Member Reviews

A poignant story that touched on a lot of interesting bits of grief and death and moving on. Read as an ARC and may try to read again because the world and characters were so beautiful but I know some of the ARC was out of order in its timeline. I quite enjoyed this and loved reading from all the characters themselves. 4 stars here, I give 4.5 on TheStorygraph.

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An absolutely lovely tale of chosen family with Allen's signature touch of magic. Delicious descriptions of food and an emphasis on the importance of food in emotional as well as physical nourishment, a strong sense of place in this little island town in South Carolina, and a wonderful cast of characters, each story given its own space and life. I plan on reading it again to savor.

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This was such a lovely, whimsical, charming and magical book. I found myself smiling the entire time I was reading it, even during the sad parts. I mean, honestly, who couldn't use a little magic in their life? It's truly one of those feel-good books that helps explore real life problems from some awesome characters who are trying to work their way through their issues.

We find ourselves on Mallow Island, which is a place off the coast of South Carolina, and it's noted for their mallow plants, which automatically makes you think of sweet and happy times. Those are beautiful places, and I should know, as I am fortunate to live in the southern most coastal part of South Carolina.

I love how the book incorporates magical realism with the inclusion of the darling little Whimsical Birds, the magical cornmeal and the love for everyone that's just waiting to be found. I found myself curling up my chair with a cup of delicious coffee, spending my time reading this delightful book. I'm a huge fan of this author and I know she's been through a very trying time in her personal life. So this book was well worth the wait. I definitely recommend it it was absolutely beautiful.

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Another sweet, charming story by Sarah Addison Allen. A small community of residents interact and grow together after the arrival of nineteen year old, Zoey. The characters are each unique, quirky, and likeable. A sweet summer read

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It's been such a long time since I've picked up a novel by SAA and I was so hoping that Other Birds would feel like so many of this author's previous works -- magical, delicious, and full of wonder. And while there is some deliciousness, and a little bit of magical, it wasn't quite wonderful. And, combined, it didn't quite pack the punch I expected.

Initially, this story doesn't do much to draw the reader in. I found the voice of (what I presumed to be, and was later wrong) the MC to be a little off and not very engaging. And the same could be said for the other POVs, which was something of a disappointment. As is typical for me, though, the one perspective I liked the most was the one we had the least.

I think what works against this offering is that the found family element doesn't feel realistic. This group of motley misfits, living in this condo complex, on a small island, are drawn together by proximity and a few strange events and things quickly escalate in a way that doesn't feel quite believable; which is kind of funny because I was absolutely onboard with the magical part of the story.

I think, had this been given a little more time to breathe, the page count been a little longer, it might have fleshed things out more. But maybe it's supposed to be a snapshot. It's something of a beginning for these characters, or a reset, or a new chapter, and there's something hopeful in that, in letting go and moving on. But as a reader (or at least, for this one) it's also a little unsatisfying.

Having said that, I'm very glad to see SAA pop up after such a long time (her last release was 2015!) and I do hope there's more to come. I would absolutely recommend you check out her backlist if magical realism is at all in your wheelhouse.

2.5 stars

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Pros: I enjoyed reading Garden Spells and First Frost, so I was excited for a new book from the author. Like the author’s previous books, this book has a bit of magical realism. I think this book is for readers who love books about found families.

Cons: I can’t think of any specific cons. For me, three stars = I liked the book!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this book.

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Points > Paragraphs

Overall 5
Spice 0

• Exploration of love and loss
• Magician realism
• Southern Charm
• Multi POV
• Lighthearted
• Whimsical
• Found family
• Family secrets.
• Fast-paced
• Ghosts
• Heartwarming with sad elements
• Sensitive content check trigger warnings
• Elements of mystery
• Nostalgic and yet Modern

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St Martins Press for an ARC of Sarah Addison Allen’s latest release “Other Birds.” Addison excels at capturing the everyday magic of living in the south. She weaves a tale of magical realism, where you truly believe that ghosts and magic are just around the corner and hiding in the Spanish moss, like no other. As an avid reader of hers, I can attest that this book was worth the wait. It tackles serious issues and yet feels light and heartwarming, keeping a sense of nostalgia while staying remarkably modern. Another 5-star read from Sarah Addison Allen.

• Review will be posted on Amazon GoodReads StoryGraph during the following window: 8/22-8/30
• 3 post review spread for Instagram will go live during the following window: 8/22- 8/30
• A release day post will go live on 8/30 on Instagram

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Big thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this title!

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the mysterious aspect of the synopsis, but decided to give it a go. The story was a little slow moving for my liking, but the characters were interesting and the writing style kept me reading.

My favorite part was hands down the last chapter about Zoey’s mom. Such a perfect ending!

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This was a quirky read. And I really enjoyed it. I loved the ghosts and how they all came together, all the little magical bits were fun. I loved the idea of a Mallow Island and their little community. And I thought the ending was perfect.

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Welcome back, SAA!! Thank you to Netgalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC of this much awaited return. I am a very loyal fan of this author--I read The Sugar Queen back in 2008 and have revisited all of her books many times, so I was really happy to see a new title added to the shelf.

When lonely, college-bound Zoey Hennesey moves into the condo of her deceased mother on the lush South Caroline Mallow Island, she brings her ghost bird and hopes for a new life with her. But when another mother next door unexpectedly dies at the charming but insular Delawisp building, Zoey begins a search for her story, in the process uniting her misfit, haunted neighbors into a found family.

