Member Reviews

A really cute story about a girl Trixie who saved a chicken and has to find a new place to live because her landlord doesn't allow pet. She moves in to a new place and falls for her landlord Bear. Both of them has a lot of issues to work through with their family and themselves. It's a really sweet story. Some of the scenes are really funny and made me laugh a lot. It did take a little while for me to really get into it though. Still a very good story overall.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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This book hd everything I was looking for it was funny, cute with lots of romance.
I will be reading more books by Kelly Ohlert loved it wish I could give the book 10 Stars

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When I started reading it, I thought it's just a romcom book but it was more than that. Both of them had childhood trauma, toxic parents and all of these effected them a lot. They need to surpass this to get in a relationship. Both of them need to show their true self to get out of their trauma. Overall a cute romantic novel with a bit of depth.

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Thank you Netgalley and Alcove Press for an advance copy of To Get to the Other Side by Kelly Ohlert.

This is the debut book by Kelly Ohlert and it was a fun, quick romance novel. I really enjoyed the different character chapters. My favorite romance style is when I get to read both characters points of views and To Get to the Other Side does that.

Trixie and Bear are both enjoyable characters. They have their own personal issues they have to overcome, and both do by the end of the story. However, Trixie takes a long time to grow throughout the book and I thought her indecision and lack of letting her emotions show made her not as a enjoyable as I would have liked. Trixie is quirky with funny phrases while Bear is more reserved. But these opposites have some chemistry. I felt the chemistry more in the beginning of the book and at the end. But the middle was both trying to not to succumb to their feelings.

The supporting characters in this book were very fun. A chicken, Chick Chick helps bring the two together and I found myself rooting for her. Bear’s family although over bearing (pun intended) were distinct in their characters and the book funny.

Overall, To Get to the Other Side was a funny quick book. It was not my favorite book of the year but I would recommend it to a friend that was looking for a quick read. I do think I would like Trixie to be a little more likable. Although she has her distinct personality I felt she needed to show her emotions sooner in the book so you could see the real chemistry between her and Bear.

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I fully expected silly and hokey, but this was not even that. It was painfully slow with terrible character description and development.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A quirky rom-com where a chicken actually DOES try and cross the road? In downtown Chicago no less. If you're looking for a breezy read that will make you laugh but also has some heart - you'll love this one.
It was a quick read for me, and while I wish that the chicken had literally ANY other name, it was a fun addition to this book.
I enjoyed that the author gave some back story to the characters that made sense but also didn't feel like an afterthought. Is it the most realistic book I've ever read? No, but it was a fun read - perfect for when you need something light and fun.

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If I had to sum this book up with a quote from it, I'd choose this one: "Would it be so terrible to be yourself?"

To Get To The Other Side is the story of Bear and Trixie and how a chicken brought them together. On the surface, it is a really fun, light, enjoyable story... but the more you read it the more it becomes clear this is also a heartfelt story about vulnerability and self acceptance. As a matter of fact, at the beginning of the story, both the protagonists live their lives wearing people pleasing masks. However, once they meet, everything changes and they finally become free to show their true colors and just be themselves. What I love the most about this book is the way the author stresses the concept that in order to find someone that will love you unconditionally, you have to accept yourself first. Plus... this is the perfect story for animals lovers. So... I'd definitely reccomend this book!

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2,5* stars

This book follows the story of Trixie, who works in an animal shelter. After encountering a wounded chicken in the middle of a busy street and being helped by a mysterious and gorgeous man, Trixie decides to take care of the chicken. The problem is her landlord doesn't allow pets. And here enters Bear, a man with financial problems and with deep love for his family, Grey's Anatomy and pancakes. His sisters put on an ad for a roommate in order for him to share the lot expenses. Little does he know his new roommate is the sexy woman he met rescuing a chicken.

