Member Reviews

A quick read and a mediocre romance, but overall not something I'd recommend. The characters were unlikeable and the writing left something to be desired.

Initially, I thought the writing style was intentionally elementary and bland because the narrators were so young. Sadly, this didn't change as they progressed from childhood into their thirties. If you're ever looking for an example of a book that "tells" instead of "shows," here's an excellent model. Additionally, the book is incredibly repetitive. One character tells the reader exactly what happened and the second character repeats those same events in the very next chapter. I kept reading, anticipating some big twist or reveal that would make this worth my time. Needless to say I was disappointed, especially by the ending.

I think my biggest gripe was the fact that the plot is so heavily based on JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. I was pretty young when they died, so maybe I would have been more intrigued if I were half as invested in this family as Emily Giffin appears to be. I was expecting some light JFK vibes, but this kind of felt awkward. I mean, the author includes everything from the exact ring right down to Carolyn's L.L. Bean tote. I'm sure a lot of readers will love this, but the best part of the book for me was that I felt inspired to spend some time digging through old pictures of 90's street style online.

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Hey Alexa! Play Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift

This was my first Emily Giffin book and it didn't disappoint! We follow the lives of Joe and Cate, who grew up in drastically different upbringings, from childhood in the 60s to current day. Everyone knows Joesph Kingsley. Their family is is Kennedy-esq while Cate wants to be invisible, living in an abusive family. Cate is shy and reserved, Joe is charismatic and charming. They shouldn't work, but they can't help but fall in love. Can their love survive? Or will the pressure of the papparazzi, his family and the "Kinsley Curse" break them apart?

Giffin's writing was so emotional and real. This is definitely a good mix of romance and family drama. I had a hard time getting interested in the beginning. I didn't find their upbringing to be as exciting as their relationship, but I felt like it had to be written so if you are like me, get through it because the rest of the book is so worth it!

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review. This book releases 5/31

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I was so excited for Emily Giffin's newest! I went into this completely blind and really enjoyed the background of each of the characters and their personal stories growing up. I thought it was very interesting to hear how media and the paparazzi played a role in their perception as individuals and as a couple. I loved the author's note at the end and what inspired this story. While I was drawn to this story, I also didn't feel like too much actually happened - but still enjoyed it overall!

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Wow, I didn't know what to expect when I started this book but it blew away anything I thought it might be. Overall I found this story intriguing and I read it in 2 sittings. I will be recommending this one to everyone!

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would like to thank Net Galley and Random House/ Ballentine for the chance to read this book as an ARC. I have read several of Emily Giffin's books before and really enjoy her work. This was no exception. It is a beautifully written romance about 2 young people of very different backgrounds who fall in love.Joe is Joseph Kingsley, of a family who is as close to American Royalty as possible.They are rich, attractive, devoted to their country, and followed by tragedy. Joe is handsome, rich, bright and caring. His father died when he was very young, and he was raised by his mother, who groomed him to follow in his family's footsteps of political service. Cate is Cate Cooper. Her father also died when she was young, and she was raised by her mother and step father. Her stepfather, however, was verbally abusive to her, and physically abusive to Cate. Cate is offered a chance to escape it all in High School, by becoming a model. Cate takes the opportunity and moves away from her family, to put it all behind her. Joe and Cate meet, and fall in love. Joe is determined to make this relationship work, despite their different backgrounds. Cate lives in fear that her past will catch up with her and ruin her chance at happiness. And then there is the "Kingsley Curse, the fear that all the Kingsley's share, that their family somehow is destined for tragedy. In the acknowledgements, Ms. Giffin writes that she was drawn to the life of John Kennedy Jr and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and wrote this book based on parts of their life histories. It is fiction, but with a lovely nod to real life fact. It is tender, romantic and real. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I am a HUGE Emily Giffin fan. I was so excited to receive this ARC. I have to say that she didn’t disappoint!!

The book centers around Joe and Cate. Joe comes from a well known, wealthy family. His family is considered American Royalty. Where Cate grew up with an abusive home life. She manages to start modeling to get away from her family.

When Joe and Cate unexpectedly cross paths one afternoon, their connection is instant and intense. But can their relationship survive the glare of the spotlight and the so-called Kingsley curse?

This was a great book. I highly recommend reading this book!! Another winner from Ms. Giffin!!

