Member Reviews

Super helpful guide to help us newbie’s navigate NetGalley. Thank you, I wish I had read through it sooner.

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Wow what a helpful toolkit. I wish I had found it years ago when I started using Netgalley,

Its a great guide to help you with the reviews. I enjoyed the way it was set out. It was easy to read and full of great advice. Its as book I will certainly be going back to for tips with my reviews from now on.

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Super helpful toolkit for new users. Thanks so much for providing this title, as there are so many different aspects to using netgalley.

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NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit provides great tips for anyone who is interested in making the most of NetGalley and reviewing books. Even though I frequently write reviews, I found the information very helpful. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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A very nice introduction to reading and reviewing. I will return to this and study over the coming months to see what I can do better. For those that are new at this I recommend that you read this short introduction.

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This was very helpful in understanding how NetGalley works. The information regarding reviews was especially helpful. I expect the need to refer back to it in the future.

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This is a great guide to brush up on your skills but also be exposed to useful tips. The user format is informative and engaging with the graphics and colour used. It's perfectly paced with information broken down into summary, bullet points and visual aids.

It focuses on a wide range of tips from various social media platforms to how to construct your review.

The tone is encouraging, simple language used and great examples provided. I would recommend this to first time reviewers.

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This is a helpful guidebook if you are looking to improve your NetGalley score and in general, improve your book reviewing skills. Thanks to NetGalley for curating this wonderful toolkit!

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We are Bookish's Advocate Toolkit exceeded my expectations by a great margin. Not only does it compile information, tips and tricks on all relevant topics, it also provides links for further knowledge aquisition. Their presentation in lists and nicely designed bullet points makes it a pleasant read. I've been a part of this community for a few years now and I found it refreshing and a valuable collection that anyone can profit from. Thanks We are Bookish, and I'll be sure to check out your other resources provided on the blog.

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This was super helpful for any new Book Advocate using any of the popular social media or internet platforms to post their reviews. The Toolkit is short but packed with great tips to get you started using NetGalley and the basics of writing good reviews. It was concise enough to not be overwhelming for the beginner, but filled with tangible bites of do's and don'ts'. I really appreciated the advice to "stick to what works" and not feel the need to be on every platform. This is something I will save to reference in my future posts and expansion to other platforms.

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Netgalley's book Advocate tool kit that we are bookish publication date of March 8th 2022 period I found this book to be a very helpful and insightful book in regards to writing book reviews. The format was very easy to follow and well written. The bullet system in the book allow the reader to see main important topics that you could easily access and read while then later going back and reading more detailed information great quick and helpful read. A useful book to keep in your writing toolbox.

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Great tool for getting started on NetGalley. Can also be used for a refresher. It never hurts to get a reminder on how things are set up to work. I still check the advice on writing reviews, just for a reminder of what should be included.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing this helpful guide on reviewing books. It is also great that it includes tips on posting reviews on different social media platforms.

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A really helpful wee guide to getting started! There’s general tips and then specific sections for different platforms. I really appreciated having this on hand since I’m just getting started. Thanks Netgalley!

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Handy little guide for getting to grips with the world of book blogging. It doesn’t just touch on NetGalley but all the other available platforms. As well as providing some hints on apps for photographs and further reviewing.
I’m not a complete novice but I did still find some helpful information within it.
A definite read for newbies, I would have loved this as a guide when I first started out!!
Easy to read and understand information, helpful and informative.
10/10 would recommend.

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Great tool for NetGalley users. It’s helpful for when you are having writers block and can’t think of anything useful to write in a review.

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A really great resource! I occasionally struggle with writers block and refreshing the tips in this guide are a real help!

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This was a nice refresher course in reviewing.

I also found some information I did not know. A really great reference tool.

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I found this incredibly helpful for as a guide for figuring out a strategy for reviews! I appreciate being given this resource.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a helpful guide and provides tips for different types of reviewers. It's probably more useful to bloggers than casual readers.

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