Member Reviews

NetGalley is a website where readers can request digital and audiobooks for free in exchange for an honest review.
Mostly those books are available (several months) before they're officially published.

There are five different websites:
- USA:
- UK:
- France:
- Germany:
- Japan:

The wide range of books offered on NetGalley make it a real heaven on earth for book lovers.
But the many possibilities can also have an overwhelming effect.

To provide guidance for both new and long-time members a little toolkit of 31 pages was created in collaboration with We Are Bookish, the editorial blog for NetGalley members (
The goal is to help members who wish to take their NetGalley profile, reviews and social media to the next level.

With a playful scrapbooking layout the reader's attention is immediately caught. The only downside of the different fonts that are used, is that there's one which isn't very clear (especially regarding the letter K).
A nice feature is the fact that the pdf contains several links to discover even more material about the topics that interest you most. Sometimes those are made very clear by visual means (an arrow, a frame, …), but other times you only become aware of a link by hoovering over a word which will then light up yellow and become clickable. And then there are also words that sound intriguing like 'todoist' and 'trello', but which sadly don't contain a link at all. Luckily Google helps to figure out what the possibilities of those programs are.

But the most important question of all is whether or not this little guide is interesting and to whom?
The booklet focusses mainly on three areas: reviews, social media and strategizing.
It strongly depends on your foreknowledge, experience and way of working whether the given info can provide you new insights.
Personally I haven't learned many new things and lots of the tips were rather evident to me. But I can definitely see why this information could be helpful to others who struggle more with writing reviews or getting them exposed on the internet.
So, even though this toolkit could be helpful to all NetGalley-members, I'd rather recommend it to those people and also especially to new members who're still trying to find their way in the beautiful NetGalley-jungle.

*Thanks to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A great aid to good review writing. There were so many tips and tricks to write a good review and I definitely plan to use them in the future. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to know how to write reviews, not only through NetGalley, but also in general.

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While I am new to NetGalley, I'm not new to reviewing books. This book had many tips and tricks that I wished that I had a year ago. The information is broken down by sections such as what to include in your profile, review tips and the various book communities across different platforms. While I've been aware of said communities, I've often felt intimidated by the amount of knowledge that was seemingly required to be a part of them.

One of the most helpful things I've found was tips for what NOT to do when sharing book reviews. While I thankfully haven't done any of that yet as far as I can tell, knowing what's good to do and not good to do will be helping me out a lot and everything will be feeling less like a trial and error process.

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I received this book free from NetGalley.

I enjoyed this quick read. It was very informative and I will keep it so I can reference it when needed. It gave me lots of ideas of how to boost my chances of getting approved for more books!

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I wish this book was published when I first started with NetGalley in 2017. However, I still learned a few new tricks. Thanks for publishing it!

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Great information to help me strengthen my NetGalley profile and request books that I want to read.

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This is a wonderful resource full of useful tips for Netgalley reviewers. I especially appreciated the format with graphics and easy to digest snippets of information.

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This book does an excellent job of helping novice reviews be successful when it comes to setting up their blogs and book reviews. It goes into detail and gives dos and don'ts for each specific platform (insta, Twitter, tiktok, etc). The differentiation helps to reach all types of bloggers!

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Awesome tips for fellow booklovers who are just starting out their book journey or someone like me who wants to come back to the blogging world. Straightforward, easy to understand, and has included on-point tips and topics a blogger needs to know and focus on as a beginner.

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This was extremely useful in starting out with reviewing on social media. I highly recommend utilizing this before posting the book reviews online.

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This toolkit is packed with useful information and links for new reviewers. I've just started my journey as a reviewer, but I can see myself turning to this guide again and again.

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Well organized, easy to read guide loaded with tips to get started in NetGalley. I personally loved the visual style and many links to find out more info and plan to return to it often. May not be as accessible to non visual readers. #BookAdvocateToolkit #NetGalley.

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It was a short and simple guide on how to post eye catching and interesting reviews on different social media platforms. The art was good and it was easy to follow along to the suggestions. Very quick and helpful read.

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This toolkit has a little bit of everything! From how to write book reviews to best practices for bookish social media, everyone in the bookish community can benefit from reading this. I learned a lot and use it as a quick reference for various things all the time.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy for an honest review.

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Very Helpful and informative for reviewing books and helping promote them based on what we read. Thank you for putting it together.

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Very helpful information! I knew a lot of it from reviewing books on Bookstagram for years, but this is a great resource for those just beginning.

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This is a great starter toolkit for anyone looking to get started on social media! Lots of great tips, tricks and guidance that was extremely helpful.

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Thanks so much for the guide NetGalley - I've been blogging for a few years but found this guide so informative and think it's something I will refer back to frequently. I've also bookmarked a few of the further reading articles to read at a later date too.

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This was very helpful! I appreciate the authors who took time to put this together for all book lovers.

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Super clear and helpful guide. Especially love the visual layout, which makes things very quick and easy.

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