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If you follow Emily Giffin on IG, you know she loves royalty, American or British. Meant to Be is loosely based on JFK Jr. and Caroline Bessette.

"The Kingsley family is American royalty, beloved for their military heroics, political service, and unmatched elegance. In 1967, after Joseph S. Kingsley, Jr. is killed in a tragic accident, his charismatic son inherits the weight of that legacy. But Joe III is a free spirit—and a little bit reckless. Despite his best intentions, he has trouble meeting the expectations of a nation, as well as those of his exacting mother, Dottie.

Meanwhile, no one ever expected anything of Cate Cooper. She, too, grew up fatherless—and after her mother marries an abusive man, she is forced to fend for herself. After being discovered by a model scout at age sixteen, Cate decides that her looks may be her only ticket out of the cycle of disappointment that her mother has always inhabited. Before too long, Cate’s face is in magazines and on billboards. Yet she feels like a fraud, faking it in a world to which she’s never truly belonged.

When Joe and Cate unexpectedly cross paths one afternoon, their connection is instant and intense. But can their relationship survive the glare of the spotlight and the so-called Kingsley curse? In a beautifully written novel that captures a gilded moment in American history, Emily Giffin tells the story of two people searching for belonging and identity, as well as the answer to the question: Are certain love stories meant to be?"

The ending of this book is what I needed to imagine for JFK Jr and Caroline!!!

Thank you to Ballantine Books and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This story is loosely based on JFK Jr. and the what ifs of life. I loved it all: her writing, the characters, NYC, the story and how you know something will happen but didn’t see it coming. Meant to Be is out on 5/31 and you don’t want to miss it.

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This propulsive novel was a fun, fictional exploration of the "American royalty" Kennedy obsession. It was a quick, easy read and I found myself truly drawn into the story and characters. I love fiction with a hint of truth/history, and it definitely piqued my interest in previously unfamiliar subjects.

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In a wonderful story that parallels the Kennedy Family, Joe III, struggles to find his place in the family and the world. Cate escapes from an abusive home by using her beauty to model and try to find her place. Cate thinks that she is a fraud and shouldn't be where she is. When they cross paths, can they help each other find their paths, or with the world destroy them?

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Meant to Be by Emily Giffin. It was only a okay book for me. I went into reading the book
after having read some of the pre-reviews and I think that ruined it for me. I think I would have
given it a better rating not having known some of the storyline.
But I did think it the author gave you a well written book and will read more by author.

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Emily Giffin books are usually hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed this book. Supposedly it’s based on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bassett, which made it an interesting read. You won’t want to put it down.

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Emily did her thing with this book, somehow, I felt this passion over these characters, I LOVED ALL OF THEM. Not only was the romance between Joe and Cate effortless, smooth, understanding, loving, omg it was EVERYTHING, I can’t get enough of this book. Joe and Cate had the most amazing backstories, and the moment they met? It was magnetic, Joe was relentless, in a good way, a total gentleman, open minded and very understanding, and Cate had met her match. I loved how their backgrounds were so different, but they are both so similar in so many things. After reading the last chapter before the Epilogue, my suspicions have been confirmed when it came to the inspiration of this book, lol, and when I finished the book I sat back and thought “what if” this really happened this way? WHAT IF the most famous family in American history had a different ending then the one, they had? I sure wish it was different for them just as much as the rest of the world. Thanks, Netgalley and the Publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Emily Giffin has a talent for writing women's fiction that will draw the reader into the characters as though they are personal friends! From the beginning both Cate Cooper and Joe Kingsley touch the reader with their desire for normal lives...Cate because she lives in a home of domestic abuse, and Joe because his family is considered "American Royalty" and is in the watchful eye of the public at all times.Its inevitable that they meet and are attracted to each other, but their road to a relationship is bumpy and cautious. The story of this budding romance keeps the reader cheering on the romantic Joe and the young woman who is afraid of committment and what it could do to their relationship. Cate finds it difficult to share her family secrets knowing that his family will find her to be unworthy of their status. And will the final secret that is revealed be just too much to deal with? A quick, entertaining read that will be reminiscent of the Kennedy family that so many grew up reading and dreaming about.. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House PUblishing/Ballantine Books for the opportunity to read and review this advance reader copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #MeanttoBe #NetGalley.

