Member Reviews

A helpful toolkit for anyone looking to get into reviewing and book advocacy, or someone (like me!) who found themselves a little rusty and needing a few extra tips. It includes clear instructions and helpful advice for posting on all kinds of review sites, for all kinds of reviewers, as well as some jargon busters that I found really beneficial. I'm really excited to use this toolkit to help enhance my reviewing skills, and highly recommend for anyone to check this out.

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Great book! This book has so much useful information that I found myself taking notes while reading! This is a book I will definitely be coming back to for more information and even some information! 5/5, incredibly well done and recommend to all book lovers on any social media platform!

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This book was exactly what it needed to be - a toolkit for members of NetGalley! It gave a good intro to a lot of important topics like reviews, social media platforms, etc. This book answered a lot of the questions I had about NetGalley and book reviewing in general. I highly recommend checking it out!

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This book was very helpful. I will be referring to it in the future. I recommend it to anyone who's navigating the Netgalley world. Thank you Netgalley for the copy!

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Some good tips for starting out with NetGalley. The site can be overwhelming at first, so this is much appreciated, thanks!

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This guide is so helpful as a NetGalley newbie, but it goes far beyond just NetGalley. It gives great, practical advice on writing book reviews, finding community on social media, and planning content. I really appreciated the links to further reading that let me deep dive into specific areas (i.e., how to write audiobook reviews). The visual design is appealing and very readable.

I'd still like more guidance on searching through all of the titles available because that's a little overwhelming at first. Some questions I have: Is there an average amount of time before books are archived? Does every audiobook also come in ebook format? Do publishers see if I've never reviewed a book in that genre before (i.e., should I get Read Now copies in a bunch of different categories before requesting)? I'm just curious about some of the more detailed ins and outs. I can definitely do more research to find those answers or learn as I go.

All in all, this gave me so many actionable tips and made me much more excited to use NetGalley. But I think this guide could have been a bit more comprehensive.

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This was incredibly helpful in getting my bearings. I am excited to join the NetGalley service and experience new books! I appreciate the clarity and simplicity a guide like this brings to having a more successful relationship with NetGalley publishers.

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Thanks for the tips - glad to get back into Netgalley to read and review the best New books! 5 stars, helpful, Thank you again!

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Great tips for those just starting out and also some reminders for those that have had an account for a while.
Certainly not a comprehensive guide but a good starting point, I particularly learnt about Canva and have been using that as part of my toolbox since, so thanks!

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This was a really quick read that introduces a new NetGalley member to the NetGalley book review process. I found the info on how to create a profile very educational with some good tips. The section on how to write reviews was informative too.

While I have been writing reviews for years on other sites, the tips for reviews on NetGalley was good to know because the suggestions were a little different than the way I typically write reviews. While I find many of the the book summaries on GoodReads, Amazon and Book Bub a pretty good description of the plot and storylines, I will often not repeat them in my reviews. I actually find it kind of annoying when a member book review regurgitates the book summary.

However, it seems like that is what a lot of publisher arcs, that are sent out to readers, want in their reviews. So, going forward, I will make sure to do that for my NetGalley reviews and just revise my reviews for my other sites.


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Thank you for this super helpful guide to NetGalley. It has been super useful and will get me more on track with my future reviewing. I highly recommend all new NetGalley members read this prior to requesting books.

Thank you NetGalley.

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This guide was very helpful! I definitely should have finished reading before going on my first request spree, but appreciate the tools and tips to help feedback ratios and tips/tricks and focus on creating habits to remain consistent in reviewing and giving feedback! I'm very much enjoying this platform and getting a chance to read advance copies so easily.

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This is such a helpful guide to NetGalley and it contains great tips about writing successful book reviews, as well as how to get started on various popular book review platforms. Thank you, NetGalley!

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This has been so helpful for me in getting started with my book social media! Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this and provided it to the community.

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Very helpful! Downloaded to have tips on writing reviews and it makes me want to do more book social media!

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I found this book to be engaging and effective. It provides all the information a beginner would need to get started on Netgalley and beyond. One thing I really enjoyed about this short guide is that it was both encouraging and realistic. It didn't shy away from the fact that it's being a constant book reviewer isn't as easy as reading a book and typing up some notes. It takes a lot of work, dedication and time. If you're willing to put in the time and the work, this 32 page guide is an excellent starting point, and worth reading cover to cover. I look forward to taking the tools from this kit and putting them to use in the future.

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Need help getting started writing book reviews? NetGalley's "Book Advocate Toolkit" is for you! This accessible guide has tips and tricks, dos and don'ts, and general good advice for expressing your opinions about what you read. The Toolkit is well-designed and does not have to be read sequentially. Middle school and high school students can easily access the information in this booklet.

I will use this Toolkit to help my students find their voice as we begin a project to promote books to our school community.

Thanks #NetGalley for providing this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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So very helpful. I have just started doing reviews for NetGalley. This guide was full of useful advice to help me write my first one. Thank you!

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Great advice for writing high-quality reviews and getting seen online. I'm glad to have read through it and found lots of new information I hadn't previously known about the ins and outs of using NetGalley.

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Loved that advocate toolkit! It gives pointers on how to get started and how to look at what the publishers want to see as they decided if they want you to review the book

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