Member Reviews

Mallow Island is right off the coast of South Carolina and on it sits The Dellawisp, a historic building that’s shaped like a horseshoe. It’s named after the tiny fluttery birds who live there with the select humans who are lucky enough to live in its condos. There is magic in the air as Zoey, who inherits her mothers studio sized condo, comes to spend the summer before beginning college. We read about the tenants and the ghosts who live there in alternating chapters. The residents are quirky and endearing and I loved uncovering the secrets they each had that seemed to keep the ghosts around for support. I loved this book and I will miss the residents at Dellawsip. Can’t wait to read another book by Sarah Addison Allen.

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The first book from Sarah Addison Allen following monumental losses was well worth the wait. Her work hasn’t changed, except to get deeper and better, steeped with whimsy and magic and a charming story. I feel like this should be a series- there’s so many more stories to tell. I love the idea that our loved ones don’t leave… they linger with us and watch over us until we don’t need their guidance.

The author’s note at the end? Yes you sure did.

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Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen is pure joy, and I predict this will be a big hit in the book world. The story centers around our lead protagonist, 19 year old Zoey Hennessey, who is looking for a place to belong and memories of her dead Mother. Zoey’s father has remarried, and she is no longer welcome in his new life. Hence, she travels to Mallow Island off the coast of South Carolina and moves into her mother’s empty studio condo in a small enclave of eclectic characters. Most importantly, Zoey’s new home is also the home to a flock of rare Dellawisps, turquoise-colored birds with many quirks. Added to this is Zoey’s unusual “bird”, called Pigeon. This small group of characters in Zoey’s new condo forms a home of sorts for each other and a place to belong. When looking for love and security, ghosts, fellow weary travelers, and misfits can become significant. They help Zoey to fly. There is magical realism, coming-of-age plotlines, family, birds and ghosts. I won’t reveal more details because this book is magical and reminds us that we are not alone. It is a book of hope.  #birds #love #family #life #comingofage #secrets #sweet #OtherBirds @sarahaddisonallen #netgalley @netgally #hope #SouthCarolina #mystery #future #life #purpose #belonging @stmartinspress #arc
I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to NetGalley, and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read this book. Pub Date: Aug. 30, 2022.

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Overall I enjoyed this story. The writing is well done with engaging prose and a meandering storytelling style that is endearing in the end. I can understand why people love this author's books as her way of telling a story is measured and peaceful with sprinkles of wisdom thrown in that make you take notice.

The beginning was a little rough as I found it slow and I was struggling to find the point, the reason why I should care about these characters living in this complex. A lot of reviewers have used the phrase "magical realism" to describe this story and while I wouldn't call it magic per se I would definitely call it longings of the heart that is all too real for many. Loss, longing, a desire to find yourself, your community, your family so much so that you're holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore. Every character we're introduced to living at the Dellawisp is longing for something and this is the story of how they find what they're looking for and let go of the past that binds them.

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Hidden from prying eyes, was the magical Dellawisp. Built for the birds, it became a haven for a few lost people and a place where they found a home.

Following her high school graduation, Zoey arrived at the Dellawisp in an attempt to feel closer to her mother who had passed years ago. Though that connection was lacking, Zoey did bond with her neighbors, all of whom were haunted by ghosts of their own.

I loved the way Allen incorporated ghosts into this story. Some were literal, while others were figurative. Regardless of their nature, these residents were able to face their past, make peace with their ghosts, and forge forward because they found each other. I was shedding happy tears and patting my heart as it filled with warmth and joy. I simply adore stories like this.

The book had a bit of mystery, lots of atmosphere, a touch of romance, and so much love. The relationships that developed between the residents were what delighted me the most. Found family is a favorite trope of mine, and Allen assembled quite a wonderful one here. I loved learning about their pasts, watching them overcome those things that were holding them back, and seeing them form important human connections.

Overall: A breathtaking and magical tale.

