Member Reviews

Handy little book with hints and tips to be great book reviewer.
Covers do’s and don’ts for NetGalley, book reviews, and social media.
Helps to outline how to do a valuable review, how to get a better NetGalley score so you are selected for more books.

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Enjoyed this toolkit from We Are Bookish. It had some things that I may not have thought of about being an influencer. It had clear and concise explanations of all of the different platforms for being a book advocate on social media. I wish it had included in-person advocating as well as social media.

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Thanks to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for a this well put together toolkit. I found it very helpful and informative and will be looking back at it in the future.

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This toolkit is very informative and ill be using the tips.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this.

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Really appreciate this quick and useful information to spreading more love and my interest of the books.

Thanks Netgalley for this useful self-help.

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This toolkit is very informative and I will definitely be using it as a resource. It really sparked a lot of ideas of how I can use other platforms to spread my love of books.

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This toolkit was quick and helpful. It is a comprehensive guide for how to navigate all the various platforms.

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I'm not a new reviewer, but I'm new to Netgalley. I appreciated all the tips in such an easy to read format!

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I found it to be interesting, full of much needed information. Needed to be not so long. Other than that I do not care for a review of it. Should be just for information purposes, only.

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Thanks to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for a wonderfully information guide for any reviewer. I found the Toolkit to quite helpful.

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Super helpful! Thank you so much for putting this guide together! I'll be taking allll of the tips and putting them into practice!

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Good tips, I will use it.

Gracias a NetGalley por esta guía de herramientas y consejos disponibles para lectores y reseñadores.

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Where was this when I was starting out on netgalley! Fantastic resource, packed with helpful information.

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This is a publication I will refer to again and again in my reading and reviewing. A lot of the information collated in this toolkit, I knew, but not all of it.

It has given me a bit of confidence to explore alternative social media platforms and tips on how to take that forward.

I hope this publication will continue to be updated and available for Netgalley readers.

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This toolkit was very useful. While some of the information is already out there on the internet, this puts it all together in one convenient place and it is put into a book context. I plan to refer back to this over and over.

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Lots of useful information! A great source for beginners and resource for users of the site and all the other social media platforms.

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I wish this existed when I started reviewing! This is an excellent toolkit for beginners, very informational and full of helpful advice!

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This was a great guide to requesting and reviewing on NetGalley. The links to more specific articles were very helpful and encouraged me to look further into review writing. I appreciate the format with checklists and headings. Thank you!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing this toolkit for beginners, as a first time Advanced Reading Copy receiver this toolkit was extremely helpful. Filled with lots of tips for writing a review and applying for Advance reading copies. Make sure you read this when you begin a NetGalley account. It is also a great refresher for seasoned professionals.

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A simple easy to read guide on getting started on Netgalley. I wish this had existed when I first got started on Netgalley. it would have made everything easier. I spent hours googling and there was much trial and error. If you're just starting your reviewing journey this book is a must.

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