Member Reviews

I was sent the first book by the author and fell in love with the characters and the plot twist. I highly recommend this book by Wendy for the massive conclusion to this roller coaster of a ride.

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Thank you, thank you for this.
I didn't realise it was a series so this was my first book in the series, but wow that was suspenseful and I now want to read the rest.
Thank you and this is highly recommended.

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So that was it? So unsatisfying! Where is the shocking twist? I was scammed by the plot.

Thanks to Netgalley! Hoping for a better read next time!

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3.5-3.75 stars

I was pulled in immediately. I was shocked actually at how much sympathy I had for Nathan (who I despised in book one) after reading just a handful of pages. Now remarried to Evelyn, Nathan struggles with his ex-wife,Liz’s exoneration and release from jail. Even with things that were hinted at/implied to in the first book, take some time to come to light in this, I had to remind myself that while the reader might know something, the character does not. That took some getting used to. There were twists and turns and at the end of the day this duet is not the journey of any one character but for both Liz & Nathan.

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This was the first book of this series that I read, even though I haven’t read any of the other books I can tell they’re probably just as great as this book. I was very surprised with the ending, loved the plot twist, and am very glad that I was able to read this book for free on netgally.

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DAMN! That was one hell of a suspenseful, intriguing and thrilling story! It kept me on the edge of my seat biting my nails with anticipation of what we were going to find out next! I had my suspicions and theories throughout but some of the twists and turns the story took had me slightly second guessing myself. There were parts of the story that frustrated me but I just kept hoping that Nathan would finally open his eyes a little. When all was finally revealed I was shocked and my mind was blown. I needed to pick my jaw up off the floor and finally take a breath.

This duet was phenomenal. I could definitely see this as a blockbuster movie! Really well written and so very entertaining to read. I loved it and would highly recommend.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This book was sort of a slow start for me but boy am I glad I didn't put it down as it turned into an absolutely fantastic read. This book has so many twists and turns that you will be captivated until the very last page. Do NOT put this book down - read it immediately!

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review*

Great follow up to "My Husband's Fiancee" Heart-pounding suspense from start to finish. I'm ready to read more of Wendy Owens' books!

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Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book for an honest review.

I'm glad I read this book after reading and enjoying the first one just for an ending to the story. This one, however, was a little disappointing. Nathan was really niave to the point of stupidity which was annoying.

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I was beyond excited to see there was a follow up to the first book with these characters—book 2 did not disappoint! Many twists and intrigues kept me on the edge of my seat!

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A little predictable for me but I read the whole book and it was grand but just not my cup of tea but I would like to read more by this author ..

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

I look forward to reading a thriller keeping me engaged, check. This one a follow-up yo My Husband’s fiancé which was also quite enjoyable.

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Awesome read! Great story that was well delivered. Loved the tension build up. And wow so many great twists and turns
Highly recommend
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book

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I proved the 1st b0ok so couldn't wait to get my hands in this one and it didn't disappoint. It was such a genius idea to base the qnd book off the husbands perspective and it definitely makes you see him in a different light than the 1st book did. It also ties up a few loose ends whilst posing all new twosts and turns to be enjoyed. It didn't have any massive dramatic reveals but I still found it a really enjoyable read. It could easily be read as a standalone but you get so much more out of it if you read the qst book 1st

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An easy read even if you haven’t read book one ( I hadn’t). The plot was quite predictable or at least I worked out early on who and what was going to be revealed. If you’ve got a holiday coming up it’s a good one for the beach. Just not my cup of tea.

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Nathan and Evelyn are newly married with their new beautiful baby girl while Evelyn states she's a nervous wreck since Liz (Nathan's ex-wife) has recently been released from prison due to insufficient evidence in the brutal murder of Nathan's mistress while he was still married to Liz. (Crazy, right?). Even with a restraining order Evelyn claims their family is not safe and now wants to move far away to an isolated rural area where no-one will know about the hideous scandal. Nathan has mixed feelings about all this because he still loves his ex-wife although he won't even admit it to himself and he rushed into marriage with Evelyn when she told him she was pregnant but he is not in love with his current wife (Confusing?) but he wanted to do the right thing for his child and believes he will grow to love Evelyn if he really tries hard (Ugh). Lately he's been catching Evelyn in some serious lies and now trust has been broken while Liz in the meantime continually tries to get in touch with him telling him he is in danger from Evelyn and If he doesn't listen to him he will end up dead. Now, how can he believe Liz when she killed his mistress? Poor Nathan. Things are not adding up for either of his wives but he realizes Evelyn is lying more and more and her moods are getting more erratic and Nathan finally knows something is very wrong but he just doesn't know who to believe. Will the move be able to change their lives and bring safety to their family or will Nathan find out he is going to make the final biggest mistake of his life.