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Other Birds introduces the reader to the neighbors who inhabit The Dellawisp apartment complex, named after the local, mischievous, turquoise birds of Mallow Island, off of the South Carolina coast. Zoey is on her way to college, but first living for the summer in the condo that she inherited from her mother, in an attempt to become closer to her mother's memory. Along the way, she discovers more about herself, the residents, their mysterious lives and the lives of those they have loved and lost, while reconnecting them to hope, new lives, new loves, new created families and new futures. I absolutely loved this book as it described the beautiful island, the enticing foods and the colorful characters that came alive in this magical realism story, so much so, that I WISH that is was an actual place that I could visit (I already do love Hilton Head Island, SC!). I longed for a bit more--wishing that there had been longer, more detailed back stories for some characters. such as Frasier & Zoey's mom and more resolution for some stories such as Oliver's (I felt that the secret isn't something that should be kept until the end of time as it is a life changing secret and everything in the book seemed to be pointing in that direction). The book had twists--some that I saw coming (and instead of being disappointed that I figured it out, I eagerly cheered it on when it happened!) and others that were surprising. This is the first book I have read by this author and I look forward to reading her other books!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ (4/5)
Pub Date: 8/30
Genre: Fiction/Magical Realism

Found family, whimsical characters, a sprinkle of magical realism, ghost stories and the underlying theme of letting go of the past -- "Other Birds" will pull at your heartstrings & warm your heart all at once. You won't want to stop turning the page to see how all the characters intertwine.

Although this book has a slower start, once you meet all of the quirky characters you begin to see the threads forming, the connections made. Although there is a string of sadness woven throughout, it's definitely overshadowed by hope and new beginnings. The result is an enchanting story with more magic than sadness. I was immediately drawn into the world the author created because of the vibrant and descriptive writing. The ending was very touching and gave me that warm hug feeling.

Enchanting, atmospheric, emotional.

"Stores aren't fiction. Stories are fabric. They're the white sheets we drape over our ghosts so we can see them." Roscoe Avanger

**Thank you to Sarah Addison Allen,St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review!**

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I love Sarah's books and magical realism is one of my favorite genres so I really enjoyed this as expected. I loved the setting and all the characters, I did disagree with Frasier's decision about Oliver though, I'm still kind of mad about that.

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Charming characters who all have some healing to do with ghosts from their past before they can get closure and open up to new experiences and a deeper understanding of their identities in the present.

No one is perfect, but everyone is loveable, almost everyone, in this light supernatural, magical realism read about an island and its inhabitants. The romance is just enough, the friendships are everything, and the mystery and anticipation had me cheering on Zoey and her crew.

This book found me after a string of reads that just weren’t doing it for me. It was a welcome retreat, and I’d recommend it for anyone who wants warm-hearted characters who are a little socially awkward but unfold with the gentle prodding of one daringly authentic protagonist with a knack for seeing into the heart of people.

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I'm not sure I can do this book any justice in a review. I finished it a couple of days ago and the grip it has on me will not let up. This is Sarah Addison Allen's first book since the loss of her mother and I am so very glad she is back. She is always a beautiful author but I really think this book is something truly special.

Zoey is 18 years old, almost 19 and has moved to a small island to start the next chapter of her life. She moves into an apartment that her mother left her when she died. I compare the apartment complex to the Island of Misfit Toys from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Each one seems like an outcast but together, they make up a beautiful family. The book focused on grief and the aftermath of losing someone but more importantly, this is a book about found family. It's about processing your grief and navigating the world without your loved one.

There were also ghosts and I thought this part was also really well done. There is nothing about this book I hated. Sarah took a hard subject (grief) and turned it into something really amazing. I haven't had a 5 star read since June but this book just raced up to the top of my 2022 favorites.

Take care of yourself with this one. There are a lot of trigger warnings that should come with the story and if you are interested, please feel free to contact me for more information.

Other Birds comes out on Tuesday, August 30 and I highly suggest you pre-order this one and be ready to get engrossed. Many thanks to St. Martins Press for an early gifted copy.

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A true gem. Haunting, beautiful, and hopeful that will stay with the reader for a long time. A tale of stories, ghosts, and love - lost and found. So glad Sarah is writing again.

