Member Reviews

This book is a total lifesaver for me when it comes to using Netgalley. It's really helped me figure things out and get the most out of the platform!

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Helpful book for any Net Galley users, really helpful tips for writing reviews and setting up your profile.

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Thank you NetGalley for this tool kit. I found it to be very helpful. I would definitely recommend, especially for newer NetGalley users.

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Thank you NetGalley/We Are Bookish! This kit has, and continues to be, very helpful! I'm grateful for this gift and I love being a reviewer!

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A great introduction to NetGalley and reviewing advanced reader copies. Helpful tips and worth the read.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a great little start on ARC reading, it's an incredibly informative and practical guide, especially for those starting their Bookstagramms, BookToks, or just book blogging in general.

From strategic social media tips to using NetGalley's platform effectively, this toolkit offers valuable insights, arc reading etiquette, downloadable resources, and real-world success stories. Its emphasis on fostering a supportive book community and streamlining promotional efforts makes it a must-have for anyone passionate about promoting books and connecting with fellow book lovers!

Thank you, NetGalley!

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Before reading The Book Advocate Toolkit, I was unaware that you could check the publisher’s reader approval preferences on Net Galley! I will definitely be checking that out now! I also, sadly, went on a crazy request spree before getting this book and am having to make up for it now. Lesson learned! This is a great resource for all first time Net Galley readers and all those who are new to the Bookish world!

Thanks for all the helpful tips Net Galley!

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Great introduction to book reviewing in the digital age. Clear and concise information. I will be using these tools and tips when writing future book reviews.

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I found this useful for figuring out how to use the site and review books. The guide gives a lot of good advice for how to review books, how to get approved on NetGalley, and ways to format content that catch the reader's eye.

As a former newspaper editor a lot of the writing tips were not new to me, and I am already great at coming up with catchy headlines, titles, and ways to present content, but I'm glad it's here because it helped me to gauge NetGalley's--and publishers'--expectations. I also think it would be really good for people who want to create something that will stand out but don't know where to start. I would even go as far to say that some of this advice would be good for anyone writing book reviews online, even if they are not doing the NetGalley thing and are writing about older works or well-known stuff that isn't dependent on reviewer promotion.

The advice on platforms and accessibility is great as well. I am writing on Quora, which is probably one of the rarest platforms on this site, and do not plan to go to Twitter or other sites, but I know that in this day and age people share content all over the place so it's good to keep many of these tips in mind. While I have a small, unique, and dedicated audience with specific tastes, the advice in this guide is great when I am feeling stuck because the winning strategies inside are always a good basis on which to start.

Thanks for the guide, We Are Bookish!

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This is a very helpful guide for navigating NetGalley! I have had an account set up for a couple years but hadn’t used it to request a book, but this really helped familiarize me with the system. Can’t wait to get reading :)

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Not a book, just the advocate toolkit :) Not sure why this counts against my ratio, but I'll fill out a review just in case. Very helpful!

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Extremely useful and full of tips on how to set up your profile, how to write reviews and overall how to have the best experience on NetGalley.

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This is information, hints, and helpful advise I've been looking for to help with my NetGalley, Bookstagram, Facebook, and other platforms. I'm glad I took a few minutes to look back through the Read Now section of NetGalley. It is sure to be utilized! Thank you!

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This toolkit gives concise tips for those new to NetGalley and for those who may want a refresher or are looking to expand their reach through different social medias. Many of the pages also have links so you can quickly access more information. Easy to use and made so that it is not overwhelming for someone new. A great all-in-one toolkit.

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The NetGalley Book Advocate Toolkit was extremely helpful. It gives you how to handle your NetGalley profile and reviews.

It gives you helpful hints on how to boost your likelihood of getting selected from authors and publishers.

I recommend to reviewers to read this first.

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This advocate toolkit was really helpful! It includes information on how to increase your chances on getting approved for a book, how to write review, and what to include in your profile.

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Very helpful introduction to the platform and what's expected of reviewers. I loved the use of graphics and colors to make the information clear and digestible.

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Such a great tool to help start out! Well made instructions and tips help keep the platform enjoyable for all users, on the reading and publishing side.

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This is a great resource for anyone who is interested in reviewing books and possible obtaining ARCs. There are a lot of useful tips that can help increase your chances of getting arcs and also improve the quality of your reviews. I would recommend for anyone starting out on NetGalley.

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The toolkit explains how the processes on NetGalley work for different types of users and gives tips on how to get the most out of it. It had everything I needed to know to get started

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