Member Reviews

3.5 stars

Newly divorced mom, Simone gets a night she will never forget and that will change her life forever... oh my gosh, this was so much fun.
I love tennis so as soon as I read the description of this I knew I had to read it and oh my... it was fantastic!
This was steamy and fast paced but also so cute (with the bits between Alex and Lula!) And so sweet!
I really liked this one and now I'm definitely looking forward to read more of this author.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, City Owl Press, and the author for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title. An honest review was requested but not required.

I was pretty excited to read this because I love sports romance (tennis was a bonus, since sports romances are so often football or hockey), I love a May/December story, and the overall description was very appealing.

Despite a HOT start, this book just kind of fizzled out for me. Simone and Alex’s initial attraction and night together was really steamy and cute. I had high hopes. But once Alex moved to Atlanta, I just didn’t feel that spark anymore. Simone and Alex had ALL the reasons to stay separate: Simone had literally dumped her previous career to be a… coach, despite a total lack of actual qualifications. All she had was her reputation. Paul was right, a relationship with Alex was the height of unprofessionalism and irresponsibility. If Alex had TRULY valued her, he should have kept his distance, and so should Simone. And yet they literally gave in to temptation at every meeting.

On the other hand, Alex truly needed two people, it seemed: a coach, and a sports psychologist. Simone was qualified for neither, and Julian and Paul should never as tennis center owners have endorsed her for those roles. Frankly, I could not mentally overcome those issues which prevented me from fully enjoying Simone and Alex’s love story.

Character-wise: Alex, despite his so-called “reputation”, was a giant cinnamon roll. Simone was sort of flat; I had high hopes that she would deal more definitively with Damien (the ex) but each encounter she had with him, she came across as weaker than I had perceived her to be. I guess Alex and Simone both needed lessons on how to stand up to their respective bullies. Arlo and Rhys seemed like an exciting matchup (and my guess would be, they will feature in the author’s next book). Lula, the “8” (more like, 12) year old daughter was cute and precocious but I have an 8 year old, and I definitely thought Lula read like a much more emotionally/mentally mature child than her given age. I did get some laughs from the oblivious Paul, especially during that cab ride in Cincinnati.

This was a cute book, and the beginning showed a lot of promise. Tennis romances are thin on the ground so I was really disappointed that I didn’t like it as much as I’d hoped. I’m sure this book would appeal to a lot of people, but sadly it didn’t do it for me.

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My Goodreads Review:

Thank you Netgalley, publishers, and the author for early access to this book!

WOW OH WOW this book was good. I loved both of the main characters and Simone is so badass but also relatable. Lula is absolutely adorable and in my opinion, is the star of this book.

Honestly this book got a little slow for me towards the middle but the characters kept me going and I’m so glad I made it to the end because the ending was my favorite part. Also the epilogue is so sweet!

This was a cute romance and the banter between Simone and Alex was a 10/10! I recommend giving this book a read !!!

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I am such a sucker for sports romances, and this delivered on everything that I love about them! Athlete going through a rough time in his career? Check. Hot single mom taking the world by storm? Check. Just the right amount of detailed spicy scenes? Check.

In all seriousness, this was a super fun read that helped me push through some nervous anxiety I had about an upcoming job interview. Like other reviews have mentioned, there were times when the dialogue seemed a little off, but it wasn't enough to turn me away. The conflict was also resolved a little too quick and easily for my angst with a happy ending-loving heart, but I'm already planning to pick up a physical copy of this to add to my bookshelf!

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After leaving her job as CEO of a large hotel chain, Simone Warner finally takes control of her life, deciding on a career that will actually make her happy instead. Working at her sister's tennis centre, she agrees to take on the job of coaching professional Alex Wilde. Can she get Alex back on the court believing in himself? And can the two keep the attraction between them strictly professional?⁣

Filled with tennis puns and coaching advice, I went into this one with high hopes but sadly, it turned out to be just okay. Although it was super steamy, I struggled to feel the chemistry between the two characters at times. I loved all the backup characters though, especially Lula, Simone's daughter. If you enjoy steamy sports romances, don't let my review put you off as you may love this one!

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I was really hoping for something better for the second book in this series. I loved the first one, and this one started strong, but somewhere in the middle it fizzled out. Alex was effortlessly sweet and gone for our heroine, Simone, and that might have been the problem? That works for part of a book, but maybe not the whole book? I can’t quite put my finger on it. I liked the individual arcs that Alex and Simone had, as they learned how to be their authentic selves, silence their inner critics and work the way they want to. They were super sweet together, and the little teases of forbidden romance when they couldn’t be together because she became his coach had a lot of potential, but they didn’t keep any sort of narrative tension around it. I really like single parent romance, and mostly liked Simone’s 8 year old daughter, but as someone who spends a lot of time with a precocious 8 year old, she should have been at least 10 based on her dialogue and reactions. An unfortunately lackluster read for me.

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The Wilde Card is such a heartfelt and tender story. It’s a light & quick read book with a storyline & flow that didn’t feel stretched out.

Simone is a CEO, a mom, and a divorcee. She attends a Tennis event in Canada with her sister, Amalie. Wanting just one carefree night, she decides to have a one-night stand with Alex Wilde, a rising tennis player with a reputation. Fast forward a bit, Simone gets a job as an assistant coach for Tennis and Alex is her trainee, the absolute last person she’d expect.

Alex Wilde has got me on the hook the moment he started talking. English or French, that man has a way with words that will make you swoon every single time!

