Member Reviews

Wow! This short guide sure packs a punch! This book is a great guide for any Netgalley newbs, and an excellent resource to brush up on for even the most seasoned reviewers! I loved how it broke down the types of reviews one can write, and how it provided a brief outline for inspiration to strike! It was simple to follow and I loved the formatting! I’ll for sure be keeping my copy handy to help write my next review!

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`This has been a great introduction kit to leaving reviews on NetGalley and on social media. It also has great tips on how to start your own bookish account on different platforms.

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One of the first skills you learn as a teacher, manager, or leader is the importance of giving people the tools to succeed. As someone who is new to professional reviews, this guide has been invaluable. NetGalley is serving authors and publishers well by empowering and educating the pool of reviewers. Thinking about the process with this level of guidance has positively impacted my experience as a reader, not just as a reviewer.

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This is wonderful. Great tool for beginner and experienced reviewers alike. The information is basic, which is helpful to those just starting but also has some nice reminders for those who’ve been posting awhile. Specifically I like the ‘for more info go here’ buttons; I do struggle with a couple of things so the expanded information is really helpful. Thank you to We Are Bookish and NetGalley for posting this. I am hoping it won’t archive in the near future as I can see using it as a reference tool. 🙂

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This was a very helpful toolkit to writing reviews. It not only discussed how to write interesting reviews but also how to engage with your followers on social media. I will definitely be referring to this in the future when needing a bit of confidence to post a review on my platforms. This toolkit will help anyone starting out on NetGalley and starting a book blog on social media!

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Wish this was around when I started. I was clueless other than hearing people saying go pick out a handful of book to request and wait. Many will be rejected, but a few should be accepted. So that's what I did, and in all honesty it became a mess, because I wound up behind and frustrated that I just about gave up and wanted to just quit. However, I have been able to get a handle on things and getting better.

I'm looking so forward to using these tips and improving my bookstagram, group postings on Facebook, and tips I should did when I start my booktube page.

Thank you NetGalley!

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the helpful companion tool. This is an excellent resource for anyone that wishes to step up their book reviewing experience.
Much appreciated !

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Great advice for helping build and maintain a strong profile!

This is filled with great advice with examples to ensure you have a solid and engaging profile.

This toolkit also lists the various options for posting a review, including the benefit of that platform.

This guide makes starting the review journey seem less intimidating.

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This is an incredibly helpful guide to getting started with NetGalley and bookish social media, reviewing, blogging, etc. It's also beautifully designed! Even as someone who isn't new to the book review game, I felt like there were some really helpful tips in here. I'd love to see deeper dives into the different social media platforms in the future.

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A great guide to the basics! Thanks to NetGalley for this basic rundown on how to be a successful book advocate. :)

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A great resource for reviewers across multiple different platforms. Simple, yet clear and helpful in the tips they give for each one. I definitely learned a few things, especially one being I had no idea there was a read now section for NetGalley! I recommend giving this a download and looking it over. Not only is it sure to help you, it is free!

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I was a neophyte when I first joined Netgalley. My experience was mostly reviewing ARCs for a variety of authors and the short reviews I would post to Goodreads as I read to reach my reading goal. I downloaded the Toolkit hoping to get some advice as to how to improve my profile and discover more about what publishers are looking for both in my profile and my reviews.

I found the hints for developing my profile exceedingly helpful. I did discover that there were many things I was already doing correctly. I took to heart the suggestions in the Toolkit and revised those things that needed to be stronger. Reading through the notes in the Toolkit was helpful in really considering the books I wanted to request and to keep my reading list manageable. I took the time to create a method of organization to manage my reading list and keep track of timing for those books I've been approved to read.

I also am trying to make use of the hints provided for writing reviews. Reading the Toolkit made me realize that I followed a very formulaic way of writing. Not that that's a bad thing, but I could feel it becoming stale, and sometimes made it difficult to write a review that might call for a different approach.. I started using some of the ideas to vary the way I'm writing my review.

Though I do post to Twitter, and sometimes to Facebook, I don't have the time to create content for Instagram or TikTok,, so the information on the various platforms and on blogging was lost on me. Also, though I read the Toolkit on the Netgalley Shelf app I was disappointed to discover that those icons that appeared to be links to more information truly were not. I did take the time to visit the blog site and to investigate some of the links there for additional information.

I think anyone could benefit from the Toolkit, whether as an introduction or as a refresher. As I did, it's easy to get caught and a rut and reading over the hints and ideas may jog the thought process and inspire creativity. However, what I would like to see is more information geared toward the beginner; those who, like me when I started, didn't have any real experience. Maybe break up the Toolkit to be used in steps so that there can be more in depth information about creating the profile, about starting to write reviews or the best way to investigate and choose books..

I have printed the information so I have the Toolkit to return to for hints or ideas. in the future. Maybe just to remind myself there is more than one way to do things. And perhaps, in the future I may want to tackle those platforms I don't have the time to use now.

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A great resource and introduction into the Book community, both from a NetGalley perspective and other social media platforms!

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This was a great resource for all reviewers! The Book Advocate Toolkit will definitely benefit everyone and has helped me be a better reviewer. Thank you to Netgalley for this one!

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Interesting book that gives great tips on how to be helpful on Netgalley. I appreciate extra tips on how to productive give feedback that is needed by the author and publisher.

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This toolkit is a great resource for people who might be new to NetGalley or even people who still struggle with writer’s block when they are writing reviews. I’ve been reading and reviewing for a few months now and this gave me a lot to think about, especially when it comes to social media tips. I really appreciated how tips for each social media platform were split up and specific tools/apps were mentioned.

Definitely check out this toolkit for help with your social media posts and reviews!

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Thank you NetGalley for this amazing resource!

The NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit is especially helpful for new bloggers or social media reviewers. It contains blog tips, proper review etiquette, FTC disclosure information and more. If you’re new to blogging or just want to refresh on your reviews, this guide is an excellent place to start.

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If you're new to reviewing books or just looking for some useful tips, this book is for you. It's full of goodies for all types of accounts(Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc).

I really loved the colors in this book. The tips are arranged in a fun way that kept me reading. It's also has links to get more information as well, which is super helpful. It's definitely a useful tool for book reviewers of all kinds.

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This is a good summary for new people and contained a lot of useful information. The most useful aspect of this book is that it included descriptions of the different social media, as well as Canva, that can be used to provide information to others about the books read and all the links to additional articles and resources within NetGalley’s website. Note that the toolkit recommends their own NetGalley app; I used both their app and the PDF download and found the download much easier to read. In NetGalley the format of this book jumped around awkwardly as I tried to move between the pages; whereas, in Adobe, the document could be read from page to page easily. Hopefully they will be updating the app to be more user-friendly in the future. While basic information is provided, the toolkit can definitely serve as a reference for later as well.

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Rating: 4/5
Content warnings: None noted

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this toolkit. It is a simple but useful guide covering lots of information that I have found useful as someone new to NetGalley. For example, knowing my reviews must state that I received a copy of the book from NetGalley/the publisher, and not to use quotes from advanced copies as they might not be finalised.

At points, I find it is a little too brief and it could contain more of an explanation. One example is that under 'First Steps,' it advises to 'check approval preferences' for publishers, but it took me a while to find out where on the website I could actually find this information.

As a disabled reader, I absolutely love that accessibility information is included in the guide - with reminders to write hashtags more accessibly in CamelCase and to caption videos.

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