Member Reviews

This book advocate toolkit is full of helpful advice and offers answers to frequently asked questions. The Do's and Don't's succinctly offer insight and practical advice for reviewers, as well as breaking down different reviewer categories. The Blog Review Formats page was a fun glimpse into different styles. I appreciate how colorful, informative, and easy to navigate this tool kit is! Thank you to NetGalley for creating this volume and providing it at no cost so that I could write this review.

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I'm on the beginning of my journey with NetGalley and I found this toolkit book very helpful. It contains a lot of useful information and tips how to start and improve your profile. I definitely recommend this to anyone looking to improve their profile and reading skills.
Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish

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Very helpful and informative for anyone just getting started! It provides the basic need-to-know information and tips for strategizing and beginning on Bookish social media.

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This is such a short and nice book about what is expected on NetGalley and other book-ish social media, as well as reviewer etiquette!

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This was a fantastic introduction for anyone who wants to successfully review books online. The infographics were easy to read and understand, making it an accessible resource for anyone.

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A helpful overview of NetGalley and how the process works. Filled with tips on how to write good reviews.

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Excellent tool. Really helpful. I shall but putting these ideas into practice.

Would recommend to anyone using Netgalley

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I wish I saw this sooner but definitely a great guide to being a Book Advocate as a serial reader here this really helps understand the process better here on NetGalley. Thanks NetGalley and We Are Bookish.

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This is an informational download as it covers the essentials of how to provide feedback as a reviewer of books and audiobooks. It offers a variety of resources on how to publish your reviews and gives tips if utilizing social media, i.e., camera, lighting, etc. I would love to see other variations of this journal as I can see other structures of the journal being beneficial for myself or others as well. I do want to thank "We Are Bookish" and #NetGalley for providing this asset to us readers.

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It´s a very good resume of what you can do or expected from the plataform and how you can upgrade your active participacion and enhance your social media to became a better member.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit by We Are Bookish is a perfect little guide book to help you on your way to write reviews for the books you have requested and read.

I loved it

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This was a really helpful guide on how to post effective book reviews, how each review platform works, and how to change posts for each platform! I felt like I understood reviewing already, but I learned several new things after browsing through this guide. I will definitely be utilizing this guide for future reviews to best serve the books and authors I am accepted for advanced reader copies!

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Super helpful tool to help reviewers ensure that we are providing other readers with original, efficient and engaging reviews! Thank you for creating this very handy guide, NetGalley. 😊

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This is a great tool to use before starting my NetGalley journey, and to review often to freshen up! Thank you NetGalley for helping me on my ARC journey!

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I am new to bookstagram and NetGalley and found this this guide very useful on how to get started, using the app, improving my bio and how to plan writing reviews. I love the infographics which make it much easier to follow and refer to in the future.

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This is a great guide for those who are starting to review books or are looking for tips on how to improve their reviews!
As for someone that has been a netgalley member for a while I like that it helped me update my bio and refresh on my book request.

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This is a great guide for those who are starting to review books or are looking for tips on how to improve their reviews!

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What a great find! I am new to NetGalley and Bookstagram so the hints and suggestions are exactly what I need.

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A perfect overview over all the available review and interaction spaces there are for readers! Since i already kind of decided on my platform (Bookstagram) there weren’t any big news revealed to me, but i might check back on different chapters in this guide whenever i’ll feel like maybe starting a BookTok or BookTube account.

I feel like this guide is perfect for review beginners or someone who isn’t sure which platform suits them best.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Bookish for this guide.
This helpful guide is invaluable, and definitely gives us all some needed pointers!

As an example, I thought my reviews initially were far TOO brief, so I began adding more detailed information to my reviews. Although in the reviews we post here and on retail sites such reviews might be appreciated or add value, your reminder that concise meaningful reviews on social forums are a better choice.

Thank you. Netgalley (requesting, ready, and reviewing books,) has quickly become my new favorite hobby.

I am working hard to get my review ratio to the 80% expectation/goal, and soon I will begin a book blog site that I can promote for broader book (and Netgalley exposure).

I also found the "Dos" and "Don'ts" guidance chart to provide useful information I had not considered.

Personally, I will print out a copy and keep it for reference when posting reviews in the future.

As enthusiastic 5 star rating for this enormously helpful guide!

However, although the details may be fine for fans or on certain forums such as retail, this guide

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