Member Reviews

Perhaps it was because I went into EXCLUSIVE thinking it would be light-hearted that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I probably would otherwise.
Skyler Ruiz got a new job in San Diego and it is the first step of her becoming the TV reporter she wants to be. Working alongside her idol, Carolyn “Carrie” McNamara, isn’t helpful though. Carolyn seems to be initially dismissive of Skyler, but as the days go on, they start to fall for each other. When an unexpected change occurred in the news station, can Skyler and Carolyn work through their professional conflict?
I always appreciate a good romance with a good career development storyline. In EXCLUSIVE, the career elements were great other than the conflict, which I saw coming but thought that couldn’t be it. Maybe that is just how the real world works. I love the chemistry between Skyler and Carrie though and truly enjoyed the book in the beginning. It was also nice to see characters from Brayden’s other books (I have not read those yet) dealing with major life events after finding their happily-ever-afters.
There are a few things that didn’t work well for me, and the most important one was the “compromise” made between the characters, which is pretty much a one-sided sacrifice. Another thing is that, for a book of this length, it touches upon a lot of side plots that made me feel like the story was a little all over the place. There is one major death in the story that came out of nowhere, did not add much to the plot, and was not mentioned again after the incident, which overall left a bad taste in my mouth. Other nitpicks include Carrie’s manipulation, dub con (“Wait, it’s happening too fast.” “No, it’s not.”), Skyler’s motivations, and moose???
Unfortunately, as the story went on, I became less and less invested in the characters. EXCLUSIVE might be a book for you, but it is not for me. 2.5 stars rounded down.
[content warnings: graphic sex, alcohol (recreational), dui (alcohol), cancer (side character), blood, death of side character, manipulation, dub con, use of ableist language]

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
#MelissaBrayden does it again! With this face-paced heartwarming romance between an up-and-coming news anchor and the woman she's always wanted to be. The build up and beginnings of the romance between Sky and Carrie felt so genuine, even the conflicts they face in their personal lives as their careers take off in different directions. I was slightly disappointed by the seemingly hasty resolution and felt that Carrie forgave Sky too quickly, but overall I loved their relationship and the connection with other characters from Brayden's previous stories.
#Exclusive #netgalley #bookblogger #bookstagram #netgalleyreads #instabook #bookstagrammer #wlw #sapphicreads @boldstrokesbooks

Melissa Brayden has always been one of my go-to authors and will remain so after reading this book. She knows how to write chemistry so well that you can feel it and this is no exception. I love the newsroom trope and the slight age gap that Carrie and Skyler had. The storyline left me in cruise mode which allowed me to finish this book rather quickly. This is written in only one POV which I feel the reader misses out on the growth of the chemistry and the feelings that Carrie dealt with throughout the book. The chemistry was palpable but I would’ve loved to see Carrie’s feelings on other situations. The other part that I didn’t feel was right is that Carrie took on a lot of the blame and essentially rolled over for Skyler. I felt that both were in the wrong but again we never really saw what Carrie was feeling. I did feel like the epilogue provided the reader with a nice conclusion to the story.
I look forward to seeing what Melissa writes next!

Melissa Brayden always finds a unique and special way to explore relationships, and that’s never been more true than in her new book, Exclusive.
Filled with interesting insights into the life of the folks working in television news, Exclusive had me revisiting fond memories of my favorite news station based sitcoms. It’s not just the adrenaline Melissa Brayden captures as Skyler chases down a story, but the powerful camaraderie that develops between the employees, which makes Exclusive such a fun novel to read.
Skyler is looking to really shake up her life. A big career change, a physical move back to her hometown, and reconnecting with her family, are a good way to start. It’s easy to see Skyler’s character growing more confident as the story progresses. And when it comes time for Skyler to stay true to her own emotions, she does what’s right for her.
Skyler’s choice isn’t easy to watch, and it’s certainly not the popular “romance novel” way to go, but Melissa Brayden doesn’t shy away from what’s expected in her characters, and their imperfections are what makes Brayden’s stories great.
For fans of the Tangle Valley novels, there are mentions of both the addictive biscuits, as well as a nod to the wonderful vino of the region, and this sure had me craving a revisit to that series. I’d love a holiday short where Skyler and Carrie take a vacation at The Jade… how great would that be?