I couldn't wait to read this book based on the preface but I guess my expectations were a little too high. I found most of the characters unlikeable and very shallow. Nathan was a strange guy (imo). He certainly seemed to be a very immature man for his age and didn't seem to learn from his mistakes even though he kept whining that he wouldn't repeat his wrongs. I couldn't feel sorry for him at all. I did fear l bad for his wife, Liz though. She paid a severe price because of Nathan. The storyline was good but I just feel it it was lacking real substance until the last twenty-five percent of the book. The parts that really bothered me were that there wasn't any real mention about his mistress that was murdered or how Nathan felt about her being killed or Evelyn's feelings about the girlfriend. I didn't understand why the murder was skimmed over. Now I have to say maybe all these things I'm disappointed in may be my fault since I had no idea this was a part ll or a duology if you will. With that said I will have to read the first book to see if everything I missed was covered previously. Even so, I jut thought this particular book was lacking in the proper emotions of the characters due to such tragic events as a mistress being murdered by the first wife and the wife being charged with girlfriend's murder. In the future if I find the two books coincide properly I will return and rate this book higher.

I didn't have any problem reading this as a stand-alone since I don't feel I missed any details except for Nathan's real emotions but I would certainly recommend reading the first book before this story. I also felt there wasn't any mystery except possibly at the very end. I had figured everything out about Evelyn and what she did and who she was without reading the first book so that was also a letdown, having filled in all the puzzle pieces. I just didn't find much mystery or suspense in this very twisted story. Please remember, many other readers enjoyed this book and this review was my own personal experience.

I want to thank the publisher "Victory Editing Netgalley co-op" and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this digital copy and any thoughts or opinions are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given this book a rating of 2 1/2 SHALLOW 🌟🌟🌠 STARS!!

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this copy!!!!

I devoured the first book and I made a harsh judgement after the first books ending, thinking it was very rushed and disappointed with the ending....not knowing there was a second book. I LOVED that this was told in Nathan's point of view this time. I once again devoured this book and LOVED it!!


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This book - loved this duology. Wrapped up well, a great twist and just loved these characters even more.
Now it is Nathan's turn to pickup the story - several months after the first book, My Husband's Fiancée, ended.
Nathan has married Evelyn, who gave birth to their daughter months earlier. Liz is about to be released - based upon DNA on the weapon belonging to a woman named Patty Dane. So many questions linger - including the truth of who killed Nathan's mistress?
Though Nathan now believes Liz is innocent, Evelyn insists they obtain a restraining order. Nathan realized Evelyn's behavior swings often - moody, closed off. Is it because she knows Nathan still loves Liz?
Great story - loved the characters. Good twists, fast plot. I just had to know.

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After reading My Husband’s Fiancée I couldn’t wait to read the second part of this duet. I needed to know what happens next.

My Wife’s Secrets as you can guess is from Nathan’s POV. It gives us his side of things. I wasn’t his biggest fan, but saw a new side to him in this book.

Not wanting to give too much away, but all the pieces of the puzzle come together. Like the previous book, there’s lots of suspense and drama. I couldn’t stop reading once I started. So make sure you have your drinks and snacks ready.

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A fantastic psychological thriller following on from My Husband’s Fiancée. My Wife’s Secrets picks up the story and what happens next, told this time from Nathan, the husband’s perspective. With Liz now free from prison he’s worried for the safety of his new wife & daughter but certain things are making him reconsider who is really telling the truth.

I loved the build-up of suspense and emotion throughout this book leading to the dramatic finale. The plot is just so full of twists and turns it made it a roller coaster of a read that I was almost afraid to put it down in case I missed something. My one slight niggle was I just didn’t like Nathan as a character, he came across as being so weak and gullible – personally if I’d been Liz I’d have left him to his fate. One thing I am sure about is that if this duet is typical of Wendy Owens style of writing I can’t wait to see what her imagination comes up with next.

I know some readers have said this can be read as a standalone but I strongly recommend reading this duet in the order they were written starting with My Husband’s Fiancée so you know the full details of the back story.

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