse? It was in 2020. Yeah. This man lives in NYC. You get where I’m heading with this? Uh. Huh. So, Randy, not that you’ll ever see my review, but I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you felt and I’m glad you had such a lovely long time with Mushi.

Okay, moving on. Randy pulls no punches. He’s open and honest about his life, his follies, his father, and by extension some “possible” daddy issues, and he kept me wanting more. I laughed. I cried (literally). I laughed some more. I enjoyed every minute of this book and can’t recommend it strongly enough. If you’re feeling out of sorts or lonely, Randy’s got you. He knows so many of the feelings you have. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, he’s still got you. If you want to reminisce about musicals and musical masterpieces, you guessed it. He’s got you. This book may be exactly what we need right now, since as I write this, the world seems to be going a bit mad. So why not escape for a little bit with the humor and love that Randy Rainbow clearly has for life and those graced with knowing him?

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

I have enjoyed watching Randy Rainbow's videos over the last several years. He is very creative and talented. He packs a real punch with his humor.

This autobiography gives the reader insight into his family background, childhood, and eventual success. With unflinching honesty and humor, Randy describes his difficulties growing up being bullied in school and his problems with his brutish father. Fortunately, he had a loving grandmother and mother who supported him throughout.

If you have enjoyed his parodies, you have to read about his real life!

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This is just what you want in a celebrity memoir. Sometimes you read a celeb memoir and you already know all the stories it contains. But Randy Rainbow is still a rising star - not so much has already been written about him that you feel like you already know his story. Instead, you get to know the person behind the persona and learn about how he came to become the pink glasses wearing entertainer he is today. I came with a new appreciation of the many years of work it took this seeming "overnight sensation" to discover his niche. I also enjoy the wonder and surprise he clearly still feels at this point in his career when he gets to meet and work alongside his own heroes. Yes, maybe some of his Broadway reference jokes were a bit obvious and a bit repetitive, but I'll forgive it because there were also points in the book where I smiled and laughed out loud.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

3.5 stars - I got a big kick out of this memoir. I love Randy Rainbow and it was fun to learn his story. This was a quick, easy read. Lots of name dropping, a little about his process (I would have liked more on that!), and definitely some giggles along the way. I'm not sure if he reads the audible version, but if he does I'm sure that would be a hoot. Nothing too serious or depressing but he does touch on his twitter "scandal" and how that impacted him.

I didn't give this more stars because sometimes the one liners got a little tiresome, and I'm not sure he is everyone's cup of tea. If you are a fan of his though I definitely recommend this.

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Randy Rainbow’s memoir is not only hilarious, it is extremely heartfelt and ultimately very moving. I normally hate reading about anyone’s early childhood but Randy’s honesty about being different and being bullied for being different was touching and relatable. I can’t wait for this book to come out so I can give it to everyone. Bravo & brava, Mr. Rainbow.

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If you love Randy Rainbow on social media, you will love his memoir, because he is just as open, candid, outrageous and entertaining as his videos and tweets and Instagram shots. Plus you get the back story on his growing up years, his struggles, his musical crushes and his current career. And unlike social media, it is an in-depth look — no 5 minute video or 280 character tweet but 24 actual chapters! If I sound breathless it is because that is what happens when I get caught up in Randy’s story. The only question he didn’t address is how does he sing like an angel without formal instruction. Randy, if you’re reading this, your fans want to know.

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Which one of these is Randy Rainbow? The overweight, introverted child wearing a cartoon t-shirt? The boy being bullied in the school yard? The child hiding in his room to avoid his father's anger? The star of many a school musical? The boy who spent most date nights with his grandmother? The boy who would eventually count the legendary Stephen Sondheim as a friend? The one who cried when his cat had to be put to sleep? The multi-talented star of many a viral video?

If you said all of the above, you are right. Randy Rainbow is all of these and more. I came to this book as a fan of his viral videos expecting a light but intriguing look at his rise to video stardom but came away with far more respect for him than I could have imagined. His story manages to be both humorous and sadly enlightening for those of us who never had to walk in his shoes or, this being Randy, ruby slippers.

Randy Rainbow is his real name, btw. If you are at all familiar with his work you are likely familiar with the persona that he portrays in his videos, the heightened, campy persona that frequently breaks out in song. He writes like I'd imagine he'd talk. I found myself almost waiting him to break out in song somehow, never mind I was reading a print copy of "Playing With Myself". I found myself not only liking him but adoring his mother and grandmother. Apparently I share that with Carol Burnett, yes, that Carol Burnett.

Bottom line, I came to learn more about how Randy Rainbow makes his videos. I came away not only with a good idea of how that happens but a genuine respect and liking for the man behind the pink eyeglasses.

Thank you #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress for this delightful introduction to such a wonderfully talented man.

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Randy Rainbow has written a funny, charming, and unpretentiously direct memoir in "Playing with Myself." It's always fascinating to learn from someone who's achieved success by being themselves and embracing what they find interesting and entertaining. It's also nice to encounter memoirs where the "my childhood" sections are a joy and never drag. This is a read where you want to sit by the computer to look up Rainbow's videos as he discusses them, as well (will there be direct links in the digital editions?)

Sure, you will trip over some dropped name because he's been in the right place at the right time more than once, but Rainbow's so inviting he connects with the rarified AND the rest of us. Mostly, though, I appreciate the calculation behind the title - the book is sure to have many fans, doing the legwork by telling all their friends some variation on "I just finished Playing With Myself' and it was wonderful!"

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for this ARC of “Playing with Myself” for an honest review.

How could I possibly pass this book up? I adore Randy Rainbow's over the top Braodway Qween persona, and his exceptional talent producing topical song parodies helped a lot of us through some dark times. In this book he delivered the tale of his life up to this point with a constant infusion of Rainbow-esque humor and lightheartedness. Is this literary genius? No. Is this a super fun look past the persona for an adoring fan? Absolutely! My only suggestion, seeing as how Randy made a name for himself working in a highly visual medium, is that this book include PICTURES! I'd love to see little Randy playing dress-up, Randy and his mother hanging out with famous people, Mushi the cat, etc.

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