This story started out strong but soon I found myself getting bored. The characters lacked depth, the writing wasn't able to transmit the emotions of the scenes. It was too mechanical. Despite this, there were various funny scenes and the story is well structured.

I want to thank Netgalley, Alcove Press and the author for providing me with a free eArc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Trixie is a bleeding heart animal lover. Bear is a homebody who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Trixie finds a chicken running through the streets of Chicago, and decides to take her in, but runs into a housing issue because her landlady doesn't allow pets of any kind. Bear's overbearing and meddling sisters secretly take out an ad in the paper saying that he's renting out a room in his house. Trixie answers the ad, which happens to be the home of the hot guy who helped her catch the chicken who's causing her housing crisis.

This book is a delightful, silly, sweet love story. How often does a romance novel center around the health and wellbeing of a chicken, after all? Bear's family is so fun. Seeing Bear and Trixie fall for each other was every bit of the perfect angsty romance that you look for in a fun love story. I really enjoyed this, and could not put it down! I'll be suggesting this one to anyone who asks, for sure! Love it!

I received an Advanced Reader Copy via NetGalley in return for sharing my thoughts on this book. I thank the author and publisher for this opportunity.

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While driving down the street in downtown Chicago, Trixie noticed a chicken trying to cross the street. She rushed out to grab it and put it in her car. She had traffic backed up and several unhappy drivers. A young man came out in the street to help her and try to calm down the drivers. Once Trixie got the chicken into the car she drove to the vets. The chicken was in bad shape but after several tests and medicine, Trixie could take her home. She tried to get it into her apartment, but the landlord refused to allow any pets. She agreed Trixie could have one week. Trixie looked for places but could not afford anything that allowed pets.

Barret or Bear, as his sisters called him, is a shy guy and his sisters put an ad in the paper saying he was looking for a roommate. It was so cleverly written it ended up on social media. The ad mentioned he allowed pets. Bear was not aware of the ad and had several takers. The last one was Trixie and as much as he was intrigued at the thought of living with her, he did not want a roommate. Things needed to be platonic, and he was not sure he could do that. As they got to know and understand each other, their bond becomes strong.

I loved this book! Trixie seems to be a happy go lucky gal, but she has a lot of emotions she is afraid to show to anyone. Bear hates his job and with his mother retiring from her flower shop, he would love to take it over but cannot forget how his father shamed him when he had anything to do with the shop as a young boy. Great romance as they try to look honestly at themselves and how they feel about each other. The sisters are so much fun and always giving the reader a laugh. There is never a dull moment!

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This was a cute and quirky rom-com. Loved that it was something different than your normal meet cute. This book had me laughing out loud at times. I really enjoyed the main characters, especially Bear. Not a five star, but definitely a cute and fun read!
Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for this arc.

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This book had the most bizarre meet-cute scenario I’ve maybe ever read but I must say, it works! I never thought I’d say I fell in love with a chicken but you can’t help but do so reading this book. The exploration of strangers to something more hooked me from the start and I was rooting for the characters from the very start. Highly recommend this one if you’re looking for a sweet, easy read

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Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for the advance copy!

Okay I laughed so hard at this book. I love the fact that Trixie is creating creative profiles for the animals to find their forever homes. It's the best.

I love Bear--not just his name-- but also the character is just so great! This friend to lovers romance is a great, quick read for anyone looking for a rom-com that is full of animals and spicy chemistry! There were a few times that Trixie was a bit unlikable but aren't we all? This is a breezy read and good entertainment!

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Sweet funny lovely book, with quirky fun characters you'd like to know. Enjoyed this book and will definitely be having for sale in the store!

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Trixie Ward LOVES animals – so much so that she works at an animal shelter. She is more concerned about creating profiles to rehome pets, than she is about making a dating profile for herself.

One busy afternoon on the busy streets of Chicago, Trixie sees a chicken cross the road. The animal lover in her cannot just sit back and let this poor chicken be in harms way. As she is busy chasing this chicken to safety she briefly encounters a handsome man who can’t help but stare at this gorgeous girl who is running after poultry.

