Member Reviews

I was very interested in reading this excellent & fascinating book, especially as a long term Apple user who has been rather disappointed in them the last five years. In "After Steve", author Mickle examines corporate events and culture at Apple following the great Steve Job's untimely and early demise. Tim Cook, the anointed one was always clear about his corporate vision and plans to monetize Apple and become a tech juggernaut. This laser focus was always on the almighty dollar and stock price and nowhere is that more clear than in the sad loss of all the amazing innovation that occurred under Jobs & J. Ive's stewardship. It's pretty clear reading this account that the next big thing will coming from elsewhere and we Apple users can just keep settling for the incremental updates, poor service & insipid, tired products we are forced to settle for now. Recommend to any who miss the way it used to be, or anyone interested in Apple history. My thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the complimentary DRC, the exchange of which did not affect this opinion.

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An interesting look into the evolution of Apple after the loss of their founder Steve Jobs. This narrative offers a view of a company born from creative visionaries, the challenges to grow profits, and adapt to the changes incurred after the loss of its icon.

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