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Is the expression if it’s meant to be cliché? Does it apply in the romance department too or is there more too it than just leaving love to fate? Hang on tight as this book takes you through all the ups and downs and twists and turns that will have you turning the pages right through to the end. Beautifully written with many important characters in the book who persevere through life changing events. Characters that will touch your heart and warm your soul. Run and grab this one! Not to be missed!!!
Many thanks to Netgalley and Random House for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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Okay I’m going to make a very bold claim right now.

I think this the best Emily Giffin book to date.

THERE I SAID IT. And I meant it.

I devoured Meant to Be in one day, in one sitting. And holy WOW was it good.

The story goes back and forth between the POV of Joe and Cate, who come from two completely different walks of life. (Side note: is this a thing now?! I feel like every book I’ve read lately has alternating narrators. I’m definitely on board with this trend; just can’t help but notice.)

Joe, from a very successful and well-known family, was raised in the spotlight. His parents are famous, his grandparents. He was a teenage heartthrob before teenage heartthrobs were a thing. But, his family has suffered tragic loss and hard times—and he has some big shoes to fill. And there’s Cate—who came from very humble beginnings. She and her single mom barely had enough money to get by. She’s truly a self-made, successful woman who is fiercely independent, strong and resilient. Yet, in spite of their differences, Joe and Cate found each other.

The romance between Joe and Cate was so beautifully written. They share a deep, powerful love that made me so giddy to read about. During some of the scenes I would read, swoon, and then go back and read it again (and of course swoon again). Their passion was deep, intense, all-consuming. They loved each other so fiercely and unconditionally that I could feel it in my heart.

The writing was just—perfect.

I did find out about halfway through that this story is very loosely based on JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. I’ll be honest and say I don’t know much about them but after spending all day reading Meant to Be, I then spent hours researching the Kennedy family. And that was how I spent my Sunday.

So, 10/10 recommend this book to basically everyone—I’ve already started texting friends, family and coworkers about it. What a perfect, heart-filling read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Emily Giffin is back with another winner. This one is a little different as it feels like a story we have all heard before, as Giffin introduces us to the Kingsley Family, often considered American Royalty.

We get to know the Kingsley family rather intimately as we root for them and fall in love and grow along with them. This is truly an American love story written in Giffin's signature tone that is sure not to disappoint.

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If you are a fan of the Kennedy family, this books will hit just the right spot. I really enjoyed the alternate viewpoints of Joe and Cate. Emily Giffin did a great job with the supporting characters to give the story more depth. I wish the ending had more depth as it felt rushed, but overall this was a solid book in women's literature.

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Looking for a cute, cotton-candy summer beach read? Well, you will find it in Emily Giffin's latest chick-lit novel. This was a cute, whimsical read that essentially parallels the story of JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy's romance, courtship, and marriage. Instead of JFK Jr., we have Joe Kingsley III, and Carolyn has become Cate. Honestly, there is not much to tell that we don't know. Kingsley is a political icon, set to follow in his father's footsteps. Cate is a former model, the proverbial "girl from the other side of the tracks who done well". Joe immediately becomes smitten after seeing her at a photo shoot on the beach one day. Completely unrealistic, naturally, but addictive and sweet anyhow, They battle the normal obstacles that fame and fortune present, and we all know that tragedy is likely to fall upon them at any moment in time. Or will it?

This was ultimately a cute novel that I breezed through. Obviously, we all know a variation of this story, and these characters are simply there to alter that variation in an entertaining matter for us, the readers. While this novel lacks the depth and originality of Giffin's earlier works. it was still a fun read that would be PERFECT for the beach or pool this summer. Well done, Emily. Keep 'em coming!