Trixie knows her landlord will not allow pets – so she is desperate to find a new place to live with her new roommate: Chick-Chick.

She sees an ad for a room for rent that is pet friendly – HECK YEAH! It’s Trixie’s lucky day! She shows up to the house to meet her potential new landlord – and lo and behold it is the handsome bearded man from the other day!

Bear is the true definition of a homebody – he loves to spend his evenings watching Grey’s Anatomy than going out on the town. He loves his space and doesn’t want a roommate despite his sisters’ plea. He could use the extra cash, and he does find Trixie VERY attractive.

Can this roommate situation be strictly platonic or will feathers (other than Chick-Chick’s) be ruffled?

Okay, hear me out: the premise of this book is SO WILD – but this was the cutest, sweetest, slowwwww burn of a rom com!!!!!

Bear is not your typical book boyfriend – he very insecure and doesn’t think he is worthy of much. His relationship with his father has really tainted his perception of what a “man” should be.

Trixie is so quirky – she loves to wear mismatched socks and has such funny reactions to situations – her past also has made her weary of opening up to someone.

This book was about acceptance – and loving someone for who they truly are ❤

Simone Says Read This if you enjoy:

*slooooow burn romances
*strangers to lovers troupes
*ice cream trucks
*mismatched socks

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We all need to help the chickens to get to the other side... This is definitely a feel good book. You know when you read a book and you need a happy ending? Kelly delivers that in a fun, light and at the same time, touching important themes like the scars of our past. She also makes you reflect on: are you the person you want to be or the person the others want you to be?
I had to pace myself to read only a little bit everyday because I could read the book in one sitting.

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This was a sweet, fun and tender story about a shy guy and a wounded woman, brought together by a chicken who crossed the road. My heart melted for Chick-Chick and for the two main characters, who had to overcome some serious obstacles to be able to be their true selves and show their feelings. An impressive debut by Kelly Ohlert!

Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for the advance copy.

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Thank you to the publishers for sending me this ARC through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!

This book is a romance about a woman named Trixie and a man named Bear who attempt to live together as platonic friends. There is undeniable chemistry between the two as they try to live their normal lives under the same roof. I really enjoyed this book! Bear and his family were all splendid characters apart from his biological father. The familial connection was truly apparent and how they accepted Trixie into the family with ease was endearing. The love and care of Bear's family was beautiful, although intrusive at times.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Trixie saved and adopted a pet chicken? The relationships that Bear and Trixie have with the chicken develop and strengthen over time to become unconditional love for the little farm animal which surprisingly did not feel cheesy!

Bear's character was charming. His narration always depicted his adoration for Trixie and made my heart flutter with happiness. Unfortunately, I did not like Trixie's character as much. She set so many reasonably unreasonable barriers throughout the story which frustrated me. It allowed for tension to build, but I felt horrible for Bear who had to endure it. Not to mention, I feel like she acted completely irrationally towards the end. Bottling up emotions for so long caused her to be a ticking time bomb, I get it, but I did not like how she acted. I also did not enjoy how Bear initially responded to her outburst... but that is beside the point. This was a great little love story that made me both laugh and cry, and I recommend it to anyone who loves love, because there was a lot of it!

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Trixie and Bear are two wonderful characters that have cute quarks. I could not help myself from laughing out loud many times in this book! This cute Rom-Com will have you up at night not wanting to go to sleep!

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This was a quick a funny and quick read. I enjoyed it for what it was. I just wanted a quick and fun read . Definitely LOTS of laugh out loud moments.

If you're looking for a lot of depth in the characters, you will be disappointed in this book. The author touches upon some dark and emotional past of the characters, but never really elaborates on them and kind of just ends the book with "the end, they live happily ever after" and you're wondering.. but.. what happened?

Thank you publisher and NetGalley for this Arc.

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