Member Reviews

Great Guide! It provides lots of tips, not just for beginners but also as a refresher for long time NetGalley users.

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This is very helpful for figuring out how to do reviews. I plan to use the YouTube portion when I start my Chanel in the summer.

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Thank you NetGalley for this handy, easy to read, creatively presented guide to all things NetGalley and book reviewing for social media and blogs! Whether you're just starting out as a book reviewer, or you've been with NetGalley for years, as I have, there's something new for everyone to learn here! Highly recommended!

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This guide was extremely helpful and I’ll be using all of these tips in the future to maximise my experience as a reader. Thank you to NetGalley for providing this

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Thank you to NetGalley for this quick read! Not only was it a great resource to get more involved and precise with choosing books through NetGalley and how to be selected as a reader, but it has great tips that can be used for any business that uses social media.

As a book lover and an author, I found this book very insightful and fun to read. It also includes additional resources if you want to continue to explore specific social avenues for your book reviews.

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This was very helpfull. Got Some Nice tips out of it. Thanks Netgalley. It Will make me a netter reviewer. Started with Canvas as well because of this Manuel.

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How great is this tool?

I know that sometimes I hit a wall with reviewing and I can't think of how to start or what to write. This guide provides really helpful tips for writing reviews no matter how seasoned you may be. I particularly liked the guide that shows you a way to break through "reviewers block" by following a simple formula.

I think this is such a great guide for all reviewers to have handy while writing reviews. By utilizing this information, reviewers will surely become better and better.

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This was a very helpful guide! Not only did it have useful information but was very easy to read. I love the bullet points for each section showing exactly what was most important for different platforms.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All Thoughts and opinions are my own. I loved this, it is so helpful on how to get approved for books on Netgalley.

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I recommend anyone who is using NetGalley read this book. There is not much to say about it, beyond the fact that the tips are helpful and well organized. It is designed for people just beginning the process of reviewing for Net Galley, and it will be very helpful to them. Nice infographics and insider tips.

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The Book Advocate Toolkit is a very comprehensive guide on how to best utilize NetGalley, craft reviews, and share book thoughts with the world. I’m guilty of requesting a ton of books early on and am slowly growing my Feedback Ratio to respectable levels. While the guide touches on a number of subjects under the book review umbrella, most pages include links for more information. I especially look forward to implementing some of the additional tips and tricks into my BookTok content!

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This has so much more than just NetGalley tips, which was a welcome surprise! The Netgalley tips were helpful, even for me who has been using NetGalley for a while. But this document also included social media tips for Bookstagram, BookTok, blogging, and more. I found those helpful, as well as the tips about writing reviews. I would recommend this to anyone, no matter how long you have been using NetGalley!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit

[Blurb goes here]

This is an amazing tool to help you write great reviews and post them in social media sites, blogs and vlogs. In my opinion, these simple tips, could help you discover new ways to make yourself known, even when you want to accomplish something other than writing book reviews.

Thank you for the free copy!

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Love this guide to bookworms about Netgalley, how works, how vea one a member ,all the steps that we should do before create an account and strategy to grow up inside the media. Love it

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I have been a NetGalley member for a while now but it was really useful to read through the tips and get to know some of the features I wasn't aware of or wasn't using.

I have taken note of the advice about the Feedback Ratio, I am definitely one of those 'requesting spree' members and will be making a big effort to catch up on my reviews over the next few months!

I loved the advice for all different social media accounts and how to get organised, I will be keeping this toolkit to hand for whenever I need a refresher.

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A very helpful toolkit - easy to read and full of useful information when you're starting your NetGalley journey. It covers how to establish a profile and develop credibility on the platform, and how best to attract a publisher's interest in you as a potential reviewer. There are also lots of ideas for setting up social media routes to disseminate your reviews.

Thanks to NetGalley for putting in the effort to produce this.

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I didn't know I needed NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit until I read it! It's a great resource for anyone building a bookish brand on social media. I appreciate the links that are included and the information on accessibility. The cute layout makes it fun to read.

Thanks so much for creating this toolkit!

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I appreciate the time and energy given by NetGalley and it’s affiliates.
I’m excited to move forward with my journey here and read read read!

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This toolkit was extremely helpful in getting started on NetGalley. I greatly appreciate the resource.

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NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit helped me start my Bookstagram account. It showed me that Booktok and Booktube were not where my interests lie. It gave me what I needed to know to start my Bookstagram. Find me @kirkreads on Instagram.

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