Member Reviews

Spark of Ash is the conclusion to the Ember of Night series and is NOT a standalone title. I’ll add here that the trilogy is definitely worth reading, especially if you enjoy paranormal teen/young adult romance. Action is abundant, and for the most part, the story is fast-paced. In this book, some of Harley’s thoughts felt very repetitive despite how much her character had grown and developed throughout the first two stories. However, my favorite part of the entire series was how she found and formed her family. Family is oftentimes more than blood, and I loved seeing hers show her what that truly means.
I’ve loved Molly’s writing since I found her Love on the Edge series several years ago. And even though teen and paranormal romance isn’t my favorite genre, I’d follow her books anywhere she decides to go with them. Summer is almost here, and if you’re looking for something more exciting than women’s fiction to read poolside or on the beach this summer, this series will keep you on an emotional roller coaster from the very first chapter to the very end. It’s so worth the ride!

Wow! This was an epic conclusion to the series. Harley comes into her own and will stop at nothing to get Draven and Ray back. There were tears of sadness, as well as, tears of joy. Getting to see inside Draven’s mind was interesting as well.
As Harley searches for the scrolls, she encounters battle after battle that shapes her a little more. Trying to figure out who the traitor is and why he or she turned was an interesting aspect of the book. When Harley and Draven meet up again, things get explosive. I really liked how Ray was constantly trying to get Draven to come back.
An epic conclusion to the trilogy. I received an ARC via NetGalley and I am leaving my honest, voluntary review.

All in all, this book was better than the first and possibly one of the best layered stories written by Queen Molly E. Lee
This story grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go. is an absolute gem in this series, polished to a brilliant, glittering shine book. You will be so wrapped up in the drama you will forget to breathe.
I spent the entire day with my nose buried in my Kindle, eagerly tapping the pages and ignoring life, from page one until the end.
I can't wait for everyone to read this amazing book, and fall in love with the story.
This needs to go right to the top of your TBR pile. It is MAGIC.

Happy release day to Spark of Ash by Molly E. Lee! This is the third book in the Ember of Night series (and the final book in that series) and I thought it was a great ending to this trilogy. Thank you so much to Entangled Teen and Netgalley for letting me read an eARC of Spark of Ash!
Spark of Ash 4/5 Stars
Summary from Goodreads:
The Seven―the Divine beings meant to protect the world―just declared war. On me. They took Ray, my baby sister, and now they’re using my boyfriend to do their dirty work.
Well, screw that.
I may not be able to wipe them off the face of the earth now, but I know what can.
Thanks to an Ather connection, I know about the Seven Scrolls. An ancient incantation made by the Creator to counteract the Seven’s great power, scattered into pieces across the world.
With the help of my new crew, we’re on the hunt. And with each located scroll, I face new battles, bloodier and harder than I’ve ever known before. But now the stakes are even higher, because Ray has always been my bright light in the darkness, and Draven is my hope when all seems lost, and if I don’t get them back?
Well, then I might just become the scariest legend the world has ever known.
As usual with books in the Ember of Night series, there were aspects I really enjoyed (the new creatures, Harley's adventures without Draven, Draven being under the control of the Seven) and aspects I didn't really like (the pacing being the biggest one). Overall, I felt as though Harley grew so much throughout the course of these books and I loved watching her journey. In terms of Harley, I liked her the best in this book. It was also cool to see Draven as a Judge- did I like Judge Drave? No, but it's interesting to see how intensely the seven are able to control the minds of the judges. And I loved that we were able to learn more about Harley's mom in this book and we got to know her dad better too, so that was great. But again, I thought the pacing was off. I was bored in some spots and some battles were so fast that I felt like I was getting whiplash. And the pacing at the end and the way that it actually ended felt so weird- but I'm sure there are other people who'll enjoy it, so if you liked books one and two, definitely go out and grab Spark of Ash!