Skyler Ruiz has spent more time than she expected chasing stories for the small town TV News. Everything from gardening competitions to hometown high school football games but still she hoped to be picked up by another TV news station where she might have a chance of covering the news she's always dreamed of. With her mother in and out of her life she’s become very used to relying on her cousin Sarah as a stand-in for her mother who chose her dream over Skyler’s.
Now she’s finally getting a call back after she interviewed for a position as reporter at large. It’s a try out but Skyler is determined to make the most of her time there, hopefully catching the interest of the viewers and the station management.
But one of the best things about this job would be working with Carolyn McNamara. Skyler has been crushing on the newswoman for a few years now so when Carolyn didn’t handle the live shot with Skyler, making her look like she shouldn’t be there but as the two women got to know each other their feeling quickly developed into a sweet romance. Carrie has been at the main desk reading the nightly news for ten years but when the management felt Skyler was ready for the big chair.
But what does that do to the romance when Carrie is fired to make room for Skyler. Ms Brayden has given us one of her better reads with this book. Great, likable characters with a nicely paced plot that keeps you turning the pages. Very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

I've been reading Melissa Brayden's books for years and they're always enjoyable. This was no exception. A great romance between two intriguing characters.
(Also posted to Amazon, but the review is still pending after several days so not sure when it will post)

Melissa Brayden has become one of my go-to authors for sapphic romance and this books only cemented that. Skyler and Carrie are fun and sweet and sexy as they navigate their age gap and workplace romance. I loved the secondary characters although I really didn't like [spoiler!] the choice to kill off Ty in order to bring Carrie and Skyler back together. That felt unnecessary.
Overall a solid romance and the cameo of the vineyard from Brayden's other books was a nice touch.

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Sigh, I’m back and forth with Brayden’s stories, and this felt more back than forth.
The MCs here are Skyler, a reporter trying to make the next move up in her career and Carrie, a news anchor. Skyler scores a reporting job at Carrie’s station and the two meet, but don’t instantly hit it off. Well… Sky has always ahead a thing for Carrie, but Carrie isn’t so impressed to start. Sky also happens to be Sarah’s cousin from Heart Block. Sarah, Grace and Emory feature a lot, as do Kristin and Lucy from Firework.
For the first 25% or so Carrie is stand-offish and Sky is trying to find her feet in her new job. Then they eventually admit their attraction and start a relationship, and I enjoyed that section of the book, and found their banter and chemistry entertaining. But unfortunately, as is generally the case in Brayden’s books, unnecessary drama is inserted around the 75% mark and both characters, though Sky more than Carrie, made idiotic decisions that could be solved by simply TALKING LIKE GROWN UPS. So annoying. This is eventually smoothed over by a completely unnecessary sad event and a big gesture made by the wrong person.
I loved revisiting with Sarah, Emory and Grace and their side story had some real emotional beats. Ty was also an awesome character (view spoiler). I liked both MCs, but as usual, found that first person was a limitation here because Carrie was the more interesting character for me, and I would have like to have explored her feelings about what happened with her career, while I didn’t care at all about Skyler’s, and found her meteoric rise unbelievable.
Overall I found this a bit uneven and found the drama at the end hard to overcome. 3.5 stars, rounded down, because I can’t give it 4.

I really loved this book. I am a huge Melissa Brayden fan and this did not disappoint. I felt for Caroline and Skyler and their situation. I liked the side characters, especially Ty, and I enjoyed Skyler discovering herself. I thought I was going to dislike Caroline but I didn’t. For me the way Caroline came back into Skyler’s life at a time she needed her was perfect. I found myself really caught up in the book and the characters

