Member Reviews

This was so helpful! I found suggestions like, don't post quotes because they can change, so helpful because I never thought of that! Thanks!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is such a helpful resource. When I first started NetGalley a year ago, I this would have been invaluable information to help me get started. I appreciated the additional tips regarding writing reviews (especially for books that weren't for me!) and tips for posting reviews to various social media platforms. I will be recommending this toolkit to anyone looking to start a NetGalley account, or those who are hoping for a refresher. I'm thankful all of this information is in the same place.

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Great suggestions and tips for new reviewers and readers on NetGalley. Definitely a must read before requesting titles.

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Excellent reference for reviewers. It was very helpful and easy to read through. As someone who is newer to the book review world, I appreciate having this. I love being an advocate for books I enjoy, which is why I decided to join NetGalley in the first place. It brings me joy to share books with others. This is also helpful for people who may not be very ingrained in the publishing world.

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I am a longtime constant reader and aspiring bookseller, eager to maximize my ability to advocate for all things literary. This guide is concise, modern and essential for any newcomer to the book-advocacy vocation. Teeming with practical advice, I am confident the Toolkit will be a helpful reference for me during an exciting journey to more effective book advocacy. Thank you to NetGalley for making available a guidebook that has a little something for everyone who wants to spread the word about the books they love.

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Always go back to the basics! If you are just starting out in book reviewing, NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit is a great resource. The experienced reviewer can benefit by brushing up on the essentials. Not only does it help you examine how you are performing, this kit sparks ideas for improving your organization and avoiding the dreaded reviewer “writer’s block”.

I am contemplating creating a blog and this is where I found the most to think about. Anyone interested can find pointers on attacking various other social media outlets such as BookTok, Bookstagram, and Booktube.

NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit is a wonderful resource for just about any reviewer to utilize.

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We Are Bookish, a subsidiary of NetGalley have just released the NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit. This is a great compilation that is well put together advising you on how to get the most out of your NetGalley account and some really helpful tips.

Especially useful for those new to using netgalley and experienced users alike. This toolkit helps you to write those critical reviews, and to know what kind of things publishers are looking for.

When you are ready to share your reviews, NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit can help you jumpstart your bookish social media accounts, if you have them or want to set them up and offer suggestions for creating content.

It’s short, around 30 pages, concise and a good read full of information, tips, and trips. Would highly recommend this very user-friendly toolkit for all NetGalley users as a great resource.

Thank you to We Are Bookish and NetGalley for a copy of this guide which is available to all NetGalley accounts as a read now option.

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We Are Bookish, a subsidiary of NetGalley have just released the NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit. This is a great compilation that is well put together advising you on how to get the most out of your NetGalley account and some really helpful tips.

Especially useful for those new to using netgalley and experienced users alike. This toolkit helps you to write those critical reviews, and to know what kind of things publishers are looking for.

When you are ready to share your reviews, NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit can help you jumpstart your bookish social media accounts, if you have them or want to set them up and offer suggestions for creating content.

It’s short, around 30 pages, concise and a good read full of information, tips, and trips. Would highly recommend this very user-friendly toolkit for all NetGalley users as a great resource.

Thank you to We Are Bookish and NetGalley for a copy of this guide which is available to all NetGalley accounts as a read now option.

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This guide was only moderately useful for me - I’ve been with NetGalley for some years now, but I feel there are still some things I can learn. In its favour, the manual reads easily. I would have liked more tips on “will not give feedback” - how it affects one’s profile, and so on.

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Useful guide overall with tips on how to write reviews, navigating different platforms and not go on a request spree (something that most of us are indeed guilty of doing)! Thanks Netgalley!

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Thanks for putting this together, it was really great. I’ll be referring back to this quite a bit! And it has a ton of beneficial information.

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I really liked this! A lot of it was information that I read originally when starting my NetGalley so I think having it all in one location is really handy, especially for folks new to the platform. I loved the accessibility tips, and the different ways that social media is described.

One thing I struggle with is knowing what social media stats to put in my NetGalley bio and what to write, so I wish there had been more examples of those. A few sample bios would actually be really helpful - not sure if those are already on the NetGalley blog, and if so, linking directly to those would be helpful! I think including information about where to find social media stats per publisher, and some common examples would be helpful.

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This guide was very helpful I learned a lot of new information to help me while I am reviewing and promoting wether it’s on Instagram or Twitter. I definitely recommend checking this out if you are just getting started.
Thank you NetGalley!

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Helpful tips and suggestions for how to kick start one's online book reviewing career. The infographics were very easy to parse and the large font also helped to make reading extremely easy. I particularly appreciated the hints on how to make a good-looking bookstagram account. Thanks!

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I have been a member of the bookstagram community for a couple of years now, and have just expanded my reach into the tiktok realm. This Toolkit is definitely snappy in its advice - and gave me some valuable tips moving forward in these online communities. Some of the advice seemed pretty basic and like fair knowledge, but helpful to have all in one place.
I'm so excited to start sharing more reviews and content, and feel like this Toolkit is going to be super useful to refer back to as I grow my platforms.

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This Book Advocate Toolkit is easy to read and follow, with bright, clean graphics and lots of good information. As someone who’s been reviewing/promoting books for a few years, it was nice to see the things I’m doing right and where I could use improvements. I recommend following the links to the Bookish website for more information – in particular, I found the site’s bookstagram sections and tips on how to take Instagram-worthy ebook photos to offer some very useful advice for me as I’ve been thinking of branching out to Instagram for my book blog.

I look forward to reading future updates to the kit and would recommend it to everyone, no matter where they are on their book advocate journey.

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Great guide for users. I have been reading and reviewing for a bit and I found it quite useful. I will keep mine handy for future reviews. Thank you NetGalley for opportunity to review an advance copy.

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I enjoyed the colorful layout of this comprehensive introductory infographic designed to enhance the Netgalley user experience. After reading this I may decide to expand my reach by tossing my hat into the Tik Tok arena.

I'd like to thank NetGalley for an advanced copy of the Book Advocate Toolkit for my unbiased evaluation. 5 stars

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I enjoyed this easy-to-read and visual toolkit.
It gives great tips on writing reviews, do's and dont's and also highlights the many different channels tl share book reviews. Important! Form your own voice in your book reviews, your readers will appreciate this.
I think future video toolkits would be a great idea. Thank you netgalley

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Very helpful to setting up blogs on various social media formats - I will be taking some of the advice forward in setting up my Wordpress and Bookstagram blogs!

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