Member Reviews

A fast paced great read, with great character and world building and excellent read. Can't wait for more
4 stars

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This book, while entertaining, leans heavily on MMA, opposites attracting, and small-town romance tropes. Fans of some and/or all of these will likely enjoy the story of the New York City-born Romeo and Southern lawyer Jules. The modern day rivalry in this loose Romeo and Juliet retelling is a bit difficult to take seriously, but works within the context of this novel.

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I started reading this immediately following Defying The Odd, Battered Hearts, #1. I was apprehensive at first, the main characters are actually named Romeo and Juliet. Initially, I thought I've experienced this story line too many times; do I really need to reread it. However, Kele Moon gave them unique (enough) experiences which kept the story interesting. By the end, I was completing entrenched in their HEA - I adored them...

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This take on Romeo and Juliet I wish I had when I was in school it would have made for more purestdelightawardinteresting and compelling reading for all of us. I think even the guys in class would have loved this book as well. Romeo a UFC fighter with ties to the mafia what male wouldn’t love that and Juliet a badass attorney and part-time deputy, yes this is a Romeo and Juliet I would have not gotten the cliff notes on. Yes, I know it’s not age appropriate but still it would have been more fun!

The way the mafia was tied into this and the forbidden between Romeo and Jules because of the history with her twin brother, the struggle that Romeo had to want to protect Jules from outside forces. This was a man that was fierce not only in the cage but in his love for Jules as well as his two brothers. It was a crazy unfair world for him and at times it broke my heart that this strong and determined fighter was dealt such a crappy hand and at any moment that everything he loved could be taken from him.

I absolutely loved Jules she was just perfect for Romeo! She was no-nonsense kick your ass and in your face you did not mess with those she loved and you definitely didn’t mess with her. She was a girly girl but could take you down if need be. She totally rocked. When it came to Romeo they each loved both passionately and with all they had.

I loved the first book in this series but Romeo freaking stole my heart!! I laughed at the banter between Romeo and his brother “Tino”, or should I say Valentino and the love and struggle he shows with his brother Casanova “Nova”, yes those are their names, and I hope we see books for them as well. These men have met hardships and struggles and are continuing to do so but the love they show for one another is unbelievably heartwarming and at the same time wrenching.

Jules and her twin brother Sheriff Wyatt Conner share not just the twin bond but a bond that was brought on through tragedy as well. All Wyatt wants to do is protect the sister he cares for more than anything in this world even if it’s from the man she loves. Jules knows that Wyatt has suffered from his own loss at love and she’s determined not to lose hers she will do whatever it takes to keep her Romeo.

As in the original Romeo and Juliet the true love story that we all know, I cried liked a freaking baby because we all want a different ending for Romeo and Jules but in some instances families are just cruel in their making to begin with.

Kele Moon did a fantastic job bringing the fairy tale Romeo and Juliet and in this modern day version twisting it giving such power and emotion to a story that was already there but adding the heat and chemistry to these already strong passionate people just fueled the flames these two had for one another. Then emotional and past demons that come into play I never expected it to go where it did nor did I expect the tears to fall but as I turned each pages and the emotions built for these two it just made it that more bitter sweet. Ms. Moon had me loving not just Romeo and Jules but also his brothers as well as Wyatt even more.

I have to say as I regretfully read the last page and held my breath I can say without a doubt I am looking forward to Wyatt Conner’s book with great anticipation as well as trepidation this is one story I know I want and at the same time I know it is going to hurt my heart. As much as I love Romeo I love my bruised and broken Wyatt.

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