Member Reviews

Extremely helpful guide to anyone who wants to blog about books in general and to those who read books in return for honest reviews! Glad I read it!

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Whether you are a veteran bookish content creator or someone new to the space, this is a very helpful read, not just on tips about NetGalley but across all sorts of platforms as well. Are you a bookstagrammer? A BookTuber? A blogger? There's helpful advice for all of those and not just about writing reviews either! There are camera tips, advice in using Canva to help create graphics or helping edit certain pictures, creating logos, and more!
A very informative read with nice graphics to keep it interesting so that it's not just a handful of pages with boring text.

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This book should be required reading for anyone who reads books and provides reviews - whether it is to NetGalley, Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, publishers etc.
The toolkit gives basic information about how to complete a profile, how write a review, what to include, how to plan a reading schedule, as well.
Thank you for offering this book to me - I'm sure it will make my reviews more effective.

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Excellent tips and tricks for being a great reviewer on NetGalley as well as how to integrate book reviews into social media. Definitely gave me inspiration to beef of my social media presence for book reviews, and how to properly organize the multiple reviews I need to do!

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This was somewhat helpful. But by the time I found this toolkit, I had fumbled through a lot of this info on my own. One thing I was looking for that it did not answer, is what to do if you are ready to share your review before the publisher guidelines. There seems to be competing interests between publisher guidelines and keeping up your feedback percentage.

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This was very informative. It could prove to be helpful to those new to reviewing. It is also a nice review to more veteran reviewers. Easy to read and follow.

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Information that is good for newbies and even those who’ve been reviewing awhile. It is a quick read and I will be referring to it often as a reminder. I found it a fun toolkit that can help with a variety of reviewer topics. The information on social media was helpful with tips, too.

Thank you NetGalley!

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a helpful and innovative guide to how to become effective with your reviews on respective platforms. A unquestionable need for any one who partakes in reading and reviewing.

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This was very informative and great if you are a new or older user on netgalley. Here are great tips on how to review books on any platform. Thank you Natgalley.

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Such a useful guide, even for seasoned NetGalley enthusiasts! I wish this book was available when I'd started on NetGalley, it's super useful. Even though I've been on NetGalley for a few years, I'm really glad I read it as there's loads of useful info!

The guide covers all things NetGalley, I already knew how to use the platform but picked up some great tips for polishing up my bio (thanks guys!), it also covers how to write reviews, all of the social media platforms plus blogging, and interestingly how to strategize. The strategize section covers things like content planning, using canva and hashtags and accessibility. As a severely disabled book blogger, I know just how important accessibility is and I'm so pleased this was included.

The layout is more like a presentation than a book, there's great use of colour and graphics and no long block of boring text. The tone is really engaging and the writing very straightforward. I highly recommend this to all users of NetGalley, we can all do with reviewing our own performance in this space and the tips are invaluable.

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I found this guide to be very helpful. There are a lot of really good tips here. It covers social media, blogging, and even YouTube.

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I learned so much new stuff from reading this. I've been trying to step up my NetGalley game recently and this is definitely going to be helpful!

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This guide was essential to me as a new member of Net Galley. I learned so much from it on how to set up my profile and become a good advocate for authors. I know I will frequent looking this over to keep improving.

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This is a great resource. Great information, laid out to easily understand, and has a great look! I would recommend this to people that are just starting out for sure, but also anyone that has been using NetGalley for a while. It's a great resource to have and periodically check to keep yourself updated on tips, tricks, and the ins and outs of NetGalley.

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Thanks Netgalley for giving me this help on writing and posting my book reviews! I am new to this and need all the tips I can get. I am considering setting up a book blog when I retire next year and I am still learning the steps I need to take to make this a reality.

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Thankful for this easy guide to get to know the process of requesting and reviewing books on NetGalley. The graphics made it easy to read and understand. I would recommend a thorough read for anyone before starting to review through NetGalley!

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Worth the read. Loaded with tips and how to’s. Presented in an easy, understanding way. I would recommend anyone who reviews books to check it out.

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I am really glad to have this easy to read and understand resource on how Netgalley works as a whole and tips for writing effective reviews.

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This is a great guide to write reviews in a positive, succinct manner. I will definitely continue to refer to this helpful guide. It offers advice on posting on different sites and platforms for different levels of reviewers, including blogs, etc. This guide includes tools to cover whatever you are interested in getting involved in. Thank you, NetGalley for putting this together and making it available.

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So appreciate this toolkit! While I read lots of books, I sometime go through periods of intense reading and then times where I can be doing something more productive than reading. I have come to realize that there is nothing more productive or rewarding than reading a great book! whether its a thriller that keeps me up all night, a romance that makes me shed tears, or a romantic comedy that makes me laugh out loud, all books should be made my main priority.

I have been reviewing books on Goodreads for the past few years but not exactly "consistently" which I think is why I often get declined for the books I would like to get from Netgalley. After reading this Toolkit, I now understand what to do right, and what I have been doing wrong and commit to try and change certain ways to make myself more acceptable from the authors perspective to be able to grant me an approval to preview nd review their book.

Thank you for putting this Toolkit together!!! For an amateurs' like me perspective, it so made sense and gave me a sense on what to do and how to do it, I loved it!.

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