Member Reviews

Thank you for these helpful tips! I found it useful and well organized. I’ve been reviewing books for some time, but there were some things I wasn’t aware of!

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Cute little infographic-based book that tells you how to advocate for a book. I loved the airy feel. Despite the well-spaced out look, the book does carry meaty tips on how to go about book-talking.

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I am new to NetGalley and Bookstagram so this was right up my alley. I feel better equipped to write and share reviews, and appreciate all the hints and resources mentioned to help develop a cohesive online presence. I wish I had read this sooner! I'm also a huge fan of the layout vs. plain text. Definitely recommend to anyone else starting on this journey.

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This toolkit is very helpful. I have been on netgalley for 1 year and am still learning. This toolkit will help me up my game. Thank you for this resource!

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I've been reviewing books on NetGalley and Bookstagram for a few years now but still found some helpful tips in this guide! I feel like I'll be able to make the most of my NetGalley profile going forward.

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This guide was extremely helpful in guiding me through being a newcomer to book reviewing. The graphics breaking up the text was really great for a visual learner like myself. I will be flipping back to this often for tips.

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This was such a great read. Very helpful. Some things I knew, but most things I did not know since I’m fairly new to NetGalley and how it all works. This was a great toolkit and would recommend anyone read it to get you started in reviewing books or even to give you reminders of things you already knew from before. I just wish I had seen this sooner on my NetGalley experience. What a great reference for book reviewers. Loved it. Thank you.

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This is a toolkit to help members get started on NetGalley. It's advertised as a tool for new users and for current members, to help them elevate their reviews/profiles; however, it definitely feels geared more towards new users.

The layout is easy to follow. The titles on each page make it easy to scan and the table of contents makes it easy to jump to specific content. Most pages have a link at the bottom to follow for more detailed content online. This is nice as it keeps this toolkit high-level and concise, but still gives you the opportunity to deep dive into areas that you want to learn more about. As a beginner, this is a tool I see coming back to as I begin to review and I appreciate the user friendly format!

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A great simple, easy to follow guide on how to give a great, appropriate book review no matter what your perspective.

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I struggle pretty heavily when it comes to writing concise and detailed reviews on NetGalley, they always seem to be emotionally motivated and missing pieces. I’m so thankful for NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit to help me perform better as a reviewer and write better reviews across many platforms!

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A must-read for anyone who is new to NetGalley or current users who want tips on how to be a successful reviewer. The book covers how to create your profile, and the do's and don'ts to consider when writing your review, and tips for sharing on several social media platforms. I can't wait to jump in and get started!

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Such a helpful guide for new users and members! Thanks for taking the time to put this together for us all!

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I found the information in this toolkit to be very helpful to me as I use NetGalley! I found the tips about the profile to be very helpful and plan to work mine a bit more!

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A very informative and useful quide for memebrs of NetGalley. Makes setting up a profile and understanding the site a breeze.

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There were quite some interesting tips in there! I will definitely try out some of the tipps for Instagram and maybe even booktok! :)

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This is a great toolkit providing all the information one may need to start using NetGalley. It details helpful tips on review-writing, info about different platforms you can share your book reviews on, and other useful advice to make the most of your NetGalley experience. This is all presented in a simple, easy-to-read format full of colourful illustrations, perfect for dipping in and out of as needed.

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I would definitely recommend this book to help readers become adept at spreading their reviews/opinions around the different social media available. The one giant caveat is that the reader needs to have a basic knowledge of navigating the media at their disposal. This is what I lack and wonder if it is an age related issue. I would love to know how others in my age group feel. When it comes to learning new ways of using the computer, I learn best when someone is sitting at my side, listening to my ranting and answering my many questions.

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This is a useful tool for getting started with reading on net galley. I did the rookie mistake of requesting too many books. Now I am more selective and request only my favorites.

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The NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit helps social media influencers and reviewers tips on how to write a review, set up social media accounts, and how to request books. They give do’s and don’ts and checklists in an easy to read format with infographics and checklists. It is a great reference for writing reviews and provides an index so readers can go back to reference in the future. I wish they had a worksheet for reviews that you could print and fill out to make sure all necessary information is included.

Thanks to NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I thank "We Are Bookish" for providing this very useful summary of how to be successful at NetGalley including straight forward tips on reviewing, time management, improving acceptance probability, and helping us become better reviewers and social network members at the same time. I am certain that I will continue to review this document in the future!

Thank you NetGalley and We are Bookish for providing a review copy of this excellent work.

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