Member Reviews

Loved this brilliant resource - it’s definitely made me reconsider my approach for reviewing ARCs in the future and I’ve started to refine my social media accounts as a result - thank you!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit offers insightful information on how to navigate your away across the platform. I find it quite informative in its simplistic overview as I was able to navigate my way through NetGalley. Now, I can focus on writing better reviews while at the same time contribute to the overall experience.

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This is a very useful resource for book advocates. It gives help for everything from writing reviews and creating instagram posts. This is very handy.

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This was so helpful! It includes everything you could potentially need - from how to start your blog & tips & tricks on how to be successful on EVERY platform! I only use Instagram & Goodreads, but it's really nice to know if I ever wanted to move into another platform, I'd have everything I need right here to ramp it up. Thank you for putting the time into this & I'll be referring back to this time & time again!

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This netgalley file is s great toolkit with a lot of fab tips about reviewing and building a profile.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit was a helpful guide for getting started with Net Galley. At first I found myself wishing there was a page on the NetGalley website with all of this information, but in the end I found myself appreciating the format as it required me to go through the process of obtaining and looking at books - exactly what I will need to do to interact with this platform. This guide included basic social media information as well as ways to interact with various social media platforms and gave tips for reviewing on each platform. I appreciated having this tool kit and will continue to reference it as I become more active on NetGalley. I haven't checked out all of the links in the toolkit, but I feel confident they will be even more helpful.

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This is a fantastic Toolkit on how to successfully use NetGalley and promote the books you read. I have only been a member on NetGalley since the end of December so I learned a lot. One tip I wish I would have know once I joined is Avoid Request Spree. I am used to entering contests of Goodreads and I will maybe win a book or two a year. I thought NetGalley would be similar so I did go on a Request Spree and ended up getting approved for 35 books. Now I am on a Reading Spree to get them all read! I also just found out that I could have removed requests! Live and Learn! There are great tips on writing reviews and promoting on social media. I am currently working on an IG account to promote my books (since I now have so many to promote) so the tips were quite helpful!

Highly recommend this read for everyone on NetGalley!

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This is an extremely helpful guide to get started with NetGalley and also developing your book review brand. It's easy to digest and very visual. One of the best tips I learned was to check the publisher's approval preferences to make sure I can continuously update my profile and socials for my favorite publishers!

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This is a handy quick-reference guide to book reviews, both in general and tailored to Netgalley. The guide takes you through registration with Netgalley, and gives advice on how to increase your likelihood of being approved for books you are interested in. There is then a section on how to write reviews, including critical ones. The final third of the toolkit focuses on social media - general tips, and then guides to specific platforms.

The magazine-style layout makes the guide easy to dip into and the gentle palette is kind to the eyes! Recommended to anyone new to Netgalley, or anyone else who would like a quick refresh on the platform.

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A really useful toolkit for getting started with book reviewing and social media. Although I already have a bookstagram account, the suggestions within the toolkit have helped me think more about the branding of it. I'd definitely recommend this for anyone thinking of starting a book blog or any sort of social media platform for reviewing.

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This was a great little booklet on how to begin your Net Galley journey. As a person who is new to reviewing books publicly, I found this very informative and will be looking back to it as I continue using this website.

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I saw a video about this toolkit on TikTok.  As a new user of this platform, I found it very helpful. It was not to long, insightful, and clear. I also appreciated that there were specific tips, depending on the platform that you use. 
Still, I missed a few things, one being a tutorial or explanations of certain terms for instance, what it means if a book is archived and what are the consequences if you don’t put in your review before it’s archived. If a new version of this toolkit is being made, it could be made from the perspective of a new user who has zero experience on this platform and zero knowledge. With that perspective in mind, I think this toolkit could be even better than it already is. 

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This was very well written and informative. This will help any new person in the world of writing reviews for publishers and authors.

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This is a very logically organized resource guide for readers to hone their reviewing and promotional skills whether new to book reviewing or well seasoned in their efforts. I only wish that it was available on Adobe Digital Editions rather than simple PDF.

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Great tools to help with reviews. I found some very interesting points I would have never thought of on my own. Thanks to those at We Are Bookish for compiling these for us. This was very educational and helpful and I would recommend for anyone starting out with Net Galley, starting to write reviews or even for seasoned reviewers here that just need a little brush up or boost to their writing. A great, helpful aid!!
Thank you to We Are Bookish and Net Galley for the ARC, I am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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Very informative toolkit for beginners! While I may not have found anything new there, I appreciate that it could definitely be very useful for others. I really liked the concise form and the tips for specific platforms.

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A very helpful and easy to understand quick tip guide to getting started on Netgalley as well as other book reviewing platforms. The guide is filled with fun infographics that give some tried and true steps for success, as well as some new ideas that beginner book reviewers like myself may find invaluable.

Definitely worth the quick read. I see myself referring back to this guide many times in the near future.

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This guide was a good starting point for anyone interested in using NetGalley. I am hopeful that I will be chose to preview some new and upcoming authors and books, so that I can share them with my online and real life communities.

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Very helpful resource guide, well set-out and easy to read! Perfect for getting started with an account on Netgalley.

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NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit was informative and helpful. It explained the intimidating world of book-reviewing in easy to understand ways. It included instructions for review writing, setting up your profile on NetGalley, how to review on different platforms, and more. I do wish it had a bit more information on how to make your NetGalley profile better, I also wish the book had more information on writing reviews.
Overall, this was a solid foundation and I recommend this to any new users of NetGalley. I wish I had found this book when I first started. If you have had NetGalley for a while, then this book most likely has no more new information to offer you.

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