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𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨. 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨, 𝙄 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚.

I read this in two days! Definitely a page turner!! I didn’t have a chance to read the first book and still had no problem following along with the second. And yes, the ending got me again!!😳.

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My wife's secrets by Wendy Owens.
My Husband's Fiancee Book 2.
Everyone has secrets. When my wife went to prison for the murder of my mistress, I realized just how dangerous some secrets could be.She’s now my ex-wife and is getting released based on new evidence. I don’t want to worry, but even if she didn’t kill my mistress, which I’m not convinced of, there’s no doubt she’s unstable.I have a family to protect now. My new wife, Evelyn, is terrified, and I am determined not to let anything happen to her or our newborn daughter.When I stumble across some puzzling clues, though, I realize Evelyn has secrets of her own. I want to be a good man, a better man, and the father my daughter needs. I don’t know if I should be protecting her from my ex-wife or if the real danger might be closer to home
A really enjoyable read. Good story and characters. Although I didn't trust Evelyn. I liked Nathan and Lizzy. 4*.

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**Be sure to read My Husband's Fiancée before starting this one!!**

I didn't think this author could top book one in this duet but I was very much mistaken.

There were so many things happening throughout this book, I never knew what to expect with each turn of the page. But I had no idea things were going to turn out the way they did.

The twist and turns kept me guessing until the very moment that everything was brought to light.

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What an epic conclusion to this chilling story! In the first book we are given Liz's account of the events leading up to and after the murder of Nathan's mistress. This time around we get to see Nathan deal with the aftermath and with the growing paranoia of his new wife Evelyn. This story has many twists and turns that leaves the reader shaking their head. It is a fast moving, action packed read that I could not put down!

Thank you for the privilege of reading this book! Well done

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After reading My Husband’s Fiancée and THAT ending, I couldn’t wait to see what direction the author was going to take in this installment and let me say, it didn’t disappoint!
Told in the ex-husband’s POV, it was refreshing to get a his perspective on a failed marriage and all it’s secrets.
Oh the twist and turns!
Although I found the new developments somewhat predictable as to “whodunnit”, it was fun reading the mystery and intrigue and how it all unfolded!

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A jaw-dropping, heart-pounding literary experience from start to finish! Not even the Super Bowl could keep me away from finishing this outstanding thriller! 😂 Wendy Owens has DONE IT AGAIN with My Wife’s Secrets - a brilliantly written sequel of My Husband’s Fiancée. 😁👍🏼 Secrets can destroy nations…think what they can do to a marriage. But it’s not the ordinary secrets that are being kept from their spouse in this fantastically crafted suspense novel. You HAVE to read it to believe it! 📖😁❤️ Without a doubt, Wendy has created ANOTHER 5 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ novel! Everyone must add this to their TBR list!

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I just LOVE this book! I read the first one in this series and found this one to be quite different as this one is told from the husbands point of view. There are lots of twists and turns throughout so it will keep you guessing until the surprise ending. Great characters and great writing make this an absolute winner!
Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read this arc for my honest review.

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For some reason I preferred this to it’s predecessor, My Husband’s Fiancé. In this book we get an insight into how things are from the husband Nathan’s point of view, a foolish, vain man I had zero empathy for in book one but as this book progressed I found myself warming to him, slightly!!

There are a couple of extremely good twists in the story one of which I definitely didn’t see coming!

Really enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley and to Victory Editing NetGalley CoOp for the advance read.

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This book can stand alone but readers will get much more out of it if they read the first one in the series beforehand. Fascinating perspective and really tense throughout. It will make you question who to believe and whether any of the narrators can be trusted.

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This is the second book in this amazing series and new evidence has become known which has Lizzie being released from prison. Nathan has a new wife Evelyn and new baby girl, and his wife is terrified with Lizzie being released. Nathan start digging and finds himself questioning what the truth is, and secrets are being hidden from him. Who can be trusted, who is telling the truth? This is a well written story which has secrets, truths, twists, drama, intrigue, suspense, danger, and intrigue, which leads to a thrilling and riveting page turner. I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.

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I loved that this book was written from the husband’s point of view as the first book was from the wife’s. That was the first wife, not the current wife. This has so many twists and turns and while I was aware of what was playing out in the background, that did not lessen the extreme anxiety I felt as I waited for the big reveal.

This author did a tremendous job of bringing these characters, with all their faults, to life in a way that captured my attention and refused to let it go. I’m not sure I’ve ever cared so much about a “hero” and “heroine” that were miles away from being perfect. But I did. While I knew who the villain was and could pretty much guess their past, present, and their future intentions, I couldn’t be certain of it and that had me watching their every move through a magnifying glass. That alone pulled me into the story on a level I very seldom experience.

This was an intriguing read that had me thinking of it long after the first book and relentlessly while reading the second. It definitely satisfied my craving for a psychological thriller.

