Member Reviews

This is a concise primer with useful tips and links to more resources. It covers NetGalley, book reviewing, social media, and strategy/tools. I appreciated the section about accessibility.

I have general knowledge but still made some notes for each section. This will be most helpful to a beginner.

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Helpful but a bit complicated at times. Useful to have on hand when thinking about how to give feedback on the books you have reviewed

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This is a fantastic toolkit and am so glad I decided to actually look through it. The graphics organized the plethora of content really well and were definitely appearing.

As someone who has barely started book reviewing this year and is just getting into their bookstagram journey this was really helpful. I never thought to look at publisher specific hashtags to include in my posts. My biggest book/social goal for the new year is to learn how to be consistent with posting. These bits of advice are definitely things i will be utilizing..

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Great collection of hints and tips on getting approved for books on Netgalley, and on reviewing books.
Covers all of the popular platforms.

Thanks Netgalley!

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What a handy, easy booklet for NetGalley reviewers who are just getting started or even those who need a refresh. I really wish this was available when I started reviewing on NetGalley – it would have saved me a lot of time!
This step-by-step guide will be a great resource for everyone using NetGalley, even those with difficulties following computer instructions. The graphics are colorful and eye-catching and I think this will be helpful for a lot of newbies.
I give this toolkit five stars and thank NetGalley and We Are Bookish for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review. I gave it five stars.

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This was very helpful and fun to read. The small blurb about what information to include when reviewing audiobooks was also helpful.

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This is a helpful book with tips on getting started with NetGalley. Thank you for providing this resource!

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This is a helpful tip booklet and I appreciated the help ! Thanks for the opportunity to read through it!

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This guide was quite helpful. Many thanks for making it available. I have been long thinking about moving onto a new platform in addition to Goodreads and this really helped clarify the pros and cons of social media options. I like the interaction opportunities with a reading-focused instagram account, so may well go that route.

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Hmmm… I made an account, what do I do now? This was a question that plagued me when I first set up my NetGalley account. I’m an account new to NetGalley so I was able to use their resources to write the review but I was having difficulty recalling where specific information was located including: “What Hashtags do I use?” “How do I tell my audience this was a gifted copy?”. This guide will be a resource I continue to refer back to. The information is presented in beautiful and engaging graphics. It is well organised which allowed me to locate information about the apps I use quickly and easily. It’s a short document which makes it a nice read and has lots of great information. Some of the information was quite basic and not as relevant to me including information about setting up an Instagram account, but it was a nice refresher and it’s gorgeous to look at.

If you wanted to get started reviewing on NetGalley, checking out this guide will most likely save you time in the long run as it allows you to get the information quickly and easily. "Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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this toolkit was definitely helpful to me. I will definitely be coming back to this whenever I want to write a review as it discusses some great points.

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Extremely helpful! Definitely recommend for someone just starting out using Netgalley. But also is just a useful reference to look back on. Learned a few things while reading this, but I would say it’s more for the very new beginners.

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This was a helpful starter guide to how to use NetGalley to review. I wish there were more examples and tips but overall great guide

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Some decent tips. A lot of it is common sense, but this would be great "required reading" for someone starting out on NetGalley.

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Very helpful for both figuring out how to use NetGalley and how to write good and interesting reviews. I'll use this as a kind of reference book when I'm writing my next reviews.

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I didn’t realize I hs to give feedback but this was a good little book to help with book reviews. I have been doing this a few years and I still learned a couple things…as I’m not the greatest at writing reviews.

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This was extremely helpful for figuring out what each of my NetGalley reviews should look like. I am new to Netgalley and had no idea what the publishers were looking for and this answered practically every single question I had.

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It seems like most of this information is available on the wearebookish website. It is a good collection, but I don't really think it was needed as a book. Perhaps a collection on the website itself?

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This is so good. I really liked this. There are so many great tips in this small book. I would have definitely enjoyed it, when I startet out reviewing books at Negalley. I learned a lot reading this.

Very helpful and beautiful layout. I love the colors as well.

I also love that there are several places where you can click to learn even more, if you wish.

This is a good help for Netgalley as well as social media tips.

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This is a helpful and colorful PDF book aimed mainly at beginners. There are many ideas on how to get established on social media platforms and review books. Experienced reviewers will probably find ideas they hadn't used before. It is a great way to find out how NetGalley wants reviewers to operate.

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