Member Reviews

This is an excellent tool for newbies to NetGalley, as well as those who are looking to expand their social media presence. There are precious nuggets of valuable information for everyone contained in this Toolkit. It was laid out in a clear and concise manner and I learned a lot. Thank you, NetGalley!

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A good introduction to Netgalley. I thought the 'book review tips' section could have been more substantial. It could have included ideas a reviewer might want to pull out. For example, the characters, the setting, chapter length, was it a book they didn't want to put down.

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Very helpful tips for someone who is a little new to book reviewing/selling. I will try to implement the social media tips for me and for my bookstore.

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Very useful ideas, and for different social media platforms. The dos and don't were helpful. I think this is a really good idea, and helpful for when you're starting out.

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Thank you NetGalley for this wonderful resource. It’s super helpful in learning how to be a NetGalley or “professional” reviewer and how to make the most of being apart of the book community.

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This is a thorough, yet easy to read, book on how #Netgalley works. You can quickly learn all you need to get started receiving free, advance-copy books and audiobooks in exchange for your honest reviews. Thank you #Netgalley!!

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Super helpful tips given in this ebook on how to write a good review. Really helped improved how I wrote my reviews. Thank you!

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Quick introduction to the world of ARCs and "booktoks". I believe the first half about how to work with NetGalley is more interesting than the second half about making it into the book advocate industry, since this part lacks a bit of depth and instead offers pretty generic advice.

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Thank you NetGalley for this Book Advocate Toolkit! It provides great advice and suggestions for getting started as a "professional reader" on NetGalley and contributing meaningful reviews.

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Thank you for publishing this! It gave good and clear information on how to be a good NetGalley user and also how to structure your reviews.

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Thank you NetGalley for onboarding your reviewers so well! Makes becoming an ARC reader easier and the process of qualifying for new book review opportunities that much better.

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This was super helpful! Thank you to NetGalley for putting a great guide like this together. Even though I've been reviewing for two years, it always helps to do more research.

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This is a definite read for anyone that uses NetGalley to review books, it doesn’t matter if you just joined or if you’ve been using this platform for years, there’s always things you can learn. Definitely give this a read!

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This is a very helpful guide to new and seasoned members of the NetGalley community. Thank you for putting this out there for all of us to use.

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Who would have thought after nearly 5 years of posting reviews on NetGalley that I would learn a few new tips and tricks to improve my reviews? This is a solid guide and is highly recommended for anyone interested in reviewing ARCs of soon-to-be-published books.

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As someone new to NetGalley, I found this toolkit to be helpful and engaging. High level snippets of information or tips are arranged like posit it notes on the page and organized by topic. This style made it easy to read and remember the information.

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This book advocate kit is very useful and full of helpful tips to become a great book reviewer/advocate. Thank you We Are Bookish for putting this together.

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I've been active on NetGalley and Goodreads for awhile, but I'm just getting my "Bookstagram" account up and running, and the advice in this toolkit was timely and very helpful!

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This has been a helpful resource for learning to write book reviews. Thank you to NetGalley for providing it.

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Whether you're new to NetGalley or planning your comeback, the Book Advocate Toolkit is the perfect way to learn more about the book business, and your role in it as a reader and reviewer. The social media landscape, in particular, is mapped out in great detail, with external links to more detailed information from We Are Bookish.

The most useful section for me was the platform overview. Book enthusiasts get lots of advice like, "Start a BookTok!," but very few of those suggestions come coupled with best practices or simplified ways to get started. The Book Advocate Toolkit more than makes up for the gap - in fact, there's so much going on within the pages, it's downright indispensable if you want to be any sort of player at all in the book review game. Even sections I thought I knew pretty well (looking at you, book reviews!) contained thoughtful tips on how to take my writing to the next level.

Now that I've read the material, I'm rereading and taking notes. Thanks to We Are Bookish, I feel equipped with the tools I need to redeem my Feedback Ratio, tailor my social media presence to what will work best for me and my style, and relaunch my book review platforms this fall.

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