Friends, the first half of this book was definitely slow, especially because it is so myopically focused on the Delawisp building rather than zooming out to give much sense of the wider town--building settings and communities are some of SAA's greatest strengths. But the story is full of well paced little twists, really satisfying surprises that gave this essay on grief some plot structure. It has all of Sarah Addison Allen's classic sweetness, a cast of engaging characters, and a lot of love. I will always be waiting for her next read!

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*This book was received as an advanced reader's copy from NetGalley.

It shouldn't have surprised me that I'd start this book and then not be able to put it down again. Aside from magical realism being one of my favorite genres, Allen's books in particular I'm always drawn to. They're comforting, unique, and offer you a comfortable charm that is just hard to find.

This book revolves around a cast of main characters. Zoey, essentially an orphan, but with an overabundance of optimism, who moves into her mother's old condo. Charlotte, an artist with a past, but who has found comfort in her condo. Two strange sisters, one of of which sets off the catalyst for everyone coming together. A chef, still attached to the ghost of the woman who raised him. And the caretaker of the place, a man with his own likes and reasons for sticking around. And those condos, well of course they're in a charming old stable that has been reinvented with a flock of birds to keep them company. I can honestly say I enjoyed all of them (including the birds).

Ghosts, rather than happenstance magic, seems to be the element in this book that takes it a bit to the magical realism side. While the characters do have their own quirks, it's their hauntings that bring them meaning. And no, not in the scary sense, this book is far too charming for that. Although it should be noted that it doesn't steer away from harder subjects too, although they're often alluded to rather than spelled outright.

Again, one sitting to read this. Because it was charming. Because it was full of magic. And because it made you feel good to read it. I'm so glad I got to pick this one up.

Review by M. Reynard 2022

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Sarah Addison Allen never disappoints! This one was fun, imaginative, heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. I loved how she wove the stories of the rag-tag bunch of misfits together with a touch of the whimsical, supernatural and other-worldly. I truly enjoyed how the group came together and demonstrated the power of love and acceptance that can be found in a chosen family.

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I have recently become a huge Sarah fan but this is her best yet. The characters tug on your heart strings in all kinds of ways. It’s just beautiful and deep and magical. Loved it!

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This story was truly beautiful. I never wanted to put it down. The writing was gorgeous. I was just sucked right it! I can’t wait to read more of her work!

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Sarah Addison Allen has an impressive catalog of work but this title is my first by her even though her name has been on my radar for years. I've always planned on reading S.A.A. and I was trying to wait until the pandemic was over but since that's never happening I jumped in now with this title and I am so very glad that I did.

S.A.A's writing style, I've read, is magical and charming - I certainly found this to be magical, charming, and captivating. I will absolutely read more of the author's work, past and future.

eARC kindly provided by St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley. Opinions shared are my own.

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The Dellawisp is an old cobblestone building on Mallow Island that has been refurbished into 4 apartments and a studio. While the apartments are full of lonely people, all hiding from something or someone, the studio is inherited by Zoey, a recent high school graduate at loose ends until the start of her freshman year in college. Zoey quickly gets involved with one occupant after another, bringing all the residents and their secrets (and ghosts) out into the light. I've really missed Sarah Addison Allen's special, magical books and was so happy to be given access to this ARC.

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Sarah Addison Allen is one of my all-time favorite authors. Her tone and characters tilt toward the melancholy, featuring deeply drawn, quirky folks with intriguing backstories. She wraps them around surprising twists and magical elements for a thoroughly engaging read.

Other Birds doesn’t disappoint, following college-bound Zoey and her reclusive neighbors as they attempt to bury their past lives while hiding out in a mystical apartment complex. As usual, food is an important element of Allen’s novels, including a spirit who showered love on needy children in-life who now sprinkles cornmeal over one of her grown proteges nightly. In addition, Zoey’s invisible bird companion and tiny, teal “dellawisps” provide comic relief with their demanding antics.

I fell in love with the characters – living and passed - as they wrestled with haunting complexities and eventually discovered paths to the light. Twists, mystery, and romance added flavor along the delightful journey. I always savor an SAA novel, interspersing them into my reading as a special, lovely treat. Her mixed genres even encouraged me to write my own debut, Divine Vintage.

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We've waited a long time for another story from Sarah Addison Allen. It was worth waiting for! Mallow Island is such a magical place...or maybe this cast of characters is magical. This story about love and loss...the need to hold on and then to let go, was so sweet. I want to visit Mallow Island, but only if I can stay at The Dellawisp and see the tiny turquoise dellawisps...oh, and meet Frasier. If you're a fan of magical realism, you really should visit Other Birds.

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I love the magical elements that Sarah Addison Allen incorporates into her writing. This book satisfied me in so many ways. I really needed a book that was positive and inspiring and this was definitely that book. The story is so simple yet like the best cooked meal had several layers. Each character had their own story yet they were able to complete each other effortlessly. The book shows that we can find family in the most unusual places and that sometimes it's ok to let go of our secrets either by sharing them or just deciding to move forward into the future unencumbered by our pasts. Truly lovely story!

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Sarah Addision Allen takes what could be an average story, pleasant to read but not especially memorable, and then turns that average story on its head. The pages become a joy for the reader.

Zoey has inherited her mother's condo on Mallow Island. The Dellawisp Condos have flocks of tiny birds, Dellawisps, found no place else on the island, or maybe the world. That is the first unusual thing Zoey discovers. Each condo resident has some kind of secret they are hiding from the rest of the world. There are ghosts or spirits, some ready and willing to be released, others hanging on with all their might. Zoey is friendly, outgoing and soon becomes friends with the residents. But where will it all lead? The residents find themselves opening up to Zoey, and as they do, their secrets may set them free.

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