Member Reviews

This was extremely helpful! I felt at a loss when I started using NetGalley and this definitely gave me great tips that I’ll be using moving forward!! Plus it’s free and we do love free

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This is extremely helpful and a must-read for all book reviewers. I love all the tips about how to use different platforms including steps for taking Instagram photos and different kinds of blog posts. I'll be reading this often.

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Thank you for this! Super helpful - though I would have loved to read it BEFORE I fell into the 'request spree' trap!

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This was really helpful for a newbie to leaving reviews. I’ve actually been going back to this guide for guidance.

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This was super helpful as an ARC and online reviewer newbie! Great tips - there were a few things I wouldn’t have even thought of (meaning I already did the wrong thing), like not trying to request too many books all at once.

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This is a really useful guide to help with your NetGalley success. There are some useful tips such as "fighting the request spree" This is something I definitely struggle with. If you're new to NetGalley and need some advice this is a great place to start.

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Thank you for the tips on how to write a book review! Especially how to utilize other platforms to generate an audience! I will definitely use these techniques and tips for both my channels “The Resistance Book Club” and “Black Authors Corner”

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This was a very helpful toolkit for those who, like myself, are relatively new to NetGalley. Thanks to We Are Bookish for making it available. I am sure I will continue to reference it as I continue growing as a Book Advocate.

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An all inclusive guidebook to reviews!

This contains everything you’ll need to know from setting up your username on sites (including which sites) to how to make content accessible.

There’s guides on how to take photos of books and eReaders including the props to use. There’s help on setting up a schedule for your content and how to not get overwhelmed by too much.

This guideline is easy to digest with everything written simply, to the point, with gorgeous graphics and illustrations.

To anyone like myself who’s starting out in their reviewing journey or even just dipping their toes into the word of books and social media I highly recommend this book to you.

I highly value all in this book it’s a solid 10/10 from me.

***A big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.***

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I found this 32-page toolkit helpful, easy to use with colourful eye-catching information full of tips and hints for reviewing purposes. I obtained all I needed for my reviewing purposes and would recommend this toolkit to all reviewers.

I give a 4 star rating.

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Informative with plenty of valuable resources. As someone hoping to restructure her reviews, this has been very helpful.

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Appreciated how organized and thorough this guide was. As someone new to NetGalley and the reviewing scene in general, I can see myself pulling this guide out regularly to help establish myself and will be referring back to the tips and tricks outlined.

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Great resources! I always come back to this little booklet when I need ideas for structuring reviews, or planning content for my social media pages.

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This “book” was helpful and I probably should have read it before I started to request books. I’m still finding my voice for reviews and I’m not the kind of person that really enjoys “putting it all out there” so I found the social media comparison useful. It sounds exhausting to run a BookTok or Bookstagram but I would be lying if I said I haven’t been tempted to start one (or both). Overall this is a good introductory resource for book reviewers and now I need to go try to resuscitate my feedback ratio as I definitely fell prey to the request frenzy.

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This a very useful toolkit for every reader who wants to share good reviews to help authors!
Thank you NetGalley for giving us this book :)

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Very helpful and informative! I enjoyed the assistance I found here in how to write a great review (including a helpful list of do's and don'ts) in addition to the suggestions for sharing book reviews. This dives into some great ideas for social media as well such as Bookstagram, Booktok and Booktube with some fantastic checklists to spur creativity as you get started. It was very easy to access this guide on the NetGalley Shelf app which I appreciated. Thank you NetGalley for providing this!

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Excellent free review writing, and marketing tips from Netgalley's We Are Bookish team. Brilliant and informative for any new or jaded reviewer.

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It was very helpful!.

It helped me understand what to do and what not to do in reviewing NetGalley titles and reviewing books in general.

Big thanks to the publishers. Great job!.

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A great starter pack for NetGalley reviewers and book bloggers! Super easy to follow with great graphics and LOADS of great pointers. Recommended for all using NetGalley, even seasoned pros, theres so many great hints and tips.

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This is so informative and helpful - it should be automatically put on the shelf of anyone who signs up for NetGalley. It may have stopped me falling into the trap of acting like a 5-year-old in a sweet shop as soon as I joined and avoided the 'request spree (I will catch up on my reviews, honestly NetGalley).

This Toolkit is full of helpful insight, hints and tips that are helping me use NetGalley and social media to promote books and reading; and in building my confidence in offering reviews.

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