It’s in dual POV and the innuendos and banter between Alex & Simone were just too funny and adorable. This book checks off almost every single thing I want in a romcom: sport romance, witty characters, SPICE, mature & healthy relationships.

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This book is going to be a brilliant summer read, on the beach or around Wimbledon, you won't find anything better.

Such a cute love story and all revolves around having faith in each other and finding family, I loved this book and would totally recommend it!

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Note: Thank you to Netgalley & publishers for allowing me access to this arc in exchange for an honest review! Please note that all opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

I'm trying to read as many romance novels as possible in February, so I was happy to see that I was given access to this cute romance! I was first drawn to The Wilde Card because of the cover and the name. I mean, look at it; it's adorable! The book started off with an intriguing scene and just kept going from there. I read it in two sessions but had to force myself through a portion past the middle (hence, the three stars). I may not have loved it, but you might!

The Good Things
1. The first chapter hooks you right in and makes you want to read the rest of the story. All good books should have that, so bravo to King on that one. 

2. The first half is chalked full of funny moments. I laughed several times, especially at Paul's character, who is your classic old man who knows little of technology and its terms. My favorite scene with Paul is in the cab with Alex and Simone. I won't say more than that to avoid spoilers, but once you read it, you'll understand why. 

3. It's a slow burn in a romantic sense, but not in a spicey sense. That was certainly different for me, especially since I don't always LOVE spicey scenes (they need to be done right and can't just be out of nowhere). 

4. I feel the need to point out that cab drivers in this book have fun jobs, as they overhear (and see) a lot of exciting things. 

The Bad Things
1. Nothing irritates me more than dialogue that seems forced and doesn't fit into a story. There were times when I felt like the conversations between Alex and Simone were unrealistic and forced. 

2. At times I wanted to smack Simone over the head for her choices, especially regarding her ex-husband. 

3. Between 52% and 90% of the story, I lost interest and had to push through it, which honestly is why I gave it three stars. Thankfully, the ending picked up, and I finished it rather quickly after that point.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

I really wanted to love this book, but overall it just fell short for me. It was by no means bad, and I think it has great potential in terms of the story, but personally it wasn't one of my favourites.

There were many things I liked about this book. I enjoyed the storyline, and loved how tennis featured, being a player myself. I loved the majority of the characters, especially Simone's daughter Lula who was awesome. The relationships between all the characters were really nice to see as well - supportive, loving and forgiving. I also liked how much respect and love there was between the main characters, Simone and Alex, and the found family they have together.

There were a few things that dropped the rating for me. I felt a lack of tension between Simone and Alex because every time they were together, they gave into their feelings for each other. I liked the relationship they had, but the lack of barriers between them kept me from getting invested. The other thing that made me feel a lack of connection with their relationship was the dialogue. There were a quite a few spots where the conversation just didn't feel natural. The words where Alex spoke French also didn't come across naturally.

Overall, it was a fun rom-com and it was an easy read, I just personally didn't connect with the writing. I still recommend giving it a go if it sounds like something you would enjoy!

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This started out great and I was hooked. It had a little celeb romance vibe to it. I personally would have liked them to play the forbidden romance. They gave into it too easily and early in the book that I kind of lost the excitement from that. I still really enjoyed the book and would definitely read another by this author.

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The Wilde Card was a great sports romance focusing on a sport you don’t see as often - tennis! 🎾

After a hot night together, Simone and Alex are now expected to work together. They fight their attraction as they both work to be respected for being their true selves. There’s a bit of a reverse age gap here, but it’s not much of a focus. Alex is sweet and charming, and honesty not at all what I would expect from a rumored “bad boy” of the sport. Simone is a newly single mother just trying to find her place in the world. There’s a wonderful cast of supporting characters, including Lula, Simone’s daughter. I really loved their journeys - both separately and to each other.

I received an advanced copy of this book and am leading this review voluntarily. Thank you to Netgalley and City Owl Press.

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This book is so cute, I'm always a fan of a single parent romance. Seeing Alex and Simone fall in love with each other was adorable. Alex bonding with Lula was amazing and I am obsessed with the camping scene.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Simone Warner is a mom, a perfectionist, and former CEO. She’s spent her life living up to the expectations of others—which is why she decides to have a one-night stand with a gorgeous tennis player eight years her junior.

Later, Simone agrees to help notorious tennis player Julian Smoke coach a new top-secret player. What she doesn’t expect is for her steamy one-night stand to waltz through the doors with a smirk on his face and a racket.

Alex Wilde can’t seem to get a handle on his game. Obsessed with besting his vile tennis star step-brother, he turns to Julian Smoke and his training center for help. Simone Warner is his new assistant coach…and his only hope at getting back into the game. The problem? Alex can’t stop thinking about the woman who holds his future in her hands.

Both of them have a lot to overcome. They are so good for each other. Lots of chemistry and they complement each other so well. I don't think that it's a spoiler to say how much I love the ending. It's a rom-com... You are supposed to expect a HEA! :)

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC.

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This such a cute HEA book! The characters are so lovable. I love the fact that it focuses on the two main characters at turning points in their lives.

Simone, a woman in her late 30's that didn't even know who she was anymore. Someone that has ALWAYS done what was expected. Someone who has lived her life up to the expectations and needs of others, never her own.

Alex, the "bad" boy that hid who he was because of his past. The one with no family. The one his father forgot. The one that was tormented by his step-brother.

They both found each other at a pivotal moment in their lives. It was really heartwarming to feel the change that they both had to find in themselves, as individuals, before they could build that foundation as a couple.

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