Member Reviews

A perfect guide to start your journey on NetGalley. It's full of tips on how to write a good review and how to maximise your profile to engage with different publishers. There's also a lot of advice on how to grow as a reviewer on different platforms such as booktok, bookstagram or booktube.
It's a perfect toolkit for a beginner.

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Super helpful, full of useful tips to help you get the most out of NetGalley and to provide the best reviews you can! It also includes lots of information about getting started and growing your audience on various social media platforms. Thank you!

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This toolkit was so helpful in helping me understand how Netgalley works, what tools I can use to succeed as a reviewer, and how to market my own reviews. Thank you for such a helpful quick read. I will keep it handy for when I need a quick reference guide for success.

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A brief yet comprehensive overview of working with NetGalley to receive and review advanced Reader copies of books. I found several parts of the guide helpful, but it was almost too broad of an overview for someone with more of a niche audience. I appreciated the basic introduction to NetGalley, however!

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This toolkit was very informative. It provides great suggestions and resources for improving book reviews on a variety of social media platforms. I will definitely be referring to it as I create my book reviews.

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Der Inhalt ist kurz und bündig. Alles wichtige ist dabei und ich konnte wichtige Sachen mitnehmen (wie ich meine Bio noch verbessere zum Beispiel). Ich mag die Übersichtlichkeit, es wirkt ein wenig wie eine Powerpoint Präsentation oder ein Instagram Post, aber das finde ich okay, denn bei beidem wird darauf geachtet, dass das wichtigste da ist und es keine Ausschweifungen gibt.
Das Cover allerdings finde ich nicht so gut, also wüsste ich nicht, dass der Inhalt hilfreich ist, würde ich nicht drauf klicken, denke ich.
Daher 4 von 5 Sternen.

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I found this to be super helpful! I appreciated all the information provided, especially the photo tips, and content planning.

I recommend this to anyone wanting to start a book focused social media.

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This was so helpful! Much more than I expected!

Unless you are super experienced with reviewing books on every platform, even then, I feel this is a really amazing resource for all experience levels.

All social media platforms / reviewing sites / blogs aren’t made the same. Some have different requirements than others. I love how straight to the point the material was and I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all. Every page had helpful information!! I highly recommend everyone to read thru this and look back on it along the reviewer journey.

Really happy I found this!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit by We Are Bookish has proven to be a nifty little guide that has aided me in my process of getting back into the habit of writing book reviews.

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Very informative while still keeping it light. It includes valuable tips for reviewers and how to elevate your NetGalley profile, but it's probably an even more important tool for those thinking of starting a book-related social media account and doesn't know how to start.

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"NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit" by We Are Bookish is useful tool for reviewers. I found this guide really helpful!

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A very helpful guide to NetGalley and how to review books for them. I’m looking forward to expanding my reviews and sharing with my followers.

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I've been hoping to work on my surveys for NetGalley. I have done my profile and think this is really my 200th audit. Astounding! This guide gave me those additional tips I was truly searching for. This was generally useful to me:

1. Concentration and Gain the Perusers Consideration Early. Then, at that point, portray your focuses and wrap up with a rundown.

2. Try not to utilize such a large number of emoticons. This appears glaringly evident, yet I realize I have composed audits that I believed were very shrewd utilizing loads of emoticons to make sense of the book. It isn't useful.

3. Try not to utilize extraordinary textual styles, intense, italic, or underline. This detracts from the distributer perusing the audit. That I didn't understand.

Continue to refresh your profile. This I have been uncertain about how much data to give. The book gave tips about this and, surprisingly, better extra NetGalley joins.

Thus, thank you NetGalley and We are Scholarly for a Duplicate of this Book. I value your recommendation.

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Genre: How-to
Appropriate Age: 12+ (understanding)

I just reviewed NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit by We Are Bookish. #BookAdvocateToolkit #NetGalley

Best suited for fans who are avid book reviewers.

This book is a useful tool on how to use NetGalley and submit reviews; I will refer back to it regularly.

- Needs a definition page for terms specific to NetGalley and reviewing
- Some of the links seem redundant
- Would have liked some formatted examples of reviews or templates (that can be modified to fit personality).

- The links work and lead to more pages of information
- The knowledge that can be gained will grow with the readers needs

Grateful to Bookish for producing this guide.

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Really helpful and informative toolkit 💛 will be utilising some of these tips with my reviews

Definitely give it a download and read, even if its just to get some ideas flowing

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The NetGalley's Advocate Toolkit was extremely helpful. When I first signed up I was, I was very lost on what to do next. I held off on using the website for a few days. When I finally decided to use it, I did try to request a few books, but soon realized that I was doing it all wrong. I was then rejected and directed to try checking out the Advocate Toolkit.

From reading this kit, I was able to view on how to get better chances on getting approved for books. I also was able to look up how to write better reviews.

This toolkit really assisted me on having to set up my Amazon Kindle. I was having issues on how to set up my email and getting it linked with NetGalley. It took me a few tries, but I had it up and running in no time. It really wasn't that difficult to follow. Overall, this kit was simple to read and follow. The illustrations made it simple to read. I liked that there were no pages of text that you had to read through.

At times, having a serious amount of text can get very overwhelming.

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Super helpful to get you started on writing meaningful book reviews, understanding what publishers expectations are, and step-by-step guide to giving feedback.

Really glad I read it before I wrote my first review!

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I downloaded this tonight and read it right away. I love it because it had a lot of helpful information regarding how and where to review honestly and productively! I would recommend this to anyone who loves to review books!

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This had some really good information contained within.

I liked the layout, and how the information was divided into different sections.

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