Member Reviews

This was a brilliant book. From the very start I just knew I was going to love it and that it was going to be a fantastic page turner. There was so much action packed into its pages and I just love a good dystopia book and this one did not disappoint. The author wrote this boon so well that it whipped me up and took me on a roller coaster of a ride. With so many twists and turns I was constantly on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. I listened to the audiobook and loved the narrator who did a fantastic job at bringing out the atmosphere and tension that the author created. I was swept away on a fantastic journey while reading this book. I was totally gripped on places. I really do recommend this book to all dystopia fans out there. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this fantastic author. 

So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing this fantastic edge of your seat read to us all.

The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK where found and my blog
Either under my name or ladyreading365 or lady Reading365 or ladyc reading

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Blue Fire was the kind of novel that made me want to take a survival training course over an entire weekend and obtaining a firearm! And I don’t even like guns.
Somethings happened to the country, a war? But anyway nothing works and people are selfish. I was quickly swept in and felt like I was in the midst of the Walking Dead.
There’s so many things I could of said about this novel but I’ll leave you with this. How are you with out your stuff? Status, money, privacy means nothing. Are you kind? And do you fight for the greater good? This story helped me decide which side I was on. It was good. I enjoyed listening to this book on audio and Kate Forbes narration was on point . She did such an incredible job. The ending came and I’m still holding my breath at the conclusion. and Shock.! I highly recommend it.
Thanks Recorded Books via NetGalley.

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** spoiler alert ** This book was great!! I loved that the family all comes together in the end and that the town is saved from the marauding "part-time soldiers" that felt it was their right and due to just take what they wanted. I can almost see this happening in the real world if we ever have some sort of nuclear war. However, I left this book feeling unfinished - what happens in the great sense to the USA? What happens after the wrestler takes control over the president and his bunch?

I will definitely read more books by this author!


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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* 3.5, better than expected but still just not really my cup of tea, would suggest it though

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Like just about every post-apocalyptic story, this one seems to devolve into a retelling of the Lord of the Flies, sort of a The Walking Dead without the Zombies. That isn’t a bad thing, just an observation.

I enjoyed the story well enough to seek out the previous book. What was appealing for me was the reality of it. OK, I said it was a retelling of LOTF, but sadly, that is pretty realistic in human nature. The book is dramatic, but not in an over-the-top way; it addresses believable situations and paints an accurate, if grim, portrait of what things will look like should we ever find ourselves thrown back into the pre-electronic age. The characters were well developed, and their evolutions made sense, not only to the story but to reality.

I did not like the weird “Hell Day plus” thing employed to place events on a timeline. It was chaotic. The story jumped around, back and forth through time with absolutely no purpose. It did not further the story or tie events together; rather, it was somewhat distracting. Having now read the previous book, these jumps are even more problematic because they do not tie to the timeline established in the first book. As a series, there needs to be reliable continuity. It just is not there.

As this was an audiobook, a comment must be made on the narrator. She has a good style delivers the narration well. However, she needs to learn to not gasp for air as she reads. Distracting and detracting. Otherwise, well done.

#VictoriaEmmerson, #JohnGilstrap, #NetGalley, #Post-Apocalyptic, #Survival

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I was hesitant about starting this book because I hadn't read Book 1. Not a problem. From the start I was immersed in the story and the characters. Gilstrap did such an excellent job that I never wondered what was happening or why. The action and tension were non-stop with a variety of character types that were very true to life. I found myself wishing for a roll of duct tape when my husband wanted to talk about something while I was listening to Blue Fire. lol

Kate Forbes is an excellent reader for the audiobook. Her voice and tone conveyed the tension without sacrificing the listening experience. Her even modulation kept me riveted and made it easy to hear the book. I will look for more books that she's read.

