Member Reviews

Discovering the Dellawisp, an old horseshoe-shaped building on an island off the coast of South Carolina, and the Dellawisps, birds from the island. Many amazing characters make this a magical book, well worth the read!

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I really wanted to be enchanted and swept away by this book but it just fell flat for me personally. Somewhere at the 30% mark I just lost interest and struggled with wanting to pick it up. Eventually I finished and the ending was good.

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There are hints of magic to come from the very first line, as : "The empty wicker birdcage beside her began to rattle impatiently."

The empty birdcage is occupied by Pigeon, Zoe's invisible bird. Zoe, at 18, will be starting college in the fall, and in her last summer, she has travelled to Mallow Island to live and work in the condominium left to her by her mother. There, she will act as a catalyst for several love stories and the development of a found family among the residents of the complex. I thought this line was a perfect metaphor for Zoe's effect on the people around her; "Everything around her was suddenly stitched together by unseen threads, as thin as gossamer."

I was completely surprised by the final chapter of this book, but it was a totally fitting ending to this lovely story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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t took me awhile to get into the story of "other Birds" but once I became invested in the characters and the ghosts of the story I could not put it down. A mixture of magical realism, and the pain of being a forgotten child are mixed together in these pages. The other theme that plays throughout is food as love and caring for another. The characters in the story are all tied together by a mysterious apartment house in Mallow Island - an island off the coast of South Carolina. The story begins with Zoey Hennessy coming to the "Dellawisp" to claim her mother's apartment, which has held in trust for her since her mother died twelve years ago. Not long after she arrives, one of the long time tenants, an older woman named Lisbeth Lime, dies. The caretaker of the building, a man named Frasier, hires Zoey to go through Lizbeth's apartment to clean it out - Lisbeth was a hoarder. Zoey begins to befriend the other tenants, Charlotte, who is on the run and suffering from a mysterious heartbreak, a young chef named Mac who creates magical meals with cornmeal inspired by the woman who took him in as a young boy when he was homeless, and Jane - the mysterious reclusive sister of Lizbeth Lime. Of course all of the characters have tragic backstories, but will love and magic heal all wounds? Welcome back, Sarah Addison Allen - I have missed you.

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Sarah Addison Allen is one of my favorite authors. Her gentle, lyrical prose and soft magical elements are so soothing to the soul. I have been eagerly awaiting this novel, but unfortunately, this one fell a little flat for me.
Zoey, a recent high school graduate, moves into her late mother's apartment on Mallow Island, where she meets a trove of characters who each have their own mystery and trauma surrounding them. As Zoey tries to learn more about her late mother, she realizes she doesn't know much about herself, or how to really be an adult. Her neighbors, whose stories we learn bit by bit, of course help Zoey understand how to live and how to love.
There was not as much magic realism in this book as her past ones, and I think that is why I felt it a little lacking. Zoey seems too naïve, and to me, it seems the instant friendships were forced just to get the plot moving. I still enjoyed the book for its beautiful language, but it won't stick with me.

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This title just didn't work for me. Given the promo, I'd thought this would be a title I would love, but it all felt a bit twee and not really fresh.

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Really sweet found family story for a group is misfits, entangled with secrets and ghosts.

It took me awhile to get hooked but breezed through it once I did. I recommend this to any fans of Sarah Addison Allen and those looking for a genuinely sweet story with a bit of magic.

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Pure magic as only Sarah Addison Allen can do it. A story of the families we leave behind, the families we choose, and the ghosts that never leave us.

