Member Reviews

At almost 50% I now know that I'm not the right audience for this novel. This is about two very immature 30 something y/o that just doesn't seem relatable to me at all.

I know that most love this book and that it has found it's audience.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title.

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Emily Giffin's take on JFK, Jr., and CBK misses for me. Maybe the younger generations who are not familiar with JFK, Jr. will enjoy this book, but this boring book retells all that we already know for those of us who remember the constant press coverage and all the details. The only reason to finish the book is to find out if Giffin changes the ending. The writing was subpar, very much telling instead of showing. JSK, Jr. has zero path in life and admits "I don't know what issues are important to me" but decides to run for office anyway. The conversations with his grandmother as a 10-year-old are laughable. Absolutely no one speaks to a 10-year-old in that manner. This was disappointing, almost as if Giffin knew she could capitalize on her name and America's obsession with JFK and didn't put any effort into something good.

Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve always enjoyed Emily’s books, and this was no exception! They have a way of transporting you, and this felt old-timey, Kennedy-style, a little fanciful. It had just enough parallels to keep toeing the line of being based on reality, while still allowing the characters to exist entirely on their own.

Joseph Kingsley III is as good as royalty. A family of generational charisma, adoration, and wealth, the Kingleys are to America as the Royal Family is to England. Joe III is wild and passionate (a little too much so, if you ask his mother), and struggling to follow in the footsteps of his late father.

Cate Cooper grew up with posters of Joe on her walls. Following her single mother from home to home, each more volatile than the last, she struck out on her own as early as she was able and made a life for herself as a model who becomes far more successful than anyone could have foreseen.

When the two meet, years later, Cate thinks nothing will come of it. Their worlds are too different, their upbringings as opposite as could be. But Joe is infatuated, and when fate (or determination) crosses their paths again and again, neither are prepared for the way their lives change together.

But between the infamous Kingsley Curse and both of their own self-doubt, the two have a lot to overcome if they want to make their love work - and they want nothing more than just that.

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Giffin is an auto read for me and this didn’t disappoint. I loved the family dynamics, nothing felt forced and that’s how a perfect romance is done!

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I've never been a follower of the Kennedy's. I was not around when JFK was president. And JFK Jr. was not really on my radar. My grandma loved them, but it didn't rub off on me. I do remember John Jr.'s plane crash. Another terrible tragedy for the Kennedy family. Yet, Emily Giffin's Meant to Be made me want to read about that family. Reading about Joe and Cate I wondered what similarities there were to John Jr. and Carolyn.

This story was a much needed reprieve from the current state of the world. A good love story with two captivating voices - Joe Kingsley and Cate Cooper. The beginning was a bit rough, feeling very book report like about the backstory of the Kingsley family, but it found it's groove. I loved the switching between Joe and Cate for each chapter. Their whirlwind romance was a great way to escape reality.

If you have any interest in the Kennedy family you will enjoy this what if book. Or if you are just looking for a good love story to start the summer with pick this one up!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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#netgalleyarc I have such a love/hate relationship with this author and while I wouldn’t say that I hated this book, it doesn’t rank high up on the books by this author that I enjoyed. I don’t mind the back worth viewpoints if the different characters but I just found the story slow and boring. It did pick up a little towards the end of the book but overall it was just meh. Not something I’ll be purchasing for my high school library and not really a summer read I’d recommend either.

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What if……this is the authors question at the end of the story. I have mixed feelings about this story. About half way through, I “kept waiting for the other shoe to drop”. That was my feeling reading this story. Joe Kingsley, a take off on John Kennedy Jr, and Cate Cooper from the wrong side of the tracks. He is on a golden path even if he really doesn’t want to be and she grows up dropping out of high school and becoming a model. Joe pursues her and while she tries hard not to, she falls for him. Will this turn out to be the fairy tale we all want or will it end. Based on Ms Giffin’s imagination, what if John jr. had lived! It was interesting and very well written. I would not call this a romance, but a wonderfully written womens fiction

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Could be my favorite book for 2022! Meant to Be has all the feels! I laughed! I cried! I got angry! I reminisced about the Kennedy’s. (I was in eighth grade when JFK was assassinated.) There was nothing I did not love about this book except that it ended. Could there be a sequel in the future? Cate comes from humble beginnings and Joe has the pedigree family. Both of them lost their father at a very young age. I like how the story is told in alternating chapters from Joe and Cate.