It was the end of a paranormal series and I quite liked it even if I was expecting something more as the last part seemed a bit rushed.
I had fun as it's a fast paced and action packed book. i liked the end and liked the characters.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

What a fantastic conclusion to the Ember of Night trilogy! This series has really come full circle. In book 1, we saw Harley just being introduced to this world and the previously hidden supernatural beings within it. Book 2 sees Harley really coming into her own and wrestling with who she is, and we also saw fantastic growth in her relationship with Draven. This third and final book takes all of that and rips it away from us, unceremoniously breaking our hearts and wondering what we did to deserve this. Kidding, it’s not that serious (it actually really is 😩😂).
SPARK OF ASH is action packed from the very beginning as Harley is on a quest to both rescue her sister and figure out how to “fix” Draven. In this book, we get to see Harley fully accept who she really is. She is a strong and badass main character, and even more so when she fully embraces her own supernatural side. She still has her merry band of acquaintances and friends who offer help in whatever ways they can, but this mission ultimately rests on Harley’s shoulders.
My favorite part of this series still remains Harley’s steadfast loyalty to her sister and to those she loves, and she would move Heaven and Earth (and Hell) to save them all, especially Ray. I absolutely love their bond, and their relationship is the highlight of this series. And again, coming around full circle, all of the things that Harley has longed for in the very beginning finally seem more of a reality instead of just a dream. She’s had a tough go of it and I’m so happy to see her finally find a sense of peace and happiness.
All told, a fantastic conclusion to this trilogy, and one I highly recommend. 5 stars. Many thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for the digital arc!

It’s no secret I’ve been enjoying the Ember of Night series. I love Molly E. Lee’s writing: she gets a lot of comparisons to Cassandra Clare, but I like Molly’s flair for dialogue and her sometimes unconventional choices (the antichrist is female and the hero and I am here for it) more than Clare’s sometimes melodramatic and overly complicated choices.
This is the final book in this trilogy, and it was a good way to end it. The book wasn’t too long, but the end did feel a touch too rushed. I was sitting at 80% wondering how they were going to wrap everything up without either a deus ex machina or just cramming everything in. Lee kind of went for a sideways approach to it all, if that makes any sense. That’s kind of the only way I can put it without spoiling everything. Although, there was one glaring plot hole (I’m going to call it a plot hole for a lack of not knowing what else to call it) that stalked through this whole book that might as well have been holding up a neon sign that said, “Look at me! I’m obviously something you guys need to be questioning way more than you are!” that drove me crazy, and when everyone was surprised about it at the turn? I did audibly groan because it was so obvious.
There’s a lot of character and relationship evolution in this installment, which is justified for the last book in a series. Readers need to know who is going where and who is going to be tied to whom at the end… or at least in which direction they might be headed at the very least. And Harley gets a cute new pet. I won’t say more on that. Spoilers.
What just keeps sticking out to me is Harley and Ray. Harley and her incredible capacity and ability to love and take people in under her wing, even though she has so many trust issues. She just can’t say no when someone’s in need. She’s indefatigable: she just keeps going, marching to some beat inside of her heart and soul that keep driving her and propelling her, reminding her of all the people who love her and need her and of all the times she’s been kicked down and bloodied and told she’s worth nothing. Nothing but spite, snark, sarcasm, love, and a need to prove she’s worth the faith people have put in her and the choice so many people have made to have her back keeps her taking step after step until this whole thing is over. She has many miles to go before she can sleep. And she doesn’t care.
While Harley is indefatigable, Ray is tenacious: Ray keeps at whatever she sets her mind to in order to get what she wants, and she holds onto the people she loves tightly. She never forgets and she never lets go. She never stops trying. And as hard as she tries for the people she loves, she will turn that tenacity against the people she hates. Woe betide those who hurt Ray or those she holds dear.
It’s the female characters in this novel (and the other two installments of this series) that Lee knows and writes best. Does that leave the numerous male characters at a slight disadvantage? Yes. But it’s hard to hate Lee for that when Harley and Ray shine so bright.
Thanks to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, and Entangled Teen for allowing me early access to this title in exchange for a fair and honest review.

