Member Reviews

This book was interesting and sort of what I expected but still so informative. I also started following her on instagram and feel like I'm learning more about my culture and the direction I'm feeling pulled.

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle was basically an interesting glimpse into “Brujeria 101” which I found very interesting. For anyone who has a passion for learning new things and/or enjoys things that others consider a bit “woo woo” then this one is for you. I have a few friends that might be receiving this as a gift for various reasons. <|;^)

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle: Brujeria Spells, Tarot, and Crystal Magic by Valeria Ruelas
224 Pages
Publisher: Simon Element, S&S/Simon Element
Release Date: November 29, 2022
Nonfiction (Adult), Religion, Spirituality, Divination, Magic, Candles, Crystals, Tarot
The book is divided into the following parts.
Part 1: The Essentials of Brujeria
Botanicas, Yerberias, and Mercados
Build Your Altar
Blessing Y our Altar and Space
How to do a Spell
How to use Magic Words
Pre-Ritual Herbal Nasal Steams
Yerba Readings with Tea
Obsidian Dagger Preparation
How to Charge an Object to Give it Purpose
Working with Nature
Spells and Magic Words
Obsidian Mirror Training
Fixing Your Energy with Crystals and Candle Spells
Part 2: The Practice of Brujeria
The Rider-Waite Smith Tarot Deck
The Cards
How to Work with Yerbas
Candle Magic
Candle and Crystal Spells for Common Problems
Lifestyle Spells
Santa Muerte
This book is written for beginners. I did not agree with the author that a practitioner “absolutely needs” specific objects or “should” do something. In my mind, a practitioner only needs themselves and an author can recommend or suggest. This is a good book for people interested specifically into Mexican practice.

This is by far the best spiritual book for Mexican witchcraft I have ever read! The non binary speech and comforting wording is incredible. Will hand sell this too everyone who is interested in this spiritual connection.

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle Brujeria Spells, Tarot, and Crystal Magic by Valeria Ruelas is an excellent guide packed with information. If you are interested in modern witchcraft and need help figuring out where to start, this amazing book is for you!

I really enjoyed this book a lot; I found it very readable, I enjoyed the author's "voice" and personality and would recommend this book to others. A beautifully written, highly engaging guide to the Mexican Witch Lifestyle.
5 Stars

In “The Mexican Witch Lifestyle,” Valeria Ruelas shares spellwork, herbalism, crystal work, tarot, astrology, and other esoteric practices to embody the Mexican “brujeria” way of living, rooted in nature, intuition, and invocation of ancestral knowledge. Ruelas identifies as a gay Chicana/indigenous “bruja/brujx,” denoting the gender-expansive intention of the term. The book defines essential verbiage used in brujeria in an easily understandable way for those new to the practices. Lists and definitions demystify the various applications of the craft, utilizing Ruelas’ acquired knowledge from years of study and practice, which prioritize preserving one’s safety and security.
As a student of mythology, I was fascinated by Ruelas’ discussion of Santa Muerte as a precolonial LGBTQIA+ icon, with both feminine and masculine energy that manifests in her/their presence and symbolism in Mexican brujeria. I learned the different aspects of the deity as a purveyor of justice, mercy, fertility, and protection of the home. It was enlightening to understand how the persistence of beliefs in Santa Muerte underscores the indigenous perspective about the duality of death and pre-Columbian views of the afterlife.
My interest in the book comes from my fledgling curiosity about indigenous and ancestral wisdom. On my lifelong journey of decolonization, I have come to understand the benefits of learning about forgotten practices and buried knowledge. Approaching the book from outside the Mexican indigenous tradition, I appreciated Ruelas’ caution against cultural appropriation. I wholeheartedly agree that people of color and those with lineal and familial connections to the traditions should benefit from knowledge preserved and handed down by their ancestors.

Lots of fun informative information here. I'm not extremely informed about Brujeria and felt educated. There is a nice list of various items to ask for that explains what each item is and what it's used for in beginning of the book which is very helpful. In addition there's a list of terms explained which is very helpful.
I'm still going through all of the information but it appears to be full of recipes, spells, and general knowledge to welcome any newcomer to Mexican magic. A welcome addition to anyone looking for a wider cultural experience's library.

This text is incredibly informative but also extremely accessible to the wider public! Those who are not very familiar with customs, practices, and even the language associated with Brujx and Mexican culture in general are made to feel very welcome. This is a text I would pick up for a quick read after work or as needed for more information on the subject!