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It was a fun and interesting book. The author did a great job of writing a piece of fiction based loosely on John-John Kennedy and how his life unfolded and might have turned out. All of the characters were well developed and very interesting.. I think most people will truly enjoy reading Meant To Be.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Romance)

Meant To Be is a sweet love story about Joe and Cate. Joe is the grandson and wildly popular son of the wealthy and prestigious Kingsley family. Joe is also the sole male heir of generations of wealth and prominence. Cate comes from humble beginnings with a deceased father and an abusive stepfather, which results in her leaving home before graduating high school to start modeling. Cate’s beauty is undeniable, and she works diligently to become successful and at the top of her field. Over time Cate meets Joe, and a long courtship ensues. There are a lot of obstacles to overcome, but these two are wildly in love, although it appears their different backgrounds could hinder their ability to stay together. As I read the story, all I could think of was the Kennedys, who, like many of my generation, I regularly followed because they were so glamorous and yet had a suggested family curse. In Meant To Be, there are similar details, but I love this romance, and I love the sweetness of Cate and Joe’s love. This is going to be an excellent spring for books with some wonderful new romance novels by authors I admire greatly. Emily Giffin is in that crowd, and I applaud her for releasing this her latest book, which will be published on May 31. #romance #politicalfamilies #favoredson #differentbackgrounds #love #life #charm #character #hopes #dreams #MeantToBe #EmilyGiffin @emilygiffinauthor @netgalley @ballantinecorp @penguinrandomhouse #lovestory #newyork


Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Books for this ARC; my thoughts and review are my own and without bias.

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I really enjoyed this book. Joe comes from privilege, while Cate comes from a highly dysfunctional home. Joe's family name helps him achieve anything he wants in life, but also makes it hard for him to really figure out what HE wants and what his passion in life is. Cate comes from nothing and initially believes she will never be anything life since her mother never sticks up for her and her step-father makes everything difficult.

There are a lot of historical references in this book that tie both Joe and Cate to moments in time. The author based their story loosely on JFK Jr and his wife Carolyn Bessette's relationship, however, since it is fiction there was a lot of extra drama. For some reason, I just enjoyed reading this book and kept wondering if Joe and Cate are really Meant to Be together.

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Thank you for the review copy of this book. I really enjoyed the parallels to the Kennedy family. Giffin knows how to write an angsty and steamy romance, and I am here for it! I liked this one a lot better than her last novel. Readers will really empathize with Cate and Joe based upon their upbringing and the loss they both suffered at such a young age. Great story line and wonderful cast of characters. Loved it!

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Meant to Be by Emily Giffin
Publisher date - May 31st 2022
Rating (5/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was beyond excited when I received an arc copy from Netgalley! I’ve been a fan of Emily Giffin’s books ever since I read Something Borrowed. I loved this story! I immediately recognized the Kennedy connections in the storyline! This story is loosely based on JFK Jr. and Carolyn and imagines what if? I loved the fictional story of Joe and Cate and was sad when the story was over. Overall I loved every minute of this one and highly recommend this one as a perfect addition to your summer reads!

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Thank you for the ARC!! I could not have enjoyed this book more. It grabbed me from the first chapter and had me in choke hold until I read that last page. I was so in love I even read the authors note (a rare occurrence for me).

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I love Emily Griffin's books. This one was no different. This is not your typical romance novel. It starts out with loss and you learn about how different the 2 main characters are but as unlikely as it may seem. are they meant for each other ? will Cate ruin it all because she thinks she isn't worthy ? not good enough ? Both Joe and Cate have their own pasts, good and bad. Joe is from wealth and prestige, Cate is from the complete opposite. How will it end ? Read and find out ! Fabulous from start to finish !

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I always read between 2-3 books at a time, but as soon as I started this one, I read nothing else until it was finished! FIVE stars for this book from me, because it had me hooked from the first few pages all the way until the last few. I really loved both of the main characters, Joe and Cate, and especially fell in love with their love story!

There were so many parallels and similarities to JFk Jr. that I found myself pausing on my reading and instead Googling him a few times to read some facts I didn't know. Though I was a little too young to have a JFK Jr. obsession, I do remember hearing the news and tragic details about how he and his wife died. Though this is purely fiction, I about had a panic attack when near the very end of the book they decide to fly their own plane to Joe's cousin's wedding. I will give absolutely nothing away, but wow! I was definitely crying by the end of this one! You'll just have to read it yourself to see if they were happy or sad tears. Another win for a fantastic Emily Giffin novel!!