4.5 stars
With the third & final installment of the Ember of Night series, Molly E. Lee continues the journey of Ather, a place mostly filled with peaceful realms; however, now we venture through some evil realms which might be worse than stories say. The world-building needless to say continues to be fantastic! The detail, the imagery, & the uniqueness are perfect throughout both the final installment and the series. Lee truly provides a reimagined version of Hell that is so enchanting & remarkable that strays from common beliefs.
I truly appreciate Molly E. Lee providing some sort of recap at the beginning for each of these books in the series. It serves as a nice little refresher in case you forgot what happened previously.
Every book is filled with an adventure, so this book is no exception. Harley and Cassiel take us on a journey through the more horrific realms of Ather in search of the Seven Scrolls that can destroy the Seven who took Ray and control Draven. In their search, you can really see Harley and Cassiel’s friendship bloom with many wholesome moments and jokes in between. Moreover, Harley attracts another companion along the way. I think it’s adorable that Harley gains all these support animals, first Wrath and now Pagle. Eventually, they join up with the rest of the gang on Earth for the other scrolls. I love the different trials included to obtain each scroll! Each of them tests different qualities and components that challenge Harley.
Now let's talk about the fantastic character arc. Harley is a bada**, fierce, strong, and kind-hearted individual. Within this novel, Harley finally stands up for herself and her worth. She takes no beef from NO ONE, especially when it comes to endangering the lives of her loved ones. Harley’s survivor story truly serves as an inspirational story to all.
Lastly, the romance! Harley and Draven are sooo adorable together! That fiery connection between them is just everything! I love them so much! They will do everything in their power to save and protect each other. Fate tested them over and over again, yet they managed to defy every obstacle by doing it together. New romances also spring up throughout the novel. I’m all for it! For example, Nathan and Anka were absolutely googly eyeing each other. It was very adorable!
The final installment of the series was fast-paced and action-packed as well as filled with romance and unexpected plot twists. A stellar ending to the trilogy that will not disappoint. I already miss the world and characters so much. They will forever live in a special place in my heart. If there is a spin-off, I would not be mad.
Thank you to @netgalley and @entangledteen for my digital advance copy.
Read the Ember of Night trilogy if you like:
Found family trope
Enemies to lovers
Fierce female lead
Angels, demons, warlocks, and other creatures
Self-worth journey
Sarcastic & witty humor
Shadowhunter vibes

I was so excited to read this one since I loved the first two books in this incredible trilogy. The world-building is amazing and the parts which were left to explore are explained so beautifully that even the Death Striker realm seems a beautiful one. The plot never loses its intensity and it amazes me in many new ways. The story started where it left off and gave a new edge to all the darkness and fighting. I came to adore Cassiel, he deserves so much more and he’s a perfect friend and brother anybody can ask for. The chemistry of Harley and Draven is the highlight of the book, even their powers respond in a very majestic way. The story played out exceptionally well, and it gave me a mini heart attack in a place too. All the characters are so different yet they are standing side by side just to right the wrongs. Each one of them has a different place in my heart. I loved the ending with only one thing a miss, which you’ll know what I mean if you read the book.

This book takes off where book two left off. While I did read book one of the series, I didn't read the second one, and that did cause more than a few holes when I picked up book three. So, these do need to be read in order.
Harley is just enjoying a few days calm with her soul mate, when he's suddenly pulled away by the Seven. With his memories removed, he kidnaps her younger sister to train her as a seer to serve the most powerful of the Seven. Harley is given a chance to save her sister, but must find the seven scrolls and give them to head of the Seven. But Harley has already accepted her destiny, unleashing not only her own unknown powers, but reviving her father's, the Devil's as well. Together with her friends, she mush find a way to stop the Seven, figure out if she can trust her father, and discover what her place in destiny truly is.
This is a quick-paced and easy read, which has something happening on every page. There is action, fight scenes, secrets, betrayal, family issues, romance, and much more. Harley is a no-nonsense character with amazing powers, who has grown into her position and is ready to take anyone on...even if it means she'll die trying. She protects those she loves fiercely and is holds life of anyone and anything dearly. She's a character to root for...may not have tons of depth, but she doesn't need it.
Romance is present but only in the beginning and grows again toward the end. This leaves Harley more than enough space to tackle the evil and learn to find her own place in things. So, action fans will enjoy this one as well as those who like a golden-romance, which by no means overpowers the tale.
Friendship is golden as is family. Despite Harley's immense powers, she can't go it alone and does incorporate the help of those around her. The relationships are inspiring and make the entire time fun to follow. But then, there is always a wonderful back and forth in the dialogue to keep humor and snark as high as the action and tension. Even when a couple holes appear in the plot or something comes across as a bit to easily solved, the read is simply enjoyable and entertaining. And that's more than enough. I received an ARC and enjoyed the fun ride.