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Emily Giffin is one of my go-to authors. Her books never disappoint. Her newest novel, Meant to Be, is loosely based on the JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette romance. The story is told from alternating points of view between the main characters Joseph Kingsley III and Cate Cooper. I found the story intriguing and compelling.....hoping that the Joe and Cate have a different outcome from the people that are based on. The only reason that I am giving the book 4 stars instead of 5 stars is that I found some of the chapters to be repetitive even though the story was being from a different point of view. I highly recommend this book to all the who have been captivated by The Kennedy Family! Thanks to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the ARC!

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When I picked up Meant to Be by Emily Giffin, I was expecting a fictional love story similar to her other books. I was surprised to find that this was a departure from that and a historical fiction novel loosely based on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessett. I'll admit that I'm not the biggest fan of historical fiction, but this novel and Emily Giffin's engaging writing pulled me right into the book from the beginning.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group- Ballantine Books for providing me with an ARC of Meant To Be in exchange for an honest review. This review will be posted on Goodreads/Amazon upon publication of the book.

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Meant to be is a beautifully written 'what if' homage to the Kennedy Family. Joe Kingsley and Cate are based on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessett-Kennedy. Wonderfully told, Giffin includes tidbits of John Jr's life, big things like the risk taking and dating models, to smaller things like a shark tooth necklace and having a real interest in acting.
Being a Kennedy fan myself, it was nice to read and imagine a happy ending for John and Carolyn and could have been.

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I love Emily Giffin’s writing and absolutely binged this book. The characters are so lifelike, you feel like you’re reading a true story but kind of forget that you actually are. Meant to Be is a recent-history historical fiction loosely based on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessett. I can actually remember when their plane crashed in 1999, but I loved how Giffin brought it all to life.

America’s golden boy, Joe Kingsley III, has the weight of expectation on his shoulders. After all, he is a Kingsley, and you know what they say about “of whom much is given.” Cate comes from a troubled childhood, raised with an abusive stepfather, and leaves home the day she turns 18, to pursue her modeling career in New York. One day, while walking his dog on the beach, Joe happens upon a photo shoot Cate is modeling for. From the moment he first sees her, Joe is inexplicably drawn to Cate. Months later they meet again, and even though she tries to play hard to get, Cate knows the effort is futile and falling for Joe is inevitable. What follows is the type of love story you’ll get swept away in. As Cate struggles with the newfound attention their relationship brings, will their stark differences drive a wedge between them, or will their love overcome?

This was an un-put-downable book and an obvious five stars from me!

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Emily Giffin does it again. Meant to Be has the flare of the Kennedy’s but add in social media and even crazier paparazzi. The love story between Cate and Joe grabbed me from the first few chapters and kept me engaged through the end. If you are a fan of the Kennedy stories, you will love this fictional story as well.

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Once I started this I couldn’t put it down. Loosely based on JFK Jr & his wife, I knew their story. It flew by from there. I really liked alternating character chapters. I wanted to know what they both were thinking. Perfect summer read!

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I went into this one completely blind and I loved the journey this took me on. We had family drama, romance, personal discovery, teenage angst, adult dilemmas, American royalty and extreme turbulence.

While I was reading this I kept thinking that it sounded oddly familiar…like I’d heard a similar story or something. then we got tot he 81% mark and I KNEW what was coming…I was dreading it. I didn’t even want to keep going because I didn’t want my heart to be shattered.

But I persevered and omg I am glad I did. This is the ULTIMATE summer read, with more heart and depth than your average umbrella drink book. I adored the characters - they felt so real and I was rooting for them hard. Chip can go to hell though. Joey…oh my heart and Cate, I just wanted to hug her. I loved their entire dynamic, I loved their friend groups, Emily Giffin just has a way with words and a knack for storytelling and this may very well be my new Giffin of all time.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for this advance copy. This was a very sweet treat!

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