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Meant to Be by Emily Griffin is a wonderful standalone novel that is loosely based on the Kennedy family; especially John Jr. and Carolyn Bessette. Meant to Be is centered on the Kingsley family, with young Joe Kingsley, who has grown up as part of American royalty (similar to the Kennedy family), always in the public eye. His grandfather being a philanthropist, his grandmother a famous suffragist, and his famous father, who was an astronaut, but heading to politics, until his tragic death, when Joe was 3 years old. Joe knows about the expectations of following his family legacy, being pressured by his mother and best friend, Berry (like an adopted sister). Much to his mother’s dismay, Joe enjoyed going out with his friends, and girlfriends; as he was a hunk and very popular; then he meets the girl of his dreams.

Cate Cooper, our heroine, also lost her father at the age of three, with her mother struggling to make ends meet, until she meets and marries a cop; who Cate hated, as he was abusive to her mother. In high school, Cate was discovered by a modeling agency for her beauty, with her step father taking most of the money. Cate leaves her home and school to a successful modeling career; with her becoming extremely famous as her face was everywhere.

One day during a photo shoot on a beach, Joe who is walking his dog, Thursday, sees the group taking pictures and immediately introduces himself to Cate. He gives her his phone number, but time will pass until they accidently meet again, and they both feel the strong connection. When they become exclusive, will Cate be able to handle the paparazzi who constantly follows Joe; putting the glare of the spotlight on both of them, as they were always hounded.

What follows is a beautiful romance that continues to build, with both Joe and Cate having their own family issues; such as Joe’s mother and Berry not feeling Cate was right for him; and Cate’s stepfather being very abusive to her mother. I really did love Cate and Joe together and with a few obstacles, I rooted hard for them to get past them. I also really did like so many of the secondary characters that we got to enjoy throughout the book.

Meant to Be was a heartwarming, captivating, romantic novel that had me unable to put the book down. The last quarter of the book was amazing and intense at times, but I did love the epilogue. Meant to Be was so very well written by Emily Griffin. You need to read this wonderful story.

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I have been an Emily Giffin fan since the beginning, and have read every book she has written. Nothing could top "Something Borrowed". Until now.
"Meant to Be" is a story that is loosely based on the Kennedy legacy, and although familiar, the plot had unexpected turns that made it new. I read it in lightning speed, and was sad when I found the story over. A definite five stars read.

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This is my new favorite novel by Emily Giffin. Thank you Net Galley for the ARC. Joe and Cate grew up in two different worlds, but are destined to meet. This is a romance full of love, discovery and lots of family drama. The time that adventurous Joe spends in the Hamptons got me thinking of the similarities of the young Kennedys spending time in Martha's Vineyard boating. As you read the book, you'll agree that magnificent Joe could be JFK, Jr. Cate is a very strong, beautiful girl who has had childhood trauma, but has found her own way into the fashion industry. This is a solid winner, enjoy every luscious page!

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HOLY HECK this might just be my new favorite romance book!

Joe, who is basically American royalty, meets Cate, a girl with a troubled past.
Their connection is instant. Joe and Cate are definitely Meant To Be.
The characters were likable and believable. Their very different backstories were well executed. Even the minor characters were very well done. I highly recommend picking this one up. It is such a wonderful love story. Emily Giffin does it again!!

PS: Joe is everything. That is all.

I'm so thankful I was given an ARC. I couldn't put it down!! I really didn't want this book to end!

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I’m a huge fan of the author and when I found out that she was releasing a book that was loosely inspired by JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette I was swooning even before I got a chance to read it. She takes a chance and reimagines history through her own unique lens and it worked incredibly well for me.

Told over the course of several years this felt like an epic, sweeping love story all about fate and timing. Both Cate and Joe were complex and well drawn and in alternating chapters detail their personal upbringings in the time both before they meet and afterwards. I was complete caught up in their story and hanging onto the authors every word. There was so much nostalgia too, always a fun aspect for me and it was well done here. Overall I loved every minute of this one and can definitely recommend it as a perfect addition to your summer TBR.

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So I had no idea that this was a reimagining of John F Kennedy Jr, but after a while it definitely had the vibe of that family. But for someone who, again, didn't realize it and also didn't grow up caring about that family in the way I think a /lot/ of people did, it felt off.

The story itself was a pleasant romance. I knew exactly what was going to happen, pretty much beat by beat. But that wasn't my issue.

I don't think I've ever seen a story "tell" instead of "show" as much as this one did. At first I thought they were just setting up the premise and we were going to really dive into the story and then I realized, oh! No! This /is/ the book! My personal "favorite" was when we did the anime episode tomfoolery of the next chapter recapping what happened in the last chapter.

I won't lie and say this book dragged cause it was a pretty quick read but damn, it certainly was a book that happened. I wish I could say I liked it more, but it felt a smidge soulless to me at least.


Thank you Ballentine Books and Net Galley for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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