Member Reviews

Inspirational book that I will no doubt be gifting to my daughter and her friends. I lost track of how many times I felt the need to highlight a quote because it was so memorable or powerful. Looking forward to more of Feldheim's writing in the future!

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Dare to Lead Like a Girl is just that, how to lead the way we as women are wired to be. Research shows that we lead better than men based off of different values, but it's more because we can read emotions and have more empathy and inclusivity in the workforce rather than just a cold sterile environment that the only focus is on numbers and money margins. Dalia takes us on a very well thought out and researched journey from discovering what it means to Lead Like a Girl, and then takes you by the hand without being condescending on how to do exactly that, with ways she has experienced this first hand, and even how she could have done better.
Chapters are broken down as follows:
Preface: What it means to Lead Like a Girl
Introduction: Are You a Compassionate Leader
The 5P model and self assessment
1. Lead with Purpose, Live for Now
2. The Science of Goal Setting
3. Master Energy, Not Time
4. Mindful Recovery: The Science of Doing Nothing
5. Overcoming Fear and Our Limiting Beliefs
6. Learning to Dance with Adversity
7. "Self -Fullness": Your Relationship with Your Self
8. Making Your Partner a Real Partner
9. Work-Life Balance as a Parent
10. Becoming an Inspirational People Leader
11. Women Hold Up Half the Sky
12. Positive Power: Become Politically Savvy
13. Emotional Bravery: Permission To Be Human
14. Positivity and Gratitude
15. Bringing It All Together: Posttraumatic Growth
Within all this, Dalia touches on her own personal journey of climbing the corporate ladder and being in the workforce, but also carving out a space for her family, and still carving out even more space for her husband to also be in the corporate world making a name for himself. All of this being done without losing sight of her goals, even if she is a woman, and how she has harnessed that into working for her rather than against her. This was well researched and had enough personal tidbits thrown in that it wasn't too technical nor too self-righteous, but as a model that can be duplicated in other areas to your success. Very well done.

*I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. This review is my own opinion*

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