Member Reviews

Really insightful and great for those new to netgalley. Loads of tips and ideas on how to write and share reviews.

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I have been on NetGalley for a little while now but I found this extremely helpful, I learnt so much and now I know what I personally need to do to make the most out of my account and get my percentage up.
I would recommend this toolkit to everyone with a NetGalley account whether they are new or have been here for a while.

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A fantastic and comprehensive resource for anyone that is just starting out on NetGalley or even veteran reviewers who have been on this platform for a while. You get tips and best practices that increase your chances of getting approved for an ARC. It also provides great recommendations on how to write reviews and how to best post them on social media platforms. If you also want to post reviewers on social platforms, this has information on how to get started.

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As someone who still had a lot of questions about how to be a great asset to this community, this was the perfect quick handbook guide to get me started and feeling confident! Thank you for creating this short but sweet guide for us to read anytime we need a quick pick me up to be a better review on here,

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A great starting off point for beginners like myself to Netgalley. There were some really helpful tips that I am definitely going to utilize going forward in my Netgalley adventures. Like a few people I have seen commenting on this guide, it could have been longer and more-in-depth about some of the topics like when it’s a good time to post reviews for different platforms and how to write a captivating review based on the platform you’re posting it on. Overall though, I think anyone on Netgalley will gain something from this simple how-to guide.

Thank you to Netgalley for this eARC (electronic advanced readers’ copy)

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This was actually very useful and I would definitely recommend this to followers who dm me and ask for tips on starting a book account!

The toolkit doesn’t just cover NetGalley, but it also gives tips for creating bookstagram, booktok, and booktube content/accounts as well as other tips for Goodreads and Twitter. It also explains how to write reviews and how to get out of a reviewer block if you’re struggling to capture your thoughts!

I also really love the overall design. This made me want to dust off my inDesign skills and start making guides.

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The tips in this guide were great. I've been on NetGalley for three years and I still learned some new tips that I can start implementing on my various platforms.

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Very helpful information! I like that it’s broken down into sections covering various platforms with do’s and don’ts for each.

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Wonderful tips for netgalley users. Found this very helpful and informative but would not use in a bookstore as I use netgalley to suggest authors and titles to books we have in our store and I recommend titles that we maybe should carry due to our demographics. I have reviewed many titles and do suggest them to my customers and other booksellers

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This is a great resource for tips and tricks on using NetGalley. It will come in handy many times in the future. Thank you!

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A pretty complete, clear informative guide on best practices, tips, and tools for people who are just starting out as book reviewers, as well as a refresher for those who have been doing it for a while. Don't miss it!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a great reference for those new to NetGalley or book reviewing in general.

I was particularly pleased to see tips regarding FTC disclosure and not tagging authors in negative reviews, as those are two things reviewers may not be aware of starting out (but that I think are important!). I also appreciated the reminders that you don't have to be on every single platform, and that "you need to enjoy what you're creating." The tips for accessible content were well received too.

I would have loved to have seen the Storygraph included in the Platform Overview, as some prefer that book reviewing site to Goodreads (maybe it was excluded because Goodreads has a bigger audience, so is likely what publishers prefer?).

I'm not sure whether I actually learned anything, given that I've been reviewing NetGalley arcs on instagram and Goodreads for a few years now, but I'm glad this exists for people new to NetGalley or book reviewing on any of the included platforms.

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Thank you NetGalley for this informative guide to getting the most out of my account! Very helpful and I know I will be referring to it often!

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Great tips! Thank you NetGalley, all tips and tricks are welcomed and is a good refresher. It's hard not to fall into over requesting, so it was a nice reminder on the side!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit
by We Are Bookish

Thank you so very much, NetGalley for this very useful toolkit! I know after printing it, I will indeed use it. The PDF was a great thing. I can know review more in tune with what I need and want to in the review of a book. Some days I KNOW I could and should review a book better. What a great help, and one I will use all of the time.

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This is a great starter guide to how to use NetGalley in conjunction with your own social media. I like that it had such an accessible approach, assuming no prior knowledge on the readers part. The guide even goes so far as to cover hashtags and suggestions for finding ones unique voice. I also liked that the guide mentions the nicknames readers have given the bookish parts of social media, such as Bookstagram and BookTok. Truly the beginners guide.

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This is a great toolkit to help navigate NetGalley and how to keep everything up to date! This gives you great information on how to request, when to request and simple do's and don's for social media and reviews!

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Very helpful! Thank you, NetGalley! This is especially informative given the upcoming updates to the app.

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This guide is the perfect refresher course for requesting books on NetGalley that includes tips and suggestions for giving great book reviews. I especially liked seeing the list of platforms that can be used to share book reviews. Thanks, NetGalley.

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The Toolkit is a brief read but packed with information on the NetGalley process as well as many helpful tips on improving reviews and expanding social media use. I will definitely be putting lots of these ideas into practice!

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