It is a wonderful story of the two meeting and falling in love. Life was extremely hard for Cate as a child, and Joe had a very comfortable life and his mother raised him to be very caring. This is my favorite Emily Giffin book. I especially liked her author notes! I could relate to her so much about the influence of the Kennedy era. I also think this would make a great Book club read. Lots to discuss! My thanks to Random House Ballantine for an ARC of this book. The opinions in this review are my own.

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Camelot Revised

3.5 stars

Meant To Be is a love story/character study about the son of American royalty and the model who captures his heart. Loosely based on the relationship between JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, this book mirrors their relationship but takes a different path.

When Joe Kingsley, the son of an iconic American family, happens upon model Cate Cooper on a photo shoot in the Hamptons, it’s love at first sight. But Cate comes from the wrong side of the tracks and isn’t interested in becoming front-page news by dating Joe. Eventually, she gives in, and the two fall in love, but secrets from Cate’s past and a tragedy threaten to destroy their relationship.

While loosely based on the Kennedy family, it is obvious enough what is similar, but it is different enough to stand on its own.

I am a bit of an outlier when it comes to this book. There were a few things I couldn’t read past, especially the awkward dialogue and two-dimensional characters.

The chapters alternate between Joe and Kate’s POVs. Joe is likable, but he is somewhat stupid. He is also sweet, gentle, and charming. Cate has more layers, but both characters, while likable, lack depth.

Meant to Be is very readable. It's repetitive, and I found the dialogue to be stilted. However, I was entertained by Joe and Cate, and I enjoyed watching them grow.

My star rating was about to slide from 3 stars to 2.5, but the ending saved this one for me. It even elevated it a notch and made me recognize that I actually liked Joe and Cate. By the end, I was rooting for their characters. I enjoyed the epilogue and Giffin’s take on what could have been.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher.

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Meant to Be is a very touching and emotional story.
Overcoming issues from the past….can it be done?
This story is sure to pull at your heartstrings
Overall, a ok read for me. I liked it but can’s say I loved it.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions and thoughts expressed are my own.

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This was fantastic , so epic I fell in love with the story from the beginning, I just couldn't put it down until I finish it!It is a perfect addition to your summer TBR.I highly recommend it and the title is the best it matches to the story.The book is a combination of women's fiction and romance.

"Meant to Be" explores all the glamour of American Royalty, what it’s like to be in their world and how you manage to all this .Joe and Cate cpmes frpm different worlds but they were perfec for each other, I loved their connection.They were intense and sweet.

It was a heartwarming,sweet,emotional and captivating book.

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Meant to Be by Emily Griffin was a captivating and engaging story. Joe comes from a family of privilege and prestige and all the responsibility that comes with that. Cate comes from the complete opposite world. Even so, she is taking it by storm. When they meet, their connection is instant, but can they be together? Their story was emotional, touching and epic. I devoured this and highly recommend it.

Happy reading!

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I’ve been a fan of Emily Giffin ever since I picked up Something Blue not knowing it was a sequel and promptly declaring myself Team Darcy. Spoiler alert: I think I’m the only one on the team. Since then, I immediately read her books when they come out and they always make for fantastic binge reads. I think she is a great author, and I imagine I’ll always be excited for her next book.

Going into this one, I’d heard it was based on JFK, Jr., and Carolyn Kennedy. I was kind of worried if I wouldn’t like it or if I’d be lost, because I honestly didn’t know much about them at all. So rest assured, if you’re like me in that way, don’t worry. You can still read and enjoy it.

This story was engrossing and had me hooked. My heart hurt for Cate, and I was rooting for her! And how could you not love Joe? That said, I didn’t fully enjoy the story because of the multiple sexual scenes. This is not PG! 😂
But it definitely kept my interest, and as usual, I zipped thru it and am ready for Emily’s next book!!