All in all an excellent experience. I will go back and listen to Book 1. In fact, I will get that book for our next road trip. I believe my husband will enjoy this series too - and I won't have to duct tape him. (GRIN)

I received a free copy of the audiobook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinion are my own. #netgalley #bluefire #johngilstrap

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HD: Hawesville man charged after assaulting juvenile
By C. Josh Givens
A Hawesville man has been charged with several offenses after an investigation determined he allegedly assaulted a 15-year-old juvenile after entering a residence belonging to his girlfriend following a vehicle crash on nearby property.
According to a criminal complaint filed by Hancock County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Chris DeJarnette on Feb. 16, the incident began on Feb. 13, when Cody Lee Wedding, 39, crashed his vehicle on a neighboring property to his girlfriend’s residence. The complaint and arrest citation do not specify a location for the incident.
Following the crash, Wedding is alleged to have walked to his girlfriend’s residence, where he began screaming and beating on the entry door of the home. Two juveniles were home at the time and allowed Wedding inside, stating they were scared he was going to break down the door.
He returned to the scene of the accident and a neighbor pulled out a mobile phone and indicated he was calling authorities, at which point Wedding took the phone and broke it into two pieces. At this point Wedding returned to the home. Once inside Wedding is alleged to have begun shaking the refrigerator, throwing items that were inside in an attempt to locate alcohol. The juveniles asked Wedding to leave the residence, at which point he began “yelling, cursing and chasing the juveniles,” according to the complaint.
Wedding grabbed a 15-year-old juvenile and assaulted the child. The 15-year-old fought back, causing significant injuries to Wedding’s face. Wedding’s girlfriend then arrived at the scene, and Wedding chased her and the juveniles from the home.
The woman and children then got into a truck owned by a neighbor. Wedding then came from behind the home with a shovel and threatened bodily harm to the two neighbors, chasing them with the improvised weapon. At which point Wedding is alleged to have begun beating on the vehicle in an attempt to enter it. Wedding busted out the driver’s side window of the truck and bent the doors, causing damage to the vehicle.
Other neighbors arrived and tried to reason with Wedding. They had to wrestle him to the ground. When Deputy Jeff Hendrick arrived at the scene, Wedding was observed assaulting the two neighbors who had intervened. As Hendrick attempted to handcuff Wedding, the man “kept rolling away and struggling” with the deputy, according to the complaint.
DeJarnette wrote that Wedding was “bloodied as his result of fighting with the juvenile and blood got all over the officer and his cruiser.”
Damage to each of the vehicles was estimated to be in excess of $1,000 each.
Wedding was arrested on Feb. 16 on a complaint warrant signed by Judge John McCarty and lodged in the Breckinridge County Detention Center on a $7,500 cash bond.
Charges include two counts of first-degree criminal mischief; two counts of third-degree criminal mischief; two counts of third-degree terroristic threatening; resisting arrest; third-degree assault, peace officer, communicable bodily fluids; menacing; second-degree robbery; and fourth-degree assault, child abuse.
Wedding was arraigned Wednesday in District Court by video teleconference.
The Clarion is not identifying the victims in the incident due to juveniles being involved and the domestic violence nature of events.
The wife of one of the adult victims in the incident contacted the Clarion to express gratitude to the Sheriff’s Department for its response in the matter, while also expressing concern for staffing levels in the department following the “dangerous situation.”
“Our Sheriff’s Department is understaffed and over worked. The staff should be at least doubled and preferably tripled. Having one deputy per shift is dangerous to the deputies and to the public. One deputy cannot be expected to cover the whole county. We know they do all they can to protect the citizens; perhaps it is time for the citizens to request an increase in the budget for the Sheriff’s Department so that more deputies can be hired.”

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Blue Fire is Book 2 in the new Victoria Emerson series from John Gilstrap.

"They call it Hell Day - the day the bombs fell and society reverted to a time of no technology. Victoria Emerson has been made leader of Ortho because of her organizational and prepper skills. The community has returned to a much calmer normal - less chaos and violence - neighbor helping neighbor. But some renegade National Guard troops want what the town of ortho has. And they're willing to kill to get it."

There are a couple of storylines here. One is the Guard troops against the townspeople of Ortho. You know that conflict is going to end in a big battle. The other is what's going on in the bunker housing the members of Congress, HOR and the President. Gilstrap paints a dire picture about the ineffectiveness of people without survival skills. You see what happens when people are determined to get their way.
Gilstrap has some subtle commentary on immigration. Makes you think.
Gilstrap does a great job with the realities of what happens when Nuclear War happens. There's also some great action scenes in this story.
The narrator is perfect for this audiobook but it took me a bit to get used to their voice. If you really want to wow a listener add some sound effects for the battle scenes.
Based on the events in the Politicians' bunker it looks like there should be at least one more book.