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This is book two. If you haven’t read My husbands Fiancé then to get the full enjoyment of this book please read that one first.
The last book left me desperate to see how the story continued. Wendy Owens did not disappoint. We see Lizzy out of jail. Nathan now married to Evelyn with their daughter Maddison completing the family unit. Was his ex wife really guilty of the murder of Allison.
The book explores his feelings for his new wife and daughter. Who should Nathan trust. His past or his future.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to see an ARC.

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This one was a departure from book one in a lot of ways. This story is told from Nathan's perspective. I hated him in book one. And it took me a bit in this one to care. I was completely invested in Liz though so I stuck with it. And I'm so glad I did because what a ride! Full of tension and suspense this book will hook you. I couldn't read fast enough. While I had figured out what was up with Evelyn at the end of book one it didn't take away from this story. I loved the ending. I didn't expect to, but it was the perfect conclusion to this duet.

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I devoured My husband’s Fiancé and asked for a follow up book in my review and here it is! Nathan and Liz were married, Nathan had an affair with Allison who was pregnant when she was murdered and Lizzie has imprisoned for the crime when she admitted to planning to murder Allison but didn’t go through with it. Cut and dried? hardly. Now Nathan is married to Evelyn who was his grief counselor and visited Liz in prison to get her to divorce Nathan at the end of the first book. Now Liz is being released on the basis of DNA found at the crime scene which matches an escaped inmate who burned down a psychiatric hospital. Ready to get going to discover the truth behind the murder. After a promising start, not too much happens and what does is rather predictable. Hate to say it, but it’s got a lot of repetitive internal conversations and not nearly as suspenseful or well crafted as the first.

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Once again, thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. At first there was an issue with downloading it to either of my devices, but I don't think I was alone with this, but I am so grateful that it was rectified and I got to read My Wife's Secrets.
So, My Wife's Secrets is the first book which I have read by Wendy Owens, it definitely won't be the last!!! I believe this book is the second in a series. I have not read the first book and not reading the first book did not take any of the enjoyment out of reading this book.
I read this book within 24 hours of picking it up, it was well written, engaging and easy to read. Some bits I did predict but that didn't take away any enjoyment of the book. Although the twist with Evelyn I didn't get.
Nathan Foster is the husband in the book and you do feel for him, even though he did have an affair whilst him and Lizzy were grieving, but you sort of forgive him as the story goes on.
This is a fantastic read which I thoroughly enjoyed!!!

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At the end of Book #1, we read as Liz Foster ended up being exonerated for the murder of Alison who was her husband's mistress as the weapon was found and contained traces of DNA from a Patty Dane who supposedly disappeared from a mental institution. In Book #2 Nathan - Liz's ex-husband is married to his new wife Dr. Evelyn Foster who he met during a grief group when Liz was first convicted and now their little girl Madison. As we all know from reading the first book, Evelyn has a truckload of dark secrets including the big one that she was the one who killed Alison and set Liz up to take the fall. Now Liz is out and is worried for Nathan's safety but with Evelyn telling her side of the story, she has made sure in Nathan's eyes that Liz looks like the bad girl and a danger to her family and their daughter Madison, when that is far from the truth. What happens though when Nathan decides to start exploring Liz's theory to disapprove it but ends up finding out she has more secrets than he could ever imagine. I did feel that the details surrounding Madison's birth could have been expanded a bit more as well as when we find out the truth between Evelyn Powell/ Foster and Patty Dane. If you love psychological and domestic thrillers, then check out Wendy Owens "My Husband's Fiancée Series" as you will not be disappointed with the twists and turns of the story and the lengths people will go to save what they think is the "perfect life".

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4 1/2 stars

I devoured the first book, My Husband’s Fiancée, and literally couldn’t stop reading this book once I started as it continues on with the story. The suspense in this story is paramount and as it builds to a crescendo I was reading as fast as I could to find out what happens—to me that’s the sign of an excellent story.

Nathan is the one who gives his point of view this time and we get to know him so much better. I will be honest and say that I wasn’t his biggest fan in book one but in this book, things are very different. I still can’t say I would jump around with a placard #TeamNathan but with everything that happens and his self-honesty—I liked him much better.

Unraveling the mystery is one of my favorite things in a story and as pieces of this puzzle started to slot together other little pieces seemed to pop up but that just adds to the enjoyment. The dramas and discoveries throughout the story at times leave you gobsmacked, yet at other times make you feel your thoughts were vindicated.

My only issue with the story was that Nathan’s character repeated himself a lot and I mean too much, so that’s why I gave it 4 1/2 stars rather than five.

Excitement plus is the only way to describe what it’s like when the crescendo really does peak, I loved every minute of it and recommend the duet to everyone.

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Excellent thriller that followed 5 ⭐️ My Husband’s Fiancée! These books are the first I’ve read by this author. Looking forward to reading more !! Incredible plot and twists with a great ending!!

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Excellent thriller that followed 5 ⭐️ My Husband’s Fiancée! These books are the first I’ve read by this author. Looking forward to reading more !! Incredible plot and twists with a great ending!!

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This was a fast paced, quick read, BUT….everything was soooo predictable. I kept thinking that maybe there would be an unexpected twist, but sadly, there was not.

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