Member Reviews

Very helpfull! I'm not a newbie but I often find myself struggling when I'm reviewing a book, since I find reviewing in English (not my first language) too challenging. This guide has been very helpful, includes a lot of tips for every platform and it's very visual and easy to follow and apply.

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This book has been unbelievably helpful!! So much information, and I'm so thankful for it! I had no idea how much goes into a book review, and if it wasn't for this book, I'd have never known that I could truly turn this passion into a full time job - which would be an absolute dream! I am looking forward to using this book as my go to reference guide, and looking forward to seeing the quality of my reviews go up!

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Very good tips on starting a review platform online. This book covers it all; from Youtube to TikTok, Instagram to Blogging.

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Such a helpful guide, especially for someone like me who is just starting out as a reviewer. Includes solid tips and advice that I know I’ll be referring back to again and again. Great tool kit for everyone on netgalley.

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This was such a helpful guide! I read through it cover to cover and am not exploring each section to up my bookish game. =)

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Super helpful toolkit to bettering your Netgalley experience. This goes over useful tips and ideas that one could implement on any of the major social media platforms. I’ll definitely plan on using some of these so I get the best outcome!

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A solid, handy guide to improving your NetGalley account and understanding the ins-and-outs of various features and expectations on NetGalley. A must-read if you are interested in improving your NetGalley account, no matter what type of reviewer you are on the site.

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The NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit was very helpful for me, with all the different sections of the Toolkit in providing information for doing a professional job with NetGalley. All of the resources which the Toolkit
provided were easy to read and to understand and fully met my expectations in reading all the resources. Welcome to NetGalley was my favorite element. in the Toolkit. This element helped me as being new to NetGalley, by explaining what NetGalley is and how NetGalley can benefit the publishers and the authors. Also, the explanation of setting up your profile with the different member types. The member types are important for not being declined for books, which is so important for all members. Another element I really enjoyed reading and to learn important steps; is the Book Review Tips. Which helps you in doing your book reviews with ease and having a style of writing the review in a professional manner. The Toolkit also, helped me with the Platform Overview for the reader groups that will suit your individual needs. My favorite is, Facebook, and the tips about doing a separate profile, will be a great addition to my book reviewer platform. I enjoyed the General Do's and Dont's which explained many tips to help the book reviewer do a great job with NetGalley. All of the elements had good information and the only element I did not find useful to me was the BookTok. In this Toolkit NetGalley has all the useful elements for all to read and to use and I felt nothing was missing. This Toolkit is very useful for all new members and old members to use daily to help them to succeed with NetGalley. I believe all new members to NetGalley would benefit the most from downloading this Toolkit.

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This is a great resource for any reviewer. Right now I only post reviews on retail sites, but this toolkit is full of useful information about other platforms such as bookstagram, BookTube and book blogs. Who knows, one day I may branch out.

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Weather you are new or experienced to reviewing books on media platforms you should read this. It is full of helpful tips from setting up your bio on Netgalley so you will be choosen More from publisher, to setting up your pages on bookstagram,booktok,book tube or your book blog. It also guides you how to take better photos and how to utilize Canva to make them look more professional. And this is just the tip of what it covers. I would highly recommend reading this it has so much information that will help you be a great book reviewer.
Thank you #netgalley for all this information this is a great guide to help in reviewing books

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There are some fantastic tips and ideas here. I love that it covers all the major platforms with specific tips! It did seem a bit odd to me that it would include the instructions for signing up to Netgalley, considering that it can currently only be accessed by Netgalley members - is it planned to send this out more widely? It would make a great introduction to book reviewing for anyone. I picked up some great tips which I am looking forward to putting into practise!

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I read many of these tips on the We Are Bookish blog. If you are new to NetGalley I definitely recommend using this book as a guide.
It covers topics like #bookstagramming, blogging, booktoking, booktubing, etc. It gives many helpful tips.
I'm using NetGalley for many years now and there were still things that I found helpful. I'll probably use this toolkit in advance too.

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Great tips for book advocates and bloggers on how to best engage with ARCs and reviewing - thanks NetGalley!

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Definitely a much needed guided handbook to help keen in on what makes an eye-catching profile to publishers and their request approval standards for unpublished arcs. Though I might add, there does seem to be some limitations on the front end of affording those whose social media savviness might be hindered by outside forces, especially with how large randomness plays into attracting an audience on several platforms. Sometimes relying on a numbers games leaves out voices that could’ve been heard otherwise, but I also can’t figure out how else to perfect a system I’m not much privy to as well.

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This is a handy toolkit for new NetGalley readers. I like the organization and the colorful pages. I feel this book will be helpful if or new readers , like me, in writing reviews. I don’t have a lot of social media where I share what I read. I do use Goodreads. The ideas presented in that section were very helpful. I may figure out a blog?
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a chance to read and review.

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This book is an excellent initiative. It is nicely presented and very well designed. Many recommendations, information and tips are shared and I found them all extremely helpful. Every member will benefit from this book to bring their book advocacy to the next level.

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A must-read for every NetGalley user.

<i>NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit</i> is a nice document that NetGalley users can use to make the best of their NetGalley experience. I have been using NetGalley for quite a while and had to discover quite some things on my own (read: NOT going on a requesting spree). New (and old) users will be happy to have read through these tips and do's and don'ts.

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A handy collection of tips for both new and older users that I believe will help a lot of people get more comfortable with reviewing and just being present in this online book world.

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There are so many fantastic tips and tricks in here, and even though I've been on Netgalley a few years now, it showed that there's always even more to learn.

First off, I really enjoyed the style of this guide. It made the information inside feel more accessible and easier to read through, without being overly-stylized as to hinder the information itself. It was really well-done overall, and I loved the graphics that accompanied certain tips.

I also really appreciate that this guide is aimed to be a constant help, rather than just being for beginners. It's something that can, and should, remain something I turn back to when I'm stuck on something, or need a reminder of how to do something. (The reminders of 'avoid the request spree' and 'review as you read' are something most of us need, at one moment or another).

A lot of time is also spent on describing various social media platforms and the bookish communities that exist on them, and this was another thing I really appreciated. This can be extremely helpful to both people new to books/reviewing and to people who've had accounts for ages. It makes all forms of publicity/reviewing seem valued, and gives reviewers inspiration to potentially expand their reach to other platforms.

Overall, this was a fantastic guide, and I'm glad this exists now, both for my own use and for new reviewers coming along.

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A wonderful collection of tips for the NetGalley reviewer, across multiple platforms. I love the page on accessibility and the reminder to use content warnings. A very comprehensive 'how to' guide for reviewers. Perhaps not so useful for librarians/booksellers, but great for reviewers..

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