3.75 stars
I was so sure I was going to love this book based on the blurb, but it just didn't come together for me. I think the biggest issue was pacing. The MCs get together relatively soon in the book, *slight lull in action*, then the conflict kicks in, *action ramps up*, and then we get a very quick resolution. I still enjoyed most of the book because of the solid characters, but I didn't love it as much as I wish I did.
---The Breakdown---
Skyler Ruiz is doing fine. Sure, her career as a reporter isn't quite where she wants it to be, and her love life is a bit messy, but she's been raised on the belief that hard work pays off—and she knows hers will soon. Her big break comes as a chance to work at a top-30 TV station, alongside the anchorwoman she has idolized for years, Carolyn McNamara. Despite an icy start, Carrie begins to warm to Skyler. But once their relationship takes a romantic turn, both women are forced to make hard decisions about their careers and their hearts.
cw: death, serious injury, physical assault, cancer, trauma relating to an emotionally distant mother, sexism, ageism, fatphobia
The Characters: We get the story from Skyler's POV, and I really liked her character. She's very down-to-earth and warm. She has the ability to laugh at herself, but there are also some deeply rooted insecurities that make you want to wrap her in a hug. Carrie is a bit more mysterious, and while I liked her as a character, she felt more one-dimensional. The side characters were also excellent. I loved Skyler's friends and family who were always there to provide support and encouragement. Ty, the laidback cameraman Skyler is paired with, was also a standout character for me.
The Romance: There was good physical chemistry between Skyler and Carrie, and it was easy to root for Skyler getting the girl. Something that detracted from the romance for me was the number of "telling, not showing" moments in the book. For example, the line would say that there was witty banter between Skyler and Carrie, instead of filling in the witty banter. I think these gaps also meant that I wasn't totally convinced of the strong feelings Skyler and Carrie were developing for each other, which made the end of the book feel a little forced.
The Plot: The plot follows the rise of Skyler's career while focusing a lot on the romance. As I mentioned at the top, there were some pacing issues for me. For the most part, I was engaged in the story, but I did end up taking a break from the book halfway through.
The Writing: The writing was solid. I wish we got more dialogue between Skyler and Carrie, but there were a lot of great conversations between Skyler and various characters.
Other thoughts: I do appreciate that this book takes time to address the issue of ageism in television, especially when it comes to women. I also like that Skyler and Carrie were never jealous of each other's careers, as that might have been a natural place to go in this type of story. One thing I didn't like was the negative slant that was put on one of the characters making a career-over-love decision.
All in all: I appreciated the characters in this story more than I liked the storyline. It was still a solid read for me, though I wouldn't recommend it to someone who is bothered by speedy/sloppy conflict resolutions.

Skyler Ruiz is having her big break as an on-air reporter in San Diego. She is finally done doing small town stories. More importantly, she is now working at the same station as her long time crush and idol, Caroline McNamara. After a rocky start and some unfortunate interactions, Skyler is finally covering the stories she wanted and she has gotten pass Caroline's guard. Now, when she thinks she has it all, she has to decide if to sacrifice all for love.
This book was unexpected as I didn't know it was in first person, and although I normally enjoy third-person books more than first-person, I did loved this book.
Skylar is a very approachable and lovable character. I loved the relationship she had with her family and how close and supportive they were. It was just very easy to root for her and you couldn't wait for her to get the job and the woman.
The chemistry between Skylar and Caroline was palpable and sexy. It was a great to see how the romance starts and develops. I really enjoyed this two characters and I just wanted more!
Definitely one of Melissa's best books!!!
This ARC was provided via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Four and a half stars. Loved the characters, the relationship, the conflict. Skyler was great, Caroline even more so. She was perfect crush material, and I liked that she was less of an ice queen than expected. I loved how their jobs were incorporated into the story, how we see Skyler come into her own. I loved watching them interact, the banter, how passionate and sincere the chemistry was. Then there was the almost rivalry, and the tension was delicious at some points—I found myself almost cackling at the scene where a fan asks for a picture with Skyler.
(Spoilers) Unfortunately, things went downhill for me after the 80% mark. It comes up in every single romance featuring the conflict between the job and the romance, and I haven't gotten better at accepting it. The way that Skyler acts is one thing, and I don't think she ended up explaining herself enough. The apology could have been more sincere if she told Caroline what she had been thinking at the time, how she related it back to her mom's string of broken promises. But on its own, the business of Caroline moving back to San Diego, abandoning a job that seemed to renew her sense of purpose, it struck me as too much. Too sacrificing. It would have made more sense if she had seemed more torn between the Seattle job and the food show thing, but Skyler was more enthusiastic about it at every turn. It felt like she was only pushing Caroline to do what would allow them to stay together, instead of what she wanted. Ultimately, of course the person outweighs the job, but the way that the story went about it just didn't sit right with me. Maybe if Skyler had had a little opportunity in between their "last night together" and Caroline's move back to show that she could put effort into long distance? It would have helped show that Skyler could take her own steps to healing, and learn that Caroline's moving away didn't have to mean leaving her forever.
I was looking forward to saying that this was my new favourite Melissa Brayden book, but between the events following the 80% mark, and the preachy, almost saccharine epilogue, it was not. So this made for a tough rating, with some parts that I absolutely loved, and a couple that I could barely stand. I still liked it more than Brayden's previous release, Marry Me, so there's that for a comparison.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publishers for the opportunity to read "Exclusive" by Melissa Brayden.
I really enjoyed reading this book. I wasn't familiar with her previous work involving these characters so it was more of a standalone read for me. Two professional educated women find themselves working for the same network and sparks fly. It's classic Brayden. It's well planned out, the characters are a good mix of characteristics and personality traits, drama ensues, their chemistry is off the chart and the ending is going to appeal to most readers. 4.5*

Little torn on the rating here, i was super excited cause the first book i read by Brayden years ago and still one of my big faves was heart block and seeing that those chars were returning in this was amazing.
I did like the book up til the moment you dread as the 70+/80% closes in, i just hate this on schedual stupid-ish moment to ruin things every single time in books. Up til this point i did the ’Read and cant put down’ ,BUT, then it took me 4 days to finish it, i was just feeling so meh over the drama, disconnected from the characters that i kept giving up after a chapter here and there so went from a 4 to a 3 for me.