I’ve seen a few reviewers refer to this as a rom-com and if that’s what you’re looking for, you will be disappointed. This is chick lit at it’s finest, but it is women’s fiction and not at all a rom-com.

Thanks to the publisher for my gifted copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Thank you to Random House Publishing - Ballantine for a gifted copy of Meant To Be by Emily Giffin. All opinions are my own.

Meant To Be is an interesting fictional take on the life JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette's romance. Most of the story seems to run parallel to their lives. The story alternates between the fictional characters, Joe and Cate. Joe has a gifted life. Everything he does is spotlighted by the media. Cate has a very different life. She grows up with a single mom and not so nice stepfather in a middle class home.

June is a month I always look forward to because it usually means a new Emily Giffin book. I enjoyed Meant To Be. As a huge Emily Giffin fan, I found this one to be unique in style compared to her other books. The author notes at the end of the book are great for understanding her thought process for this book.

General Fiction (adult)
Women's Fiction
Release Date: May 31, 2022

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced preview of this book. This book was a what if and view into what it might have been like for Carolyn and JFK, Jr. Both passed in a fatal crash when I was very young and I didn't see and understand why the adults in my life were so saddened by their deaths. This book provided me with some insight into what Carolyn and John Jr. meant to those in their age groups and I enjoyed the what if they had survived perspective.

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This book was not really what I expected. Emily Giffin is known for writing beautiful, deep stories and I just adore her writing. This book is loosely based on the Kennedy family. And maybe it lost me because I don't know a whole lot about them to be able to see the loose connections. I found the beginning to be slow, though it was necessary for the story to show where Joe and Cate, the two main characters, came from. Overall, while I didn't hate the story by any means, I just found this to be an okay story for me. I couldn't really connect to the characters like I would have wanted to. Some things fell flat. This was just an average read for me.

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I just loved this book and was rooting for this love story from the first pages. The characters were brought to life by Giffin’s writing style and I felt like a part of the story rather than an outsider reading a book. I haven’t read a book by Emily Giffin that I didn’t like, but this one is definitely my favorite.

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Yes, yes, yes!! Emily has delivered another excellent book. I can always count on loving what she writes. Meant to Be was based loosely on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessett and I loved seeing how she interpreted what could’ve been for them. I was swept up in their love affair. Perfect summer read. I will be recommending this to friends! Thank you for the ARC

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Meant to Be, by Emily Giffen, is a fictional account of an American fairy tale. Joe Kingsley III is the heir to the Kingsley legacy, and, perhaps, the Kingsley curse. Having lost his father at 3, Joe has not taken life too seriously. He slid through school, and life, on good looks and boyish charm. Joe went to law school since he didn’t know what else to do and the third time was a charm when it came to passing the bar. He became more serious in his role as prosecutor for New York, but found the work unsatisfying as he time and again prosecuted the poor while the wealthy got away with doing much worse.

Cate Cooper also lost her father when she was 3, but that is where their backgrounds ceased being alike. Cate was from a poor family and her mother remarried, but to an abusive man. When a modeling agent discovered Cate at 16 she fled to New York to pursue a career path to freedom and achieved autonomy while she shared an apartment with her best friend and fellow model, Elna.

When Joe met Cate the attraction was instant and mutual. While their dating life began casually, Joe’s interest grew but Cate’s concerns did as well. While her model lifestyle had elevated her from her past, she feared her family past and abusive home would haunt her, and when she learns more about her birth father, she fears this even more.

This is a very thought provoking what if type of story with correlations to actual history. The characters are rich, the plot imaginative, and the outcome beautiful. I very much enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!

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I was already an Emily Griffin fan, but this may be my favorite book she has written today. In the spirit of JFK Jr. and his with Carolyn, and the entire Kennedy family, this novel explores many themes that may have touched the couple in their lives. The main characters Joe Jr., and Cate are so likeable and each deal with their own struggles. This isn't fictionalized history. These characters are inspired by real life people, but in the end this story is for the most part completely different. Joe has a best friend named Berry that I absolutely couldn't stand. I found myself angry every time her mouth opened all the way up until the end, but I loved the entire story and I kind of want another book in the vein so I hope Emily Griffin is up to writing more.

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