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Sarah Addison Allen is the absolute queen of magical realism! I loved the characters in this book and they will live in my heart forever! Zoey has moved to Mallow Island and to the condo her mother left for her. There she meets her neighbors. All the neighbors are lonely and have secrets. Zoey gets to know them all. I wish this book didn't end! I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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Sarah Addison Allen returns at last with a haunting tale of loss, love and framily. As with all of her novels (and I believe I’ve read all she’s published), this book is beautifully written, with well developed characters and masterful world building. Indeed, the story deftly transports the reader to picturesque fictional “Mallow Island” near Charleston, and the “Dellawisp” haven of condos for a bevy of misfits (at least as they perceive themselves). While in various senses the quirky tale is imbued with hope, for me its lasting impression is somewhat dark, somber and sad. Still, this story is not to be missed by fans of the author and Alice Hoffman, and perhaps those who love the books of Heather Webber and Karen Hawkins as well. Three and a half stars, rounded up due to the quality of the writing. Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the complimentary ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I know that I am not the only fan who has been eagerly waiting for Sarah Addison Allen’s latest novel, Other Birds. I found this author’s previous books to be magical, special, and enticing. Other Birds did not have the same feel as the author’s other works. I did not find myself drawn into the story. The tale is told from several point-of-views (the residents along with a ghost or two). The story meanders from one character to the next. I enjoyed the descriptions of Mallow Island as well as the apartment complex with the lush foliage and unusual birds. There is an assortment of characters who have issues. There is one trying to run from her past (that never works), one who has someone they are not ready to let go, estranged sisters, a young woman looking to bond with her deceased mother, one who wishes to escape the island, and the caretaker of the condos. It is an offbeat cast of characters with some of them having unusual quirks. Before Zoey arrived at The Dellawisp, the residents kept to themselves. Proximity along with some strange occurrences slowly bring the residents together. The residents begin to bond and slowly get to know each other. They each have something they need to get past (hoarding, mental health issues, child neglect, sexual assault, a cult) before they can move on with their lives. There is your biological family, and then there is the family you create which is what we have in Other Birds. It happens in a way that is slightly unbelievable. The magical element was different (I do not want to say too much and spoil it for you). I did not feel that the characters were fleshed out (there were too many of them, so they all suffered). I was never able to get into this book (I tried). I felt Other Birds lacked substance. There are various unrelated storylines along with a mystery or two. I felt that the ending to Zoey’s story was lackluster. The mystery resolution is rushed and incomplete. While Other Birds is my least favorite book by this author, I am looking forward to Sarah Addison Allen’s next magical tale. Other Birds is a unique story with an enticing island, bizarre birds, a fragrant tree, an abnormal mystery, quirky residents, and past pains.

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Full disclosure, I am a huge fan of this author and was thrilled to see her publish a new book, and it did not disappoint!
Zoey Hennessey moves to the charming coastal town of Mallow Island after her mother passes away. She arrives to claim her deceased mother's apartment at the Dellawisp, a lovely community of five apartments. The apartments are named after the Dellawisp birds that live in the courtyard among the apartments. They are mysterious little birds, almost as mysterious as the residents.

On the very night that Zoey arrives at the Dellawisp, one of the other residents dies, and the circumstances are mysterious. This mysterious death brings a few residents together, and they get to know each other and form friendships. Each of them has interesting and beautiful stories that slowly unfold. Add in some interesting twists and a few ghosts, and the story takes on that magical realism I love so much.
This is one of those books that is difficult to put down!

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I loved this book and simply adored all of the unique characters that made it so enjoyable!

Before starting college, Zoey sets off to Mallow Island to claim her deceased mother’s apartment. There she meets an eclectic group of neighbors who each have their own peculiar stories; two estranged sisters (one of whom never leaves her apartment), a henna artist on the run, a lonely chef, a famous writer, and to my surprise, three ghosts. The more Zoey gets to know them the more interested she in in the history of The Dellawisp and how these people came to live there. They are all harboring secrets but have their reasons for keeping them, and Zoey might just be the one to get them to open up to one another. Zoey is a bit quirky herself, but I loved her effortless ability to bring people together when they needed it most.

Highly recommend!

*Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing a copy of this book to review.*

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Another wonderful read by Sarah Addison Allen. Her books are always a welcome treat! This book was
about family and how our lives are changed and how we love and a dash or two of magic.

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This was my first book from this author, and I cannot say enough good things about it. Other Birds was lyrical and imaginative, it was philosophical and sweet, it connected with me on a level many books don’t. Other Birds follows the lives of several people who live in a small apartment complex, their loved ones lost, and life after death. It had depth both in the story and characters. I loved every word and did not want to leave the world of Marshall Island. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves to read.

A huge thank you to the author, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review. #OtherBirds #NetGalley

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Setting: Mallow Island [marshmallows]--off the coast of South Carolina. The Dellawisp--a building named after the tiny turquoise birds who populate the area.

A cast of dysfunctional inhabitants including [but not limited to]: Zooey--ready to start college--who comes to claim her deceased mother's apartment, Charlotte--a henna artist, Mac--a cook often covered in cornmeal, Frasier--the owner of the Dellawisp. In addition the estranged sisters Lizbeth and Lucy, and Oliver--Lizbeth's son. All of them looking for something and all of them lonely, incomplete--and with emotional baggage.

Did you know that narshallow is a plant and it's roots were previously used to make marshmallow--and /or medicine. [I did not]

Eponymous title: "There are birds, and then there are other birds... I'd much rather be an other bird than just the same old thing." And hence the oddities. Birds: the dellawisps, Pigeon [who is part of Zooey's story]. And ghosts--many chapters are in one of the ghost's voices. And as advertised, magic realism,

Thin, extremely predictable, and trite. Saw some of the plot coming together from miles away [a disconnect for me].

Am I a harsh critic? Perhaps. But I expected so much more considering some of the reviews I read that praised this novel. Many very choppy sentences. Again in the distinct minority, but...