The first book grabbed me right off. The thing you have to accept is that eighteen year old Harley is the antichrist. Yea, the theology doesn't really make a lot of sense if you want to get picky, but if you can roll with that, then what you get is a balls-to-the-wall insanely fast-paced fantasy with blowout magic on every page, demon fights galore, but it's all stitched together with my catnip: friendship, found families, and unswerving loyalty.
I won't attempt a summary, as this is the last book in the series, and there is a lot going on. Harley is out to save her sister, and her beloved (who doesn't remember her) and, oh, incidentally, save the world. She's the badass of all badasses, and this book is just plain fun to read, especially with some heavy metal on the playlist. (Most relevant song: Linking Park's "When They Come for Me." But some late sixties Rolling Stones also works.)

Spark of Ash is the third book in the Ember of Night series by Molly E. Lee. This is the must-read third book in the Ember of Night series. It is my favorite in the series.

While I'm sad Harley's journey has wrapped up, Spark of Ash was the perfect ending to the trilogy!
Spark of Ash picks up right where Shadow of Light left us. The found family theme of this whole trilogy is still very prominent through this book, as well as the bond between Draven and Harley. I loved watching the relationship Harley has with each character grow and develop more through this part of her story.
There isn't a lull in action at any point. There's a lot of conflict and fairly quickly resolved issues. Personally, I would've loved to see some of the things Harley had thrown at her develop a bit more through the book instead of being seemingly easy to move past, but that's not uncommon for this age bracket and genre.
Overall, a wonderful third book! Definitely recommend picking up this whole series if you haven't yet :)
Thank you Entangled Teen for the e-ARC to read and honestly review!

What a ride! Spark of Ash did not disappoint -- not that I expected anything less from Molly Lee. I don't cry very often, but there were several chapters that made me tear up. The ending was fantastic! I'm gonna miss the characters, but I can't wait to see what the author comes up with next!

Spark Of Ash is the third and final book in the Ember Of The Night series By Molly E Lee. I was absolutely thrilled when the ARC book was emailed to me. This series has been one of my favourites reads over the past few years. I am so sad to say goodbye to this epic fantasy world and the characters. Molly couldn't have ended this series any better then she did, I mean seriously what a finale this read was.
" 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙛 𝙄 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮, 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙩".
When you think Harley cant get anymore badass and just her strong and reckless kickass self, well she proves us all wrong. Even when things are a catastrophic end of the world kind her sarcasm is just hilarious. I was laughing so much with her smartass answers. With the seven taking her little sister Ray and controlling her soulmate Draven the most precious people to her. Now little bubbly Ray who always sees the bright side of everything I love her personality. She is such a cutie and also a little badass just like her sister,she is so adorable. The relationship and the sister bond she has with Harley is so adorable it melts my heart. With Draven under the control of the seven which ahhhhhh frustrated me so much, I was seriously so angry for them doing this to Draven, now if you read all my other reviews you all know Draven is my favourite character and when we got his Pov as well and Harley’s I literally screamed with excitement. But there is a way to destroy the seven and that's to find the seven scrolls, an ancient incantation made by the creator. With scrolls hidden Harley has her crews help, the closest thing to family she has, to face blood and dangerous battles and pushes them all to the limits. Without Ray and Draven to keep encouraging her to see the bright and positive side of things, can she face the darkness from taking her down.
"𝙒𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧," 𝙄 𝙨𝙖𝙮. "𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩."
I’ve absolutely fallen in love with Molly's characters, especially Harley’s crew. There are quite a few tear up and heartbreaking moments where I was just sobbing. Also it had such epic twists and turns and literally shouting out why. The ending was everything for this amazing fantasy series, and this has been a phenomenal and mind-blowing adventure which I will treasure forever. Awesome job Molly I can't wait to see what else you have planned for the future but I'm all for it.