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Other Birds, by Sarah Addison Allen, is a magical story about a young woman named Zoey, who is trying to find her place in life. She returns to Mallow Island, where her late mother once lived, a small, winsome island off the coast of South Carolina. While living in her inherited studio, she connects with other residents of the complex. They are an unusual and unique cast of characters, each with their own pasts, troubles and secrets, and each looking for something more in their lives.

Zoey lost a sense of belonging and family when her mother died when she was a child, and as she now seeks a connection to her past, she finds unexpected connections with her neighbors. Their lives are all unalterably changed for the better by knowing Zoey, and her life is irrevocably impacted as well.

This is a tender story of finding healing from life’s hardships, finding a place for yourself in this world, and finding connection with others as a means forward. The magical elements made this an enchanting tale. This story is descriptive, heart-warming and charming. Other Birds is definitely a one-of-a-kind story.

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Perhaps the sweetest story I’ve read this year, Other Birds proves through a cast of lovable characters and the mystique of Mallow Island that your past does not define you, and eventually, no matter how hard it may be, a time will come where the best thing you can do is to let go.

Zoey finds herself at the beginning of a new adventure. Heading to college and away from her family that wants no part of her, she moves to Mallow Island and into her mother’s old apartment in the hopes of getting to know the woman she barely remembers. Zoey’s sweet, kind spirit and desire to find herself in the midst of the life she almost had binds her small community at the Dellawisp together.

Charlotte has never had the luxury of the safety to be herself. Running from her past, she always maintains a barrier between herself and those around her -- until now.

Mac, a professional chef with a heart of gold and a soft spot for cats, is the epitome of ~ soft boy summer ~. A past ripe with abandonment and loss leaves him with a desire to be loved and clinging to the one person who took him in.

There are so many nuanced characters who bring heart to this story -- Frasier, Oliver, Lucy, Lizbeth -- I could go on all day! Each character is troubled by their past, but as they come together and grow to genuinely care for each other, Other Birds blossoms into a beautiful story of found family.

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I did not expect to love this book as much as I did if I’m being honest, but going into this book I didn’t really know what to expect. But, this book took me by the hand and guided me along.

“𝐼𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒.”

This book is about holding grudges, escaping your past, grief, struggle of identity, lost connection, friendship and the struggles of letting go of loved ones who have passed on.

A small island located off the coast of South Carolina there lies a forgotten small condo complex with a group of misfits. A well-known author hiding in plain sight, a talented chef who can’t let go of his past, a recluse who sees everything, a know-it-all nosy neighbor, a runaway escaping her past life, and a young teenager trying to salvage a connection of her late mother’s past. When a tragic accident brings these people together, secrets and betrayals come to the forefront and beautiful friendships form.

This was the perfect palette cleanser between the romance and fantasy novels I’ve been reading and it was almost therapeutic to read a book that was a little slower paced but filled with beautiful life lessons.

Other Birds debuts 8/30 and if you’re a huge fan of found family, this is one the cutest ones!

Read if you like: small towns, found family trope, real life problems, mystery, magic realism, birds, ghost stories, food correlating to love, finding yourself.

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Here is a delightful book- magical realism abounds- that I enjoyed very much. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the chance to read early in exchange for a honest review. Publication date to be August 30.

The story is that of Zooey who has had a difficult childhood, losing her mother and her father remarrying. She is about to go off to college and has inherited her mother's apartment on Mallow Island, South Carolina.
One thing I loved about the book is how the reader jumps right into the action and setting. I was immediately captivated by the setting and the characters (human and birds!). The story unfolded seamlessly and swiftly.
The plot is multi=faceted as the reader learns about all the people living in the community. Each has their own story and heartache to reveal. I loved each one. There are many surprises and twists that keep the plot so interesting. The ending was satisfying, definitely Love and a found family win.
The animals and the ghosts are an appealing touch to the unfolding of the story. I could just imagine the little turquoise Dellawisps flitting about the place. The book is an enchanting example of magical realism perfect for fans of Remarkably Bright Creatures and Unlikely Animals.