2.5 but not rounding up because to me, that means read it.

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“If the people around you don’t love you just as you are, find new people. They’re out there.”

Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen is a heartfelt story and more! It feels like the comfort food that fills you up and makes you hungry for more. It was like the warmth of the coziest blanket paired with warm fuzzy socks on a cold winter day. It’s the ray of sunrise that brings hope and the promise of tomorrow by the sharp hew of sunset. Its the pain when cuts run deep and the sense of surviving that old scars bring. The security that only the feeling of belongingness can give. Other Birds is a book of friendship and of family. A tale of grief and moving on. A magical story and the tough reality. Other Birds is LOVE.

Zoey, Charlotte, Mac, Frasier, Oliver and Lucy were individuals brought together by fate. Each has a baggage and a past they tried to run away from and memories they fear to let go. Misfits, they call themselves, and when misfits unites, they became family.

I really love this book. It was beautifully written and so hard not to love the characters. It gives the reader a reason that there is always something good left in this world! I am very grateful to receive both an e-copy and the stunningly cute book box with merchandise of Other Birds from Netgalley and St.Martin’s Press in exchange of my honest review. I highly recommend this book.

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Sarah Addison Allen is one of the best writers who do magical realism, in my opinion. Her stories feel effortless and you believe in the unbelievable because she makes it real. This was an intriguing book and I picked it up because I loved the theme around the birds and their relation to grief and loneliness. This book took a little time to get into, but my attention was piqued with the cornmeal situation. What a clever idea. Unfortunately, I didn't connect with this book as much as I did others that the author has written. I didn't bond with the characters like I was hoping to and that ultimately made this an entertaining story but not one that I loved. *Advance copy provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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What's it about (in a nutshell):
Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen is a moving story about family – those you are born to and those that become one. "If people around you don't love you just as you are, find new people. They're out there."

Initial Expectations (before beginning the book):
The title intrigues me – Other Birds. What does it mean? I can't wait to find out. The cover is simplistic, with a birdcage and birds flying around it, but that doesn't tell me more than the title does. The blurb mentions magical realism and an island off the coast of South Carolina. I love both of those things. And so many characters and secrets - that definitely captivates me.

Actual Reading Experience:
The magical realism surrounding the birds is a moving aspect of the story, and I just loved it. I can't say much about it, but I guarantee you would find it as moving as I did.
I especially loved the theme of family. Sometimes the family you are born to just doesn't give you all the love you deserve. But if that happens, there are still plenty of people who will, and they can become the family of your heart. This is a very heartwarming theme that resonated with me on many different levels.

Other Birds is a character-driven story, and oh, what wonderful characters they are!

Zoey Hennessey is the main character. She is an eighteen-year-old beginning college in the fall and moves into the condo she inherited from her mother while she waits for school to begin. She is a loving person who has had a rough childhood with a father and stepmother that do not show her anything resembling unconditional love. Her inquisitive nature is charming, and her invisible bird, Pigeon, is very intriguing and gives me the chills.

Zoey's support characters are the other residents of Dellawisp Condo: Mac Garrett, a chef; Lucy Lime, a shut-in; Elizabeth Lime, a busybody and estranged sister of Lucy Lime; Oliver Lime, Elizabeth's son who is away looking for a job; Charlotte Lungren, a free spirit and henna artist; and Frasier, the caretaker/manager of the condos.

Each character has secrets, and those secrets are revealed as each learns and grows from their interactions with one another. They become the family that each is sorely in need of.

Narration & Pacing:
Most of the story is told in 3rd person except for the ghost chapters. The ghosts speak directly to the reader in an intimate first-person narration. This is a great touch and an incredibly poignant way to tell the story. The pacing was my least favorite part as it's more of a medium pace. However, I loved the end, as that was incredibly fast-paced.

Dellawisp Condo on Mallow Island off the coast of South Carolina is the setting. The Dellawisp Condo area is used perfectly and thoughtfully. The rest of the island is not utilized as much, and I would love to have explored it more. Still, the area critical to the story is wonderfully used.

To Read or Not to Read:
If you are looking for a story that will speak to you in profound ways, Other Birds is just that book.

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Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen is a charming , quirky novel about a charming, quirky cast of characters.

Zoey is a nineteen year old woman returning to Mallow Island for the first time since she was a little girl, along with her invisible bird named Pigeon. Note: Pigeon is not the only invisible character in this book. Zoey meets the other inhabitants of the Dellawisp Condo community and helps bring them together.

This is a magical, lyrical book and very much character- driven. The title refers to people/birds who are not like the others and perhaps don’t fit in. The novel also demonstrates how we can create the family of our choosing.

I highly recommend this novel and plan to re-read it! Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the digital ARC.

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