Fans of apocolyptic stories should really enjoy this one.

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This novel is the 2nd in a series. While taking place within a month of the last book, it can easily be listened to if you haven't read the first.
I enjoyed the narrator and the real world consequences of what would happentherc were a nuclear attack. The threads were nicely woven together although I found the jumping around confusing until close to the end when it became clear/
I would read/listen a 3rd book in the series and would listen to the narrator too. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC

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I read and enjoyed author, John Gilstrap’s first novel in this series " Crimson Phoenix".
So was excited when I saw Book #2 was available.

Story picks up where Congresswoman Victoria (Vickie) Emerson from West Virginia (my home state) was a congressional member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She was awaken at night and rushed to a safe bunker as a nuclear war was imminent. A widow with three boys, she insists that her two youngest boys Caleb and Luke go with her. When she is told no family members, she resigns!
She, her two sons and her escorts Major Joseph McCrea and First Sergeant Paul Copley end up in Ortho, WV.
Story continues after the nuclear invasion as the government try to rebuild.
As a Congresswoman Victoria Emerson always had a goal of being helpful to her community; she never let the ambitious Washington politicians who are more interested in themselves and are ambitious in power plays.
(This reminds of Joe Manchin a current Senator from West Virginia as in most cases he is the voice of

She continues her goal of protecting her family as well as helping the people in this small town survive.

Want to thank NetGalley and RB Media for this audio eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for February 22, 2022.

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Thank you again to NetGalley for an eARC of this book. The second installment in this series, this book apparently picks up right where the 1st one ended. Without reading the 1st book, I did not feel like that hampered my experience with this one. The events of the first book are referenced and discussed enough by the characters that I felt that I was able to catch on quickly as to what happened. The characters in this book are fully fleshed out, grab your attention as a reader, and don't give you your attention back until you're finished reading. Victoria Emerson is now one of my all-time favorite heroes in a book that I've read. The best part of this post-apocalyptic thriller is how well John Gilstrap conveys the full range of human reactions, emotions, and feelings that might accompany an event like Hell Day. You feel connected to the best of the best, the worst of the worst, and everyone in between. Can't wait for this to be published so I can add it, along with the 1st book Crimson Fire, to my shelves.

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Blue Fire is book two in the Victoria Emerson series. After Hell Day in the first book, Crimson Phoenix, an eight-hour nuclear conflict, survivors are rebuilding. Victoria Emerson, a congresswoman pre-conflict became the leader of a small community in Ortho, West Virginia. Her two of three sons are with her.

I read quite a few post-apocalyptic novels but this one really reminds me of The Walking Dead minus the undead. If you're a fan of the show you'll know that although the zombies are scary, hostile humans are scarier. With no electricity and limited resources, each community tries to survive and some would attempt to take what they can from another group with force.

The novel took off right away and held my interest. I think I would've enjoyed it more if I had read the first book when the characters are introduced along with Hell Day and the immediate aftermath. My only complaint is the abrupt ending.. I'll definitely read the first book in the series before the third one comes out. Highly entertaining!

Thank you Recorded Books and Netgalley for the audio ARC.
Available February 22, 2022!

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This book took a while to get into. A few times I had to remind myself that it's a current situation with historic applications due to human fallibility. I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of the government bunker part of the book served. It felt completely separate from the "main" story that offered a lot more in general. Adam is the character with the most development - the rest kind of remain the same, or if anything, devolves. Which, I suppose, is some kind of development. The end was abrupt and unsatisfying. I was just starting to enjoy it when it was all over.

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I really enjoyed this. I didn't realise until I started it that it's the second book. Super keen to listen to the first once audible makes it available! (question why is the second one available for pre order on audible but the first one isn't one there?)

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The writing was banal, and it felt a bit political. I didn't finish it.


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