Everything you need to know to be a modern bruja. Quaint, but knowledgeable in folk teachings, this is a soft introduction to Mexican witchcraft. Notable mentions of the fastest growing branch of brujeria, Sante Muertos, along with tarot, altar setup, and limpias. This is a great starter book for those who are just learning of their cultural roots.

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle is a beautiful and informative introduction to the practice of Brujeria. Valeria Ruelas has an organized and direct approach to the history and practical use of rituals and magic. After a general introduction to supplies, altars and daily spells further details are given with regards to approach tarot, crystal, and yerbas. An excellent guide to someone looking to start respectfully exploring Brujeria.

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle by Valeria Ruelas was an exciting read for me as it contained a tremendous amount of new information on a practice that I know very little about. It includes just enough basic information that anyone with prior experience or knowledge of "magical" practices will feel welcome and not completely out of their comfort zone. The author quickly gets to the unique components of a specifically Mexican magical lifestyle and walks the reader through all the important components. I learned so much about what is truly a cultural tradition and could easily make comparisons to American Hoodoo, Haitian Voodoo, Rootwork, and Herbalism, all while learning about the specific traditions of a people and a culture that is new to me.
The Mexican Witch Lifestyle is a book that will appeal to people craving unique cultural experiences as well as those researching the ins and outs of a specifically Mexican magical lifestyle.

The Mexican Witch Lifestyle by Valeria Ruelas is a wonderful book on Mexican witchcraft and culture. As a Mexican witch I appreciate this book for all its information written in such a welcoming way. The book has recipes and lots of spells, it goes over crystal, candle and magical spray spells. This book explains Mexican witchcraft from the perspective of a person who lives it and is a good addition to any witchcraft library.

Brujeria, which translates to witchcraft in Spanish, blends core elements of Afri-indigenous beliefs. Having originated in Mexico, it is now practiced in Latinx countries (the x is gender neutral).
This brujeria expert writes an introductory guidebook for all aspects of brujeria practice:
*Safe shopping for magic supplies at a yerbana,botanico or mercado.
*Setting up an altar.
*Sound magic
*How to perform limpias (energy magic)
*The secrets of Santa Muerte
*Candle magic
Sprays and essential oils recipes
Complete guide to common crystals
I found this book a fascinating glimpse into a little known aspect of Latin American culture. Index

If you're fascinated by brujeria and Santa Muerte, Valeria Ruelas' new book The Mexican Witch Lifestyle is a great place to start. With inclusive language and easy instructions, Ruelas does an incredible job of explaining the origins of this unique form of spirituality, and how to practice respectfully. I was impressed that they made sure to include Brujx as a genderless option for practitioners who don't feel comfortable using the feminine or masculine versions (bruja, brujo). The book even shares the best ways to shop respectfully at your local botanica or yerberia. Some of the book is fairly universal (tarot, discussions of crystals, some easy to find herbs), so for those who are worried about being appropriative can take a deep breath and enjoy the ride. The Mexican Witch Lifestyle is comprehensive, full of great advice, and is comforting and welcoming to all readers.
The Mexican Witch Lifestyle is available November 2022 from Simon Element Books.

Super informative book! Love how it’s great for beginners like myself wanting to learn about brujeria.

I love learning witchcraft, and even more so about how it's used in other cultures. This book is phenomenal. I learned quite a bit about the author's own path and direction. More importantly I'm able to take some of what I learned and use them in my own craft. Thank you so much for this book, I can't wait to purchase the hard copy! All the stars!! Blessed Be

This book is so awesome ! A true work of the heart and soul. Valeria Ruelas gives a fabulous overview of the many aspects of the modern latinx witch (Brujeria). She draws upon her own upbringing and explains every section from the standpoint of a beginner.
Included are instructions on
-Respectfully shopping at a yerberia or botanica
-A complete guide to common crystals
-Essentials for your altar
-A introduction to tarot
-Spells to bring luck, love, and good fortune
-The secrets of Santa Muerte
What else could you really need to begin? If you are interested in modern witchcraft and don't know where to start, this amazing book is for you! #TheMexicanWichLifestyle

This book has a lot of basic information and does a good job explaining the author's methods of craft. It skims the surface of very indepth knowledge but I'm not sure I'd call this book an end source for those interested in learning. Instead I'd suggest reading it and using it as a jumping off point to further your journey. Find a teacher.

Better than I had expected. This witchy reference actually felt like someone put their heart and soul into it. There was useful tips, spells, and guidance provided by the author who is an actual witch. It didn't feel like a 'list' or Google related material. All in all, I am impressed