Member Reviews

I thought this was going to be a pdf of NetGalley requirements, but instead it's a graphic document with a lot of high-level information on sharing reviews on social media. It's a fun way to start learning this information for new users of NetGalley.

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Thank you NetGalley for making this guide it really helped clear a lot of doubts from my side.
I also love the format of the book was color cordinated and organized

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Thank you to net galley for letting me read Net Galley's Book advocate Toolkit. This should be a requirement for net galley reviewers. This book answered several questions that I had about net galley. I liked the layout and style of writing of using charts.

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This was helpful in how to create book content, It provides information on how to make reviews for each social media platform. It also includes information on how to write reviews. There was a lot of helpful information.

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This is a great resource if you are about to start your journey on Netgalley as well as other bookish review sites or plan on creating a BookTok/Bookstagram account. It helped me a lot to fix my Netgalley bio and gave me tips for my own bookstagram account. I’m glad I read this and thank you Netgalley for putting this guide together !

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Really helpful for anyone who wants to improve on their reviews, using social media and anything else as a book advocate. I will be adding some of the steps to my to-do list and hope to up my game!

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Thank you, NetGalley for providing us with a very helpful guide on how to build a presence here! It’s very helpful for newbies and everyone else.
It's actionable immediately and also will serve as a good reference for the future.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing us with a very helpful guide on how to build presence on here! It’s very helpful for newbies and everyone else.

I hope I can use all of the tips and tricks to write better reviews.

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This was a neat little guide filled with some great tips on utilising different platforms. It was informative while still providing tips on sharing content across a wide range of outlets, and the layout and presentation were both engaging. It's great to read a toolkit that doesn't favor one style over another, but provides tips and insights that will benefit all reviewers of all styles.

The only thing I would have liked to see additional tips on was regarding when first creating your profile and establishing yourself as a reviewer, how to create a bio on NetGalley that still stands out for potential publishers and galley approvals if you don't yet have the glowing stats and audience reach that other reviewers might have to reference back to. Otherwise, I loved the content covered, and learned some new things that I'll definitely be more mindful of, especially regarding accessibility.

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This is so super helpful in helping building my presence on Netgalley. All the information was very thorough and easy to understand. This kit is something I will continue to reference and build on in the future. It gives great insight on how to build better reviews, even ways to work around any that you may have writer’s block on. Overall, I really enjoyed this and found it to be very helpful. It is something I will continue to reference.

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What a great tool for beginners like me! Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish for putting together this document with great tips and tricks on navigating different social media platforms. The tips on using Canva were incredibly useful! Who knew there is a free tool out there that makes designing content a breeze! This document is fantastic and will be reference often.

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As a first timer in netgalley, the advocate toolkit gives lots of tips on how I can be approved for my requested books and how can I give honest reviews and other tips.

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Informative and helpful! An easy to read toolkit, with information that is beneficial to new to NetGalley users or even as a refresher to seasoned users.

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Not a bad little guide for would-be reviewers. This isn't considered a book, and it's available only to NetGalley members. Goodreads now calls it Not A Book, so we can no longer review it there.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a quick read full of helpful tips about all things NetGalley and book reviewing. It is primarily geared towards people who are either new to NetGalley or new to the different platforms available for book reviews. However, even seasoned pros are likely to learn something valuable here. I have been writing long-form book reviews on my WordPress blog for a few years, and I started a BookTube channel less than one year ago, yet I still made note of some helpful tips to incorporate for both. My personal weakness is with sharing my reviews on my social media channels, and for that I expect this toolkit will be especially beneficial!

I would recommend this toolkit for anyone who is just getting started or for anyone who wants to freshen up their book reviewing space.

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Really good for when you’re getting started on netgalley/bookstagram. It’s given me a lot of tips for going forward

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A nice one-stop place to find and introduction to the both basics of NetGalley and some helpful tips for upping your book review game outside of NetGalley. This is worth a peruse for total NetGalley newbies, anyone that's only been on NetGalley a year or two, or anyone thinking about starting their own book blog, BookTube channel, etc.

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Thanks Netgalley and We Are Bookish for making this toolkit! I think this is a great resource for those who are just starting out with Netgalley and the bookish internet, but I think it was a bit lackluster for those who have been using these platforms for a while. I liked that this kit talks about what to include in your Netgalley profile and how to write better reviews. This is definitely a good toolkit to check out!

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I thought this was an excellent guide to Netgalley, it offered a lot of great information as to how to write reviews as well as how to set up my profile for maximum opportunities.

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Thanks for this toolkit! I have been reviewing on NetGalley for a while but it was helpful to have a place to review what I'm doing, what works best, and how to set myself up best for approvals in the future. I thought the visual format and reviews of how to most effectively set up different platforms was particularly helpful. Now to heed the advice not to go on requesting sprees and get that percentage up!

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