Member Reviews

Super Helpful and allowed me to better tailor my reviews. Will keep this at the ready going forward when speaking and writing about works in general.

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Very good tips and tricks for new reviewers on Netgalley. I will certainly be referring to it often.

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A helpful guide for fellow NetGalley Newbies! It covers everything from tips on making a NetGalley account to suggestions for marketing your book social media presence in a simple absorbable format. The guide also links to pages of the NetGalley website for quick navigation to more in depth information.

(I think this goes without saying, but E-copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)

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Although I have been reviewing for a long time this was a great reminder and also so useful for social media tips. I can recommend anyone just starting to read this informative guide.

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Thank you Netgalley and We are Bookish for this amazing and helpful tool! It’s very helpful for those of us that want to fine tune our book reviews! I can’t wait to start working on improving my reviews and profile by using the tips on this kit!

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I found NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit to be a very valuable tool. Having participated in reviewing books on NetGalley for a while I felt I was good in my approach. After reviewing this book I found there was much more I could learn to strengthen my reviews. Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish for providing this tool.

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Thank you NetGalley for this toolkit. It will be an incredible addition and is packed with so much good information

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Thank you NetGalley for this resource! As someone just getting started in the bookish sphere, I’ll definitely be looking to this guide often for tips and tricks!

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I want to thank Netgalley for this opportunity to learn! I'm sure this toolkit will be very helpfull in my future netgalley reads and I'll use it as best as I can! 100% recommend giving it a good look!

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Thank you to the Netgalley team for providing this resource, it is extremely helpful.
It is very easy to read and would be a great guide for both new reviewers and professional reviewers.

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Very helpful guide and a new gem in my collection! As well as a love for books I also have a love for social media, so gaining insights on how to create different kind of contents for different platforms was truly inspiring. A must-have for anyone wanting to delve into this field. Thank you so much NetGalley!

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As someone who has just joined Net Galley, this was incredibly useful. It provided an overview of the site and a number of best practices to keep in mind. If you are just getting started, this is a good place to start.

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A great guide for anyone new to NetGalley, as well as for the ones who don't know all the small details about it yet. Very useful in order to boost your profile: how to maintain your feedback ratio, get more requests accepted, write quality reviews and start your social presence on different platforms.

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The "NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit" summarizes key points and guidelines reviewers may look at to understand how to set up a successful NetGalley profile and begin reviewing books.

Content: I found the content to be helpful, easy to understand, and accessible. The Do's and Don't's pages were incredibly helpful to me when creating my NetGalley profile. Reading the guidelines is vital to easing your way into the NetGalley community.

Key Audience: If you're not familiar with NetGalley and the reviewing process but wish to create a solid profile and learn to organize yourself in order to achieve your reading/reviewing goals, this is the perfect 101 guide to stay on track and learn more about what NetGalley has to offer.

Visuals: The graphics and images utilized on the Toolkit enhanced my reading experience by organizing key information in easy-to-read slides. The pages were colorful and visually appealing. I enjoyed the pastel coloring scale throughout the book. Some tips were illustrated on post-it notes (which I enjoyed) and made me chuckle with their content from time to time.

Concluding thoughts: If you're new to NetGalley, read it! The tips are actually helpful. I wrote some of their tips down and will use them in the future.

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This was very helpful and thought out. It really breaks down good ways to help build your profile for better chances at approvals

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Very helpful tips for starting out on NetGalley and social media!
Must read for all newbies to the book reviewing world

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Simply love love loved the tips and learned quite a bit. Thanks netgalley for sharing this gem of a toolkit,

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This is very helpful. Before I read this, I did go on a request spree and I also did not realize there were publisher guidelines.

So glad I noticed this today and decided to see what it was about.

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Super helpful tool in getting started on Netgalley!
This pamphletesque book breaks down how to build a strong profile, some info on requesting book ARCs, gives helpful tips for social media, and it even offers tips on how to write solid reviews (that’ll help build your audience!) and some overall general do’s and don’ts!
An extremely quick read that could make a difference on getting approved for an ARC or not!
Thanks so much Netgalley!

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This NetGalley Toolkit was a great resource as it provided a wealth of information in an easy to read format. Topics covered included an intro to NetGalley, Reviews, Social Media and Strategy. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who is looking to grow as an advocate!

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