If you like fantasy, demons, romance and amazing plot twists, this series is for you.
I don’t want to say a lot because this is the third and last book on this series, I can just say that this follows Harley’s and her friends adventures and that it’s the perfect ending for this story, and overall I really enjoy following Harley on her journey.
Thank you netgalley, entangled teen and Molly E Lee for letting me read an advance copy of this book.

Everyday Harley’s powers grow stronger and wilder, but now her younger sister Ray has been kidnapped. Her boyfriend, her mate, her one true love is being accused of taking Ray. Harley refuses to lose hope and finds strength and friends in the most unlikely of places.
A Spark of Ash: Ember of Night is lit! No seriously, if you thought books one and two were amazing, the final book in the trilogy is fire! I devoured this book faster than the first two in the series.
Perhaps, it’s Molly E Lee’s gripping writing and the fast pace. This book never stops moving and that’s part of its charm! Honestly, I completed A Spark of Ash in only two days. I LOVED this book!
And, if you want a new book boyfriend. I highly recommend the dreamy syphon, Draven. He and Harley are a beautiful couple!
If you like fated mates, demons, angel paranormal books and are ready for a twist, I recommend The Ember of Night trilogy. This series is perfect for fans of A Court of Roses.
Thank you so much to Entangled Teen and Netgalley for the gifted copies and for the amazing opportunity to read and review The Ember of Night trilogy.

"Harley." Draven's voice is in my mind. "You are more than your past. It forged you into the person you are today. A good, strong person who knows the world is worth more than its faults."
Get your tissues ready.
I love Harley and Draven and their crew! I read this one so fast! Like hyper-speed! I am pleased with the ending, although I am SAD it is over, and I am crossing my fingers for a spin-off. Ryder and Wallace?!
"You have me," I say. "Then. Now. And always."
-dual POV
-a mission! A quest to find the Seven Scrolls
-the prophecy of the End Times
-creatures & beasts
-Marvel & Harry Potter
-modern day cheeses
-snarky banter
-fated mates
-found family & friendship bonds
-realm pets
-#IsThisAKissingBook: upper YA. Content warning in the front matter. "If you don't kiss me, I may set the world on fire."
Thank you Entangled Teen for an advanced finished copy!
Song: Be Your Love by Bishop Briggs

“Life is yours. To shape, to wield, to throw away. To enrich, to wallow, or to sleep away.”
Spark of Ash was the perfect ending to the Ember of Night trilogy. It was a total page turner filled with twists and turns I never saw coming, beautiful, lasting friendships and long lost family. The last 25% was so emotional, I cried in a public place. Again! It was such a thrilling ride. I loved every single character in this trilogy and I hope I get to see them again one day.
“The most balanced weapon or healing magic in all the universe. Words hold the key to everything.”
Read if you like ✨
•Demons and Angels
•A deathly mission a la Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
•A fortress of hell
•Multiple realms
•The cutest little demon pets
•Found Family
“You come back to me, you understand?” he says, his voice lethal. “You come back to me and we finish this. Together.”
Thank you Molly E Lee and Entangled Teen for the advanced copy 🤍

Omg, if I could give this book more stars I would!! I was hooked from the first page. It wasted no time getting the ball rolling. I am honestly at a loss for words. It was just incredible. After I finished reading I just sat there in awe. This book straight up DELIVERED!!! Spark of Ash has non-stop action, villains you want to punch in the face and so much EMOTION- Molly sure does yank on those heartstrings. The characters are some of my favorites ever! They're funny, sarcastic, strong, brave, loving and so bada**. And can we talk about how this was the cutest found family ever. Like, my heart is so full. I love each and every one of them. When I started this book, I thought for sure that I knew the direction it was headed in but boy was I wrong! If you're a fan of the show Supernatural, then I think you would really enjoy this because the vibes were definitely there. Thanks so much Molly, you're awesome!