Honestly I loved this book, more so than I thought I would. I hadn’t read any of Melissa Brayden’s previous books, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The novel follows Skyler Ruiz, embarking on her dream job, working in a newsroom with her idol anchorwoman Caroline McNamara. Things start off complicated, but acquaintance slowly turns to romance.
I found the start of the book a little slow, but it does pick up pace quickly. I enjoyed the blossoming romance between the main characters and the side stories in the newsroom were interesting with twists and turns. I feel it showed the true ups and downs of romance. It was refreshing to see these challenges between a sapphic couple, seeing as it’s so often overlooked, with strong, powerful, career driven women, who love each other deeply and want the career they work so hard for. An enjoyable book overall, and I would happily read another book by this author.
ARC provided by Net Galley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for my honest review.

This is a tough one for me to review because it was almost DNF after 20% but I pushed on because of the ARC. I had a really hard time getting into the story but at about 75% things began to click, and I found myself almost in tears. No one was more shocked than me at that! On the whole, the MC, Skyler, seemed immature to me and very dramatic. It’s first person POV so that’s even more exaggerated and I had a really hard time connecting with her. We don’t get Carrie’s perspective and I couldn’t understand why she’s attracted to Skyler. A lot of Skyler’s reactions felt overly exaggerated without the plot supporting them (see GR for spoilers). I understood her reactions in the end to a degree, but couldn’t get all the way there because they weren’t consistent with Carrie’s actions. There were some shining moments – there are great side characters, but overall, it felt forced. Unless you’re a fan of the author, I would skip this one.
Short Summary: Skyler lands her dream job as a journalist/reporter in San Diego at the same news station as her idol, Carrie. Their attraction blooms but will it survive the cutthroat world of network news?
Thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I don't know a lesfic reader who is not a Melissa Brayden fan. If there is one out there, I know that we would not be friends. Exclusive is classic Brayden. Two very well-imagined characters we like and root for and a compelling story that we know will have a HEA. I will not include a synopsis, nor a summary as they are easily available elsewhere.
The big, wonderful BONUS of Exclusive is we get to catch-up with characters from Brayden's past works. While it is not necessary to know these characters's backstories to appreciate their presence in this book, if you know them already you'll be pleased to get an update on their lives.
I highly recommend your reading Exclusive (and Heart Block and Fireworks as well).

This book started a bit slow, at least the first chapters didn’t draw me in as I would have liked.
The chemistry between the main characters was good, but something was missing, a romantic that made the reader swoon.
The ending was alright but I didn’t enjoy the proposal and how it was televised, that made it a bit impersonal.
The death of a secondary character surprised me, but I loved how the author handled the raw emotion and mixed it with the intimacy of the main characters.
All in all, a solid read but not memorable.

Brayden has a habit of writing quirky characters. For me, sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn’t. Thankfully, Skyler's quirkiness won me over - I loved her weirdness and the really honest vibe to her that shone through.
There's been a few Melissa Brayden novels that have completely wowed me, and others where I've been frustrated with a few stylistic choices (i.e. the inevitable breakup at the 80% mark that feels like its following a script of some sort). Although this book had quite a bit of drama, it felt really organic and natural in the way it came about, as well as the implications for the relationship between the main characters.
Both Skyler and Carrie have some insecurities and for me, this made them feel both vulnerable and realistic. I felt for Skyler and the way she felt during a particular part in the novel (no spoilers), because it made a lot of sense from the way she was brought up. (Side note: I feel as though there was a small plot hole in the way it was left unresolved between Skyler and her mother). ] When it came to Carrie though, at times I really wished we were able to switch the point of view so I could know her better, as she was so intriguing but guarded too.
All in all, a great novel with interesting, loveable characters with a relationship that was well-developed and realistic. There's a tiny chance I shed some tears in this one so if that doesn't demonstrate how emotionally invested I was, I don't know what will 🙃
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

As usual Melissa doesn't disappoint and has created yet another masterpiece with lovable main characters. They both had amazing chemistry from the start. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend getting a copy. 4.5 stars.
Thank you, Bold Strokes Books, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.