Member Reviews

This toolkit was a very helpful read! I wish I had discovered it when I first started out on Netgalley.

This book covers multiple helpful aspects such as how to write reviews depending on what type of book you are reviewing such as audiobooks or an ebook; or how to get started on different social media with photo editing tips. If you are thinking of starting to review books or are just getting started on Netgalley, I highly recommend this toolkit!

Thank you Netgalley for giving me this toolkit in exchange for an honest review!

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Book Review: NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit by We Are Bookish
Published March 8th 2022 by We Are Bookish

★★★★★ (5.0 Stars)

Excellent toolkit for all Goodreads members and book lovers!

What is NetGalley?
For Goodreads members who wonder how some folks get to read books in advance of publication date, here's the answer:

They've joined and are given access to advance review copies (ARC's) of digital galley eBooks and audiobooks prior to publication launch day, free of charge in exchange for an honest review. Anyone can join!


For NetGalley members, both newbies and long-time users, this March 2022 publication is one which many shall have wished were available the day they joined.

(To get a free copy now, click on:

The toolkit runs the gamut from:
Member Types, Feedback Ratio 101, Tips for Members

Book Review Tips, How to Write...

Bookish Social Media and Book Blogs
Bookstagram, BookTube, BookTok (All new to me!)

Content Planning, including intro to graphic design with

Good reading!

Review based on a copy from Bookish & NetGalley.

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Very helpful toolkit! Beginners will definitely find good tips for getting started with NetGalley but after reviewing books for about 6 months, I found even more useful information. I had not considered all the social media outlets that I can access so the sample pictures and links to more articles is especially interesting to me. Definitely urges me to branch out and start a Bookstagram and have fun while doing it. Thanks to BookishFirst and NetGalley for this useful guide!

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This book was super helpful for me! I will definitely be following a lot of the tips in this book! I might even start a book tube account someday!

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This little toolkit book was eye-opening.
I did not get any more information on blogging, that would go beyond the scope of 31 pages anyway. For that topic, there are multiple books out there.

But because I hardly use Instagram for my reviews, I definitely got a couple good advices on how to improve my use of this social platform. Let's see how I will do.

I also need to be more aware of using Hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

All in all, this little book gave me some important advices, for some I would wish they would have gone a bit deeper.

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This was very simple and straightforward. As a new NetGalley reviewer I found it incredibly helpful. Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised to find some good tips for bookstagram! Highly recommend to anyone who could use a little help in the reviewer department.

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I am going to be honest. When I saw this book in NetGalley's books I didn't think that I would actually get much from it. I have been on bookstagram for almost 6 years, so I have found my own groove to how and when I post reviews, but I pleasantly surprised. This short guide is what I wished I had when I started my bookstagram and doing reviews. There were even some helpful tricks that I did not know yet. I would say this toolkit will be helpful to all reviewers no matter if you are new or old to this community.

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Very helpful! I definitely will be able to amp up my netgalley account after reading. I appreciate the helpful tips and tricks!

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Very helpful tool offered by NetGalley! Really breaks everything down in a way that is easy to follow and implement without being overwhelming.

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Thank you for this concise toolkit to further explain all things Netgalley reviews. I appreciated the description of what to include in your profile in order to more frequently get approved for titles. The general information in all categories was very informative and great to know!

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Helpful guide that is straightforward and concise with easy to digest information about how to be successful on NetGalley and also how to maximize success on the various social platforms. It’s essentially a “how to” for those just starting out in the online book reviewing community!

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I love that NetGalley offers this resource! I am a beginner in the field of book reviewing and this helped me to form good habits early on that will benefit my followers!

If you are new or even seasoned I would highly recommend this resource to help you better serve your followers that look to you for reading suggestions!!

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This was an excellent introduction into what it takes to be a NetGalley reviewer. The content is easy to read and understand due to the visual formatting, and the content was highly informative yet succinct. I highly recommend it to those getting started in book reviewing!

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This book is very handy to read when using NetGalley. I struggle at times to put into order what I need to accomplish. This is clearly laid out and gives great tips! I highly recommend this.

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The Book Advocate Toolkit is a great introductory read for new NetGalley users as well as a handy brush up for those who have been here a while. The information provided is accessible and succinct, with imbedded links for further reading. Myself being a newbie, this kit provided some much needed direction, and I would recommend it to anybody just starting out or needing a refresher.

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Extraordinarily helpful NetGalley guide that is helpful for all platforms. Easy to read and follow with tasteful graphics. The PDF includes extra links for more information from previous blog post from NetGalley. I found the section of how to write a review the most helpful because it was concise and helped with reviewers block, my arch nemesis! The guide also gives good advice on what platforms to use to help spread your reviews. There was an inclusion of what type of programs you may need and individual platform advice that was helpful and did not feel like they were trying to feed me to certain sites.
This guide is perfect for anybody who wants to, or currently is, reviewing books! The guide is universally helpful and had many extra resources that were easily accessible. I plan to review this guide again to help me continue to improve my review.

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I had the pleasure of reading NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit to help me with my book reviews. It was super easy to follow, had a bunch of fantastic tips, with step-by-step instructions and examples. I thought this was a great guide and definitely recommend it to anyone that is looking to get a few tips for writing better reviews.

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This is so helpful!! I have been writing reviews for years and yet I’m still trying to perfect the craft. Thanks for this resource!

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I found this book to be very useful. It was concise and to the point, with very hands on tips and content that can be used immediately in one's endeavor the promote book reviews.

I especially like the book reviews section, particularly the how to on audiobook reviews and how to deal with reviewer's block.

I liked the do's and don't section and followed several of the addition tip links. I completely agree that this tool kit is great for book lovers who've been writing reviews for a long time or first timers.

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4.5 ⭐

“NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit” is a simple guide explaining NetGalley and reviewing books. It’s easy for beginners to understand. Even though people can do their research, this guide has almost everything in one place. It’s an excellent place to start learning what you should do. Then, once there is something that you want to go in-depth with, you can research from there to expand your knowledge. I wished I had “NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit” in the beginning because it’s a good reference to start with. The only thing I wished it expanded on was how to write your NetGalley bio. I’m always uncertain about what to put in my bio and would want more help with that.

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