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Other Birds
Sarah Addison Allen
August 30, 2022

Zoey Hennessey loaded her luggage in the cab along with her bird cage. The driver took off from the airport via Charlston, South Carolina and headed for her mother’s small apartment on Mallow Island. It was in an old amazing building with 4 or 5 other apartments. Her’s was small, more of an efficiency. Her dad bought it for her mother years ago. She died when Zoey was 12, and now at 18 she lives in the odd structure with amazing gardens surrounded by twinkle lights. Her greatest surprise was the Dellawisps, tiny turquoise birds that live in the unique trees only found near the coop. Frasier, the manager greeted her as he guided the new tenant to her flat. In Allen’s story we find the lifetimes of several distinct characters that reside in the building. It’s an interesting, odd storyline filled with those who have died and left their print on the island, and residents who desire not to have their secrets told.
Other Birds will be published by St. Martin’s Press of New York on August 30, 2022. I appreciate their allowing me to read and review Sarah Addison Allen’s latest novel via NetGalley. It’s a delight to read but I must admit I became a bit lost in past lives having to re-read some of the details. What seems unimportant, needs to be acknowledged. I don’t want readers to be lost as this is a mystical journey that is an excellent read. By all means enjoy.

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What an exquisitely written book! This is my first novel by this author, but definitely will not be my last. She's a true gem.

Other Birds is a book that can't be tucked into any one genre. It's truly a little bit of many things. It's a little magical realism, a little women's fiction, a little paranormal, somewhat southern gothic and more. And just like the book falls under multiple genres, there's also so much to like about it. The characters are well developed and thought out, the setting is sublime, the many blended plots are cleverly woven together and then there are the ghosts and the "other birds." I was engrossed in the book and couldn't turn the pages quickly enough.

Each of the characters in the book is carrying some form of baggage. With a few of them, you sense their heartache right away but with a some, it takes a good portion of the book to get to the bottom of it. Yet in each other, they've found a family to love and support them. It's magical in itself.

I'm originally from North Carolina, so any time a book is set in either of the Carolinas, I'm all in. This one is set on Mallow Island which is supposed to be right off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina and the descriptions are perfect. It's a magical place where the islanders seem to care about and take care of one another. The tourists come and go, but are some people stay. This story focuses on the events that take place at The Dellawisp - - a building of apartment units hidden off the beaten path. The tenants seem mysterious when the newest tenant, Zoey arrives to claim her deceased mother's unit. But over time, they will open up to one another and even learn to rely on each other. That's when the real magic is found - - the magic of love and family.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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This was a lovely, enchanting book. Addison has done it once again. I loved the setting, the quirky characters, the della wisps and the magic woven throughout,

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Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Sarah Addison Allen for allowing me to read and honestly review Other Birds.

Wow! Other Birds will remain as one of my favorite books to share. Such a sweet story about feeling all alone, but how accepting friendship can fill the void. Zoey’s mother dies, so at age 19, she heads to Mallow Island, SC, to live in her mother’s apartment before college, in hopes of finding memories of her mother. Other dwellers include: a girl running from a checkered past, two old sisters, living across from each other, but not speaking to each other, a handsome aloof young chef, a famous writer in hiding, and ghosts who make strange things happen. This is a book that will make you smile for a long time. I love all of the author’s books.

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Sarah Addison Allen has a way of immediately pulling you into her stories with the slightest bit of magical realism and relationship building.

Zoey is going to be a freshman in college in the fall, but as soon as she graduates high school, her step mom all but kicks her out to turn her room into the ultimate craft room. She heads to Mallow Island where her deceased mother has left her her apartment. Almost as soon as she arrives, she learns about the rare birds that live in the court yard: the Dellawisps.

She tries to suss out who is who in each apartment and by the 2nd night hears a loud sound that just doesn't sound right bringing not only her, but others to their doors. It comes to light in the morning that hoarding recluse has died when one of her bookshelves falls on her. The apartment manager soon gives Zoey the job of cleaning out her apartment hoping her son will come back to take over her apartment.

Along the way, we meet others in the complex: the recluse's estranged sister, someone who is hiding from her past and a lonely Michelin rated chef. Not the mention the legend of the Dellawisps and the author that has written about them, but is unknown to the public. All of these people or "other birds" become family to each other as the each struggle to find there way.

This book and it's characters were delightful and I was happy to get an early copy to review.

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