Member Reviews

Loved reading the mesmerizing and spellbinding paranormal story. When Darby wakes up an upyr, she feels like a monster drinking blood to survive. Darby needs to get back to her life and work to support her niece and mother, but Bennett, a hunter, has her life in his hands. As Bennett struggles with his attraction for Darby, he's finding it harder and harder to do what he was trained to do. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and riveting must read. Can't wait to read the next story in the series!
just reviewed What Happens in Dallas by Juliet Holmes. #WhatHappensinDallas #NetGalley
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What Happens in Dallas was surprisingly good. It has a few issues that I struggled with but overall, I did like it. Author Juliet Holmes has managed to create a vampire, excuse me – upyr, formula that is a bit different that what most other PNR authors have done. I had some issues with the story, sometimes I got lost in who is who. By the end of the book, I had them sorted out. I think. There were several interesting twists and just enough of a continuing story that I do see myself wanting to stick around for the next book. This may not be for everyone, however, I liked it.

Stars: 3
I received this book from Netgalley. I was not compensated for the book other than the entertainment it provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Too much jumping around and being told what happened instead of being shown. The world building was done in a way that made me feel like I was visiting book 4 in a series that had already explained it's entire background/mythology.

My interest was solely on the family dynamics at play and even they could have been fleshed out more. I think the author needed more pages to fully expand on the world properly.

I received a free copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was just okay. The storyline was confusing as it was laid out - with fantasy storylines, the plotline needs to be clear especially when you have mythical aspects to the characters. I had a hard time following exactly what the history was and what was going on. The main character was confused too, so maybe the reader was meant to be on that journey with her, but I found it hard to follow. The plotline felt forced and scattered at times. I still enjoyed it, but it took some work to get into and I usually like to get lost in my books, not work through them!

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2.5 stars, rounded down to 2. I love a paranormal romance, and I liked the premise here based on the description. This book could benefit largely with some world building though. I found myself confused from scene to scene and character to character, as though I’m missing parts of the story that I should already know.

I liked Bennet and Darby, we don’t get as much interaction between them as I’d like, but I felt their confusion and earnestness about falling for one another.

I wish that I had been more invested in the outcome at the end, enough to feel like I’m rooting for one of the factions, but honestly I was still confused about everyone’s loyalties and who I should be rooting for.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I found this book confusing, as though there was a previous book i was not aware of. The story seemed to hinge on a previous one for characters, background and general scene setting I did read all of it. It was not .long, but by the end i was just as confused as to who the characters were, and their relationship to each other, let alone the society and culture in which the story was set

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Interesting premise, wish there as actually more of the book or that it was separated onto two parts because the relationship between the two main characters seemed a tad bit rushed.

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What happens in dallas by Juliet Holmes.
Texas Oathkeepers Book 1.
His family ruined my life. Twice.
As a kid I had it all: three-car garage, heated pool, and a show pony to ride around on weekends. But the Colesons run Dallas, and they ran us straight into the trailers. It took me years and several missed meals in order to pull my family into a middle-class lifestyle.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Read In one sitting. I loved the story and characters. 5*.

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*ARC exchanged for an honest review

I thought this book was a pretty good book. I loved the concept based off of the blurb, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed the story after I finished reading it. I loved the main character, the flow and style of the book, as well as the ending. I am curious to see what happens in future books as the ending did leave me with questions and wanting more (I do not think it was a cliffhanger, but some may interpret it that way). I don't think anyone would be severely disappointed after selecting this book as their next read.

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What Happens in Dallas (Texas Oathkeepers Book 1) by Juliet Holmes
Publisher: BooksGoSocial
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Published January 10, 2022

What Happens in Dallas is the first book in the Texas Oathkeepers series by Juliet Holmes. This book brings a new take on the vampire mythology and I loved it!

This book is fast paced and a quick read! I was drawn in from the start and did not want to put it down! I found the characters to be fascinating and intriguing. The story was great, filled with suspense and drama! This book also made me smile, as there were some funny and heartwarming moments throughout. This book had a lot of depth.

I really enjoyed the dynamics of Darby and Bennett's relationship....vampire and hunter, overcoming family issues, incredible chemistry, you know...the good stuff!

If you love a good vampire romance, you should check out this book! I can't wait to see what will happen next in the Texas Oathkeepers series!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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